// Gallery Syntax // ============== // Gallery // ------- // Create an isolated gallery // - $span : // - [$selector] : child | of-type @mixin gallery( $span, $selector: child ) { $span : parse-span($span); $span : map-merge($span, (location: 1)); $n : susy-get(span, $span); $columns : susy-get(columns, $span); $context : column-count($columns); $flow : susy-get(flow, $span); $inside : is-inside($span); $from : from($flow); $line : floor($context / $n); $symmetrical : is-symmetrical($columns); $output: ( width : null, float : from, margin_before : null, margin_after : null, padding_before : null, padding_after : null, flow : $flow, ); @if $inside { $gutters: get-gutters($span); $output: map-merge($output, ( padding_before: map-get($gutters, before), padding_after: map-get($gutters, after), )); } @if $symmetrical { $output: map-merge($output, (width: get-span-width($span))); } $box : susy-get(box-sizing, $span); $global-box : if(susy-get(global-box-sizing) == 'border-box', true, false); // Collective Output @if $box == border-box or ($inside and not $box and not $global-box) { @include susy-box-sizing(border-box); } @else if $box == content-box { @include susy-box-sizing(content-box); } @include float-span-output($output...); // Individual Loop @for $item from 1 through $line { $nth: '#{$line}n + #{$item}'; &:nth-#{$selector}(#{$nth}) { // Individual Prep $output: ( width : if($symmetrical, null, get-span-width($span)), float : null, margin_before : get-isolation($span), margin_after : -100%, padding_before : null, padding_after : null, flow : $flow, ); // Individual Output @include float-span-output($output...); @if get-edge($span) == first { @include break; @include first($span); } @else { @include nobreak; } // Individual Location Increment $location: get-location($span) + $n; $location: if($location > $context, 1, $location); $span: map-merge($span, (location: $location)); } } }