require "featureswitches/version" require "thread" require "cache" require "nestful" class Featureswitches def initialize(customer_key, environment_key, options={}) @customer_key = customer_key @environment_key = environment_key @cache_timeout = options[:cache_timeout] ||= 300 @check_interval = options[:check_interval] ||= 10 @last_update = 0 @last_dirty_check = 0 @api = options[:api] ||= '' @cache = if @cache_timeout > 0 @dirty_check_thread = do_dirty_check end end def authenticate endpoint = 'authenticate' response = api_request(endpoint) return response end def sync endpoint = 'features' if @cache_timeout > 0 response = api_request(endpoint) features = response[:data]['features'] features.each do |feature| feature['last_sync'] = @cache[feature['feature_key']] = feature end end end def is_enabled(feature_key, user_identifier=nil, default=false) feature = @cache[feature_key] if not feature or cache_is_stale(feature) feature = get_feature(feature_key) end if feature result = enabled_for_user(feature, user_identifier) if not result and feature['enabled'] == true and feature['rollout_progress'] < feature['rollout_target'] enabled = get_feature_enabled(feature_key, user_identifier) if enabled == true and @cache_timeout > 0 feature['include_users'].push(user_identifier) @cache[feature['feature_key']] = feature end return enabled end return result end return default end def add_user(user_identifier, customer_identifier=nil, name=nil, email=nil) endpoint = 'user/add' params = { 'user_identifier' => user_identifier, 'customer_identifier' => customer_identifier, 'name' => name, 'email' => email } response = api_request(endpoint, params, :post) if response[:success] return true end return false end def dirty_check endpoint = 'dirty-check' response = api_request(endpoint) if response[:success] @last_dirty_check = if response[:data]['last_update'] > @last_update @last_update = response[:data]['last_update'] sync() end end end private def get_feature(feature_key) endpoint = 'feature' params = {'feature_key' => feature_key} response = api_request(endpoint, params) if response[:success] feature = response[:data]['feature'] feature['last_sync'] = if @cache_timeout > 0 @cache[feature['feature_key']] = feature end return feature end return nil end def get_feature_enabled(feature_key, user_identifier) endpoint = 'feature/enabled' params = { 'feature_key' => feature_key, 'user_identifier' => user_identifier } response = api_request(endpoint, params) if response[:success] return response[:data]['enabled'] end return false end def enabled_for_user(feature, user_identifier) if feature['enabled'] and user_identifier if feature['include_users'].length > 0 if feature['include_users'].include? user_identifier return true else return false end elsif feature['exclude_users'].length > 0 if feature['exclude_users'].include? user_identifier return false else return true end elsif feature['rollout_target'] > 0 return false end elsif not user_identifier and (feature['rollout_target'] > 0 or feature['include_users'].length > 0 or feature['exclude_users'].length > 0) return false end return feature['enabled'] end def cache_is_stale(feature) if @cache_timeout == 0 return true end cache_expiration = ( - @cache_timeout) if feature['last_sync'] > cache_expiration and @last_dirty_check > cache_expiration return false end if @last_dirty_check < cache_expiration return true end return false end def api_request(endpoint, params={}, method=:get) headers = { 'Authorization' => "#{@customer_key}:#{@environment_key}" } begin request = + endpoint, :headers => headers, :params => params, :method => method) response = request.execute if response.status == 200 data = response.decoded result = { 'success': true, 'message': '', 'data': data } else data = response.decoded result = { 'success': false, 'message': data['message'], 'status': response.status } end return result rescue Nestful::ForbiddenAccess result = { 'success': false, 'message': 'Authentication Error', 'status': 403 } return result rescue Nestful::ConnectionError result = { 'success': false, 'message': 'Error communicating with FeatureSwitches', 'status': -1 } return result end end def do_dirty_check do loop do dirty_check() sleep(@check_interval) end end end end