<%= field(f, :job_name) do %> <%= auto_complete_search(:job_name, f.object.job_name, :placeholder => _("Job name") + ' ...', :name => 'job_template[job_name]', :id => 'search') %> <% end %> <%= text_f f, :description_format, :help_inline => popover(_('Explanation'), _('Description template determines the job name once it is submitted. Input values can become part of the name if they are specified using interpolation syntax, e.g. %{fqdn} where fqdn is the name of interpolated input.')) %> <%= select_f f, :provider_type, providers_options, :first, :last %>
<%= new_child_fields_template(f, :template_inputs, { :partial => "template_inputs/form" }) %> <%= f.fields_for :template_inputs do |ff| %>
<%= render 'template_inputs/form', :f => ff %>
<% end %> <%= add_child_link '+ ' + _("Add Input"), :template_inputs, { :title => _('add a input for this template')} %>
<%= field_set_tag _("Effective user") do %> <%= f.fields_for :effective_user, @template.effective_user do |ff| %>
<%= text_f ff, :value %> <%= checkbox_f ff, :current_user %> <%= checkbox_f ff, :overridable %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :snippet, :onchange => "snippet_changed(this)", :label=>_('Snippet'), :disabled => @template.locked? %>