Helptext.update( :rubyslippers_generalhelp => " You can view the list of gems you have installed by clicking on the list files button You can view the contents of the gemspec file by typing or pasting a name in. When you are finished press the open button (leave off the .gemspec ending) ", :Install_Gem => "You can list the Gems available in the repository Click on the button. It will take several seconds then should show the list. To install a gem, enter the name into to textbox and click on the install Gem button You should see the result of the command on the screen You can check in the first tab if it is installed.", :GemCommands_help => "You can view the setup that Gem has on your system. Click on Show Environment This will show your setup You can run a Gem command or a shell command Click on the 'Show Gem Command Choices' this will bringup the command that will be added to 'gem' you can choose the blank choice or: help,--version,list --local,check -a,check --test,search,search --remote,specification,uninstall Enter the command in the box and press the Run Command button It displays the result of the command on the screen. Click 'List Installed Gem Files' to bring up a list at the bottom of the page. You can click on one to fill in the second command box. You will probably need to remove the version on the end of the file name for the gem command to properly work. the commands that can take a file name are: list --local,check --test,search,search --remote,specification,uninstall ", :gemfiles_help => "You can view the files that are installed for applications Click on Show Gem Dirs This will show your list of Gems installed Click on Show Application Files This will show your list of files installed", :gemdocs_help => "You can scan for the Gem doc server. If the gem doc server is running you can click and view the docs The docs for installed Gems should be visible ", :gemfilesinstalled => "You can see a list of gems that are installed on your system", :gemconfiguration_help => "You can view the configuration file for Rubyslippers and edit it 'Fill Record' will load the configuration file rubyslippers.cnf into the screen input boxes 'Save Changes' will save the changes you have made - BE CERTAIN YOUR CHANGES ARE CORRECT 'Reload Variables' will load the changes you have made - otherwise your changes will be load next reboot ", :gemspecdata_help => "You can view gemspecs The directory searched in is in the rubyslippers.cnf ", :editgemspec_help => "You can edit gemspec You need to open a gemspec in the 'View Gemspec' tab first The directory searched in is in the rubyslippers.cnf ", :buildgem_help => "gem utilities are available as well as the gem build command You can rename a gemspec, copy a gemspec or delete a gemspec You can select a gemspec by clicking on 'list gemspecs' You need to select a directory for the gem to be built in by clicking on 'list Gem Directories' The directory searched in is in the rubyslippers.cnf", :viewgemdir_help => "you can view the files in the gem directory before you build it You can select a directory for the gem to be built in by clicking on 'list Gem Directories' " )