require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/files' describe 'Puppet Pal' do # before { skip("Puppet::Pal is not available on Ruby 1.9.3") if RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.3' } # Require here since it will not work on RUBY < 2.0.0 require 'puppet_pal' include PuppetSpec::Files let(:testing_env) do { 'pal_env' => { 'functions' => functions, 'lib' => { 'puppet' => lib_puppet }, 'manifests' => manifests, 'modules' => modules, 'plans' => plans, 'tasks' => tasks, 'types' => types, }, 'other_env1' => { 'modules' => {} }, 'other_env2' => { 'modules' => {} }, } end let(:functions) { {} } let(:manifests) { {} } let(:modules) { {} } let(:plans) { {} } let(:lib_puppet) { {} } let(:tasks) { {} } let(:types) { {} } let(:environments_dir) { Puppet[:environmentpath] } let(:testing_env_dir) do dir_contained_in(environments_dir, testing_env) env_dir = File.join(environments_dir, 'pal_env') PuppetSpec::Files.record_tmp(env_dir) PuppetSpec::Files.record_tmp(File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env1')) PuppetSpec::Files.record_tmp(File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env2')) env_dir end let(:modules_dir) { File.join(testing_env_dir, 'modules') } # Without any facts - this speeds up the tests that do not require $facts to have any values let(:node_facts) { } # TODO: to be used in examples for running in an existing env # let(:env) { Puppet::Node::Environment.create(:testing, [modules_dir]) } context 'in general - without code in modules or env' do let(:modulepath) { [] } context 'deprecated PAL API methods work and' do it '"evaluate_script_string" evaluates a code string in a given tmp environment' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.evaluate_script_string('1+2+3') end expect(result).to eq(6) end it '"evaluate_script_manifest" evaluates a manifest file in a given tmp environment' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('testing.pp', "1+2+3+4") ctx.evaluate_script_manifest(manifest) end expect(result).to eq(10) end end context "with a script compiler" do it 'errors if given both configured_by_env and manifest_file' do expect { Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(configured_by_env: true, manifest_file: 'undef.pp') {|c| } end }.to raise_error(/manifest_file or code_string cannot be given when configured_by_env is true/) end it 'errors if given both configured_by_env and code_string' do expect { Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(configured_by_env: true, code_string: 'undef') {|c| } end }.to raise_error(/manifest_file or code_string cannot be given when configured_by_env is true/) end context "evaluate_string method" do it 'evaluates code string in a given tmp environment' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('1+2+3') } end expect(result).to eq(6) end it 'can be evaluated more than once in a given tmp environment - each in fresh compiler' do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| expect( ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('$a = 1+2+3')}).to eq(6) expect { ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('$a') }}.to raise_error(/Unknown variable: 'a'/) end end it 'instantiates definitions in the given code string' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |pal| pal.with_script_compiler do |compiler| compiler.evaluate_string(<<-CODE) function run_me() { "worked1" } run_me() CODE end end expect(result).to eq('worked1') end end context "evaluate_file method" do it 'evaluates a manifest file in a given tmp environment' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('testing.pp', "1+2+3+4") ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_file(manifest) } end expect(result).to eq(10) end it 'instantiates definitions in the given code string' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |pal| pal.with_script_compiler do |compiler| manifest = file_containing('testing.pp', (<<-CODE)) function run_me() { "worked1" } run_me() CODE pal.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_file(manifest) } end end expect(result).to eq('worked1') end end context "variables are supported such that" do it 'they can be set in any scope' do vars = {'a'=> 10, 'x::y' => 20} result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts, variables: vars) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string("1+2+3+4+$a+$x::y")} end expect(result).to eq(40) end it 'an error is raised if a variable name is illegal' do vars = {'_a::b'=> 10} expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts, variables: vars) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('testing.pp', "ok") ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_file(manifest) } end raise_error(/has illegal name/) end it 'an error is raised if variable value is not RichData compliant' do vars = {'a'=>"not rich data")} expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts, variables: vars) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| } end raise_error(/has illegal type - got: ArgumentError/) end it 'variable given to script_compiler overrides those given for environment' do vars = {'a'=> 10, 'x::y' => 20} result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts, variables: vars) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(variables: {'x::y' => 40}) {|c| c.evaluate_string("1+2+3+4+$a+$x::y")} end expect(result).to eq(60) end end context "functions are supported such that" do it '"call_function" calls a function' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc($a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) {|c| c.call_function('myfunc', 6) } end expect(result).to eq(12) end it '"call_function" accepts a call with a ruby block' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.call_function('with', 6) {|x| x * 2} } end expect(result).to eq(12) end it '"function_signature" returns a signature of a function' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| c.function_signature('myfunc') end end expect(result.class).to eq(Puppet::Pal::FunctionSignature) end it '"FunctionSignature#callable_with?" returns boolean if function is callable with given argument values' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.function_signature('myfunc') [ signature.callable_with?([10]), signature.callable_with?(['nope']) ] end end expect(result).to eq([true, false]) end it '"FunctionSignature#callable_with?" calls a given lambda if there is an error' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.function_signature('myfunc') local_result = 'not yay' signature.callable_with?(['nope']) {|error| local_result = error } local_result end end expect(result).to match(/'myfunc' parameter 'a' expects an Integer value, got String/) end it '"FunctionSignature#callable_with?" does not call a given lambda when there is no error' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.function_signature('myfunc') local_result = 'yay' signature.callable_with?([10]) {|error| local_result = 'not yay' } local_result end end expect(result).to eq('yay') end it '"function_signature" gets the signatures from a ruby function with multiple dispatch' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.function_signature('lookup') } end # check two different signatures of the lookup function expect(result.callable_with?(['key'])).to eq(true) expect(result.callable_with?(['key'], lambda() {|k| })).to eq(true) end it '"function_signature" returns nil if function is not found' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.function_signature('no_where_to_be_found') } end expect(result).to eq(nil) end it '"FunctionSignature#callables" returns an array of callables' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| c.function_signature('myfunc').callables end end expect(result.class).to eq(Array) expect(result.all? {|c| c.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PCallableType)}).to eq(true) end it '"list_functions" returns an array with all function names that can be loaded' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.list_functions() } end expect(result.is_a?(Array)).to eq(true) expect(result.all? {|s| s.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName) }).to eq(true) # there are certainly more than 30 functions in puppet - (56 when writing this, but some refactoring # may take place, so don't want an exact number here - jsut make sure it found "all of them" expect(result.count).to be > 30 end it '"list_functions" filters on name based on a given regexp' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.list_functions(/epp/) } end expect(result.is_a?(Array)).to eq(true) expect(result.all? {|s| s.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName) }).to eq(true) # there are two functions currently that have 'epp' in their name expect(result.count).to eq(2) end end context 'supports plans such that' do it '"plan_signature" returns the signatures of a plan' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "plan myplan(Integer $a) { } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.plan_signature('myplan') [ signature.callable_with?({'a' => 10}), signature.callable_with?({'a' => 'nope'}) ] end end expect(result).to eq([true, false]) end it 'a PlanSignature.callable_with? calls a given lambda with any errors as a formatted string' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "plan myplan(Integer $a, Integer $b) { } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.plan_signature('myplan') local_result = nil signature.callable_with?({'a' => 'nope'}) {|errors| local_result = errors } local_result end end # Note that errors are indented one space and on separate lines # expect(result).to eq(" parameter 'a' expects an Integer value, got String\n expects a value for parameter 'b'") end it 'a PlanSignature.callable_with? does not call a given lambda if there are no errors' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "plan myplan(Integer $a) { } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| signature = c.plan_signature('myplan') local_result = 'yay' signature.callable_with?({'a' => 1}) {|errors| local_result = 'not yay' } local_result end end expect(result).to eq('yay') end it '"plan_signature" returns nil if plan is not found' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.plan_signature('no_where_to_be_found') } end expect(result).to be(nil) end it '"PlanSignature#params_type" returns a map of all parameters and their types' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| manifest = file_containing('afunc.pp', "plan myplan(Integer $a, String $b) { } ") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) do |c| c.plan_signature('myplan').params_type end end expect(result.class).to eq(Puppet::Pops::Types::PStructType) expect(result.to_s).to eq("Struct[{'a' => Integer, 'b' => String}]") end end context 'supports puppet data types such that' do it '"type" parses and returns a Type from a string specification' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| manifest = file_containing('main.pp', "type MyType = Float") ctx.with_script_compiler(manifest_file: manifest) {|c| c.type('Variant[Integer, Boolean, MyType]') } end expect(result.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PVariantType)).to eq(true) expect(result.types.size).to eq(3) expect(result.instance?(3.14)).to eq(true) end it '"create" creates a new object from a puppet data type and args' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.create(Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType::DEFAULT, '0x10') } end expect(result).to eq(16) end it '"create" creates a new object from puppet data type in string form and args' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.create('Integer', '010') } end expect(result).to eq(8) end end end context 'supports parsing such that' do it '"parse_string" parses a puppet language string' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.parse_string('$a = 10') } end expect(result.class).to eq(Puppet::Pops::Model::Program) end { nil => Puppet::Error, '0xWAT' => Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue, '$0 = 1' => Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue, 'else 32' => Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue, }.each_pair do |input, error_class| it "'parse_string' raises an error for invalid input: '#{input}'" do expect { Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.parse_string(input) } end }.to raise_error(error_class) end end it '"parse_file" parses a puppet language string' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| manifest = file_containing('main.pp', "$a = 10") ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.parse_file(manifest) } end expect(result.class).to eq(Puppet::Pops::Model::Program) end it "'parse_file' raises an error for invalid input: 'else 32'" do expect { Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| manifest = file_containing('main.pp', "else 32") ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.parse_file(manifest) } end }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue) end it "'parse_file' raises an error for invalid input, file is not a string" do expect { Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.parse_file(42) } end }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it 'the "evaluate" method evaluates the parsed AST' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate(c.parse_string('10 + 20')) } end expect(result).to eq(30) end it 'the "evaluate" method instantiates definitions when given a Program' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate(c.parse_string('function foo() { "yay"}; foo()')) } end expect(result).to eq('yay') end it 'the "evaluate" method does not instantiates definitions when given ast other than Program' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler do |c| program= c.parse_string('function foo() { "yay"}; foo()') c.evaluate(program.body) end end raise_error(/Unknown function: 'foo'/) end it 'the "evaluate_literal" method evaluates AST being a representation of a literal value' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_literal(c.parse_string('{10 => "hello"}')) } end expect(result).to eq({10 => 'hello'}) end it 'the "evaluate_literal" method errors if ast is not representing a literal value' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_literal(c.parse_string('{10+1 => "hello"}')) } end raise_error(/does not represent a literal value/) end it 'the "evaluate_literal" method errors if ast contains definitions' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do | ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_literal(c.parse_string('function foo() { }; 42')) } end raise_error(/does not represent a literal value/) end end end context 'with code in modules and env' do let(:modulepath) { [modules_dir] } let(:metadata_json_a) { { 'name' => 'example/a', 'version' => '0.1.0', 'source' => '', 'dependencies' => [{'name' => 'c', 'version_range' => '>=0.1.0'}], 'author' => 'Bob the Builder', 'license' => 'Apache-2.0' } } let(:metadata_json_b) { { 'name' => 'example/b', 'version' => '0.1.0', 'source' => '', 'dependencies' => [{'name' => 'c', 'version_range' => '>=0.1.0'}], 'author' => 'Bob the Builder', 'license' => 'Apache-2.0' } } let(:metadata_json_c) { { 'name' => 'example/c', 'version' => '0.1.0', 'source' => '', 'dependencies' => [], 'author' => 'Bob the Builder', 'license' => 'Apache-2.0' } } # TODO: there is something amiss with the metadata wrt dependencies - when metadata is present there is an error # that dependencies could not be resolved. Metadata is therefore commented out. # Dependency based visibility is probably something that we should remove... let(:modules) { { 'a' => { 'functions' => a_functions, 'lib' => { 'puppet' => a_lib_puppet }, 'plans' => a_plans, 'tasks' => a_tasks, 'types' => a_types, # 'metadata.json' => metadata_json_a.to_json }, 'b' => { 'functions' => b_functions, 'lib' => b_lib, 'plans' => b_plans, 'tasks' => b_tasks, 'types' => b_types, # 'metadata.json' => metadata_json_b.to_json }, 'c' => { 'types' => c_types, # 'metadata.json' => metadata_json_c.to_json }, } } let(:a_plans) { { 'aplan.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent, plan a::aplan() { 'a::aplan value' } PUPPET } } let(:a_types) { { 'atype.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent, type A::Atype = Integer PUPPET } } let(:a_tasks) { { 'atask' => '', } } let(:a_functions) { { 'afunc.pp' => 'function a::afunc() { "a::afunc value" }', } } let(:a_lib_puppet) { { 'functions' => { 'a' => { 'arubyfunc.rb' => <<-RUBY.unindent, require 'stuff/something' Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'a::arubyfunc') do def arubyfunc Stuff::SOMETHING end end RUBY 'myscriptcompilerfunc.rb' => <<-RUBY.unindent, Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'a::myscriptcompilerfunc', Puppet::Functions::InternalFunction) do dispatch :myscriptcompilerfunc do script_compiler_param param 'String',:name end def myscriptcompilerfunc(script_compiler, name) script_compiler.is_a?(Puppet::Pal::ScriptCompiler) ? name : 'no go' end end RUBY } } } } let(:b_plans) { { 'aplan.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent, plan b::aplan() {} PUPPET } } let(:b_types) { { 'atype.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent, type B::Atype = Integer PUPPET } } let(:b_tasks) { { 'atask' => "# doing exactly nothing\n", 'atask.json' => <<-JSONTEXT.unindent { "description": "test task b::atask", "input_method": "stdin", "parameters": { "string_param": { "description": "A string parameter", "type": "String[1]" }, "int_param": { "description": "An integer parameter", "type": "Integer" } } } JSONTEXT } } let(:b_functions) { { 'afunc.pp' => 'function b::afunc() {}', } } let(:b_lib) { { 'puppet' => b_lib_puppet, 'stuff' => { 'something.rb' => "module Stuff; SOMETHING = 'something'; end" } } } let(:b_lib_puppet) { { 'functions' => { 'b' => { 'arubyfunc.rb' => "Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'b::arubyfunc') { def arubyfunc; 'arubyfunc_value'; end }", } } } } let(:c_types) { { 'atype.pp' => <<-PUPPET.unindent, type C::Atype = Integer PUPPET } } context 'configured as temporary environment such that' do it 'modules are available' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end expect(result).to eq("a::afunc value") end it 'libs in a given "modulepath" are added to the Ruby $LOAD_PATH' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::arubyfunc()') } end expect(result).to eql('something') end it 'errors if a block is not given to in_tmp_environment' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) raise_error(/A block must be given to 'in_tmp_environment/) end it 'errors if an env_name is given and is not a String[1]' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/temporary environment name has wrong type/) expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment(32, modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/temporary environment name has wrong type/) end { 'a hash' => {'a' => 'hm'}, 'an integer' => 32, 'separated strings' => 'dir1;dir2', 'empty string in array' => [''] }.each_pair do |what, value| it "errors if modulepath is #{what}" do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: value, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/modulepath has wrong type/) end end context 'facts are supported such that' do it 'they are obtained if they are not given' do facts =[:certname], 'puppetversion' => Puppet.version) testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath ) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string("$facts =~ Hash and $facts[puppetversion] == '#{Puppet.version}'") } end expect(result).to eq(true) end it 'can be given as a hash when creating the environment' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: { 'myfact' => 42 }) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string("$facts =~ Hash and $facts[myfact] == 42") } end expect(result).to eq(true) end it 'can be overridden with a hash when creating a script compiler' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: { 'myfact' => 42 }) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(facts: { 'myfact' => 43 }) {|c| c.evaluate_string("$facts =~ Hash and $facts[myfact] == 43") } end expect(result).to eq(true) end end context 'supports tasks such that' do it '"task_signature" returns the signatures of a generic task' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler do |c| signature = c.task_signature('a::atask') [ signature.runnable_with?('whatever' => 10), signature.runnable_with?('anything_goes' => 'foo') ] end end expect(result).to eq([true, true]) end it '"TaskSignature#runnable_with?" calls a given lambda if there is an error in a generic task' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler do |c| signature = c.task_signature('a::atask') local_result = 'not yay' signature.runnable_with?('string_param' => /not data/) {|error| local_result = error } local_result end end expect(result).to match(/Task a::atask:\s+entry 'string_param' expects a Data value, got Regexp/m) end it '"task_signature" returns the signatures of a task defined with metadata' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler do |c| signature = c.task_signature('b::atask') [ signature.runnable_with?('string_param' => 'foo', 'int_param' => 10), signature.runnable_with?('anything_goes' => 'foo'), signature.task_hash['name'], signature.task_hash['parameters']['string_param']['description'], signature.task.description, signature.task.parameters['int_param']['type'], ] end end expect(result).to eq([true, false, 'b::atask', 'A string parameter', 'test task b::atask', Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType::DEFAULT]) end it '"TaskSignature#runnable_with?" calls a given lambda if there is an error' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler do |c| signature = c.task_signature('b::atask') local_result = 'not yay' signature.runnable_with?('string_param' => 10) {|error| local_result = error } local_result end end expect(result).to match(/Task b::atask:\s+parameter 'string_param' expects a String value, got Integer/m) end it '"task_signature" returns nil if task is not found' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.task_signature('no_where_to_be_found') } end expect(result).to be(nil) end it '"list_tasks" returns an array with all tasks that can be loaded' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.list_tasks() } end expect(result.is_a?(Array)).to eq(true) expect(result.all? {|s| s.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName) }).to eq(true) expect( {|tn|}).to contain_exactly('a::atask', 'b::atask') end it '"list_tasks" filters on name based on a given regexp' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: modulepath, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.list_tasks(/^a::/) } end expect(result.is_a?(Array)).to eq(true) expect(result.all? {|s| s.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Loader::TypedName) }).to eq(true) expect( {|tn|}).to eq(['a::atask']) end end end context 'configured as an existing given environment directory such that' do it 'modules in it are available from its "modules" directory' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end expect(result).to eq("a::afunc value") end it 'libs in a given "modulepath" are added to the Ruby $LOAD_PATH' do result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::arubyfunc()') } end expect(result).to eql('something') end it 'a given "modulepath" overrides the default' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, modulepath: [], facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end raise_error(/Unknown function: 'a::afunc'/) end it 'a "pre_modulepath" is prepended and a "post_modulepath" is appended to the effective modulepath' do other_modules1 = File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env1/modules') other_modules2 = File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env2/modules') result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, pre_modulepath: [other_modules1], post_modulepath: [other_modules2], facts: node_facts ) do |ctx| the_modulepath = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get('pal_env').modulepath the_modulepath[0] == other_modules1 && the_modulepath[-1] == other_modules2 end expect(result).to be(true) end it 'can set variables in any scope' do vars = {'a'=> 10, 'x::y' => 20} result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, facts: node_facts, variables: vars) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_string("1+2+3+4+$a+$x::y") } end expect(result).to eq(40) end it 'errors in a meaningful way when a non existing env name is given' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir.chop, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/The environment directory '.*' does not exist/) end it 'errors if an env_name is given and is not a String[1]' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('', env_dir: testing_env_dir, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/env_name has wrong type/) expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment(32, env_dir: testing_env_dir, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/env_name has wrong type/) end { 'a hash' => {'a' => 'hm'}, 'an integer' => 32, 'separated strings' => 'dir1;dir2', 'empty string in array' => [''] }.each_pair do |what, value| it "errors if modulepath is #{what}" do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, modulepath: {'a' => 'hm'}, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } Puppet::Pal.in_tmp_environment('pal_env', modulepath: value, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/modulepath has wrong type/) end end it 'errors if env_dir and envpath are both given' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', env_dir: testing_env_dir, envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/Cannot use 'env_dir' and 'envpath' at the same time/) end end context 'configured as existing given envpath such that' do it 'modules in it are available from its "modules" directory' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end expect(result).to eq("a::afunc value") end it 'a given "modulepath" overrides the default' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, modulepath: [], facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler { |c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end raise_error(/Unknown function: 'a::afunc'/) end it 'a "pre_modulepath" is prepended and a "post_modulepath" is appended to the effective modulepath' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure other_modules1 = File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env1/modules') other_modules2 = File.join(environments_dir, 'other_env2/modules') result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, pre_modulepath: [other_modules1], post_modulepath: [other_modules2], facts: node_facts ) do |ctx| the_modulepath = Puppet.lookup(:environments).get('pal_env').modulepath the_modulepath[0] == other_modules1 && the_modulepath[-1] == other_modules2 end expect(result).to be(true) end it 'the envpath can have multiple entries - that are searched for the given env' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler {|c| c.evaluate_string('a::afunc()') } end expect(result).to eq("a::afunc value") end it 'errors in a meaningful way when a non existing env name is given' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/No directory found for the environment 'blah_env' on the path '.*'/) end it 'errors if a block is not given to in_environment' do expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) raise_error(/A block must be given to 'in_environment/) end it 'errors if envpath is something other than a string' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', envpath: '', facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/envpath has wrong type/) expect do Puppet::Pal.in_environment('blah_env', envpath: [environments_dir], facts: node_facts) { |ctx| } raise_error(/envpath has wrong type/) end context 'with a script compiler' do it 'uses configured manifest_file if configured_by_env is true and Puppet[:code] is unset' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure Puppet[:manifest] = file_containing('afunc.pp', "function myfunc(Integer $a) { $a * 2 } ") result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(configured_by_env: true) {|c| c.call_function('myfunc', 4)} end expect(result).to eql(8) end it 'uses Puppet[:code] if configured_by_env is true and Puppet[:code] is set' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure Puppet[:manifest] = file_containing('amanifest.pp', "$a = 20") Puppet[:code] = '$a = 40' result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(configured_by_env: true) {|c| c.evaluate_string('$a')} end expect(result).to eql(40) end it 'makes the pal ScriptCompiler available as script_compiler_param to Function dispatcher' do testing_env_dir # creates the structure Puppet[:manifest] = file_containing('noop.pp', "undef") result = Puppet::Pal.in_environment('pal_env', envpath: environments_dir, facts: node_facts) do |ctx| ctx.with_script_compiler(configured_by_env: true) {|c| c.call_function('a::myscriptcompilerfunc', 'go')} end expect(result).to eql('go') end end end end end