require 'json' require 'narray' require_relative '../../ffi-gdal' require_relative '../raster_band' require_relative '../warp_operation' require_relative '../../ogr/driver' require_relative '../../ogr/layer' require_relative '../../ogr/spatial_reference' require_relative '../../ogr/coordinate_transformation' module GDAL module DatasetMixins # Methods not originally supplied with GDAL, but enhance it. module Extensions # Computes NDVI from the red and near-infrared bands in the dataset. # Raises a GDAL::RequiredBandNotFound if one of those band types isn't # found. Also, it closes the dataset to ensure all data and metadata have # been flushed to disk. To work with the file, you'll need to reopen it. # # @param destination [String] Path to output the new dataset to. # @param red_band_number [Fixnum] Number of the band in the dataset that # contains red data. Note that you can pass in band numbers of other # types to perform NDVI using that type (ex. GNDVI). # @param nir_band_number [Fixnum] Number of the band in the dataset that # contains near-infrared data data. # @param driver_name [String] The driver name to use for creating the # dataset. Defaults to "GTiff". # @param output_data_type [FFI::GDAL::DataType] Resulting dataset will be # in this data type. Defaults to use the current data type. # @param remove_negatives [Boolean] Remove negative values after # calculating NDVI. Defaults to +false+. # @param no_data_value [Float] Value to set the band's NODATA value to. # Defaults to -9999.0. # @param options [Hash] Options that get used for creating the new NDVI # dataset. See docs for GDAL::Driver#create_dataset. # @return [GDAL::Dataset] The new NDVI dataset. *Be sure to call #close on # this object or the data may not persist!* def extract_ndvi(destination, red_band_number, nir_band_number, driver_name: 'GTiff', output_data_type: nil, remove_negatives: false, no_data_value: -9999.0, **options) red = raster_band(red_band_number) nir = raster_band(nir_band_number) fail RequiredBandNotFound, 'Red band not found.' if red.nil? fail RequiredBandNotFound, 'Near-infrared' if nir.nil? output_data_type ||= red.data_type the_array = calculate_ndvi(red.to_na, nir.to_na, no_data_value, remove_negatives, output_data_type) driver = GDAL::Driver.by_name(driver_name) ndvi = driver.create_dataset(destination, raster_x_size, raster_y_size, data_type: output_data_type, **options) do |ndvi_dataset| ndvi_dataset.geo_transform = geo_transform ndvi_dataset.projection = projection ndvi_band = ndvi_dataset.raster_band(1) ndvi_band.write_array(the_array) ndvi_band.no_data_value = no_data_value end ndvi.close ndvi end # Extracts the NIR band and writes to a new file. NOTE: be sure to close # the dataset object that gets returned or your data will not get written # to the file. # # @param destination [String] The destination file path. # @param band_number [Fixnum] The number of the band that is the NIR band. # Remember that raster bands are 1-indexed, not 0-indexed. # @param driver_name [String] the GDAL::Driver short name to use for the # new dataset. # @param output_data_type [FFI::GDAL::DataType] Resulting dataset will be # in this data type. Defaults to use the current data type. # @param options [Hash] Options that get used for creating the new NDVI # dataset. See docs for GDAL::Driver#create_dataset. # @return [GDAL::Dataset] The new NIR dataset. *Be sure to call #close on # this object or the data may not persist!* def extract_nir(destination, band_number, driver_name: 'GTiff', output_data_type: nil, **options) original_nir_band = raster_band(band_number) fail InvalidBandNumber, "Band #{band_number} found but was nil." if original_nir_band.nil? output_data_type ||= original_nir_band.data_type driver = GDAL::Driver.by_name(driver_name) nir = driver.create_dataset(destination, raster_x_size, raster_y_size, data_type: output_data_type, **options) do |nir_dataset| nir_dataset.geo_transform = geo_transform nir_dataset.projection = projection nir_band = nir_dataset.raster_band(1) original_nir_band.copy_whole_raster(nir_band) end nir.close nir end # Extracts the RGB bands and writes to a new file. NOTE: this closes the # dataset to ensure all data and metadata have been flushed to disk. To # work with the file, you'll need to reopen it. # # @param destination [String] The destination file path. # @param red_band_number [Fixnum] # @param green_band_number [Fixnum] # @param blue_band_number [Fixnum] # @param driver_name [String] the GDAL::Driver short name to use for the # new dataset. # @param output_data_type [FFI::GDAL::DataType] Resulting dataset will be # in this data type. Defaults to use the current data type. # @param options [Hash] Options that get used for creating the new NDVI # dataset. See docs for GDAL::Driver#create_dataset. # @return [GDAL::Dataset] def extract_natural_color(destination, red_band_number, green_band_number, blue_band_number, driver_name: 'GTiff', output_data_type: nil, **options) original_bands = { red: raster_band(red_band_number), green: raster_band(green_band_number), blue: raster_band(blue_band_number) } output_data_type ||= raster_band(1).data_type driver = GDAL::Driver.by_name(driver_name) natural_color = driver.create_dataset(destination, raster_x_size, raster_y_size, band_count: 3, data_type: output_data_type, **options) do |new_dataset| new_dataset.geo_transform = geo_transform new_dataset.projection = projection new_red_band = new_dataset.raster_band(1) original_bands[:red].copy_whole_raster(new_red_band) new_green_band = new_dataset.raster_band(2) original_bands[:green].copy_whole_raster(new_green_band) new_blue_band = new_dataset.raster_band(3) original_bands[:blue].copy_whole_raster(new_blue_band) end natural_color.close natural_color end # @param red_band_array [NArray] # @param nir_band_array [NArray] # @param no_data_value [Number] Value to represent NODATA. # @return [NArray] def calculate_ndvi(red_band_array, nir_band_array, no_data_value, remove_negatives = false, output_data_type = nil) # convert to float32 for calculating nir_band_array = nir_band_array.to_type(NArray::DFLOAT) red_band_array = red_band_array.to_type(NArray::DFLOAT) numerator = nir_band_array - red_band_array denominator = nir_band_array + red_band_array ndvi = numerator / denominator mask = nir_band_array.and(red_band_array).not ndvi[mask] = no_data_value # Convert to output data type final_array = case output_data_type when :GDT_Byte then calculate_ndvi_byte(ndvi) when :GDT_UInt16 then calculate_ndvi_uint16(ndvi) else ndvi # Already in Float32 end remove_negatives ? remove_negatives_from(final_array, no_data_value) : final_array end # @return [Array] def raster_bands 1.upto(raster_count).map do |i| raster_band(i) end end # Iterates raster bands from 1 to #raster_count and yields them to the given # block. def each_band 1.upto(raster_count) do |i| yield(raster_band(i)) end end # Returns the first raster band for which the block returns true. Ex. # # dataset.find_band do |band| # band.color_interpretation == :GCI_RedBand # end # # @return [GDAL::RasterBand] def find_band each_band do |band| result = yield(band) return band if result end end # @return [GDAL::RasterBand] def red_band band = find_band do |b| b.color_interpretation == :GCI_RedBand end band.is_a?(GDAL::RasterBand) ? band : nil end # @return [GDAL::RasterBand] def green_band band = find_band do |b| b.color_interpretation == :GCI_GreenBand end band.is_a?(GDAL::RasterBand) ? band : nil end # @return [GDAL::RasterBand] def blue_band band = find_band do |b| b.color_interpretation == :GCI_BlueBand end band.is_a?(GDAL::RasterBand) ? band : nil end # @return [GDAL::RasterBand] def undefined_band band = find_band do |b| b.color_interpretation == :GCI_Undefined end band.is_a?(GDAL::RasterBand) ? band : nil end # Creates a OGR::SpatialReference object from the dataset's projection. # # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def spatial_reference return @spatial_reference if @spatial_reference return nil if projection.empty? @spatial_reference = end # Converts raster band number +band_number+ to the vector format # +vector_driver_name+. Similar to If block format is # used, the new DataSource will be closed/flushed when the block returns. If # the non-block format is used, you need to call #close on the DataSource. # # @param file_name [String] Path to write the vector file to. # @param vector_driver_name [String] One of OGR::Driver.names. # @param geometry_type [FFI::GDAL::OGRwkbGeometryType] The type of geometry # to use when turning the raster into a vector image. # @param layer_name_prefix [String] Prefix of the name to give the new # vector layer. # @param band_numbers [Array,Fixnum] Number of the raster band or # bands from this dataset to vectorize. Can be a single Fixnum or array # of Fixnums. # @return [OGR::DataSource] def to_vector(file_name, vector_driver_name, geometry_type: :wkbUnknown, layer_name_prefix: 'band_number', band_numbers: [1], field_name_prefix: 'field', use_band_masks: true) band_numbers = band_numbers.is_a?(Array) ? band_numbers : [band_numbers] ogr_driver = OGR::Driver.by_name(vector_driver_name) if projection.empty? spatial_ref = nil else spatial_ref = spatial_ref.auto_identify_epsg! rescue OGR::UnsupportedSRS end data_source = ogr_driver.create_data_source(file_name) band_numbers.each_with_index do |band_number, i| log "Starting to polygonize raster band #{band_number}..." layer_name = "#{layer_name_prefix}-#{band_number}" layer = data_source.create_layer(layer_name, geometry_type: geometry_type, spatial_reference: spatial_ref) field_name = "#{field_name_prefix}#{i}" layer.create_field(, :OFTInteger)) band = raster_band(band_number) unless band fail GDAL::InvalidBandNumber, "Unknown band number: #{band_number}" end pixel_value_field = layer.feature_definition.field_index(field_name) options = { pixel_value_field: pixel_value_field } options.merge!(mask_band: band.mask_band) if use_band_masks band.polygonize(layer, options) end if block_given? yield data_source data_source.close end data_source end # Gets the OGR::Geometry that represents the extent of the dataset. # # @return [OGR::Polygon] def extent raster_data_source = to_vector('memory data source', 'Memory', geometry_type: :wkbLinearRing) raster_data_source.layer(0).geometry_from_extent end # @param wkt_geometry_string [String] # @param wkt_srid [Fixnum] # @return [Boolean] def contains_geometry?(wkt_geometry_string, wkt_srid = 4326) source_srs = OGR::SpatialReference.new_from_epsg(wkt_srid) source_geometry = OGR::Geometry.create_from_wkt(wkt_geometry_string, source_srs) @raster_geometry ||= extent coordinate_transformation =, @raster_geometry.spatial_reference) source_geometry.transform!(coordinate_transformation) @raster_geometry.contains? source_geometry end def image_warp(destination_file, driver, band_numbers, **warp_options) fail NotImplementedError, '#image_warp not yet implemented.' _options_ptr = GDAL::Options.pointer(warp_options) driver = GDAL::Driver.by_name(driver) destination_dataset = driver.create_dataset(destination_file, raster_x_size, raster_y_size) band_numbers = band_numbers.is_a?(Array) ? band_numbers : [band_numbers] log "band numbers: #{band_numbers}" bands_ptr =, band_numbers.size) bands_ptr.write_array_of_int(band_numbers) log "band numbers ptr null? #{bands_ptr.null?}" warp_options_struct = warp_options.each do |k, _| warp_options_struct[k] = warp_options[k] end warp_options[:source_dataset] = c_pointer warp_options[:destination_dataset] = destination_dataset.c_pointer warp_options[:band_count] = band_numbers.size warp_options[:source_bands] = bands_ptr warp_options[:transformer] = transformer warp_options[:transformer_arg] = transformer_arg log "transformer: #{transformer}" error_threshold = 0.0 order = 0 _transformer_ptr = FFI::GDAL::Alg.GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer(@c_pointer, projection, destination_dataset.c_pointer, destination.projection, false, error_threshold, order) warp_operation = warp_operation.chunk_and_warp_image(0, 0, raster_x_size, raster_y_size) transformer.destroy! warp_operation.destroy! destination = destination.close destination end # Retrieves pixels from each raster band and converts this to an array of # points per pixel. For example: # # # If the arrays for each band look like: # red_band_array = [0, 0, 0] # green_band_array = [10, 10, 10] # blue_band_array = [99, 99, 99] # alpha_band_array = [250, 150, 2] # # # This array would look like: # [[0, 10, 99, 2], [0, 10, 99, 150], [0, 10, 99, 250]] # @return NArray def to_na(to_data_type = nil) na = NMatrix.to_na( { |r| r.to_na(to_data_type) }) NArray[*na.transpose] end # @return [Hash] def as_json(options = nil) { dataset: { driver: driver.long_name, file_list: file_list, gcp_count: gcp_count, gcp_projection: gcp_projection, geo_transform: geo_transform.as_json(options), projection: projection, raster_count: raster_count, raster_bands:, spatial_reference: spatial_reference.as_json(options) }, metadata: all_metadata } end # @return [String] def to_json(options = nil) as_json(options).to_json end private # @param ndvi [NArray] # @return [NArray] def calculate_ndvi_byte(ndvi) ((ndvi + 1) * (255.0 / 2)).to_type(NArray::BYTE) end # @param ndvi [NArray] # @return [NArray] def calculate_ndvi_uint16(ndvi) ((ndvi + 1) * (65_535.0 / 2)).to_type(NArray::INT) end # Sets any negative values in the NArray to +replace_with+. # # @param narray [NArray] # @param replace_with [Number] Replace negative values with this. Useful # for setting to a NODATA value. # @return [NArray] def remove_negatives_from(narray, replace_with) narray[] = replace_with narray end end end end