# frozen_string_literal: true module PaperTrail module Reifiers # Reify a single `has_one` association of `model`. # @api private module HasOne # A more helpful error message, instead of the AssociationTypeMismatch # you would get if, eg. we were to try to assign a Bicycle to the :car # association (before, if there were multiple records we would just take # the first and hope for the best). # @api private class FoundMoreThanOne < RuntimeError MESSAGE_FMT = <<~STR Unable to reify has_one association. Expected to find one %s, but found %d. This is a known issue, and a good example of why association tracking is an experimental feature that should not be used in production. That said, this is a rare error. In spec/models/person_spec.rb we reproduce it by having two STI models with the same foreign_key (Car and Bicycle are both Vehicles and the FK for both is owner_id) If you'd like to help fix this error, please read https://github.com/airblade/paper_trail/issues/594 and see spec/models/person_spec.rb STR def initialize(base_class_name, num_records_found) @base_class_name = base_class_name.to_s @num_records_found = num_records_found.to_i end def message format(MESSAGE_FMT, @base_class_name, @num_records_found) end end class << self # @api private def reify(assoc, model, options, transaction_id) version = load_version(assoc, model, transaction_id, options[:version_at]) return unless version if version.event == "create" create_event(assoc, model, options) else noncreate_event(assoc, model, options, version) end end private # @api private def create_event(assoc, model, options) if options[:mark_for_destruction] model.send(assoc.name).mark_for_destruction if model.send(assoc.name, true) else model.paper_trail.appear_as_new_record do model.send "#{assoc.name}=", nil end end end # Given a has-one association `assoc` on `model`, return the version # record from the point in time identified by `transaction_id` or `version_at`. # @api private def load_version(assoc, model, transaction_id, version_at) base_class_name = assoc.klass.base_class.name versions = load_versions(assoc, model, transaction_id, version_at, base_class_name) case versions.length when 0 nil when 1 versions.first else raise FoundMoreThanOne.new(base_class_name, versions.length) end end # @api private def load_versions(assoc, model, transaction_id, version_at, base_class_name) version_table_name = model.class.paper_trail.version_class.table_name model.class.paper_trail.version_class.joins(:version_associations). where("version_associations.foreign_key_name = ?", assoc.foreign_key). where("version_associations.foreign_key_id = ?", model.id). where("#{version_table_name}.item_type = ?", base_class_name). where("created_at >= ? OR transaction_id = ?", version_at, transaction_id). order("#{version_table_name}.id ASC"). load end # @api private def noncreate_event(assoc, model, options, version) child = version.reify( options.merge( has_many: false, has_one: false, belongs_to: false, has_and_belongs_to_many: false ) ) model.paper_trail.appear_as_new_record do without_persisting(child) do model.send "#{assoc.name}=", child end end end # Temporarily suppress #save so we can reassociate with the reified # master of a has_one relationship. Since ActiveRecord 5 the related # object is saved when it is assigned to the association. ActiveRecord # 5 also happens to be the first version that provides #suppress. def without_persisting(record) if record.class.respond_to? :suppress record.class.suppress { yield } else yield end end end end end end