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"111143", "display": "Biopsy should be considered" }, { "code": "111144", "display": "Needle localization and biopsy" }, { "code": "111145", "display": "Histology using core biopsy" }, { "code": "111146", "display": "Suggestive of malignancy - take appropriate action" }, { "code": "111147", "display": "Cytologic analysis" }, { "code": "111148", "display": "Biopsy should be strongly considered" }, { "code": "111149", "display": "Highly suggestive of malignancy - take appropriate action" }, { "code": "111150", "display": "Presentation Required: Rendering device is expected to present" }, { "code": "111151", "display": "Presentation Optional: Rendering device may present" }, { "code": "111152", "display": "Not for Presentation: Rendering device expected not to present" }, { "code": "111153", "display": "Target content items are related temporally" }, { "code": "111154", "display": "Target content items are related spatially" }, { "code": "111155", "display": "Target content items are related contra-laterally" }, { "code": "111156", "display": "Feature detected on the only image" }, { "code": "111157", "display": "Feature detected on only one of the images" }, { "code": "111158", "display": "Feature detected on multiple images" }, { "code": "111159", "display": "Feature detected on images from multiple modalities" }, { "code": "111168", "display": "Scar tissue", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111170", "display": "J Wire", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111171", "display": "Pacemaker", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111172", "display": "Paddle", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111173", "display": "Collimator", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111174", "display": "ID Plate", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111175", "display": "Other Marker" }, { "code": "111176", "display": "Unspecified" }, { "code": "111177", "display": "View and Laterality Marker is missing" }, { "code": "111178", "display": "View and Laterality Marker does not have both view and laterality" }, { "code": "111179", "display": "View and Laterality Marker does not have approved codes" }, { "code": "111180", "display": "View and Laterality Marker is not near the axilla" }, { "code": "111181", "display": "View and Laterality Marker overlaps breast tissue" }, { "code": "111182", "display": "View and Laterality Marker is partially obscured" }, { "code": "111183", "display": "View and Laterality Marker is incorrect" }, { "code": "111184", "display": "View and Laterality Marker is off image" }, { "code": "111185", "display": "Flash is not near edge of film" }, { "code": "111186", "display": "Flash is illigible, does not fit, or is lopsided" }, { "code": "111187", "display": "Flash doesn't include patient name and additional patient id" }, { "code": "111188", "display": "Flash doesn't include date of examination" }, { "code": "111189", "display": "Flash doesn't include facility name and location" }, { "code": "111190", "display": "Flash doesn't include technologist identification" }, { "code": "111191", "display": "Flash doesn't include cassette/screen/detector identification" }, { "code": "111192", "display": "Flash doesn't include mammography unit identification" }, { "code": "111193", "display": "Date sticker is missing" }, { "code": "111194", "display": "Technical factors missing" }, { "code": "111195", "display": "Collimation too close to breast" }, { "code": "111196", "display": "Inadequate compression" }, { "code": "111197", "display": "MLO Insufficient pectoral muscle" }, { "code": "111198", "display": "MLO No fat is visualized posterior to fibroglandular tissues" }, { "code": "111199", "display": "MLO Poor separation of deep and superficial breast tissues" }, { "code": "111200", "display": "MLO Evidence of motion blur" }, { "code": "111201", "display": "MLO Inframammary fold is not open" }, { "code": "111202", "display": "CC Not all medial tissue visualized" }, { "code": "111203", "display": "CC Nipple not centered on image" }, { "code": "111204", "display": "CC Posterior nipple line does not measure within 1 cm of MLO" }, { "code": "111205", "display": "Nipple not in profile" }, { "code": "111206", "display": "Insufficient implant displacement incorrect" }, { "code": "111207", "display": "Image artifact(s)" }, { "code": "111208", "display": "Grid artifact(s)" }, { "code": "111209", "display": "Positioning" }, { "code": "111210", "display": "Motion blur" }, { "code": "111211", "display": "Under exposed" }, { "code": "111212", "display": "Over exposed" }, { "code": "111213", "display": "No image" }, { "code": "111214", "display": "Detector artifact(s)" }, { "code": "111215", "display": "Artifact(s) other than grid or detector artifact" }, { "code": "111216", "display": "Mechanical failure" }, { "code": "111217", "display": "Electrical failure" }, { "code": "111218", "display": "Software failure" }, { "code": "111219", "display": "Inappropriate image processing" }, { "code": "111220", "display": "Other failure" }, { "code": "111221", "display": "Unknown failure" }, { "code": "111222", "display": "Succeeded" }, { "code": "111223", "display": "Partially Succeeded" }, { "code": "111224", "display": "Failed" }, { "code": "111225", "display": "Not Attempted" }, { "code": "111233", "display": "Individual Impression / Recommendation Analysis" }, { "code": "111234", "display": "Overall Impression / Recommendation Analysis" }, { "code": "111235", "display": "Unusable - Quality renders image unusable" }, { "code": "111236", "display": "Usable - Does not meet the quality control standard" }, { "code": "111237", "display": "Usable - Meets the quality control standard" }, { "code": "111238", "display": "Mammography Quality Control Manual 1999, ACR" }, { "code": "111239", "display": "Title 21 CFR Section 900, Subpart B" }, { "code": "111240", "display": "Institutionally defined quality control standard" }, { "code": "111241", "display": "All algorithms succeeded; without findings" }, { "code": "111242", "display": "All algorithms succeeded; with findings" }, { "code": "111243", "display": "Not all algorithms succeeded; without findings" }, { "code": "111244", "display": "Not all algorithms succeeded; with findings" }, { "code": "111245", "display": "No algorithms succeeded; without findings" }, { "code": "111248", "display": "Adenolipoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111249", "display": "Ductal hyperplasia", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111250", "display": "Adenomyoepithelioma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111251", "display": "Normal axillary node" }, { "code": "111252", "display": "Axillary node with calcifications" }, { "code": "111253", "display": "Axillary node hyperplasia" }, { "code": "111254", "display": "Asynchronous involution", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111255", "display": "Benign cyst with blood" }, { "code": "111256", "display": "Benign Calcifications" }, { "code": "111257", "display": "Intracystic papilloma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111258", "display": "Ductal adenoma" }, { "code": "111259", "display": "Diabetic fibrous mastopathy" }, { "code": "111260", "display": "Extra abdominal desmoid", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111262", "display": "Epidermal inclusion cyst", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111263", "display": "Fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia" }, { "code": "111264", "display": "Fibroadenolipoma" }, { "code": "111265", "display": "Foreign body (reaction)", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111269", "display": "Galactocele", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111271", "display": "Hemangioma - nonparenchymal, subcutaneous", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111273", "display": "Hyperplasia, usual", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111277", "display": "Juvenile papillomatosis" }, { "code": "111278", "display": "Lactating adenoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111279", "display": "Lactational change" }, { "code": "111281", "display": "Large duct papilloma" }, { "code": "111283", "display": "Myofibroblastoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111284", "display": "Microglandular adenosis" }, { "code": "111285", "display": "Multiple Intraductal Papillomas" }, { 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nodal metastases" }, { "code": "111302", "display": "Angiosarcoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111303", "display": "Blood vessel (vascular) invasion" }, { "code": "111304", "display": "Carcinoma in children" }, { "code": "111305", "display": "Carcinoma in ectopic breast" }, { "code": "111306", "display": "Carcinoma with endocrine differentiation" }, { "code": "111307", "display": "Basal cell carcinoma of nipple" }, { "code": "111308", "display": "Carcinoma with metaplasia", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111309", "display": "Cartilaginous and osseous change" }, { "code": "111310", "display": "Carcinoma in pregnancy and lactation" }, { "code": "111311", "display": "Carcinosarcoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111312", "display": "Intraductal comedocarcinoma with necrosis" }, { "code": "111313", "display": "Intraductal carcinoma, low grade" }, { "code": "111314", "display": "Intraductal carcinoma micro-papillary", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111315", "display": "Intracystic papillary carcinoma" }, { "code": "111316", "display": "Invasive and in-situ carcinoma" }, { "code": "111317", "display": "Invasive lobular carcinoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111318", "display": "Leukemic infiltration" }, { "code": "111320", "display": "Lympathic vessel invasion" }, { "code": "111321", "display": "Lymphoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111322", "display": "Occult carcinoma presenting with axillary lymph node metastases" }, { "code": "111323", "display": "Metastatic cancer to the breast" }, { "code": "111324", "display": "Metastatic cancer to the breast from the colon" }, { "code": "111325", "display": "Metastatic cancer to the breast from the lung" }, { "code": "111326", "display": "Metastatic melanoma to the breast" }, { "code": "111327", "display": "Metastatic cancer to the breast from the ovary" }, { "code": "111328", "display": "Metastatic sarcoma to the breast" }, { "code": "111329", "display": "Multifocal intraductal carcinoma" }, { "code": "111330", "display": "Metastatic disease to axillary node" }, { "code": "111331", "display": "Malignant fibrous histiocytoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111332", "display": "Multifocal invasive ductal carcinoma" }, { "code": "111333", "display": "Metastasis to an intramammary lymph node" }, { "code": "111334", "display": "Malignant melanoma of nipple" }, { "code": "111335", "display": "Neoplasm of the mammary skin", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111336", "display": "Papillary carcinoma in-situ", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111338", "display": "Recurrent malignancy" }, { "code": "111340", "display": "Squamous cell carcinoma of the nipple" }, { "code": "111341", "display": "Intraductal carcinoma, high grade" }, { "code": "111342", "display": "Invasive cribriform carcinoma", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111343", "display": "Angular margins" }, { "code": "111344", "display": "Fine pleomorphic calcification" }, { "code": "111345", "display": "Macrocalcifications" }, { "code": "111346", "display": "Calcifications within a mass" }, { "code": "111347", "display": "Calcifications outside of a mass" }, { "code": "111350", "display": "Breast background echotexture" }, { "code": "111351", "display": "Homogeneous fat echotexture" }, { "code": "111352", "display": "Homogeneous fibroglandular echotexture" }, { "code": "111353", "display": "Heterogeneous echotexture" }, { "code": "111354", "display": "Orientation" }, { "code": "111355", "display": "Parallel" }, { "code": "111356", "display": "Not parallel" }, { "code": "111357", "display": "Lesion boundary" }, { "code": "111358", "display": "Abrupt interface" }, { "code": "111359", "display": "Echogenic halo" }, { "code": "111360", "display": "Echo pattern" }, { "code": "111361", "display": "Anechoic" }, { "code": "111362", "display": "Hyperechoic" }, { "code": "111363", "display": "Complex" }, { "code": "111364", "display": "Hypoechoic" }, { "code": "111365", "display": "Isoechoic" }, { "code": "111366", "display": "Posterior acoustic features" }, { "code": "111367", "display": "No posterior acoustic features" }, { "code": "111368", "display": "Posterior enhancement" }, { "code": "111369", "display": "Posterior shadowing" }, { "code": "111370", "display": "Combined posterior enhancement and shadowing" }, { "code": "111371", "display": "Identifiable effect on surrounding tissues" }, { "code": "111372", "display": "Vascularity" }, { "code": "111373", "display": "Vascularity not present" }, { "code": "111374", "display": "Vascularity not assessed" }, { "code": "111375", "display": "Vascularity present in lesion" }, { "code": "111376", "display": "Vascularity present immediately adjacent to lesion" }, { "code": "111377", "display": "Diffusely increased vascularity in surrounding tissue" }, { "code": "111380", "display": "Correlation to other Findings" }, { "code": "111381", "display": "Correlates to physical exam findings" }, { "code": "111382", "display": "Correlates to mammography findings" }, { "code": "111383", "display": "Correlates to MRI findings" }, { "code": "111384", "display": "Correlates to ultrasound findings" }, { "code": "111385", "display": "Correlates to other imaging findings" }, { "code": "111386", "display": "No correlation to other imaging findings" }, { "code": "111387", "display": "No correlation to clinical findings" }, { "code": "111388", "display": "Malignancy Type" }, { "code": "111389", "display": "Invasive breast carcinoma" }, { "code": "111390", "display": "Other malignancy type" }, { "code": "111391", "display": "Menstrual Cycle Phase" }, { "code": "111392", "display": "1st week" }, { "code": "111393", "display": "2nd week" }, { "code": "111394", "display": "3rd week" }, { "code": "111395", "display": "Estimated Timeframe" }, { "code": "111396", "display": "< 3 months ago" }, { "code": "111397", "display": "4 months to 1 year ago" }, { "code": "111398", "display": "> 1 year ago" }, { "code": "111399", "display": "Timeframe uncertain" }, { "code": "111400", "display": "Breast Imaging Report" }, { "code": "111401", "display": "Reason for procedure" }, { "code": "111402", "display": "Clinical Finding" }, { "code": "111403", "display": "Baseline screening mammogram" }, { "code": "111404", "display": "First mammogram ever" }, { "code": "111405", "display": "Implant type" }, { "code": "111406", "display": "Number of similar findings" }, { "code": "111407", "display": "Implant finding" }, { "code": "111408", "display": "Film Screen Mammography" }, { "code": "111409", "display": "Digital Mammography" }, { "code": "111410", "display": "Surgical consult" }, { "code": "111411", "display": "Mammography CAD" }, { "code": "111412", "display": "Narrative Summary" }, { "code": "111413", "display": "Overall Assessment" }, { "code": "111414", "display": "Supplementary Data" }, { "code": "111415", "display": "Additional evaluation requested from prior study" }, { "code": "111416", "display": "Follow-up at short interval from prior study" }, { "code": "111417", "display": "History of breast augmentation, asymptomatic" }, { "code": "111418", "display": "Review of an outside study" }, { "code": "111419", "display": "Additional evaluation requested from abnormal screening exam" }, { "code": "111420", "display": "History of benign breast biopsy" }, { "code": "111421", "display": "Personal history of breast cancer with breast conservation therapy" }, { "code": "111423", "display": "Physical Examination Results" }, { "code": "111424", "display": "Comparison to previous findings" }, { "code": "111425", "display": "Intraluminal filling defect" }, { "code": "111426", "display": "Multiple filling defect" }, { "code": "111427", "display": "Abrupt duct termination" }, { "code": "111428", "display": "Extravasation" }, { "code": "111429", "display": "Duct narrowing" }, { "code": "111430", "display": "Cyst fill" }, { "code": "111431", "display": "Instrument Approach" }, { "code": "111432", "display": "Inferolateral to superomedial" }, { "code": "111433", "display": "Inferomedial to superolateral" }, { "code": "111434", "display": "Superolateral to inferomedial" }, { "code": "111435", "display": "Superomedial to inferolateral" }, { "code": "111436", "display": "Number of passes" }, { "code": "111437", "display": "Number of specimens" }, { "code": "111438", "display": "Needle in target" }, { "code": "111439", "display": "Number of needles around target" }, { "code": "111440", "display": "Incision made" }, { "code": "111441", "display": "Microclip placed", "property": [ { "code": "status", "valueCode": "deprecated" } ] }, { "code": "111442", "display": "Confirmation of target" }, { "code": "111443", "display": "Target completely contained in the specimen" }, { "code": "111444", "display": "Target partially obtained in the specimen" }, { "code": "111445", "display": "Target not in the specimen" }, { "code": "111446", "display": "Calcifications seen in the core" }, { "code": "111447", "display": "Lesion completely removed" }, { "code": "111448", "display": "Lesion partially removed" }, { "code": "111449", "display": "Fluid obtained" }, { "code": "111450", "display": "Light brown color" }, { "code": "111451", "display": "Dark red color" }, { "code": "111452", "display": "Dark brown color" }, { "code": "111453", "display": "Bright red color" }, { "code": "111454", "display": "Blood tinged color" }, { "code": "111455", "display": "Occult blood test result" }, { "code": "111456", "display": "Action on fluid" }, { "code": "111457", "display": "Sent for analysis" }, { "code": "111458", "display": "Discarded" }, { "code": "111459", "display": "Mass with calcifications" }, { "code": "111460", "display": "Complex cyst" }, { "code": "111461", "display": "Intracystic lesion" }, { "code": "111462", "display": "Solid mass" }, { "code": "111463", "display": "Supplementary Data for Intervention" }, { "code": "111464", "display": "Procedure Modifier" }, { "code": "111465", "display": "Needle Gauge" }, { "code": "111466", "display": "Severity of Complication" }, { "code": "111467", "display": "Needle Length" }, { "code": "111468", "display": "Pathology Results" }, { "code": "111469", "display": "Sampling DateTime" }, { "code": "111470", "display": "Uninvolved" }, { "code": "111471", "display": "Involved" }, { "code": "111472", "display": "Nipple involved" }, { "code": "111473", "display": "Number of nodes removed" }, { "code": "111474", "display": "Number of nodes positive" }, { "code": "111475", "display": "Estrogen receptor" }, { "code": "111476", "display": "Progesterone receptor" }, { "code": "111477", "display": "S Phase" }, { "code": "111478", "display": "Non-bloody discharge (from nipple)" }, { "code": "111479", "display": "Difficult physical/clinical examination" }, { "code": "111480", "display": "Cancer elsewhere" }, { "code": "111481", "display": "Saline implant" }, { "code": "111482", "display": "Polyurethane implant" }, { "code": "111483", "display": "Percutaneous silicone injection" }, { "code": "111484", "display": "Combination implant" }, { "code": "111485", "display": "Pre-pectoral implant" }, { "code": "111486", "display": "Retro-pectoral implant" }, { "code": "111487", "display": "Mammographic (crosshair)" }, { "code": "111488", "display": "Mammographic (grid)" }, { "code": "111489", "display": "Palpation guided" }, { "code": "111490", "display": "Vacuum assisted" }, { "code": "111491", "display": "Abnormal discharge" }, { "code": "111492", "display": "No complications" }, { "code": "111494", "display": 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"display": "Discharge DateTime" }, { "code": "122164", "display": "Coronary Artery Bypass During This Admission" }, { "code": "122165", "display": "Date of Death" }, { "code": "122166", "display": "Death During This Admission" }, { "code": "122167", "display": "Death During Catheterization" }, { "code": "122170", "display": "Type of Myocardial Infarction" }, { "code": "122171", "display": "Coronary lesion > = 50% stenosis" }, { "code": "122172", "display": "Acute MI Present" }, { "code": "122173", "display": "ST Elevation Onset DateTime" }, { "code": "122175", "display": "Number of lesion interventions attempted" }, { "code": "122176", "display": "Number of lesion interventions successful" }, { "code": "122177", "display": "Procedure Result" }, { "code": "122178", "display": "Lesion Intervention Information" }, { "code": "122179", "display": "Peri-procedural MI occurred" }, { "code": "122180", "display": "CK-MB baseline" }, { "code": "122181", "display": "CK-MB peak" }, { "code": "122182", "display": "R-R interval" }, { "code": "122183", "display": "Blood temperature" }, { "code": "122185", "display": "Blood Oxygen content" }, { "code": "122187", "display": "Blood Carbon dioxide saturation" }, { "code": "122188", "display": "Pulmonary Arterial Content (FCpa)" }, { "code": "122189", "display": "Pulmonary Venous Content (FCpv)" }, { "code": "122190", "display": "Max dp/dt/P" }, { "code": "122191", "display": "Ventricular End Diastolic pressure" }, { "code": "122192", "display": "Indicator appearance time" }, { "code": "122193", "display": "Maximum pressure acceleration" }, { "code": "122194", "display": "Ventricular Systolic blood pressure" }, { "code": "122195", "display": "Pulse Strength" }, { "code": "122196", "display": "C wave pressure" }, { "code": "122197", "display": "Gradient pressure, average" }, { "code": "122198", "display": "Gradient pressure, peak" }, { "code": "122199", "display": "Pressure at dp/dt max" }, { "code": "122201", "display": "Diastolic blood velocity, mean" }, { "code": "122202", "display": "Diastolic blood velocity, peak" }, { "code": "122203", "display": "Systolic blood velocity, mean" }, { "code": "122204", "display": "Systolic blood velocity, peak" }, { "code": "122205", "display": "Blood velocity, mean" }, { "code": "122206", "display": "Blood velocity, minimum" }, { "code": "122207", "display": "Blood velocity, peak" }, { "code": "122208", "display": "x-descent pressure" }, { "code": "122209", "display": "y-descent pressure" }, { "code": "122210", "display": "z-point pressure" }, { "code": "122211", "display": "Left Ventricular ejection time" }, { "code": "122212", "display": "Left Ventricular filling time" }, { "code": "122213", "display": "Right Ventricular ejection time" }, { "code": "122214", "display": "Right Ventricular filling time" }, { "code": "122215", "display": "Total Pulmonary Resistance" }, { "code": "122216", "display": "Total Vascular Resistance" }, { "code": "122217", "display": "Coronary Flow 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"display": "VO2female = BSA (138.1 - 17.04 * loge(age) + 0.378 * HRf)" }, { "code": "122249", "display": "VO2 = VeSTPD * 10 * (FIO2 - FE02)" }, { "code": "122250", "display": "VO2 = 152 * BSA" }, { "code": "122251", "display": "VO2 = 175 * BSA" }, { "code": "122252", "display": "VO2 = 176 * BSA" }, { "code": "122253", "display": "Robertson & Reid table" }, { "code": "122254", "display": "Fleisch table" }, { "code": "122255", "display": "Boothby table" }, { "code": "122256", "display": "if (prem age< 3days) P50 = 19.9" }, { "code": "122257", "display": "if (age < 1day) P50 = 21.6" }, { "code": "122258", "display": "if (age < 30day) P50 = 24.6" }, { "code": "122259", "display": "if (age < 18y) P50 = 27.2" }, { "code": "122260", "display": "if (age < 40y) P50 = 27.4" }, { "code": "122261", "display": "if (age > 60y) P50 = 29.3" }, { "code": "122262", "display": "Area = Flow / 44.5 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])" }, { "code": "122263", "display": "MVA = Flow / 38.0 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])" }, { "code": "122265", "display": "BMI = Wt / Ht ^ 2" }, { "code": "122266", "display": "BSA = 0.007358 * WT ^ 0.425 * HT ^ 0.725" }, { "code": "122267", "display": "BSA = 0.010265 * WT ^ 0.423 * HT ^ 0.651" }, { "code": "122268", "display": "BSA = 0.008883 * WT ^ 0.444 * HT ^ 0.663" }, { "code": "122269", "display": "BSA = 0.038189 * WT ^ 0.423 * HT ^ 0.362" }, { "code": "122270", "display": "BSA = 0.009568 * WT ^ 0.473 * HT ^ 0.655" }, { "code": "122271", "display": "Skin Condition Warm" }, { "code": "122272", "display": "Skin Condition Cool" }, { "code": "122273", "display": "Skin Condition Cold" }, { "code": "122274", "display": "Skin Condition Dry" }, { "code": "122275", "display": "Skin Condition Clammy" }, { "code": "122276", "display": "Skin Condition Diaphoretic" }, { "code": "122277", "display": "Skin Condition Flush" }, { "code": "122278", "display": "Skin Condition Mottled" }, { "code": "122279", "display": "Skin Condition Pale" }, { "code": "122281", "display": "Airway unobstructed" }, { "code": "122282", "display": "Airway partially obstructed" }, { "code": "122283", "display": "Airway severely obstructed" }, { "code": "122288", "display": "Not Visualized" }, { "code": "122291", "display": "Quantitative Arteriography Report" }, { "code": "122292", "display": "Quantitative Ventriculography Report" }, { "code": "122301", "display": "Guidewire crossing lesion unsuccessful" }, { "code": "122302", "display": "Guidewire crossing lesion successful" }, { "code": "122303", "display": "Angioplasty balloon inflated" }, { "code": "122304", "display": "Angioplasty balloon deflated" }, { "code": "122305", "display": "Device deployed" }, { "code": "122306", "display": "Stent re-expanded" }, { "code": "122307", "display": "Object removed" }, { "code": "122308", "display": "Radiation applied" }, { "code": "122309", "display": "Radiation removed" }, { "code": "122310", "display": "Interventional device placement unsuccessful" }, { "code": "122311", "display": 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"VA Compensation and Pension (C and P) examination social/industrial survey" }, { "code": "38986-6", "display": "VA Compensation and Pension (C and P) examination spine" }, { "code": "38987-4", "display": "VA Compensation and Pension (C and P) examination stomach/duodenum/peritoneal adhesions" }, { "code": "38988-2", "display": "VA Compensation and Pension (C and P) examination thyroid/parathyroid diseases" }, { "code": "59283-2", "display": "Well child visit note" }, { "code": "52027-0", "display": "Abortion consent" }, { "code": "24754-4", "display": "Administration of vasodilator into catheter of Vein" }, { "code": "26376-4", "display": "Administration of vasodilator into catheter of Vein - bilateral" }, { "code": "26377-2", "display": "Administration of vasodilator into catheter of Vein - left" }, { "code": "26378-0", "display": "Administration of vasodilator into catheter of Vein - right" }, { "code": "53243-2", "display": "Advanced beneficiary notice" }, { "code": "11485-0", "display": "Anesthesia records" }, { "code": "30649-8", "display": "Peripheral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Additional angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30641-5", "display": "Vein Fluoroscopic angiogram Additional angioplasty W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36760-7", "display": "AV shunt Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast" }, { "code": "36762-3", "display": "Extremity vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast" }, { "code": "69067-7", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast" }, { "code": "24543-1", "display": "Aorta Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24580-3", "display": "Brachiocephalic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26368-1", "display": "Brachiocephalic artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26369-9", "display": "Brachiocephalic artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24614-0", "display": "Carotid artery extracranial Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24615-7", "display": "Carotid artery intracranial Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "35881-2", "display": "Extremity artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24698-3", "display": "Femoral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "36763-1", "display": "Femoral artery and Popliteal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24766-8", "display": "Iliac artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26370-7", "display": "Iliac artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26371-5", "display": "Iliac artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26372-3", "display": "Iliac artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24832-8", "display": "Mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30648-0", "display": "Peripheral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25081-1", "display": "Renal vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25012-6", "display": "Tibial artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26373-1", "display": "Tibial artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26374-9", "display": "Tibial artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26375-6", "display": "Tibial artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "43793-9", "display": "Tibioperoneal arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "43794-7", "display": "Tibioperoneal arteries - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "43795-4", "display": "Tibioperoneal arteries - left Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "43792-1", "display": "Tibioperoneal arteries - right Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25064-7", "display": "Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30836-1", "display": "Visceral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37426-4", "display": "Lower extremity vein Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30640-7", "display": "Vein Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IV" }, { "code": "35882-0", "display": "Inferior vena cava Fluoroscopic angiogram Angioplasty W contrast IV" }, { "code": "52032-0", "display": "Appeal denial letter" }, { "code": "36764-9", "display": "Femoral vessel and Popliteal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast" }, { "code": "69135-2", "display": "Iliac artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast" }, { "code": "69253-3", "display": "Renal vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast" }, { "code": "36765-6", "display": "Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast" }, { "code": "35883-8", "display": "Aorta Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast IA" }, { "code": "36766-4", "display": "Coronary arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24568-8", "display": "AV fistula Fluoroscopic angiogram Atherectomy W contrast IV" }, { "code": "28615-3", "display": "Audiology study" }, { "code": "52065-0", "display": "Automobile liability" }, { "code": "18743-5", "display": "Autopsy report" }, { "code": "36761-5", "display": "Biliary ducts Fluoroscopy Balloon dilatation W contrast" }, { "code": "33720-4", "display": "Blood bank consult" }, { "code": "52041-1", "display": "Blood glucose monitors" }, { "code": "38268-9", "display": "Skeletal system DXA Bone density" }, { "code": "43562-8", "display": "Skeletal system.axial Scan Bone density" }, { "code": "43563-6", "display": "Skeletal system.peripheral Scan Bone density" }, { "code": "48807-2", "display": "Bone marrow aspiration report" }, { "code": "24631-4", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy Central vein catheter placement check" }, { "code": "53242-4", "display": "Charge ticket or encounter form" }, { "code": "54095-5", "display": "Chemotherapy effectiveness panel [Identifier] - Blood or Tissue" }, { "code": "11486-8", "display": "Chemotherapy records" }, { "code": "71428-7", "display": "CMS - history of present illness panel" }, { "code": "71421-2", "display": "CMS - past family - social history panel" }, { "code": "71388-3", "display": "CMS - physical exam panel" }, { "code": "71406-3", "display": "CMS - review of systems panel" }, { "code": "25062-1", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray Comparison view" }, { "code": "24611-6", "display": "Outpatient Consultation 2nd opinion" }, { "code": "60570-9", "display": "Pathology Consult note" }, { "code": "60571-7", "display": "Pathology Consult note.synoptic" }, { "code": "52042-9", "display": "Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)" }, { "code": "25038-1", "display": "Unspecified body region Courtesy consultation" }, { "code": "29751-5", "display": "Critical care records" }, { "code": "50007-4", "display": "Cytology report of Bronchoalveolar lavage Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47523-6", "display": "Cytology report of Body fluid Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47530-1", "display": "Cytology report of Breast ductal lavage Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47521-0", "display": "Cytology report of Breast fine needle aspirate Cyto stain" }, { "code": "50971-1", "display": "Cytology report of Bronchial brush Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47528-5", "display": "Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47527-7", "display": "Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain.thin prep" }, { "code": "47522-8", "display": "Cytology report of Nipple discharge Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47520-2", "display": "Cytology report of Sputum Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47524-4", "display": "Cytology report of Thyroid fine needle aspirate Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47529-3", "display": "Cytology report of Tissue Other stain" }, { "code": "33718-8", "display": "Cytology report of Tissue fine needle aspirate Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47525-1", "display": "Cytology report of Urine Cyto stain" }, { "code": "47526-9", "display": "Cytology report of Unspecified specimen Cyto stain" }, { "code": "52040-3", "display": "Dental X-rays and other images (not DICOM)" }, { "code": "29749-9", "display": "Dialysis records" }, { "code": "28622-9", "display": "Nurse Discharge assessment" }, { "code": "28574-2", "display": "Discharge note" }, { "code": "29761-4", "display": "Dentist Discharge summary" }, { "code": "11490-0", "display": "Physician Discharge summary" }, { "code": "28655-9", "display": "Physician attending Discharge summary" }, { "code": "53245-7", "display": "Driver license image" }, { "code": "53247-3", "display": "Eligibility acknowledgement" }, { "code": "24684-3", "display": "Extracranial vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram Embolectomy W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24887-2", "display": "Pulmonary artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Embolectomy W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24553-0", "display": "Vessel intracranial Fluoroscopic angiogram Embolectomy W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24554-8", "display": "Artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Embolization W contrast IA" }, { "code": "52071-8", "display": "Employee assistance program" }, { "code": "67796-3", "display": "EMS patient care report - version 3.1 Document NEMSIS" }, { "code": "52043-7", "display": "Enteral nutrition" }, { "code": "30600-1", "display": "Small bowel CT Views Enteroclysis W contrast PO via duodenal intubation" }, { "code": "24923-5", "display": "Small bowel Fluoroscopy Views Enteroclysis W contrast PO via duodenal intubation" }, { "code": "52030-4", "display": "Explanation of benefits" }, { "code": "52031-2", "display": "Explanation of benefits to subscriber" }, { "code": "52044-5", "display": "External infusion pump" }, { "code": "29272-2", "display": "Eye ultrasound study" }, { "code": "52064-3", "display": "First report of injury" }, { "code": "57129-9", "display": "Full newborn screening summary report for display or printing" }, { "code": "52045-2", "display": "Gait trainers" }, { "code": "52033-8", "display": "General correspondence" }, { "code": "51969-4", "display": "Genetic analysis summary report in Blood or Tissue Document by Molecular genetics method" }, { "code": "46365-3", "display": "CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Celiac plexus" }, { "code": "44228-5", "display": "CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney" }, { "code": "44156-8", "display": "US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Kidney" }, { "code": "44101-4", "display": "CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Liver" }, { "code": "44155-0", "display": "US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Liver" }, { "code": "58747-7", "display": "CT Guidance for ablation of tissue of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "58743-6", "display": "US Guidance for ablation of tissue of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "35884-6", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Abdomen" }, { "code": "42280-8", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Appendix" }, { "code": "42705-4", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Appendix" }, { "code": "42281-6", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Chest" }, { "code": "42285-7", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Kidney" }, { "code": "44167-5", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Kidney" }, { "code": "42282-4", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Liver" }, { "code": "42133-9", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Liver" }, { "code": "39361-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for abscess drainage of Liver" }, { "code": "69120-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for abscess drainage of Neck" }, { "code": "69122-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for abscess drainage of Pancreas" }, { "code": "42286-5", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Pelvis" }, { "code": "44168-3", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Pelvis" }, { "code": "44169-1", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Peritoneal space" }, { "code": "42284-0", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Pleural space" }, { "code": "69123-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for abscess drainage of Pleural space" }, { "code": "43502-4", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Subphrenic space" }, { "code": "44166-7", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Subphrenic space" }, { "code": "30578-9", "display": "CT Guidance for abscess drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "39451-0", "display": "US Guidance for abscess drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "35885-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for abscess drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "39620-0", "display": "Scan Guidance for abscess localization limited" }, { "code": "39623-4", "display": "Scan Guidance for abscess localization whole body" }, { "code": "39622-6", "display": "SPECT Guidance for abscess localization whole body" }, { "code": "39621-8", "display": "SPECT Guidance for abscess localization" }, { "code": "72533-3", "display": "US Guidance for ambulatory phlebectomy of Extremity vein - left" }, { "code": "72532-5", "display": "US Guidance for ambulatory phlebectomy of Extremity vein - right" }, { "code": "24623-1", "display": "CT Guidance for anesthetic block injection of Celiac plexus" }, { "code": "42688-2", "display": "CT Guidance for anesthetic block injection of Spine" }, { "code": "35886-1", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Breast" }, { "code": "24598-5", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for aspiration of Breast" }, { "code": "43756-6", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Breast" }, { "code": "69278-0", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "69292-1", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Breast - left" }, { "code": "69296-2", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Breast - right" }, { "code": "35888-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of Hip" }, { "code": "24771-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of Joint space" }, { "code": "48434-5", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Kidney" }, { "code": "24811-2", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Liver" }, { "code": "24822-9", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Lung" }, { "code": "69287-1", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Lymph node" }, { "code": "24837-7", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Neck" }, { "code": "39452-8", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Ovary" }, { "code": "24856-7", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Pancreas" }, { "code": "24863-3", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Pelvis" }, { "code": "30703-3", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Pericardial space" }, { "code": "37491-8", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Pleural space" }, { "code": "24662-9", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Pleural space" }, { "code": "37887-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of Pleural space" }, { "code": "24973-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of Spine Lumbar Space" }, { "code": "42134-7", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Thyroid" }, { "code": "25043-1", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30878-3", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "36926-4", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration and placement of drainage tube of Abdomen" }, { "code": "37210-2", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Abdomen" }, { "code": "69306-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Bone" }, { "code": "24594-4", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast" }, { "code": "69192-3", "display": "MRI Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast" }, { "code": "30653-0", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast" }, { "code": "26343-4", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "38012-1", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26344-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - left" }, { "code": "42450-7", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26345-9", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - right" }, { "code": "42458-0", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Breast - right" }, { "code": "38126-9", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Kidney" }, { "code": "69121-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Ovary" }, { "code": "38133-5", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Pancreas" }, { "code": "42447-3", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Thyroid" }, { "code": "35887-9", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30698-5", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "24671-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for aspiration of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25042-3", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration or biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25041-5", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration or biopsy of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46281-2", "display": "CT Guidance for aspiration or injection of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "46282-0", "display": "US Guidance for aspiration or injection of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30602-7", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Abdomen" }, { "code": "44107-1", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Abdomen retroperitoneum" }, { "code": "44108-9", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Adrenal gland" }, { "code": "46387-7", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast" }, { "code": "44160-0", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast" }, { "code": "46284-6", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast - left" }, { "code": "38026-1", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast - left" }, { "code": "46283-8", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast - right" }, { "code": "38033-7", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Breast - right" }, { "code": "38135-0", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Deep tissue" }, { "code": "44221-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Deep tissue" }, { "code": "43757-4", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney" }, { "code": "44159-2", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney" }, { "code": "44217-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney" }, { "code": "30608-4", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "30603-5", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver" }, { "code": "44158-4", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver" }, { "code": "44220-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Liver" }, { "code": "30595-3", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Lung" }, { "code": "44103-0", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Lymph node" }, { "code": "44219-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Lymph node" }, { "code": "44104-8", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Mediastinum" }, { "code": "44105-5", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Muscle" }, { "code": "30605-0", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas" }, { "code": "44157-6", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas" }, { "code": "44218-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pancreas" }, { "code": "30606-8", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Pelvis" }, { "code": "44106-3", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Prostate" }, { "code": "38017-0", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Prostate" }, { "code": "30610-0", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Spleen" }, { "code": "38136-8", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Superficial tissue" }, { "code": "69124-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Superficial tissue" }, { "code": "38019-6", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Thyroid" }, { "code": "44216-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Thyroid" }, { "code": "30580-5", "display": "CT Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "38018-8", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "44215-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for fine needle aspiration of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "24755-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for atherectomy of Vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26298-0", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26299-8", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - left-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26300-4", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for atherectomy of Vein - right-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30601-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "37913-1", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "35890-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "44117-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen retroperitoneum" }, { "code": "44162-6", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen retroperitoneum" }, { "code": "36767-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Adrenal gland" }, { "code": "35891-1", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Bone" }, { "code": "69076-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Bone" }, { "code": "37211-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Bone marrow" }, { "code": "35893-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "24602-5", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "37914-9", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "26337-6", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for biopsy of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "69169-1", "display": "MRI Guidance for biopsy of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "37912-3", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26338-4", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "69203-8", "display": "MRI Guidance for biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "42449-9", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26339-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "69213-7", "display": "MRI Guidance for biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "42457-2", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "35895-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Chest" }, { "code": "37915-6", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Chest" }, { "code": "35894-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Chest" }, { "code": "37492-6", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Chest.pleura" }, { "code": "42333-5", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Chest.pleura" }, { "code": "43567-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Deep bone" }, { "code": "43565-1", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Deep bone" }, { "code": "44109-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Deep muscle" }, { "code": "42463-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Endomyocardium" }, { "code": "37212-8", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Epididymis" }, { "code": "69387-9", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Epididymis" }, { "code": "36927-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Facial bones and Maxilla" }, { "code": "35892-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Head" }, { "code": "42136-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Heart" }, { "code": "42279-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney" }, { "code": "24772-6", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney" }, { "code": "35899-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Kidney" }, { "code": "38766-2", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney transplant" }, { "code": "30607-6", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "26340-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "26341-8", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - left" }, { "code": "26342-6", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Kidney - right" }, { "code": "24812-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "24816-1", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "35900-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "38765-4", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Liver transplant" }, { "code": "35896-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Lower extremity" }, { "code": "24823-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Lung" }, { "code": "44161-8", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Lung" }, { "code": "30634-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Lung" }, { "code": "35901-8", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Lymph node" }, { "code": "39522-8", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Lymph node" }, { "code": "37213-6", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Mediastinum" }, { "code": "42137-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Mediastinum" }, { "code": "36768-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "37917-2", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "24838-5", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Neck" }, { "code": "37918-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Neck" }, { "code": "30604-3", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "37919-8", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "35902-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "24864-1", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Pelvis" }, { "code": "69074-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Pelvis" }, { "code": "35903-4", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Prostate" }, { "code": "24883-1", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Prostate" }, { "code": "41802-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Prostate" }, { "code": "35898-6", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "37920-6", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "69075-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "38132-7", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Scrotum and Testicle" }, { "code": "69396-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Spinal cord" }, { "code": "24986-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Spine" }, { "code": "35904-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "35905-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "35906-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "30609-2", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Spleen" }, { "code": "35907-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Spleen" }, { "code": "42265-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Superficial bone" }, { "code": "42135-4", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Superficial bone" }, { "code": "38154-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Superficial bone" }, { "code": "43797-0", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Superficial lymph node" }, { "code": "43564-4", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Superficial muscle" }, { "code": "37214-4", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Superficial tissue" }, { "code": "35908-3", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "25009-2", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "35897-8", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Upper extremity" }, { "code": "25044-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25059-7", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25069-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "24670-2", "display": "US Guidance for biopsy of cyst of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30651-4", "display": "US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "24813-8", "display": "CT Guidance for core needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "69279-8", "display": "US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Lymph node" }, { "code": "46285-3", "display": "US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "38024-6", "display": "US Guidance for core needle biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "69073-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for core needle biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "42448-1", "display": "US Guidance for excisional biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "30652-2", "display": "US Guidance for fine needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "42288-1", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "69224-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "46367-9", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Adrenal gland" }, { "code": "46368-7", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "46286-1", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "38028-7", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "41803-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "43462-1", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "43447-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "69290-5", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "38029-5", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Chest" }, { "code": "69225-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Chest" }, { "code": "69099-0", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Chest.pleura" }, { "code": "44171-7", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Chest.pleura" }, { "code": "69127-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Chest.pleura" }, { "code": "43568-5", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Deep bone" }, { "code": "42289-9", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Kidney" }, { "code": "38027-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "69097-4", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "69197-2", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "44170-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "69125-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "42267-5", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Lymph node" }, { "code": "37916-4", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Lymph node" }, { "code": "69098-2", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "69198-0", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "69288-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "69226-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "46369-5", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Ovary" }, { "code": "42290-7", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "69199-8", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "69289-7", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "69126-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Pancreas" }, { "code": "46370-3", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Pelvis" }, { "code": "69200-4", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Pleura" }, { "code": "69227-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Pleura" }, { "code": "46288-7", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Prostate" }, { "code": "69228-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Prostate" }, { "code": "69100-6", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "69201-2", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "69291-3", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "69128-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "43571-9", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Soft bone" }, { "code": "69401-8", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Spinal cord" }, { "code": "38030-3", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Spleen" }, { "code": "42266-7", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Superficial bone" }, { "code": "69101-4", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "69202-0", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "38031-1", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "69129-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Thyroid" }, { "code": "46287-9", "display": "CT Guidance for needle biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30700-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle biopsy of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "44225-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle biopsy of Liver-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24718-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for transjugular biopsy of Liver-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "35910-9", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Chest-- W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46289-5", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "35909-1", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Chest-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69093-3", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Pelvis-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42260-0", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46366-1", "display": "SPECT Guidance for biopsy of Bone" }, { "code": "46384-4", "display": "SPECT Guidance for biopsy of Superficial bone" }, { "code": "69083-4", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Abdomen-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "35911-7", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Chest-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "69092-5", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Liver-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "69094-1", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Pelvis-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "46290-3", "display": "CT Guidance for biopsy of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "35889-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for bronchoscopy of Chest" }, { "code": "64998-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for catheterization of Fallopian tube - left-- transcervical" }, { "code": "64999-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for catheterization of Fallopian tube -right-- transcervical" }, { "code": "30818-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for catheterization of Fallopian tubes-- transcervical" }, { "code": "30892-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for catheterization of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "24624-9", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for change of central catheter in Central vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26331-9", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for change of central catheter in Central vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26332-7", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for change of central catheter in Central vein - left-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26333-5", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for change of central catheter in Central vein - right-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43558-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for change of dialysis catheter in Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36769-8", "display": "CT Guidance for change of nephrostomy tube in Kidney" }, { "code": "24781-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for change of percutaneous nephrostomy tube in Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast" }, { "code": "46371-1", "display": "X-ray Guidance for change of percutaneous tube in Unspecified body region-- W contrast" }, { "code": "30646-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for change of tube in Sinus tract-- W contrast" }, { "code": "69400-0", "display": "US Guidance for chorionic villus sampling" }, { "code": "69391-1", "display": "US Guidance for cordocentesis" }, { "code": "38127-7", "display": "US Guidance for CSF aspiration of Spine" }, { "code": "70915-4", "display": "US Guidance for CSF aspiration of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "70916-2", "display": "US Guidance for CSF aspiration of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "70917-0", "display": "US Guidance for CSF aspiration of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "24680-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for dilation of Esophagus" }, { "code": "35913-3", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Abdomen" }, { "code": "42287-3", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Abdomen retroperitoneum" }, { "code": "41809-5", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Abdomen retroperitoneum" }, { "code": "35914-1", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Anus" }, { "code": "35915-8", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Appendix" }, { "code": "36770-6", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Biliary ducts and Gallbladder" }, { "code": "35916-6", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Chest" }, { "code": "69078-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for drainage of Chest" }, { "code": "24692-6", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Extremity" }, { "code": "26325-1", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Extremity - bilateral" }, { "code": "26326-9", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Extremity - left" }, { "code": "26327-7", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Extremity - right" }, { "code": "35917-4", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Gallbladder" }, { "code": "69133-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for drainage of Hip" }, { "code": "35918-2", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Kidney" }, { "code": "24896-3", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Kidney" }, { "code": "26328-5", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "26329-3", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Kidney - left" }, { "code": "26330-1", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Kidney - right" }, { "code": "35919-0", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Liver" }, { "code": "35920-8", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Lymph node" }, { "code": "42283-2", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Pancreas" }, { "code": "44172-5", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Pancreas" }, { "code": "35921-6", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Pelvis" }, { "code": "24868-2", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Pelvis" }, { "code": "41800-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for drainage of Pharynx" }, { "code": "41798-0", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Prostate" }, { "code": "35922-4", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30699-3", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "43537-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "42478-8", "display": "US Guidance for drainage of cyst of Kidney" }, { "code": "46291-1", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region-- W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "35923-2", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Chest-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46292-9", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "35924-0", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Chest-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "46293-7", "display": "CT Guidance for drainage of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "35925-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Stomach" }, { "code": "43478-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 1.5 hours post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "43474-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 15 minutes post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "43477-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 1 hour post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "43473-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 2 hours post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "43475-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 30 minutes post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "43476-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- 45 minutes post contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "72248-8", "display": "Abdomen MRCP with and without contrast IV" }, { "code": "44214-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts-- W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "30815-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "44213-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for endoscopy of Pancreatic duct-- W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "58740-2", "display": "Abdomen MRCP WO contrast" }, { "code": "72541-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for facet joint denervation of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "72542-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for facet joint denervation of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "72540-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for facet joint denervation of Spine" }, { "code": "35926-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for gastrostomy of Stomach" }, { "code": "30638-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Hip" }, { "code": "24769-2", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Joint space" }, { "code": "42334-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Mammary artery.internal - left" }, { "code": "42706-2", "display": "US Guidance for injection of Pleural space" }, { "code": "24901-1", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Sacroiliac Joint" }, { "code": "35927-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Sacroiliac Joint" }, { "code": "26319-4", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Sacroiliac joint - bilateral" }, { "code": "26320-2", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Sacroiliac joint - left" }, { "code": "26321-0", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Sacroiliac joint - right" }, { "code": "48435-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Salivary gland - bilateral" }, { "code": "46392-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Sinuses" }, { "code": "37427-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine" }, { "code": "30579-7", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint" }, { "code": "24931-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint" }, { "code": "26322-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - bilateral" }, { "code": "26323-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - left" }, { "code": "26324-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine facet joint - right" }, { "code": "70918-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "30812-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Cervical Facet Joint" }, { "code": "37493-4", "display": "CT Guidance for injection of Spine.disc.cervical" }, { "code": "70919-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "30817-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Lumbar Facet Joint" }, { "code": "70920-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "30814-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Spine Thoracic Facet Joint" }, { "code": "30702-5", "display": "US Guidance for injection of Thyroid" }, { "code": "72530-9", "display": "US Guidance for injection of Joint" }, { "code": "36771-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Joint" }, { "code": "37494-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for injection of Tendon" }, { "code": "72537-4", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity vein - bilateral" }, { "code": "72645-5", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity vein - left" }, { "code": "72644-8", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity vein - right" }, { "code": "72536-6", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity veins - bilateral" }, { "code": "72643-0", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity veins - left" }, { "code": "72642-2", "display": "US Guidance for injection of sclerosing agent of Extremity veins - right" }, { "code": "72543-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for intercostal nerve devervation of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "72552-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for kyphoplasty of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "72553-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for kyphoplasty of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "72535-8", "display": "US Guidance for laser ablation of vein(s) of Extremity vein - left" }, { "code": "72534-1", "display": "US Guidance for laser ablation of vein(s) of Extremity vein - right" }, { "code": "48735-5", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for localization of Breast" }, { "code": "43759-0", "display": "US Guidance for localization of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "35928-1", "display": "CT Guidance for localization of Breast - left" }, { "code": "42296-4", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for localization of Breast - left" }, { "code": "43758-2", "display": "US Guidance for localization of Breast - left" }, { "code": "35929-9", "display": "CT Guidance for localization of Breast - right" }, { "code": "42297-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for localization of Breast - right" }, { "code": "43760-8", "display": "US Guidance for localization of Breast - right" }, { "code": "37608-7", "display": "US Guidance for localization of foreign body of Eye" }, { "code": "42701-3", "display": "CT Guidance for localization of placenta of Uterus" }, { "code": "39760-4", "display": "Scan Guidance for localization of tumor limited" }, { "code": "39759-6", "display": "SPECT Guidance for localization of tumor limited" }, { "code": "39761-2", "display": "Scan Guidance for localization of tumor limited-- W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39953-5", "display": "Scan Guidance for localization of tumor multiple areas" }, { "code": "39763-8", "display": "Scan Guidance for localization of tumor" }, { "code": "39762-0", "display": "SPECT Guidance for localization of tumor" }, { "code": "39758-8", "display": "Scan Guidance for localization of tumor of Breast" }, { "code": "44110-5", "display": "CT Guidance for needle localization of Breast" }, { "code": "24600-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Breast" }, { "code": "69068-5", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle localization of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26313-7", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26314-5", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26318-6", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Breast - right" }, { "code": "37921-4", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Chest" }, { "code": "42021-6", "display": "CT Guidance for needle localization of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "42020-8", "display": "CT Guidance for needle localization of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "39026-0", "display": "CT Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "39028-6", "display": "MRI Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "38032-9", "display": "US Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "39027-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for needle localization of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "24595-1", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle localization of mass of Breast" }, { "code": "26315-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle localization of mass of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26316-0", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle localization of mass of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26317-8", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for needle localization of mass of Breast - right" }, { "code": "44118-8", "display": "CT Guidance for needle localization of Breast-- W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "35930-7", "display": "CT Guidance for nerve block of Abdomen" }, { "code": "35931-5", "display": "CT Guidance for nerve block of Pelvis" }, { "code": "70921-2", "display": "CT Guidance for nerve block of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "35932-3", "display": "CT Guidance for nerve block of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "70922-0", "display": "CT Guidance for nerve block of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "69240-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Abdomen" }, { "code": "42139-6", "display": "US Guidance for percutaneous biopsy of Muscle" }, { "code": "24609-0", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "26334-3", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26335-0", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "38023-8", "display": "US Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26336-8", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "38025-3", "display": "US Guidance for core needle percutaneous biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "44121-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for percutaneous needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "69245-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous needle biopsy of Kidney" }, { "code": "69246-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous needle biopsy of Liver" }, { "code": "44204-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous needle biopsy of Lung" }, { "code": "69247-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous needle biopsy of Salivary gland" }, { "code": "46372-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of Biliary ducts" }, { "code": "62494-0", "display": "US Guidance for percutaneous drainage of Cavity" }, { "code": "24621-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of Cavity" }, { "code": "69241-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Abdomen" }, { "code": "69242-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Appendix" }, { "code": "42422-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Breast" }, { "code": "43444-9", "display": "CT Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Cavity" }, { "code": "42423-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Chest" }, { "code": "69243-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Lung" }, { "code": "44223-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Ovary" }, { "code": "69244-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Pelvis" }, { "code": "42421-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "35933-1", "display": "CT Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine" }, { "code": "35936-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine" }, { "code": "70923-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine Cervical" }, { "code": "35934-9", "display": "CT Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "70924-6", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine Lumbar" }, { "code": "35935-6", "display": "CT Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "70925-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for percutaneous vertebroplasty of Spine Thoracic" }, { "code": "72539-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for peripheral nerve denervation of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30643-1", "display": "US Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein" }, { "code": "35912-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of catheter in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25028-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter for adminstration of thrombolytic in Vessel" }, { "code": "25029-0", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter for vasoconstrictor infusion in Vessels" }, { "code": "24613-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in artery in Central cardiovascular artery" }, { "code": "30644-9", "display": "US Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein-- Tunneled" }, { "code": "25077-9", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Hepatic artery-- W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24625-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26310-3", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26311-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein - left-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26312-9", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Central vein - right-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "41801-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of catheter in Portal vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24716-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of decompression tube in Gastrointestine" }, { "code": "62491-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of ilio-iliac tube endoprosthesis in Iliac artery - left-- W contrast IA" }, { "code": "62492-4", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of ilio-iliac tube endoprosthesis in Iliac artery - right-- W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25072-0", "display": "Guidance for placement of infusion port in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "62450-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of intraperitoneal catheter in Abdomen" }, { "code": "25026-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of IVC filter in Inferior vena cava-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25027-4", "display": "Guidance for placement of large bore catheter into vessel in Central vein" }, { "code": "26307-9", "display": "Guidance for placement of large bore catheter into vessel in Central vein - bilateral" }, { "code": "26308-7", "display": "Guidance for placement of large bore catheter into vessel in Central vein - left" }, { "code": "26309-5", "display": "Guidance for placement of large bore catheter into vessel in Central vein - right" }, { "code": "25024-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of longterm peripheral catheter in Central vein" }, { "code": "26304-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of longterm peripheral catheter in Central vein - bilateral" }, { "code": "26305-3", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of longterm peripheral catheter in Central vein - left" }, { "code": "26306-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of longterm peripheral catheter in Central vein - right" }, { "code": "64993-9", "display": "US Guidance for placement of needle in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "42456-4", "display": "US Guidance for placement of needle wire in Breast" }, { "code": "36772-2", "display": "CT Guidance for placement of nephrostomy tube in Kidney" }, { "code": "24779-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of percutaneous nephrostomy in Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast via tube" }, { "code": "24782-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of percutaneous nephroureteral stent in Kidney - bilateral" }, { "code": "35937-2", "display": "CT Guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "43487-8", "display": "US Guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "65797-3", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Artery - left" }, { "code": "65798-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Artery - right" }, { "code": "69134-5", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Iliac artery" }, { "code": "25078-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of stent in Intrahepatic portal system" }, { "code": "24756-9", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Vein" }, { "code": "26301-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - bilateral" }, { "code": "26302-0", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - left" }, { "code": "26303-8", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Vein - right" }, { "code": "24555-5", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of stent in Artery" }, { "code": "51391-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for placement of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in Portal vein and Hepatic vein" }, { "code": "35938-0", "display": "CT Guidance for placement of tube in Chest" }, { "code": "42140-4", "display": "US Guidance for placement of tube in Chest" }, { "code": "39362-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of tube in Chest" }, { "code": "30637-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of tube in Gastrointestine" }, { "code": "41799-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of tube in Liver" }, { "code": "24995-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of tube in Stomach" }, { "code": "44224-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for placement of tube in Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "46373-7", "display": "SPECT Guidance for placement of tube in Chest" }, { "code": "44102-2", "display": "CT Guidance for procedure of Joint space" }, { "code": "44222-8", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for procedure of Joint space" }, { "code": "30629-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for procedure of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "30581-3", "display": "CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30664-7", "display": "MRI Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30582-1", "display": "CT Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "30665-4", "display": "MRI Guidance for radiation treatment of Unspecified body region-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "25053-0", "display": "CT Guidance for radiosurgery of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "25054-8", "display": "CT Guidance for radiosurgery of Unspecified body region-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24537-3", "display": "US Guidance for removal of amniotic fluid from Uterus" }, { "code": "42141-2", "display": "US Guidance for removal of catheter from Central vein-- Tunneled" }, { "code": "72549-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for removal of catheter from Central vein-- Tunneled" }, { "code": "72548-1", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for removal of catheter from Central vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72547-3", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for removal of CVA device obstruction from Central vein" }, { "code": "72546-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for removal of CVA lumen obstruction from Central vein" }, { "code": "41810-3", "display": "CT Guidance for removal of fluid from Abdomen" }, { "code": "24559-7", "display": "US Guidance for removal of fluid from Abdomen" }, { "code": "38142-6", "display": "US Guidance for removal of fluid from Chest" }, { "code": "30628-2", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for removal of foreign body from Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "72538-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for removal of longterm peripheral catheter from Central vein" }, { "code": "72544-0", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for removal of percutaneous nephrostomy tube from Kidney - bilateral-- W contrast" }, { "code": "24885-6", "display": "US Guidance for repair of Pseudoaneurysm/AV fistula" }, { "code": "72550-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for repair of CVA catheter with port or pump of Central vein" }, { "code": "72551-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for repair of CVA catheter without port or pump of Central vein" }, { "code": "42017-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for replacement of percutaneous cholecystostomy in Abdomen" }, { "code": "52790-3", "display": "CT Guidance for replacement of percutaneous drainage tube in Abdomen" }, { "code": "72545-7", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for replacement of percutaneous drainage tube in Biliary ducts and Gallbladder" }, { "code": "52791-1", "display": "CT Guidance for replacement of percutaneous drainage tube in Pelvis" }, { "code": "46294-5", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for replacement of percutaneous drainage tube in Stomach" }, { "code": "24996-1", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for replacement of percutaneous gastrostomy in Stomach" }, { "code": "24626-4", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for reposition of catheter in Central vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26295-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for reposition of catheter in Central vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26296-4", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for reposition of catheter in Central vein - left-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26297-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for reposition of catheter in Central vein - right-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48740-5", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection of Breast" }, { "code": "48736-3", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection of Breast - left" }, { "code": "48739-7", "display": "Mammogram Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection of Breast - right" }, { "code": "24570-4", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for stone removal of Biliary duct common-- W contrast intra biliary duct" }, { "code": "43763-2", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43761-6", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - bilateral-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43762-4", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - left-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43764-0", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for thrombectomy of Vein - right-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72554-9", "display": "Fluoroscopy Guidance for trigger point injection of Muscle" }, { "code": "39138-3", "display": "Fluoroscopic angiogram Guidance for vascular access of Vessel" }, { "code": "39139-1", "display": "US Guidance for vascular access of Unspecified body region" }, { "code": "36936-3", "display": "MRI Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Brain" }, { "code": "24603-3", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "26292-3", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Breast - bilateral" }, { "code": "26293-1", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "26294-9", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "36928-0", "display": "CT Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Head" }, { "code": "46296-0", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for core needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "46295-2", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for core needle biopsy of Breast - left" }, { "code": "42433-3", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for core needle biopsy of Breast - right" }, { "code": "69160-0", "display": "Mammogram Guidance.stereotactic for needle biopsy of Breast" }, { "code": "24585-2", "display": "CT Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Head-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36929-8", "display": "CT Guidance.stereotactic for biopsy of Head-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "44122-0", "display": "MRI Guidance.stereotactic for localization in Brain-- W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30656-3", "display": "MRI Guidance.stereotactic for localization in Brain-- W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30800-7", "display": "MRI Guidance.stereotactic for localization in Brain-- WO contrast" }, { "code": "28632-8", "display": "Heterophoria study" }, { "code": "46264-8", "display": "History of medical device use" }, { "code": "47519-4", "display": "History of Procedures Document" }, { "code": "47245-6", "display": "HIV treatment form Document" }, { "code": "52035-3", "display": "Home health claims" }, { "code": "52036-1", "display": "Home health prior authorization" }, { "code": "52046-0", "display": "Hospital beds" }, { "code": "18841-7", "display": "Hospital consultations Document" }, { "code": "52028-8", "display": "Hysterectomy consent" }, { "code": "24655-3", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy Image intensifier during surgery" }, { "code": "52047-8", "display": "Immunosuppressive drugs" }, { "code": "65806-2", "display": "Inhalation challenge test report Document --W methacholine inhaled" }, { "code": "11500-6", "display": "Occupational therapy Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "11495-9", "display": "Physical therapy Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "11494-2", "display": "Physician Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "11496-7", "display": "Podiatry Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "11497-5", "display": "Psychology Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "11498-3", "display": "Social work Initial assessment note at First encounter" }, { "code": "28572-6", "display": "Dentist Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "28621-1", "display": "Nurse practitioner Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "29753-1", "display": "Nurse Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18734-4", "display": "Occupational therapy Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18735-1", "display": "Physical therapy Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18736-9", "display": "Physician Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "28654-2", "display": "Physician attending Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18763-3", "display": "Physician consulting Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18737-7", "display": "Podiatry Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "28635-1", "display": "Psychiatry Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18738-5", "display": "Psychology Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "18739-3", "display": "Social work Initial assessment note" }, { "code": "46214-3", "display": "Intracardiac ablation study" }, { "code": "15508-5", "display": "Labor and delivery records" }, { "code": "11502-2", "display": "Laboratory report" }, { "code": "24717-1", "display": "Ileal conduit X-ray Loopogram" }, { "code": "52048-6", "display": "Lymphedema pumps" }, { "code": "52049-4", "display": "Manual wheelchair" }, { "code": "55186-1", "display": "Measure Document" }, { "code": "55185-3", "display": "Measure set Document" }, { "code": "11503-0", "display": "Medical records" }, { "code": "52037-9", "display": "Member ID card copy" }, { "code": "24672-8", "display": "Diaphragm US Motion" }, { "code": "30632-4", "display": "Diaphragm Fluoroscopy Motion" }, { "code": "52050-2", "display": "Motorized wheelchair" }, { "code": "35990-1", "display": "Fetal MRI" }, { "code": "41806-1", "display": "Abdomen CT" }, { "code": "24556-3", "display": "Abdomen MRI" }, { "code": "24558-9", "display": "Abdomen US" }, { "code": "30762-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "24566-2", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum CT" }, { "code": "24531-6", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum US" }, { "code": "24532-4", "display": "Abdomen RUQ US" }, { "code": "44115-4", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis CT" }, { "code": "36781-3", "display": "Abdominal veins MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "30864-3", "display": "Abdominal veins and IVC MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36791-2", "display": "Abdominal vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "24534-0", "display": "Abdominal vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "39494-0", "display": "Abdominal wall US" }, { "code": "36930-6", "display": "Adrenal gland CT" }, { "code": "36931-4", "display": "Adrenal gland MRI" }, { "code": "69277-2", "display": "Adrenal gland US" }, { "code": "36792-0", "display": "Adrenal vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "35940-6", "display": "Ankle CT" }, { "code": "24538-1", "display": "Ankle MRI" }, { "code": "35939-8", "display": "Ankle X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "35941-4", "display": "Ankle - bilateral CT" }, { "code": "26208-9", "display": "Ankle - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "35942-2", "display": "Ankle - left CT" }, { "code": "26209-7", "display": "Ankle - left MRI" }, { "code": "35943-0", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "35944-8", "display": "Ankle - right CT" }, { "code": "26210-5", "display": "Ankle - right MRI" }, { "code": "37674-9", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37222-7", "display": "Ankle and Foot MRI" }, { "code": "24542-3", "display": "Anus US" }, { "code": "35945-5", "display": "Aorta CT" }, { "code": "35947-1", "display": "Aorta MRI" }, { "code": "35946-3", "display": "Aorta MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "24547-2", "display": "Aorta US" }, { "code": "46388-5", "display": "Aorta US.doppler" }, { "code": "35948-9", "display": "Aorta abdominal CT" }, { "code": "35949-7", "display": "Aorta abdominal MRI" }, { "code": "69276-4", "display": "Aorta abdominal US" }, { "code": "37216-9", "display": "Aorta.endograft CT" }, { "code": "24544-9", "display": "Aorta thoracic CT" }, { "code": "35950-5", "display": "Aorta thoracic MRI" }, { "code": "24660-3", "display": "Aorta thoracic MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "30863-5", "display": "Abdominal Aorta and Arteries MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "35951-3", "display": "Aortic arch MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "30861-9", "display": "Aortic arch and Neck vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "35952-1", "display": "Appendix CT" }, { "code": "24548-0", "display": "Appendix US" }, { "code": "39040-1", "display": "AV fistula US" }, { "code": "43508-1", "display": "Axilla - left MRI" }, { "code": "72529-1", "display": "Axilla - left US" }, { "code": "43510-7", "display": "Axilla - right MRI" }, { "code": "72528-3", "display": "Axilla - right US" }, { "code": "37219-3", "display": "Biliary ducts MRI" }, { "code": "38021-2", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder US" }, { "code": "37220-1", "display": "Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct MRI" }, { "code": "39039-3", "display": "Brachiocephalic artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "24590-2", "display": "Brain MRI" }, { "code": "58748-5", "display": "Brain Functional MRI" }, { "code": "44138-6", "display": "Brain PET" }, { "code": "37217-7", "display": "Brain Stem and Nerves.cranial MRI" }, { "code": "37218-5", "display": "Brain.temporal MRI" }, { "code": "43772-3", "display": "Brain and Internal auditory canal MRI" }, { "code": "42385-5", "display": "Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI" }, { "code": "30794-2", "display": "Breast MRI" }, { "code": "24601-7", "display": "Breast US" }, { "code": "69165-9", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "38057-6", "display": "Breast implant - left MRI" }, { "code": "38058-4", "display": "Breast implant - right MRI" }, { "code": "24596-9", "display": "Breast specimen US" }, { "code": "69397-8", "display": "Breast vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "30795-9", "display": "Breast - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "26214-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral US" }, { "code": "35954-7", "display": "Breast - left MRI" }, { "code": "26215-4", "display": "Breast - left US" }, { "code": "35955-4", "display": "Breast - right MRI" }, { "code": "26216-2", "display": "Breast - right US" }, { "code": "46299-4", "display": "Breast - unilateral MRI" }, { "code": "36010-7", "display": "Calcaneus CT" }, { "code": "36011-5", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "24616-5", "display": "Carotid artery US" }, { "code": "42146-1", "display": "Carotid artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "26217-0", "display": "Carotid artery - bilateral US" }, { "code": "43765-7", "display": "Carotid artery - bilateral US.doppler" }, { "code": "26218-8", "display": "Carotid artery - left US" }, { "code": "39427-0", "display": "Carotid artery - left US.doppler" }, { "code": "26219-6", "display": "Carotid artery - right US" }, { "code": "39437-9", "display": "Carotid artery - right US.doppler" }, { "code": "43552-9", "display": "Carotid artery - unilateral US" }, { "code": "36793-8", "display": "Carotid vessel MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "30859-3", "display": "Carotid vessels and Neck Vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "30865-0", "display": "Celiac vessels and Superior mesenteric Vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "46374-5", "display": "Cerebral artery US" }, { "code": "24627-2", "display": "Chest CT" }, { "code": 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"display": "Popliteal space US" }, { "code": "26262-6", "display": "Popliteal space - bilateral US" }, { "code": "26263-4", "display": "Popliteal space - left US" }, { "code": "26264-2", "display": "Popliteal space - right US" }, { "code": "36077-6", "display": "Portal vein MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "69284-8", "display": "Portal vein and Hepatic vein US.doppler" }, { "code": "36055-2", "display": "Posterior fossa CT" }, { "code": "36056-0", "display": "Posterior fossa MRI" }, { "code": "36057-8", "display": "Prostate CT" }, { "code": "30675-3", "display": "Prostate MRI" }, { "code": "24884-9", "display": "Prostate US" }, { "code": "43445-6", "display": "Pulmonary system CT" }, { "code": "43454-8", "display": "Pulmonary system MRI" }, { "code": "36803-5", "display": "Pulmonary vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "24892-2", "display": "Rectum US" }, { "code": "69294-7", "display": "Renal artery US" }, { "code": "39435-3", "display": "Renal artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "36078-4", 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"Scapula MRI" }, { "code": "36073-5", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle MRI" }, { "code": "25002-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle US" }, { "code": "48742-1", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle US.doppler" }, { "code": "26271-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - bilateral US" }, { "code": "26272-5", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - left US" }, { "code": "26273-3", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - right US" }, { "code": "42437-4", "display": "Sella turcica X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "36062-8", "display": "Shoulder CT" }, { "code": "24905-2", "display": "Shoulder MRI" }, { "code": "24907-8", "display": "Shoulder US" }, { "code": "37850-5", "display": "Shoulder X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "36805-0", "display": "Shoulder vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36806-8", "display": "Shoulder vessels - left MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36807-6", "display": "Shoulder vessels - right MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36063-6", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral CT" }, { "code": "26266-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "26265-9", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral US" }, { "code": "36064-4", "display": "Shoulder - left CT" }, { "code": "26268-3", "display": "Shoulder - left MRI" }, { "code": "26267-5", "display": "Shoulder - left US" }, { "code": "36065-1", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "36066-9", "display": "Shoulder - right CT" }, { "code": "26270-9", "display": "Shoulder - right MRI" }, { "code": "26269-1", "display": "Shoulder - right US" }, { "code": "37811-7", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "30588-8", "display": "Sinuses CT" }, { "code": "24914-4", "display": "Sinuses MRI" }, { "code": "37866-1", "display": "Sinuses X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37874-5", "display": "Skull X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37495-9", "display": "Skull.base CT" }, { "code": "28566-8", "display": "Spine CT" }, { "code": "36067-7", "display": "Spine MRI" }, { "code": "24926-8", "display": "Spine US" }, { "code": "37497-5", "display": "Spine vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "24932-6", "display": "Spine Cervical CT" }, { "code": "24935-9", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI" }, { "code": "70926-1", "display": "Spine Cervical US" }, { "code": "36068-5", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "43457-1", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic MRI" }, { "code": "42698-1", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar MRI" }, { "code": "24963-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT" }, { "code": "24968-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI" }, { "code": "69393-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar US" }, { "code": "36069-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37232-6", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction CT" }, { "code": "24978-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT" }, { "code": "24980-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI" }, { "code": "70927-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic US" }, { "code": "37911-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "49565-5", "display": "Thoracic Spine vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "24988-8", "display": "Spleen CT" }, { "code": "36070-1", "display": "Spleen MRI" }, { "code": "24990-4", "display": "Spleen US" }, { "code": "37225-0", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint CT" }, { "code": "36071-9", "display": "Sternum CT" }, { "code": "36072-7", "display": "Sternum MRI" }, { "code": "37885-1", "display": "Sternum X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "36782-1", "display": "Subclavian artery MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "38131-9", "display": "Subclavian vessels - bilateral US" }, { "code": "46359-6", "display": "Superior mesenteric vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "44235-0", "display": "Superior mesenteric vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "42468-9", "display": "Surgical specimen US" }, { "code": "38059-2", "display": "Talus CT" }, { "code": "36773-0", "display": "Temporal bone CT" }, { "code": "37226-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint CT" }, { "code": "24999-5", "display": "Temporomandibular joint MRI" }, { "code": "30719-9", "display": "Temporomandibular joint X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37228-4", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "37227-6", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37230-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left MRI" }, { "code": "37229-2", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37231-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right MRI" }, { "code": "37819-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "39446-0", "display": "Testicle vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "24702-3", "display": "Thigh MRI" }, { "code": "26235-2", "display": "Thigh - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "26236-0", "display": "Thigh - left MRI" }, { "code": "26237-8", "display": "Thigh - right MRI" }, { "code": "36054-5", "display": "Thoracic outlet CT" }, { "code": "24582-9", "display": "Thoracic outlet MRI" }, { "code": "44163-4", "display": "Thoracic outlet US" }, { "code": "26211-3", "display": "Thoracic outlet - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "26212-1", "display": "Thoracic outlet - left MRI" }, { "code": "26213-9", "display": "Thoracic outlet - right MRI" }, { "code": "43507-3", "display": "Thymus gland MRI" }, { "code": "42300-4", "display": "Thyroid MRI" }, { "code": "25010-0", "display": "Thyroid US" }, { "code": "37898-4", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "30888-2", "display": "Tibioperoneal vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36780-5", "display": "Toe MRI" }, { "code": "69285-5", "display": "Umbilical artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "39508-7", "display": "Umbilical vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "36023-0", "display": "Upper arm CT" }, { "code": "36025-5", "display": "Upper arm MRI" }, { "code": "36026-3", "display": "Upper arm - bilateral CT" }, { "code": "69180-8", "display": "Upper arm - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "36027-1", "display": "Upper arm - left CT" }, { "code": "36028-9", "display": "Upper arm - left MRI" }, { "code": "36029-7", "display": "Upper arm - right CT" }, { "code": "36030-5", "display": "Upper arm - right MRI" }, { "code": "35981-0", "display": "Upper extremity CT" }, { "code": "24688-4", "display": "Upper extremity MRI" }, { "code": "30710-8", "display": "Upper extremity US" }, { "code": "37923-0", "display": "Upper extremity X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "48448-5", "display": "Upper extremity artery US" }, { "code": "39447-8", "display": "Upper extremity artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "38014-7", "display": "Upper extremity artery - bilateral US" }, { "code": "39423-9", "display": "Upper extremity artery - bilateral US.doppler" }, { "code": "41833-5", "display": "Upper extremity artery - left US" }, { "code": "39500-4", "display": "Upper extremity artery - left US.doppler" }, { "code": "41814-5", "display": "Upper extremity artery - right US" }, { "code": "39506-1", "display": "Upper extremity artery - right US.doppler" }, { "code": "30882-5", "display": "Upper extremity vein US.doppler" }, { "code": "48690-2", "display": "Upper extremity vein - bilateral US" }, { "code": "39496-5", "display": "Upper extremity vein - bilateral US.doppler" }, { "code": "48689-4", "display": "Upper extremity vein - left US" }, { "code": "39501-2", "display": "Upper extremity vein - left US.doppler" }, { "code": "48688-6", "display": "Upper extremity vein - right US" }, { "code": "39507-9", "display": "Upper extremity vein - right US.doppler" }, { "code": "36080-0", "display": "Upper extremity veins MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "69395-2", "display": "Upper extremity veins US" }, { "code": "36786-2", "display": "Upper extremity veins - left MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36787-0", "display": "Upper extremity veins - right MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "46385-1", "display": "Upper extremity vessel graft US.doppler" }, { "code": "44236-8", "display": "Upper extremity vessel graft - bilateral US.doppler" }, { "code": "42475-4", "display": "Upper extremity vessel graft - left US.doppler" }, { "code": "42476-2", "display": "Upper extremity vessel graft - right US.doppler" }, { "code": "36084-2", "display": "Upper extremity vessels MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "39448-6", "display": "Upper extremity vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "46379-4", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - bilateral US.doppler" }, { "code": "36797-9", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - left MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "39433-8", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - left US.doppler" }, { "code": "36798-7", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - right MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "39444-5", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - right US.doppler" }, { "code": "26232-9", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "30875-9", "display": "Upper extremity .joint MRI" }, { "code": "36774-8", "display": "Upper extremity joint - left MRI" }, { "code": "36775-5", "display": "Upper extremity joint - right MRI" }, { "code": "35982-8", "display": "Upper extremity - left CT" }, { "code": "26233-7", "display": "Upper extremity - left MRI" }, { "code": "38041-0", "display": "Upper extremity - left US" }, { "code": "35983-6", "display": "Upper extremity - right CT" }, { "code": "26234-5", "display": "Upper extremity - right MRI" }, { "code": "38052-7", "display": "Upper extremity - right US" }, { "code": "25019-1", "display": "Urinary bladder US" }, { "code": "42301-2", "display": "Uterus MRI" }, { "code": "30705-8", "display": "Uterus and Fallopian tubes US" }, { "code": "39036-9", "display": "Vein US" }, { "code": "39525-1", "display": "Vein US.doppler" }, { "code": "39030-2", "display": "Vein - bilateral US" }, { "code": "36783-9", "display": "Veins MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "69222-8", "display": "Vena cava MRI" }, { "code": "36081-8", "display": "Vena cava MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36083-4", "display": "Inferior vena cava MRI" }, { "code": "36082-6", "display": "Inferior vena cava MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "36790-4", "display": "Vena cava.inferior and Lower extremity veins MRI angiogram" }, { "code": "39445-2", "display": "Vessels US.doppler" }, { "code": "38054-3", "display": "Visceral artery US" }, { "code": "37428-0", "display": "Wrist CT" }, { "code": "25033-2", "display": "Wrist MRI" }, { "code": "25036-5", "display": "Wrist US" }, { "code": "37932-1", "display": "Wrist X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37430-6", "display": "Wrist - bilateral CT" }, { "code": "26277-4", "display": "Wrist - bilateral MRI" }, { "code": "26278-2", "display": "Wrist - bilateral US" }, { "code": "37429-8", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "37431-4", "display": "Wrist - left CT" }, { "code": "26279-0", "display": "Wrist - left MRI" }, { "code": "26280-8", "display": "Wrist - left US" }, { "code": "37432-2", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "69209-5", "display": "Wrist - left and Hand - left MRI" }, { "code": "37433-0", "display": "Wrist - right CT" }, { "code": "26281-6", "display": "Wrist - right MRI" }, { "code": "26282-4", "display": "Wrist - right US" }, { "code": "37644-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "69219-4", "display": "Wrist - right and Hand - right MRI" }, { "code": "36008-1", "display": "Wrist and Hand MRI" }, { "code": "25045-6", "display": "Unspecified body region CT" }, { "code": "25040-7", "display": "Unspecified body region CT 3D" }, { "code": "25056-3", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI" }, { "code": "44136-0", "display": "Unspecified body region PET" }, { "code": "25061-3", "display": "Unspecified body region US" }, { "code": "25071-2", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray tomograph" }, { "code": "46375-2", "display": "Artery US" }, { "code": "39523-6", "display": "Artery US.doppler" }, { "code": "44229-3", "display": "Bones CT" }, { "code": "28576-7", "display": "Joint MRI" }, { "code": "39453-6", "display": "Tendon US" }, { "code": "36957-9", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT and 3D reconstruction" }, { "code": "37294-6", "display": "Head CT and 3D reconstruction" }, { "code": "41804-6", "display": "Unspecified body region CT and 3D reconstruction" }, { "code": "39043-5", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI and 3D reconstruction" }, { "code": "44165-9", "display": "Unspecified body region US and 3D reconstruction" }, { "code": "58745-1", "display": "Coronary arteries CT angiogram and 3D reconstruction W contrast IV" }, { "code": "59255-0", "display": "Left atrium and Pulmonary veins CT angiogram and 3D reconstruction W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69082-6", "display": "Head CT and 3D reconstruction WO contrast" }, { "code": "37295-3", "display": "Femur and Hip CT and anteversion measurement" }, { "code": "72830-3", "display": "Extremity arteries - bilateral US.doppler Multisection and physiologic artery study" }, { "code": "72832-9", "display": "Extremity arteries - bilateral US.doppler Multisection and physiologic artery study at rest and with exercise" }, { "code": "39879-2", "display": "Bone SPECT 1 phase" }, { "code": "39881-8", "display": "Bone SPECT 3 phase whole body" }, { "code": "30760-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray tomograph 3 views W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25055-5", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI additional sequence" }, { "code": "39408-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray tomograph AP" }, { "code": "39862-8", "display": "Heart SPECT blood pool at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "47378-5", "display": "Liver SPECT blood pool" }, { "code": "37435-5", "display": "Temporomandibular joint MRI cine" }, { "code": "42693-2", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra MRI cine" }, { "code": "39140-9", "display": "Heart MRI cine for blood flow velocity mapping" }, { "code": "44126-1", "display": "Heart MRI cine for blood flow velocity mapping W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42386-3", "display": "Brain MRI cine for CSF flow" }, { "code": "42387-1", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI cine for CSF flow" }, { "code": "37434-8", "display": "Heart MRI cine for function" }, { "code": "46300-0", "display": "Sinuses CT coronal" }, { "code": "72139-9", "display": "Breast - bilateral FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis diagnostic" }, { "code": "72138-1", "display": "Breast - left FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis diagnostic" }, { "code": "72137-3", "display": "Breast - right FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis diagnostic" }, { "code": "37436-3", "display": "Brain MRI diffusion weighted" }, { "code": "43555-2", "display": "Ankle - left MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43449-8", "display": "Ankle - right MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37437-1", "display": "Breast MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36114-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43450-6", "display": "Elbow - left MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43451-4", "display": "Elbow - right MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46394-3", "display": "Head CT dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43452-2", "display": "Knee - left MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43453-0", "display": "Knee - right MRI dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37438-9", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica CT dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43527-1", "display": "Unspecified body region CT dynamic W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39637-4", "display": "Brain SPECT flow" }, { "code": "43655-0", "display": "Liver SPECT flow" }, { "code": "43652-7", "display": "Liver and Spleen SPECT flow" }, { "code": "69235-0", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle SPECT flow" }, { "code": "43670-9", "display": "Spleen SPECT flow" }, { "code": "43673-3", "display": "Thyroid SPECT flow" }, { "code": "43662-6", "display": "Renal vessels SPECT flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "39684-6", "display": "SPECT for abscess W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39811-5", "display": "SPECT for abscess" }, { "code": "39141-7", "display": "Bone marrow MRI for blood flow" }, { "code": "39656-4", "display": "Heart SPECT for infarct" }, { "code": "39654-9", "display": "Heart SPECT for infarct W Tc-99m PYP IV" }, { "code": "39655-6", "display": "Heart SPECT for infarct W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39675-4", "display": "SPECT for infection W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "11525-3", "display": "US Pelvis and Fetus for pregnancy" }, { "code": "72251-2", "display": "Chest vessels CT Multisection for pulmonary embolus" }, { "code": "24889-8", "display": "Pylorus US for pyloric stenosis" }, { "code": "36934-8", "display": "Heart CT for scoring" }, { "code": "36935-5", "display": "Heart CT for scoring W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43446-4", "display": "CT for tumor whole body" }, { "code": "69237-6", "display": "SPECT for tumor whole body" }, { "code": "39678-8", "display": "SPECT for tumor W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39748-9", "display": "SPECT for tumor W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "42292-3", "display": "SPECT for tumor W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "46395-0", "display": "Heart SPECT gated and ejection fraction at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39913-9", "display": "Heart SPECT gated and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39918-8", "display": "Heart SPECT gated and wall motion" }, { "code": "46396-8", "display": "Heart SPECT gated at rest and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39916-2", "display": "Heart SPECT gated" }, { "code": "39930-3", "display": "Heart SPECT gated W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "37439-7", "display": "Chest CT high resolution" }, { "code": "37440-5", "display": "Chest CT high resolution W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37441-3", "display": "Chest CT high resolution WO contrast" }, { "code": "39409-8", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray tomograph lateral" }, { "code": "36086-7", "display": "Abdomen CT limited" }, { "code": "30704-1", "display": "Abdomen US limited" }, { "code": "38047-7", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum US limited" }, { "code": "43572-7", "display": "Abdominal vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "38011-3", "display": "Aorta US limited" }, { "code": "69280-6", "display": "Bladder US limited" }, { "code": "24599-3", "display": "Breast US limited" }, { "code": "26286-5", "display": "Breast - bilateral US limited" }, { "code": "26288-1", "display": "Breast - left US limited" }, { "code": "26290-7", "display": "Breast - right US limited" }, { "code": "38015-4", "display": "Carotid artery US limited" }, { "code": "42149-5", "display": "Carotid artery - left US limited" }, { "code": "42151-1", "display": "Carotid artery - right US limited" }, { "code": "36089-1", "display": "Chest CT limited" }, { "code": "69281-4", "display": "Chest US limited" }, { "code": "36090-9", "display": "Extremity CT limited" }, { "code": "39526-9", "display": "Extremity US limited" }, { "code": "46301-8", "display": "Extremity vein - bilateral US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "39424-7", "display": "Extremity vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "62451-0", "display": "Extremity - left US limited" }, { "code": "62452-8", "display": "Extremity - right US limited" }, { "code": "69286-3", "display": "Eye US limited" }, { "code": "36937-1", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT limited" }, { "code": "38020-4", "display": "Gallbladder US limited" }, { "code": "36087-5", "display": "Head CT limited" }, { "code": "38034-5", "display": "Head US limited" }, { "code": "36808-4", "display": "Head vessels MRI angiogram limited" }, { "code": "39044-3", "display": "Head vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "36091-7", "display": "Heart MRI limited" }, { "code": "42707-0", "display": "Heart US limited" }, { "code": "36092-5", "display": "Hip CT limited" }, { "code": "43776-4", "display": "Iliac artery US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "42150-3", "display": "Iliac graft US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "36088-3", "display": "Internal auditory canal MRI limited" }, { "code": "38035-2", "display": "Kidney US limited" }, { "code": "69300-2", "display": "Kidney transplant US limited" }, { "code": "41812-9", "display": "Lower extremity artery US limited" }, { "code": "38042-8", "display": "Lower extremity artery US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "39430-4", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - left US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "39441-1", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - right US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "36093-3", "display": "Lower Extremity Joint MRI limited" }, { "code": "38039-4", "display": "Lower extremity - left US limited" }, { "code": "38050-1", "display": "Lower extremity - right US limited" }, { "code": "44116-2", "display": "Mandible CT limited" }, { "code": "48461-8", "display": "Neck MRI limited" }, { "code": "69212-9", "display": "Pelvis MRI limited" }, { "code": "38046-9", "display": "Pelvis US limited" }, { "code": "42152-9", "display": "Pelvis vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "44173-3", "display": "Peripheral artery US limited" }, { "code": "39436-1", "display": "Renal vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "69299-6", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle US limited" }, { "code": "24913-6", "display": "Sinuses CT limited" }, { "code": "41813-7", "display": "Upper extremity artery US limited" }, { "code": "38143-4", "display": "Upper extremity artery US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "46302-6", "display": "Upper extremity artery - bilateral US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "44237-6", "display": "Upper extremity vessel graft - bilateral US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "46303-4", "display": "Upper extremity vessels US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "36094-1", "display": "Upper extremity .joint MRI limited" }, { "code": "39045-0", "display": "Vein US limited" }, { "code": "39524-4", "display": "Vein US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "25039-9", "display": "Unspecified body region CT limited" }, { "code": "48460-0", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI limited" }, { "code": "69282-2", "display": "Unspecified body region US.doppler limited" }, { "code": "72831-1", "display": "Extremity arteries - bilateral US.doppler Multisection limited and physiologic artery study" }, { "code": "44127-9", "display": "Heart MRI limited cine for function" }, { "code": "39046-8", "display": "Pelvis CT limited pelvimetry WO contrast" }, { "code": "36102-2", "display": "Abdomen CT limited W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36095-8", "display": "Abdomen CT limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36096-6", "display": "Brain MRI limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69096-6", "display": "Chest CT limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36098-2", "display": "Pelvis CT limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36099-0", "display": "Spine Cervical CT limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36100-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36101-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36097-4", "display": "Upper extremity CT limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39681-2", "display": "SPECT limited W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39813-1", "display": "Bone SPECT limited" }, { "code": "39821-4", "display": "Bone marrow SPECT limited" }, { "code": "36103-0", "display": "Abdomen CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36105-5", "display": "Brain MRI limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "47366-0", "display": "Chest CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36938-9", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36104-8", "display": "Head CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36106-3", "display": "Lower extremity CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36107-1", "display": "Lower extremity joint - left MRI limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "38769-6", "display": "Lower extremity joint - right MRI limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36108-9", "display": "Pelvis CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "46304-2", "display": "Sinuses CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36109-7", "display": "Spine Cervical CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36110-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36111-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "36112-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI limited WO contrast" }, { "code": "39905-5", "display": "Bone SPECT multiple areas" }, { "code": "39906-3", "display": "Bone marrow SPECT multiple areas" }, { "code": "39527-7", "display": "Unspecified body region US of foreign body" }, { "code": "49569-7", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion and wall motion at rest and W stress and W Tl-201 IV and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "43659-2", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion qualitative at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39725-7", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W adenosine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39718-2", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39724-0", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39723-2", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W stress and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "49568-9", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W stress and W Tl-201 IV and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39729-9", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion at rest and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39700-0", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W adenosine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "49567-1", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W adenosine and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39142-5", "display": "Head CT perfusion W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39712-5", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion" }, { "code": "39734-9", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39736-4", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39710-9", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39711-7", "display": "Heart SPECT perfusion W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "38060-0", "display": "Spine.lumbosacral+Cervical+Thoracic MRI sagittal" }, { "code": "25052-2", "display": "Unspecified body region CT sagittal and coronal" }, { "code": "25050-6", "display": "Unspecified body region CT 3D sagittal and coronal disarticulation" }, { "code": "42132-1", "display": "Breast US screening" }, { "code": "72142-3", "display": "Breast - bilateral FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis screening" }, { "code": "72141-5", "display": "Breast - left FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis screening" }, { "code": "72140-7", "display": "Breast - right FFD mammogram-tomosynthesis screening" }, { "code": "37442-1", "display": "Brain MRI spectroscopy" }, { "code": "37443-9", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI spectroscopy" }, { "code": "36939-7", "display": "Spine CT stereotactic" }, { "code": "70929-5", "display": "Spine Cervical CT stereotactic" }, { "code": "70928-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT stereotactic" }, { "code": "70930-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT stereotactic" }, { "code": "36940-5", "display": "Unspecified body region CT stereotactic" }, { "code": "42455-6", "display": "Pelvis US transabdominal and transvaginal" }, { "code": "24677-7", "display": "Pelvis US transvaginal" }, { "code": "42390-5", "display": "Transvaginal MRI" }, { "code": "39838-8", "display": "Lung SPECT ventilation and perfusion W radionuclide inhaled and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39898-2", "display": "Lung SPECT ventilation W radionuclide aerosol inhaled" }, { "code": "39872-7", "display": "Heart SPECT wall motion" }, { "code": "46305-9", "display": "CT whole body" }, { "code": "46358-8", "display": "MRI whole body" }, { "code": "44139-4", "display": "PET whole body" }, { "code": "46306-7", "display": "CT whole body W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39680-4", "display": "SPECT whole body W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39816-4", "display": "Bone SPECT whole body" }, { "code": "39825-5", "display": "Bone marrow SPECT whole body" }, { "code": "41837-6", "display": "SPECT whole body W Tc-99m Arcitumomab IV" }, { "code": "39658-0", "display": "Heart SPECT at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39662-2", "display": "Heart SPECT at rest and W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "49566-3", "display": "Heart SPECT at rest and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "30711-6", "display": "Hip US developmental joint assessment" }, { "code": "24732-0", "display": "Head US during surgery" }, { "code": "30706-6", "display": "Liver US during surgery" }, { "code": "30701-7", "display": "Unspecified body region US during surgery" }, { "code": "69388-7", "display": "Urinary bladder US post void" }, { "code": "69086-7", "display": "Aorta CT W and WO contrast" }, { "code": "69108-9", "display": "Pulmonary vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast" }, { "code": "69085-9", "display": "Renal vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast" }, { "code": "69207-9", "display": "Hip - left MRI W and WO contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69217-8", "display": "Hip - right MRI W and WO contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69208-7", "display": "Shoulder - left MRI W and WO contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69218-6", "display": "Shoulder - right MRI W and WO contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "48442-8", "display": "Spine CT W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "48450-1", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "44114-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "48452-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "44113-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "48441-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI W and WO contrast IT" }, { "code": "36267-3", "display": "Abdomen CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24557-1", "display": "Abdomen MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48743-9", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42274-1", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36846-4", "display": "Abdominal veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30805-6", "display": "Abdominal vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36855-5", "display": "Abdominal vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36950-4", "display": "Adrenal gland CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36951-2", "display": "Adrenal gland MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36268-1", "display": "Ankle CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24539-9", "display": "Ankle MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26187-5", "display": "Ankle - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36269-9", "display": "Ankle - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26188-3", "display": "Ankle - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36270-7", "display": "Ankle - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26189-1", "display": "Ankle - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "44131-1", "display": "Aorta MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36271-5", "display": "Aorta abdominal CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36273-1", "display": "Aorta abdominal MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36272-3", "display": "Aorta abdominal MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36274-9", "display": "Aorta thoracic MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30806-4", "display": "Aorta and Femoral artery - bilateral CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46360-4", "display": "Aortic arch MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43509-9", "display": "Axilla - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43511-5", "display": "Axilla - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36944-7", "display": "Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24587-8", "display": "Brain MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48694-4", "display": "Brain.temporal MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43769-9", "display": "Brain and Internal auditory canal MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42392-1", "display": "Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36276-4", "display": "Breast MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69189-9", "display": "Breast implant MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69166-7", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "38870-2", "display": "Breast implant - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "38062-6", "display": "Breast implant - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36277-2", "display": "Breast - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36278-0", "display": "Breast - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36279-8", "display": "Breast - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43528-9", "display": "Breast - unilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36358-0", "display": "Calcaneus CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36280-6", "display": "Calcaneus - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36281-4", "display": "Calcaneus - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36856-3", "display": "Carotid vessel MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30598-7", "display": "Chest CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36283-0", "display": "Chest MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36848-0", "display": "Chest veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30804-9", "display": "Chest vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36420-8", "display": "Chest vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42277-4", "display": "Chest and Abdomen CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36284-8", "display": "Chest and Abdomen MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "72252-0", "display": "Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69161-8", "display": "Circle of Willis MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42299-8", "display": "Clavicle MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48455-0", "display": "Clavicle - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48454-3", "display": "Clavicle - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36285-5", "display": "Elbow CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24675-1", "display": "Elbow MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26193-3", "display": "Elbow - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36286-3", "display": "Elbow - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26194-1", "display": "Elbow - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36287-1", "display": "Elbow - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26195-8", "display": "Elbow - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42268-3", "display": "Extremity CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24694-2", "display": "Face MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30803-1", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36338-2", "display": "Femur CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36339-0", "display": "Femur - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36340-8", "display": "Femur - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69194-9", "display": "Finger MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69204-6", "display": "Finger - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69214-5", "display": "Finger - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36341-6", "display": "Foot CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30682-9", "display": "Foot MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36342-4", "display": "Foot - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36343-2", "display": "Foot - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36344-0", "display": "Foot - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36345-7", "display": "Foot - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36346-5", "display": "Foot - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36347-3", "display": "Forearm CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30684-5", "display": "Forearm MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69174-1", "display": "Forearm - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36348-1", "display": "Forearm - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36349-9", "display": "Forearm - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36350-7", "display": "Forearm - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36351-5", "display": "Forearm - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36352-3", "display": "Hand CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30686-0", "display": "Hand MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69177-4", "display": "Hand - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36353-1", "display": "Hand - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36354-9", "display": "Hand - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36355-6", "display": "Hand - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36356-4", "display": "Hand - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24726-2", "display": "Head CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24729-6", "display": "Head CT cine W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36847-2", "display": "Head veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30593-8", "display": "Head vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36857-1", "display": "Head vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36357-2", "display": "Heart MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36359-8", "display": "Hip CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30688-6", "display": "Hip MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36360-6", "display": "Hip - bilateral CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36361-4", "display": "Hip - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36362-2", "display": "Hip - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36363-0", "display": "Hip - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36364-8", "display": "Hip - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36365-5", "display": "Hip - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36282-2", "display": "Internal auditory canal CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30659-7", "display": "Internal auditory canal MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24740-3", "display": "Internal auditory canal and Posterior fossa MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43768-1", "display": "Kidney CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43775-6", "display": "Kidney MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36377-0", "display": "Kidney - bilateral CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36378-8", "display": "Kidney - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24784-1", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray tomograph W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36379-6", "display": "Knee CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24803-9", "display": "Knee MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "38837-1", "display": "Knee vessels - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36862-1", "display": "Knee vessels - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26199-0", "display": "Knee - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36380-4", "display": "Knee - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26200-6", "display": "Knee - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36381-2", "display": "Knee - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26201-4", "display": "Knee - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36382-0", "display": "Larynx MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30612-6", "display": "Liver CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30670-4", "display": "Liver MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36288-9", "display": "Lower extremity CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "39291-0", "display": "Lower extremity MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36416-6", "display": "Lower extremity veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36849-8", "display": "Lower extremity veins - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36850-6", "display": "Lower extremity veins - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30807-2", "display": "Lower extremity vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "44128-7", "display": "Lower extremity vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46308-3", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - left CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36858-9", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46307-5", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - right CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36859-7", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36289-7", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36371-3", "display": "Lower Extremity Joint MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36372-1", "display": "Lower extremity joint - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36373-9", "display": "Lower extremity joint - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36290-5", "display": "Lower extremity - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36291-3", "display": "Lower extremity - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36292-1", "display": "Lower extremity - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36333-3", "display": "Lower extremity - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36408-3", "display": "Lower leg CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30870-0", "display": "Lower leg MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42697-3", "display": "Lower leg - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36409-1", "display": "Lower leg - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36410-9", "display": "Lower leg - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36411-7", "display": "Lower leg - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36412-5", "display": "Lower leg - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36383-8", "display": "Mandible CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37272-2", "display": "Mediastinum MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48443-6", "display": "Nasopharynx CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36384-6", "display": "Nasopharynx MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30586-2", "display": "Neck CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24840-1", "display": "Neck MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36853-0", "display": "Neck veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30594-6", "display": "Neck vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36423-2", "display": "Neck vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "48451-9", "display": "Orbit CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36842-3", "display": "Orbit MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43458-9", "display": "Orbit vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24849-2", "display": "Orbit - bilateral CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24851-8", "display": "Orbit - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36843-1", "display": "Orbit - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36844-9", "display": "Orbit - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "39029-4", "display": "Orbit and Face MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46310-9", "display": "Orbit and Face and Neck MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36845-6", "display": "Ovary MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30614-2", "display": "Pancreas CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36385-3", "display": "Pancreas MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46311-7", "display": "Parotid gland CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37265-6", "display": "Parotid gland MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30616-7", "display": "Pelvis CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30674-6", "display": "Pelvis MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36854-8", "display": "Pelvis veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30623-3", "display": "Pelvis vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36863-9", "display": "Pelvis vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30672-0", "display": "Pelvis and Hip MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36835-7", "display": "Petrous bone CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24904-5", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24879-9", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36414-1", "display": "Portal vein MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36387-9", "display": "Posterior fossa CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36388-7", "display": "Posterior fossa MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36389-5", "display": "Prostate MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36275-6", "display": "Renal artery MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36415-8", "display": "Renal vein MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "44134-5", "display": "Renal vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36375-4", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36376-2", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36390-3", "display": "Sacrum CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36391-1", "display": "Sacrum MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36392-9", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36393-7", "display": "Scapula - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36394-5", "display": "Scapula - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36406-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36395-2", "display": "Shoulder CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24906-0", "display": "Shoulder MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36864-7", "display": "Shoulder vessels - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36865-4", "display": "Shoulder vessels - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26202-2", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36396-0", "display": "Shoulder - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26203-0", "display": "Shoulder - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36397-8", "display": "Shoulder - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26204-8", "display": "Shoulder - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36398-6", "display": "Sinuses CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30663-9", "display": "Sinuses MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "44111-3", "display": "Skull.base CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69220-2", "display": "Skull.base MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37277-1", "display": "Spinal vein MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36399-4", "display": "Spine CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36400-0", "display": "Spine MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37505-5", "display": "Spine vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36401-8", "display": "Spine Cervical CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24937-5", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37506-3", "display": "Cervical Spine vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "43456-3", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30855-1", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36402-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24967-2", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37507-1", "display": "Lumbar Spine vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36403-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24981-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37508-9", "display": "Thoracic Spine vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24989-6", "display": "Spleen CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36404-2", "display": "Spleen MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37266-4", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36405-9", "display": "Sternum CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "44231-9", "display": "Superior mesenteric vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36837-3", "display": "Temporal bone CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37267-2", "display": "Temporomandibular joint CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37268-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37269-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37270-6", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37271-4", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24703-1", "display": "Thigh MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26196-6", "display": "Thigh - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26197-4", "display": "Thigh - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26198-2", "display": "Thigh - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24583-7", "display": "Thoracic outlet MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26190-9", "display": "Thoracic outlet - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26191-7", "display": "Thoracic outlet - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26192-5", "display": "Thoracic outlet - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36407-5", "display": "Thyroid MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "72241-3", "display": "Toes - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "72238-9", "display": "Toes - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36366-3", "display": "Upper arm CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "30690-2", "display": "Upper arm MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69181-6", "display": "Upper arm - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36367-1", "display": "Upper arm - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36368-9", "display": "Upper arm - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36369-7", "display": "Upper arm - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36370-5", "display": "Upper arm - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36334-1", "display": "Upper extremity CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "39034-4", "display": "Upper extremity MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36417-4", "display": "Upper extremity veins MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36851-4", "display": "Upper extremity veins - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36852-2", "display": "Upper extremity veins - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36421-6", "display": "Upper extremity vessels CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36422-4", "display": "Upper extremity vessels MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46312-5", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - left CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36860-5", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - left MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "46309-1", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - right CT angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36861-3", "display": "Upper extremity vessels - right MRI angiogram W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69186-5", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36374-7", "display": "Upper extremity .joint MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36840-7", "display": "Upper extremity joint - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36841-5", "display": "Upper extremity joint - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36335-8", "display": "Upper extremity - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "38831-4", "display": "Upper extremity - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36336-6", "display": "Upper extremity - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36337-4", "display": "Upper extremity - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36413-3", "display": "Uterus MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36418-2", "display": "Inferior vena cava MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "36419-0", "display": "Superior vena cava MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37457-9", "display": "Wrist CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "25035-7", "display": "Wrist MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26205-5", "display": "Wrist - bilateral MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "37458-7", "display": "Wrist - left CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26206-3", "display": "Wrist - left MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "38802-5", "display": "Wrist - right CT W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "26207-1", "display": "Wrist - right MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "42298-0", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "24588-6", "display": "Brain MRI W and WO contrast IV and W anesthesia" }, { "code": "72244-7", "display": "Pelvis MRI W and WO contrast IV and W endorectal coil" }, { "code": "43448-0", "display": "Liver MRI W and WO ferumoxides IV" }, { "code": "46318-2", "display": "Abdomen CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46317-4", "display": "Chest CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46315-8", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46316-6", "display": "Head CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46314-1", "display": "Internal auditory canal CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46313-3", "display": "Pelvis CT W and WO reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "60515-4", "display": "Rectum and Colon CT 3D W air contrast PR" }, { "code": "24586-0", "display": "Brain MRI W anesthesia" }, { "code": "24936-7", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W anesthesia" }, { "code": "24977-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI W anesthesia" }, { "code": "25046-4", "display": "Unspecified body region CT W anesthesia" }, { "code": "38022-0", "display": "Gallbladder US W cholecystokinin" }, { "code": "25047-2", "display": "Unspecified body region CT W conscious sedation" }, { "code": "25057-1", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI W conscious sedation" }, { "code": "30599-5", "display": "Abdomen CT W contrast" }, { "code": "24567-0", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum CT W contrast" }, { "code": "38055-0", "display": "Unspecified body region US W contrast" }, { "code": "36809-2", "display": "Hepatic artery CT angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69162-6", "display": "Pulmonary artery - bilateral MRI angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69238-4", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra SPECT W contrast intra bladder during voiding" }, { "code": "30853-6", "display": "Breast duct US W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "36941-3", "display": "Salivary gland CT W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "37237-5", "display": "Sinus tract CT W contrast intra sinus tract" }, { "code": "36115-4", "display": "Ankle MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69102-2", "display": "Ankle - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36116-2", "display": "Ankle - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69109-7", "display": "Ankle - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36117-0", "display": "Ankle - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "46319-0", "display": "Elbow MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69103-0", "display": "Elbow - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36118-8", "display": "Elbow - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69110-5", "display": "Elbow - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36119-6", "display": "Elbow - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36120-4", "display": "Hip MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69105-5", "display": "Hip - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36121-2", "display": "Hip - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69112-1", "display": "Hip - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36122-0", "display": "Hip - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36124-6", "display": "Knee CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36125-3", "display": "Knee MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69106-3", "display": "Knee - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36126-1", "display": "Knee - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69114-7", "display": "Knee - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36127-9", "display": "Knee - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37238-3", "display": "Lower Extremity Joint CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69210-3", "display": "Lower Extremity Joint MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36123-8", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36128-7", "display": "Shoulder CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36129-5", "display": "Shoulder MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "38828-0", "display": "Shoulder - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36130-3", "display": "Shoulder - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36131-1", "display": "Shoulder - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36132-9", "display": "Shoulder - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36810-0", "display": "Upper Joint CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37444-7", "display": "Wrist MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69107-1", "display": "Wrist - left CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37445-4", "display": "Wrist - left MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "69115-4", "display": "Wrist - right CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37446-2", "display": "Wrist - right MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36811-8", "display": "Joint CT W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "36812-6", "display": "Joint MRI W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "39322-3", "display": "Spine CT W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "37496-7", "display": "Spine Cervical CT W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "37509-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "70931-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "24734-6", "display": "Head Cistern CT W contrast IT" }, { "code": "47985-7", "display": "Spine CT W contrast IT" }, { "code": "24934-2", "display": "Spine Cervical CT W contrast IT" }, { "code": "48447-7", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W contrast IT" }, { "code": "24965-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT W contrast IT" }, { "code": "48436-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI W contrast IT" }, { "code": "30596-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT W contrast IT" }, { "code": "48439-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI W contrast IT" }, { "code": "36134-5", "display": "Abdomen MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36813-4", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36828-2", "display": "Abdominal vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24533-2", "display": "Abdominal vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69908-2", "display": "Abdominal vessels and Pelvis vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36943-9", "display": "Adrenal gland CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "44124-6", "display": "Adrenal gland MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36135-2", "display": "Ankle CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36136-0", "display": "Ankle MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69163-4", "display": "Ankle - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36137-8", "display": "Ankle - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36138-6", "display": "Ankle - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36139-4", "display": "Ankle - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36140-2", "display": "Ankle - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36142-8", "display": "Aorta CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36141-0", "display": "Aorta CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36143-6", "display": "Aorta abdominal CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24545-6", "display": "Aorta thoracic CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72255-3", "display": "Aorta and Femoral artery - bilateral CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43503-2", "display": "Aorta and Lower extremity vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36144-4", "display": "Aortic arch CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37499-1", "display": "Aortic stent CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36145-1", "display": "Appendix CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43504-0", "display": "Axilla - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43505-7", "display": "Axilla - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "44125-3", "display": "Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69095-8", "display": "Bladder CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24589-4", "display": "Brain MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48444-4", "display": "Brain.temporal MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37239-1", "display": "Brain and Internal auditory canal MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37215-1", "display": "Brain and Larynx MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42391-3", "display": "Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36149-3", "display": "Breast MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69190-7", "display": "Breast implant MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69167-5", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36150-1", "display": "Breast - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36151-9", "display": "Breast - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36152-7", "display": "Breast - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46323-2", "display": "Breast - unilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36198-0", "display": "Calcaneus CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36153-5", "display": "Calcaneus - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36154-3", "display": "Calcaneus - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36146-9", "display": "Carotid artery CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36829-0", "display": "Carotid vessel MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24628-0", "display": "Chest CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36156-8", "display": "Chest MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36266-5", "display": "Chest vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24659-5", "display": "Chest vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42275-8", "display": "Chest and Abdomen CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36942-1", "display": "Chest and Abdomen MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72254-6", "display": "Chest and Abdomen and Pelvis CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37254-0", "display": "Circle of Willis MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42694-0", "display": "Clavicle MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48457-6", "display": "Clavicle - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48456-8", "display": "Clavicle - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36157-6", "display": "Elbow CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36158-4", "display": "Elbow MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69170-9", "display": "Elbow - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36159-2", "display": "Elbow - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36160-0", "display": "Elbow - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36161-8", "display": "Elbow - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36162-6", "display": "Elbow - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24691-8", "display": "Extremity CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26184-2", "display": "Extremity - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26185-9", "display": "Extremity - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26186-7", "display": "Extremity - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36148-5", "display": "Face MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30801-5", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24697-5", "display": "Facial bones and Sinuses CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36172-5", "display": "Femur CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69172-5", "display": "Femur - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36174-1", "display": "Femur - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36176-6", "display": "Femur - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69195-6", "display": "Finger MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69205-3", "display": "Finger - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69215-2", "display": "Finger - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36178-2", "display": "Foot CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36179-0", "display": "Foot MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36180-8", "display": "Foot - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36181-6", "display": "Foot - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36182-4", "display": "Foot - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36183-2", "display": "Foot - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36184-0", "display": "Foot - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36185-7", "display": "Forearm CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36186-5", "display": "Forearm MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69175-8", "display": "Forearm - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36187-3", "display": "Forearm - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36188-1", "display": "Forearm - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36189-9", "display": "Forearm - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36190-7", "display": "Forearm - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36191-5", "display": "Hand CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36192-3", "display": "Hand MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69178-2", "display": "Hand - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36193-1", "display": "Hand - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36194-9", "display": "Hand - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36195-6", "display": "Hand - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36196-4", "display": "Hand - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24727-0", "display": "Head CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36814-2", "display": "Head arteries CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36826-6", "display": "Head veins MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36830-8", "display": "Head vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24593-6", "display": "Head vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37498-3", "display": "Head vessels and Neck vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24747-8", "display": "Head Sagittal Sinus MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36197-2", "display": "Heart MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36200-4", "display": "Hip CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36199-8", "display": "Hip MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36201-2", "display": "Hip - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36202-0", "display": "Hip - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36203-8", "display": "Hip - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36204-6", "display": "Hip - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36205-3", "display": "Hip - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36206-1", "display": "Hip - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30583-9", "display": "Internal auditory canal CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36155-0", "display": "Internal auditory canal MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46322-4", "display": "Kidney CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36113-9", "display": "Kidney MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43766-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36219-4", "display": "Kidney - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24790-8", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray tomograph W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36220-2", "display": "Kidney - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36221-0", "display": "Kidney - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36222-8", "display": "Knee CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36223-6", "display": "Knee MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69088-3", "display": "Knee - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36224-4", "display": "Knee - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36225-1", "display": "Knee - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36226-9", "display": "Knee - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36227-7", "display": "Knee - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36228-5", "display": "Knee - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36229-3", "display": "Larynx CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36230-1", "display": "Larynx MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24815-3", "display": "Liver CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36231-9", "display": "Liver MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30624-1", "display": "Lower extremity CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39293-6", "display": "Lower extremity MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36824-1", "display": "Lower extremity veins - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36825-8", "display": "Lower extremity veins - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36831-6", "display": "Lower extremity vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46324-0", "display": "Lower extremity vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "44135-2", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - bilateral MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "50755-8", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36163-4", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36213-7", "display": "Lower Extremity Joint MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36214-5", "display": "Lower extremity joint - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36215-2", "display": "Lower extremity joint - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36164-2", "display": "Lower extremity - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36165-9", "display": "Lower extremity - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36166-7", "display": "Lower extremity - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36167-5", "display": "Lower extremity - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36258-2", "display": "Lower leg CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36259-0", "display": "Lower leg MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24820-3", "display": "Lower leg vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43512-3", "display": "Lower leg vessels - bilateral MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42695-7", "display": "Lower leg - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36260-8", "display": "Lower leg - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36261-6", "display": "Lower leg - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36262-4", "display": "Lower leg - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36263-2", "display": "Lower leg - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36232-7", "display": "Mandible CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48446-9", "display": "Nasopharynx CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36233-5", "display": "Nasopharynx MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24836-9", "display": "Nasopharynx and Neck CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36235-0", "display": "Neck CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24841-9", "display": "Neck MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36827-4", "display": "Neck veins MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36234-3", "display": "Neck vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24844-3", "display": "Neck vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48449-3", "display": "Orbit CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36820-9", "display": "Orbit MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36832-4", "display": "Orbit vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24850-0", "display": "Orbit - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24852-6", "display": "Orbit - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36821-7", "display": "Orbit - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36822-5", "display": "Orbit - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46320-8", "display": "Orbit and Face CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39038-5", "display": "Orbit and Face MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "46321-6", "display": "Orbit and Face and Neck MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36823-3", "display": "Ovary MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24858-3", "display": "Pancreas CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36236-8", "display": "Pancreas MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37240-9", "display": "Parotid gland CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37241-7", "display": "Parotid gland MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24866-6", "display": "Pelvis CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36237-6", "display": "Pelvis MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42294-9", "display": "Pelvis vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24873-2", "display": "Pelvis vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24878-1", "display": "Petrous bone CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30590-4", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36238-4", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36242-6", "display": "Posterior fossa CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36243-4", "display": "Posterior fossa MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36244-2", "display": "Prostate MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36147-7", "display": "Pulmonary artery CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36833-2", "display": "Renal vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30887-4", "display": "Renal vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36217-8", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36218-6", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36245-9", "display": "Sacrum CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36246-7", "display": "Sacrum MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36247-5", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36248-3", "display": "Scapula - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36249-1", "display": "Scapula - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69221-0", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36250-9", "display": "Shoulder CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36251-7", "display": "Shoulder MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69184-0", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36252-5", "display": "Shoulder - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "38830-6", "display": "Shoulder - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36253-3", "display": "Shoulder - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36254-1", "display": "Shoulder - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36255-8", "display": "Sinuses CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24915-1", "display": "Sinuses MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "48440-2", "display": "Skull.base MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37253-2", "display": "Soft tissue MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24987-0", "display": "Spine CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36256-6", "display": "Spine MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37500-6", "display": "Spine vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24933-4", "display": "Spine Cervical CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24938-3", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37501-4", "display": "Cervical Spine vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "38061-8", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic and Spine Lumbar and Sacrum MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24964-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30678-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37502-2", "display": "Lumbar Spine vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24979-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24982-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37503-0", "display": "Thoracic Spine vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30622-5", "display": "Spleen CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37242-5", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36257-4", "display": "Sternum CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36815-9", "display": "Temporal bone CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "38835-5", "display": "Temporal bone - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36816-7", "display": "Temporal bone - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37243-3", "display": "Temporomandibular joint CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37244-1", "display": "Temporomandibular joint MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37245-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37246-6", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37247-4", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37248-2", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37249-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36173-3", "display": "Thigh MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25003-5", "display": "Thigh vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36175-8", "display": "Thigh - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36177-4", "display": "Thigh - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36239-2", "display": "Thoracic outlet MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24584-5", "display": "Thoracic outlet vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26181-8", "display": "Thoracic outlet vessels - bilateral MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26182-6", "display": "Thoracic outlet vessels - left MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26183-4", "display": "Thoracic outlet vessels - right MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36240-0", "display": "Thoracic outlet - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36241-8", "display": "Thoracic outlet - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72243-9", "display": "Toes - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72240-5", "display": "Toes - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36207-9", "display": "Upper arm CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36208-7", "display": "Upper arm MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69182-4", "display": "Upper arm - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36209-5", "display": "Upper arm - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36210-3", "display": "Upper arm - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36211-1", "display": "Upper arm - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36212-9", "display": "Upper arm - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30626-6", "display": "Upper extremity CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39037-7", "display": "Upper extremity MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42295-6", "display": "Upper extremity vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24549-8", "display": "Upper extremity vessels MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36168-3", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69187-3", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36216-0", "display": "Upper extremity .joint MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36817-5", "display": "Upper extremity joint - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36818-3", "display": "Upper extremity joint - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36819-1", "display": "Upper extremity joint - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36169-1", "display": "Upper extremity - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "38829-8", "display": "Upper extremity - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36170-9", "display": "Upper extremity - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36171-7", "display": "Upper extremity - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36264-0", "display": "Uterus CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36265-7", "display": "Uterus MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "36834-0", "display": "Vessel CT angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37447-0", "display": "Wrist CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37448-8", "display": "Wrist MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69091-7", "display": "Wrist - bilateral CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37449-6", "display": "Wrist - bilateral MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37450-4", "display": "Wrist - left CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37451-2", "display": "Wrist - left MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37452-0", "display": "Wrist - right CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37453-8", "display": "Wrist - right MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24753-6", "display": "Unspecified body region CT W contrast IV" }, { "code": "49507-7", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25058-9", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72531-7", "display": "Rectum and Colon CT 3D W contrast IV and W air contrast PR" }, { "code": "39450-2", "display": "Gastrointestine US W contrast PO" }, { "code": "72246-2", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis MRI W contrast PO and W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "72250-4", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis CT W contrast PO and W contrast IV" }, { "code": "72247-0", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis MRI W contrast PO and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "72245-4", "display": "Pelvis MRI W contrast PR at rest and maxmal sphincter contraction during straining and defecation" }, { "code": "39648-1", "display": "Heart SPECT W dipyridamole and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "44154-3", "display": "Heart SPECT W dipyridamole and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "42389-7", "display": "Pelvis MRI W endorectal coil" }, { "code": "42388-9", "display": "Prostate MRI W endorectal coil" }, { "code": "42270-9", "display": "Spine Cervical MRI W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "39682-0", "display": "SPECT W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39638-2", "display": "Brain SPECT W I-123 IV" }, { "code": "39755-4", "display": "Thyroid SPECT W I-131 IV" }, { "code": "39839-6", "display": "SPECT W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39844-6", "display": "SPECT W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "41838-4", "display": "Prostate SPECT W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "41772-5", "display": "Bone SPECT W In-111 tagged WBC IV" }, { "code": "46297-8", "display": "SPECT" }, { "code": "39823-0", "display": "Bone marrow SPECT" }, { "code": "24578-7", "display": "Bones SPECT" }, { "code": "39632-5", "display": "Brain SPECT" }, { "code": "39644-0", "display": "Breast SPECT" }, { "code": "39770-3", "display": "Gastrointestine SPECT" }, { "code": "39649-9", "display": "Heart SPECT" }, { "code": "42310-3", "display": "Kidney SPECT" }, { "code": "39852-9", "display": "Kidney - bilateral SPECT" }, { "code": "39692-9", "display": "Liver SPECT" }, { "code": "39876-8", "display": "Liver and Spleen SPECT" }, { "code": "39628-3", "display": "Meckels diverticulum SPECT" }, { "code": "39740-6", "display": "Parathyroid SPECT" }, { "code": "43526-3", "display": "Unspecified body region SPECT" }, { "code": "39938-6", "display": "Joint SPECT" }, { "code": "46330-7", "display": "Abdomen CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46327-3", "display": "Chest CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46326-5", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46328-1", "display": "Head CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46325-7", "display": "Internal auditory canal CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "46329-9", "display": "Pelvis CT W reduced contrast volume IV" }, { "code": "42143-8", "display": "Uterus and Fallopian tubes US W saline intrauterine" }, { "code": "58750-1", "display": "Heart MRI W stress" }, { "code": "58749-3", "display": "Heart MRI W stress and W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "39668-9", "display": "Heart SPECT W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "44152-7", "display": "Brain SPECT W Tc-99m bicisate IV" }, { "code": "39743-0", "display": "Prostate SPECT W Tc-99m capromab pendatide IV" }, { "code": "39640-8", "display": "Brain SPECT W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "39641-6", "display": "Brain SPECT W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "44153-5", "display": "Kidney SPECT W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "39631-7", "display": "Brain SPECT W Tc-99m HMPAO IV" }, { "code": "24817-9", "display": "Liver SPECT W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "39851-1", "display": "Kidney - bilateral SPECT W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV" }, { "code": "69229-3", "display": "Liver SPECT W Tc-99m SC IV" }, { "code": "44151-9", "display": "Heart SPECT W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39691-1", "display": "Liver SPECT W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "69234-3", "display": "Spleen SPECT W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "39647-3", "display": "Heart SPECT W Tc-99m Tetrofosmin IV" }, { "code": "39639-0", "display": "Brain SPECT W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "42377-2", "display": "Brain CT W Xe-133 inhaled" }, { "code": "46393-5", "display": "Liver CT W Xe-133 inhaled" }, { "code": "42394-7", "display": "Pulmonary system CT W Xe-133 inhaled" }, { "code": "36424-0", "display": "Abdomen CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30668-8", "display": "Abdomen MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "42291-5", "display": "Abdomen retroperitoneum CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36952-0", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36878-7", "display": "Abdominal vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36496-8", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36953-8", "display": "Adrenal gland CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36954-6", "display": "Adrenal gland MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36425-7", "display": "Ankle CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30680-3", "display": "Ankle MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36879-5", "display": "Ankle vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "69087-5", "display": "Ankle - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "69164-2", "display": "Ankle - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36426-5", "display": "Ankle - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36427-3", "display": "Ankle - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36428-1", "display": "Ankle - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36429-9", "display": "Ankle - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36430-7", "display": "Aorta CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "44132-9", "display": "Aorta MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36431-5", "display": "Aorta abdominal CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36432-3", "display": "Aorta abdominal MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "69119-6", "display": "Aorta thoracic CT angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36433-1", "display": "Aorta thoracic MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "44130-3", "display": "Aortic arch MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36434-9", "display": "Appendix CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "44123-8", "display": "Biliary ducts and Pancreatic duct MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30657-1", "display": "Brain MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "48453-5", "display": "Brain.temporal MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37278-9", "display": "Brain and Internal auditory canal MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37279-7", "display": "Brain and Larynx MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "42393-9", "display": "Brain and Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36436-4", "display": "Breast MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69191-5", "display": "Breast implant MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69168-3", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "38064-2", "display": "Breast implant - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "38817-3", "display": "Breast implant - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "44119-6", "display": "Breast - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36437-2", "display": "Breast - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36438-0", "display": "Breast - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36439-8", "display": "Breast - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "46333-1", "display": "Breast - unilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36483-6", "display": "Calcaneus CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36440-6", "display": "Calcaneus - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36441-4", "display": "Calcaneus - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36880-3", "display": "Carotid vessel MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "29252-4", "display": "Chest CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36442-2", "display": "Chest MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69084-2", "display": "Chest vessels CT angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36547-8", "display": "Chest vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "42276-6", "display": "Chest and Abdomen CT WO contrast" }, { 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}, { "code": "36435-6", "display": "Face MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30802-3", "display": "Facial bones and Maxilla CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "72249-6", "display": "Facial bones and Sinuses CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36460-4", "display": "Femur CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "69173-3", "display": "Femur - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36462-0", "display": "Femur - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36464-6", "display": "Femur - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "69196-4", "display": "Finger MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69206-1", "display": "Finger - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69216-0", "display": "Finger - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36466-1", "display": "Foot CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30681-1", "display": "Foot MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36467-9", "display": "Foot - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36468-7", "display": "Foot - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36469-5", "display": "Foot - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36470-3", "display": "Foot - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36471-1", "display": "Foot - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36472-9", "display": "Forearm CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30683-7", "display": "Forearm MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69176-6", "display": "Forearm - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36473-7", "display": "Forearm - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36474-5", "display": "Forearm - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36475-2", "display": "Forearm - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36476-0", "display": "Forearm - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36477-8", "display": "Hand CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30685-2", "display": "Hand MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69179-0", "display": "Hand - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36478-6", "display": "Hand - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36479-4", "display": "Hand - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36480-2", "display": "Hand - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36481-0", "display": 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and Neck CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36514-8", "display": "Neck CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30660-5", "display": "Neck MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36877-9", "display": "Neck veins MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36549-4", "display": "Neck vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "46331-5", "display": "Orbit CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36872-0", "display": "Orbit MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30587-0", "display": "Orbit - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30661-3", "display": "Orbit - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36873-8", "display": "Orbit - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36874-6", "display": "Orbit - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36956-1", "display": "Orbit and Face MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "46332-3", "display": "Orbit and Face and Neck MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36875-3", "display": "Ovary MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30613-4", "display": "Pancreas CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36515-5", "display": "Pancreas MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37280-5", "display": "Parotid gland CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37281-3", "display": "Parotid gland MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30615-9", "display": "Pelvis CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30673-8", "display": "Pelvis MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36883-7", "display": "Pelvis vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "30671-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30589-6", "display": "Petrous bone CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30591-2", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30666-2", "display": "Pituitary and Sella turcica MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36543-7", "display": "Portal vein MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36517-1", "display": "Posterior fossa CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36518-9", "display": "Posterior fossa MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36519-7", "display": "Prostate MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36544-5", "display": "Renal vein MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "44133-7", "display": "Renal vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36501-5", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36502-3", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36520-5", "display": "Sacrum CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36521-3", "display": "Sacrum MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36522-1", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69118-8", "display": "Scapula CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36523-9", "display": "Scapula - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "38770-4", "display": "Scapula - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36535-3", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36524-7", "display": "Shoulder CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30693-6", "display": "Shoulder MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69090-9", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36525-4", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36526-2", "display": "Shoulder - left CT WO 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Thoracic and Lumbar MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30620-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30679-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37994-1", "display": "Lumbar Spine vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "37288-8", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30597-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36532-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37512-1", "display": "Thoracic Spine vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "30621-7", "display": "Spleen CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36533-8", "display": "Spleen MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37282-1", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36534-6", "display": "Sternum CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "44230-1", "display": "Superior mesenteric vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36866-2", "display": "Temporal bone CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36867-0", "display": "Temporal bone - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36868-8", "display": "Temporal bone - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37283-9", "display": "Temporomandibular joint CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37284-7", "display": "Temporomandibular joint MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37285-4", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37286-2", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37287-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36461-2", "display": "Thigh MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "43514-9", "display": "Thigh vessels - left MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "43515-6", "display": "Thigh vessels - right MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36463-8", "display": "Thigh - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36465-3", "display": "Thigh - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30654-8", "display": "Thoracic outlet MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "38833-0", "display": "Thoracic outlet - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36516-3", "display": "Thoracic outlet - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36955-3", "display": "Thyroid CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36536-1", "display": "Thyroid MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "72242-1", "display": "Toes - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "72239-7", "display": "Toes - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36491-9", "display": "Upper arm CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "30689-4", "display": "Upper arm MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "69183-2", "display": "Upper arm - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36492-7", "display": "Upper arm - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36493-5", "display": "Upper arm - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36494-3", "display": "Upper arm - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36495-0", "display": "Upper arm - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "30627-4", "display": "Upper extremity CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "39033-6", "display": "Upper extremity MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36548-6", "display": "Upper extremity vessels MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "36456-2", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "69188-1", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36500-7", "display": "Upper extremity .joint MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36869-6", "display": "Upper extremity joint - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36870-4", "display": "Upper extremity joint - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36457-0", "display": "Upper extremity - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "38832-2", "display": "Upper extremity - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36458-8", "display": "Upper extremity - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "36459-6", "display": "Upper extremity - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36542-9", "display": "Uterus MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36545-2", "display": "Inferior vena cava MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36546-0", "display": "Superior vena cava MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37459-5", "display": "Wrist CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37460-3", "display": "Wrist MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "43516-4", "display": "Wrist vessels - left MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "43517-2", "display": "Wrist vessels - right MRI angiogram WO contrast" }, { "code": "37461-1", "display": "Wrist - bilateral CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37462-9", "display": "Wrist - bilateral MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37463-7", "display": "Wrist - left CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37464-5", "display": "Wrist - left MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "37465-2", "display": "Wrist - right CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "37466-0", "display": "Wrist - right MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "43525-5", "display": "Unspecified body region CT WO contrast" }, { "code": "69223-6", "display": "Unspecified body region MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "36871-2", "display": "Joint MRI WO contrast" }, { "code": "24787-4", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray tomograph WO contrast and 10M post contrast IV" }, { "code": "30712-4", "display": "Hip US WO developmental joint assessment" }, { "code": "25051-4", "display": "Unspecified body region CT Multisectional sagittal" }, { "code": "29750-7", "display": "Neonatal intensive care records" }, { "code": "25060-5", "display": "Unspecified body region US No charge" }, { "code": "52072-6", "display": "Non-emergency transportation" }, { "code": "53246-5", "display": "Non-medical services" }, { "code": "46210-1", "display": "Case manager Note" }, { "code": "34819-3", "display": "Pathology Evaluation and management note" }, { "code": "46215-0", "display": "Wound care management Note" }, { "code": "28568-4", "display": "Physician Emergency department Note" }, { "code": "11536-0", "display": "Nurse Notes" }, { "code": "52066-8", "display": "Notice of Discharge Medicare Appeal Rights (NODMAR) form" }, { "code": "53244-0", "display": "Notice of privacy practices receipt" }, { "code": "11543-6", "display": "Nursery records" }, { "code": "46208-5", "display": "Nursing notes" }, { "code": "52051-0", "display": "Orthotics/Prosthetics" }, { "code": "52052-8", "display": "Osteogenesis stimulators" }, { "code": "52053-6", "display": "Oxygen" }, { "code": "52054-4", "display": "Parenteral" }, { "code": "52067-6", "display": "Past filing limit justification" }, { "code": "24620-7", "display": "Catheter Fluoroscopy Patency check W contrast via catheter" }, { "code": "33721-2", "display": "Bone marrow Pathology biopsy report" }, { "code": "34122-2", "display": "Pathology procedure note" }, { "code": "55188-7", "display": "Patient data Document" }, { "code": "55750-4", "display": "Patient safety report Event Document" }, { "code": "52034-6", "display": "Payer letter" }, { "code": "24882-3", "display": "Popliteal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vessel W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69252-5", "display": "Pulmonary artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vessel W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69248-3", "display": "Renal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vessel W contrast IA" }, { "code": "42018-2", "display": "Vein Fluoroscopic angiogram Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vessel W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69301-0", "display": "Upper extremity vein Fluoroscopic angiogram Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vessel W contrast IV" }, { "code": "28629-4", "display": "Perimetry study" }, { "code": "74030-8", "display": "Periodontal service attachment" }, { "code": "29752-3", "display": "Perioperative records" }, { "code": "24875-7", "display": "Peripheral vessel US.doppler Peripheral plane" }, { "code": "51965-2", "display": "Pharmacogenetic analysis report in Blood or Tissue Document by Molecular genetics method" }, { "code": "51850-6", "display": "Physical findings of Head and Ears and Eyes and Nose and Throat" }, { "code": "24998-7", "display": "Placement check of gastrostomy tube W contrast via GI tube" }, { "code": "52055-1", "display": "Power operated vehicles" }, { "code": "52063-5", "display": "Prescription for durable medical equipment (DME)" }, { "code": "18836-7", "display": "Cardiac stress study Procedure" }, { "code": "28570-0", "display": "Provider-unspecified Procedure note" }, { "code": "28577-5", "display": "Dentist procedure note" }, { "code": "11505-5", "display": "Physician procedure note" }, { "code": "28625-2", "display": "Podiatry procedure note" }, { "code": "52068-4", "display": "Property and casualty state mandated forms" }, { "code": "46209-3", "display": "Provider orders" }, { "code": "55751-2", "display": "Public health case report Document" }, { "code": "52075-9", "display": "Purchase invoice" }, { "code": "55184-6", "display": "Quality Reporting Document Architecture calculated summary report population Document" }, { "code": "55182-0", "display": "Quality Reporting Document Architecture incidence report Document" }, { "code": "55183-8", "display": "Quality Reporting 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attachment" }, { "code": "18824-3", "display": "Cardiac service attachment" }, { "code": "18825-0", "display": "Medical social services attachment" }, { "code": "18826-8", "display": "Occupational therapy service attachment" }, { "code": "19002-5", "display": "Physical therapy service attachment" }, { "code": "18594-2", "display": "Psychiatric service attachment" }, { "code": "52184-9", "display": "Pulmonary therapy service attachment" }, { "code": "19003-3", "display": "Respiratory therapy service attachment" }, { "code": "19004-1", "display": "Skilled nursing service attachment" }, { "code": "29206-0", "display": "Speech therapy service attachment" }, { "code": "25073-8", "display": "Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Removal of foreign body from vascular space" }, { "code": "52056-9", "display": "Repair of durable medical equipment" }, { "code": "25015-9", "display": "Upper GI tract Replacement of percutaneous gastrojejunostomy" }, { "code": "60569-1", "display": "Report addendum.synoptic Document" }, { "code": "55187-9", "display": "Reporting parameters Document" }, { "code": "52057-7", "display": "Seat lift mechanism" }, { "code": "52058-5", "display": "Seating systems" }, { "code": "52039-5", "display": "Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) record" }, { "code": "52059-3", "display": "Speech generating device" }, { "code": "52060-1", "display": "Standers/standing frames" }, { "code": "52029-6", "display": "Sterilization consent" }, { "code": "55228-1", "display": "Cytogenetics study" }, { "code": "18752-6", "display": "Exercise stress test study" }, { "code": "29755-6", "display": "Nerve conduction study" }, { "code": "11526-1", "display": "Pathology study" }, { "code": "28633-6", "display": "Polysomnography (sleep) study" }, { "code": "11527-9", "display": "Psychiatry study" }, { "code": "58477-1", "display": "Pulmonary function report" }, { "code": "11529-5", "display": "Surgical pathology study" }, { "code": "55230-7", "display": "Immunophenotyping study" }, { "code": "11523-8", "display": "EEG study" }, { "code": "11541-0", "display": "MRI Brain study" }, { "code": "29757-2", "display": "Colposcopy study" }, { "code": "33717-0", "display": "Cytology Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping study" }, { "code": "18745-0", "display": "Cardiac catheterization study" }, { "code": "11524-6", "display": "EKG study" }, { "code": "18750-0", "display": "Electrophysiology study" }, { "code": "18754-2", "display": "Holter monitor study" }, { "code": "18746-8", "display": "Colonoscopy study" }, { "code": "18753-4", "display": "Flexible sigmoidoscopy study" }, { "code": "29756-4", "display": "Peritoneoscopy study" }, { "code": "18744-3", "display": "Bronchoscopy study" }, { "code": "18759-1", "display": "Spirometry study" }, { "code": "38269-7", "display": "Study report Skeletal system DXA" }, { "code": "18756-7", "display": "MRI Spine study" }, { "code": "17787-3", "display": "Thyroid Scan Study report" }, { "code": "55229-9", "display": "Immune stain study" }, { "code": "18751-8", "display": "Endoscopy study" }, { "code": "18742-7", "display": "Arthroscopy study" }, { "code": "33716-2", "display": "Non-gynecological cytology method study" }, { "code": "18748-4", "display": "Diagnostic imaging study" }, { "code": "18749-2", "display": "Electromyogram study" }, { "code": "33719-6", "display": "Flow cytometry study" }, { "code": "29754-9", "display": "Nystagmogram study" }, { "code": "52038-7", "display": "Subscriber Information including retroactive and presumptive eligibility" }, { "code": "52061-9", "display": "Support surfaces" }, { "code": "28583-3", "display": "Dentist Operation note" }, { "code": "28573-4", "display": "Physician, Operation note" }, { "code": "60568-3", "display": "Synoptic report" }, { "code": "52069-2", "display": "Tax ID number - IRS form W9" }, { "code": "11534-5", "display": "Temperature charts" }, { "code": "46213-5", "display": "Tilt table study" }, { "code": "28630-2", "display": "Tonometry study" }, { "code": "52062-7", "display": "Transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation (TENS)" }, { "code": "28651-8", "display": "Nurse Transfer note" }, { "code": "28616-1", "display": "Physician Transfer note" }, { "code": "69409-1", "display": "U.S. standard certificate of death - 2003 revision" }, { "code": "24783-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy Urodynamics" }, { "code": "25065-4", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 15 minutes" }, { "code": "25068-8", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 1 hour" }, { "code": "43471-2", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 2 hour" }, { "code": "25066-2", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 30 minutes" }, { "code": "25067-0", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 45 minutes" }, { "code": "43472-0", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy 90 minutes" }, { "code": "42702-1", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy Greater than 1 hour" }, { "code": "42703-9", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy Less than 1 hour" }, { "code": "36550-2", "display": "Abdomen X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36551-0", "display": "Ankle X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69307-7", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69314-3", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "46335-6", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram Single view" }, { "code": "46336-4", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram Single view" }, { "code": "46337-2", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram Single view" }, { "code": "46338-0", "display": "Breast - unilateral Mammogram Single view" }, { "code": "36564-3", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69311-9", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69319-2", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36554-4", "display": "Chest X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "42699-9", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36555-1", "display": "Clavicle X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36556-9", "display": "Elbow X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69308-5", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69315-0", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "42153-7", "display": "Extremity X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36559-3", "display": "Femur X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36560-1", "display": "Femur - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37689-7", "display": "Femur - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36561-9", "display": "Foot X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69309-3", "display": "Foot - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69316-8", "display": "Foot - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36563-5", "display": "Hand X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69310-1", "display": "Hand - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69318-4", "display": "Hand - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "24761-9", "display": "Hip X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "26400-2", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "26401-0", "display": "Hip - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "26402-8", "display": "Hip - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36565-0", "display": "Humerus X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69312-7", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69320-0", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36566-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36567-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37741-6", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36557-7", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36558-5", "display": "Lower extremity - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37764-8", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37614-5", "display": "Patella X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69152-7", "display": "Patella - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69260-8", "display": "Patella - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37616-0", "display": "Pelvis X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69317-6", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "42313-7", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "42314-5", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37654-1", "display": "Scapula X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "30748-8", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36568-4", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36569-2", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37792-9", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37851-3", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "24917-7", "display": "Skull X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "48695-1", "display": "Skull.base X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37875-2", "display": "Spine X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "24940-9", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "30773-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37904-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "38121-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69313-5", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "69321-8", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37894-3", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37924-8", "display": "Wrist X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "42419-2", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "36570-0", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "37825-7", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "30642-3", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy Single view" }, { "code": "30787-6", "display": "Joint X-ray Single view" }, { "code": "44176-6", "display": "Hip X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "41775-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "30749-6", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "30722-3", "display": "Skull X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "30724-9", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "30774-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "70932-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray Single view portable" }, { "code": "25063-9", "display": "Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram Single view W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69268-1", "display": "Breast duct Mammogram Single view W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "49510-1", "display": "Breast duct - left Mammogram Single view W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "49509-3", "display": "Breast duct - right Mammogram Single view W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "24715-5", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy Single view W contrast PO" }, { "code": "37513-9", "display": "Tibia - bilateral X-ray 10 degree caudal angle" }, { "code": "37514-7", "display": "Tibia - left X-ray 10 degree caudal angle" }, { "code": "38806-6", "display": "Tibia - right X-ray 10 degree caudal angle" }, { "code": "37467-8", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray 10 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "37468-6", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray 30 degree caudal angle" }, { "code": "42431-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 30 degree standing" }, { "code": "69079-2", "display": "Clavicle X-ray 45 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "37469-4", "display": "Clavicle - bilateral X-ray 45 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "37470-2", "display": "Clavicle - left X-ray 45 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "38803-3", "display": "Clavicle - right X-ray 45 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "24799-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36583-3", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - left X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37662-4", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - right X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36571-8", "display": "Ankle X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36572-6", "display": "Chest X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36573-4", "display": "Clavicle X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36575-9", "display": "Femur X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36576-7", "display": "Finger fifth X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36577-5", "display": "Finger fourth X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36578-3", "display": "Finger third X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36579-1", "display": "Foot X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36580-9", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36581-7", "display": "Hip X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36582-5", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37726-7", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36584-1", "display": "Knee X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36585-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "48462-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "48463-4", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36574-2", "display": "Lower extremity X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "42439-0", "display": "Neck X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37622-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "39050-0", "display": "Ribs X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36958-7", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36959-5", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37783-8", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "39048-4", "display": "Scapula X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37842-2", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36586-6", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "36587-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37798-6", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "69269-9", "display": "Skull X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37877-8", "display": "Spine X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "30725-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "24948-2", "display": "Spine Cervical Odontoid and Cervical axis X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "30777-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "30752-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "39049-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37880-2", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37890-1", "display": "Thumb X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "37897-6", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray AP single view" }, { "code": "39402-3", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation)" }, { "code": "37634-3", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP 20 degree cephalic angle" }, { "code": "30734-8", "display": "Chest X-ray AP lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "30735-5", "display": "Chest X-ray AP lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "24561-3", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP left lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "24637-1", "display": "Chest X-ray AP left lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "24560-5", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP left lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "24636-3", "display": "Chest X-ray AP left lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "36588-2", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP portable single view" }, { "code": "36589-0", "display": "Chest X-ray AP portable single view" }, { "code": "30727-2", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP portable single view" }, { "code": "30729-8", "display": "Spine Cervical Odontoid and Cervical axis X-ray AP portable single view" }, { "code": "30755-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP portable single view" }, { "code": "24563-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP right lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "43466-2", "display": "Chest X-ray AP right lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "24652-0", "display": "Chest X-ray AP right lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "43778-0", "display": "Chest X-ray AP supine portable" }, { "code": "24564-7", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP upright portable" }, { "code": "36960-3", "display": "Chest X-ray AP upright portable" }, { "code": "24807-0", "display": "Knee X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "26358-2", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "26359-0", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "26360-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "44177-4", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "38849-6", "display": "Lower extremity - left X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "37733-3", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "42420-0", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP single view standing" }, { "code": "42378-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP single view W left bending" }, { "code": "39410-6", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP single view W left bending" }, { "code": "42379-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP single view W right bending" }, { "code": "39411-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP single view W right bending" }, { "code": "24723-9", "display": "Hand X-ray arthritis" }, { "code": "26355-8", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray arthritis" }, { "code": "26356-6", "display": "Hand - left X-ray arthritis" }, { "code": "26357-4", "display": "Hand - right X-ray arthritis" }, { "code": "42395-4", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones - bilateral X-ray axial" }, { "code": "42396-2", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones - left X-ray axial" }, { "code": "36962-9", "display": "Breast Mammogram axillary" }, { "code": "37849-7", "display": "Shoulder X-ray axillary" }, { "code": "36963-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray axillary" }, { "code": "36964-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray axillary" }, { "code": "37800-0", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray axillary" }, { "code": "36965-2", "display": "Hand X-ray Ball Catcher" }, { "code": "37471-0", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray Bora" }, { "code": "37472-8", "display": "Hand - left X-ray Bora" }, { "code": "38804-1", "display": "Hand - right X-ray Bora" }, { "code": "36966-0", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray Brewerton" }, { "code": "36967-8", "display": "Hand - left X-ray Brewerton" }, { "code": "38775-3", "display": "Hand - right X-ray Brewerton" }, { "code": "37928-9", "display": "Wrist X-ray Brewerton" }, { "code": "37857-0", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Caldwell" }, { "code": "69132-9", "display": "Hip X-ray Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "69141-0", "display": "Hip - left X-ray Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "39514-5", "display": "Hip - right X-ray Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "37625-1", "display": "Pelvis X-ray Ferguson" }, { "code": "37650-9", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray Ferguson" }, { "code": "65799-9", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy View for cyst examination" }, { "code": "65800-5", "display": "Kidney - left Fluoroscopy View for cyst examination" }, { "code": "65801-3", "display": "Kidney - right Fluoroscopy View for cyst examination" }, { "code": "37297-9", "display": "Abdomen and Fetus X-ray View for fetal age" }, { "code": "39149-0", "display": "Gastrointestinal system and Respiratory system X-ray for foreign body" }, { "code": "36973-6", "display": "Hip X-ray Friedman" }, { "code": "37843-0", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Garth" }, { "code": "36974-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Garth" }, { "code": "37801-8", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Garth" }, { "code": "37844-8", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Grashey" }, { "code": "37035-3", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Grashey" }, { "code": "37473-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey" }, { "code": "38805-8", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey" }, { "code": "36975-1", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray Harris" }, { "code": "36977-7", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray Harris" }, { "code": "38776-1", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray Harris" }, { "code": "36976-9", "display": "Foot X-ray Harris" }, { "code": "36978-5", "display": "Knee X-ray Holmblad" }, { "code": "37628-5", "display": "Pelvis X-ray inlet" }, { "code": "36979-3", "display": "Elbow X-ray Jones" }, { "code": "36980-1", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray Jones" }, { "code": "38777-9", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray Jones" }, { "code": "36981-9", "display": "Hip X-ray Judet" }, { "code": "36982-7", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray Judet" }, { "code": "36983-5", "display": "Hip - left X-ray Judet" }, { "code": "37732-5", "display": "Hip - right X-ray Judet" }, { "code": "36620-3", "display": "Chest X-ray left anterior oblique" }, { "code": "36591-6", "display": "Abdomen X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36592-4", "display": "Ankle X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "39051-8", "display": "Chest X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36593-2", "display": "Femur X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36594-0", "display": "Finger fifth X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36595-7", "display": "Finger fourth X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36596-5", "display": "Finger second X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36597-3", "display": "Finger third X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36598-1", "display": "Foot - left X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37703-6", "display": "Foot - right X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36599-9", "display": "Hand X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36600-5", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36601-3", "display": "Hand - left X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37712-7", "display": "Hand - right X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36602-1", "display": "Hip X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36603-9", "display": "Hip - left X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37730-9", "display": "Hip - right X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36604-7", "display": "Knee X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36605-4", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36606-2", "display": "Knee - left X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37751-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "24843-5", "display": "Neck X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37629-3", "display": "Pelvis X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "39053-4", "display": "Ribs X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "38857-9", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37784-6", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37858-8", "display": "Sinuses X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "24920-1", "display": "Skull X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "39052-6", "display": "Spine X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "24943-3", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "24969-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "30756-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37891-9", "display": "Thumb X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37893-5", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "37930-5", "display": "Wrist X-ray lateral" }, { "code": "36984-3", "display": "Abdomen X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36985-0", "display": "Hip X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36986-8", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36987-6", "display": "Hip - left X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37727-5", "display": "Hip - right X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36988-4", "display": "Knee X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37872-9", "display": "Skull X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37878-6", "display": "Spine X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36989-2", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36990-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37903-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "36991-8", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral crosstable portable" }, { "code": "36992-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral crosstable portable" }, { "code": "30786-8", "display": "Hip X-ray lateral frog" }, { "code": "36993-4", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray lateral frog" }, { "code": "36994-2", "display": "Hip - left X-ray lateral frog" }, { "code": "37729-1", "display": "Hip - right X-ray lateral frog" }, { "code": "37626-9", "display": "Pelvis X-ray lateral frog" }, { "code": "36999-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray lateral hyperextension" }, { "code": "37000-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray lateral hyperextension" }, { "code": "37750-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray lateral hyperextension" }, { "code": "37909-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral hyperextension" }, { "code": "41774-1", "display": "Neck X-ray lateral portable" }, { "code": "30757-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral portable" }, { "code": "37515-4", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction X-ray lateral spot" }, { "code": "37516-2", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction X-ray lateral spot standing" }, { "code": "38066-7", "display": "Hip - left X-ray lateral during surgery" }, { "code": "38819-9", "display": "Hip - right X-ray lateral during surgery" }, { "code": "37001-5", "display": "Foot X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "37002-3", "display": "Knee - left X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "37754-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "42442-4", "display": "Spine X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "37003-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "37910-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral standing" }, { "code": "36997-5", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral W extension" }, { "code": "36971-0", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray lateral W extension" }, { "code": "37833-1", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray lateral W extension" }, { "code": "36998-3", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral W flexion" }, { "code": "36972-8", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray lateral W flexion" }, { "code": "37834-9", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray lateral W flexion" }, { "code": "37004-9", "display": "Knee X-ray Laurin" }, { "code": "36995-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray left lateral" }, { "code": "30737-1", "display": "Chest X-ray left lateral" }, { "code": "30738-9", "display": "Chest X-ray left lateral portable" }, { "code": "24639-7", "display": "Chest X-ray left lateral upright" }, { "code": "24638-9", "display": "Chest X-ray left lateral upright portable" }, { "code": "37008-0", "display": "Chest X-ray left oblique" }, { "code": "37009-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray left oblique" }, { "code": "24641-3", "display": "Chest X-ray left oblique portable" }, { "code": "24640-5", "display": "Chest X-ray lordotic" }, { "code": "38069-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray left posterior oblique" }, { "code": "37005-6", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram magnification" }, { "code": "37773-9", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram magnification" }, { "code": "42441-6", "display": "Neck X-ray magnification" }, { "code": "24801-3", "display": "Knee X-ray Merchants" }, { "code": "26283-2", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Merchants" }, { "code": "26284-0", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Merchants" }, { "code": "26285-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Merchants" }, { "code": "37006-4", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram MLO" }, { "code": "37007-2", "display": "Ankle X-ray Mortise" }, { "code": "37475-1", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray Mortise W manual stress" }, { "code": "37671-5", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray Mortise W manual stress" }, { "code": "38067-5", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram nipple profile" }, { "code": "36607-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36609-6", "display": "Femur X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36610-4", "display": "Finger fifth X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36611-2", "display": "Finger fourth X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36612-0", "display": "Finger second X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36613-8", "display": "Finger third X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36614-6", "display": "Foot X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36615-3", "display": "Foot - left X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "37704-4", "display": "Foot - right X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36616-1", "display": "Hand X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36617-9", "display": "Hip X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "36618-7", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "42689-0", "display": "Spine X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "30778-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "30758-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "37892-7", "display": "Thumb X-ray oblique single view" }, { "code": "44178-2", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray oblique view and (views W right bending and W left bending)" }, { "code": "37545-1", "display": "Hip - left X-ray oblique crosstable" }, { "code": "37728-3", "display": "Hip - right X-ray oblique crosstable" }, { "code": "30759-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray oblique portable" }, { "code": "37631-9", "display": "Pelvis X-ray outlet" }, { "code": "37845-5", "display": "Shoulder X-ray outlet" }, { "code": "37012-2", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray outlet" }, { "code": "37013-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray outlet" }, { "code": "37802-6", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray outlet" }, { "code": "36621-1", "display": "Hand X-ray PA" }, { "code": "36622-9", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray PA" }, { "code": "36623-7", "display": "Hand - left X-ray PA" }, { "code": "37714-3", "display": "Hand - right X-ray PA" }, { "code": "69270-7", "display": "Skull X-ray PA" }, { "code": "37931-3", "display": "Wrist X-ray PA" }, { "code": "36624-5", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray PA" }, { "code": "37015-5", "display": "Abdomen X-ray PA prone" }, { "code": "24648-8", "display": "Chest X-ray PA upright" }, { "code": "37014-8", "display": "Knee - left X-ray PA standing" }, { "code": "37755-6", "display": "Knee - right X-ray PA standing" }, { "code": "37477-7", "display": "Knee X-ray PA standing and W 45 degree flexion" }, { "code": "37476-9", "display": "Knee X-ray PA W 45 degree flexion" }, { "code": "39324-9", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray PA W clenched fist" }, { "code": "69263-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray PA W clenched fist" }, { "code": "24828-6", "display": "Mandible X-ray panorex" }, { "code": "24871-6", "display": "Pelvis X-ray pelvimetry" }, { "code": "37998-2", "display": "Elbow X-ray radial head capitellar" }, { "code": "37999-0", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray radial head capitellar" }, { "code": "38000-6", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray radial head capitellar" }, { "code": "38006-3", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray radial head capitellar" }, { "code": "38068-3", "display": "Chest X-ray right anterior oblique" }, { "code": "36996-7", "display": "Abdomen X-ray right lateral" }, { "code": "37010-6", "display": "Chest X-ray right oblique" }, { "code": "37011-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray right oblique" }, { "code": "37018-9", "display": "Knee X-ray Rosenberg standing" }, { "code": "37020-5", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Rosenberg standing" }, { "code": "37019-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Rosenberg standing" }, { "code": "37752-3", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Rosenberg standing" }, { "code": "39323-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray right posterior oblique" }, { "code": "49511-9", "display": "Femoral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W and WO contrast IA" }, { "code": "24699-1", "display": "Femoral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26178-4", "display": "Femoral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26179-2", "display": "Femoral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26180-0", "display": "Femoral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "42812-8", "display": "Wrist X-ray scaphoid single view" }, { "code": "42813-6", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray scaphoid single view" }, { "code": "42814-4", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray scaphoid single view" }, { "code": "42811-0", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray scaphoid single view" }, { "code": "44206-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis single view" }, { "code": "30714-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP" }, { "code": "42426-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP sitting" }, { "code": "37659-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP standing" }, { "code": "42428-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP standing and in brace" }, { "code": "42429-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP standing and W right bending" }, { "code": "42427-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis lateral sitting" }, { "code": "37660-8", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis lateral standing" }, { "code": "37846-3", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint X-ray Serendipity" }, { "code": "37298-7", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray Serendipity" }, { "code": "37299-5", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - left X-ray Serendipity" }, { "code": "37808-3", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - right X-ray Serendipity" }, { "code": "43671-7", "display": "Thyroid Scan spot" }, { "code": "42471-3", "display": "Pelvis X-ray stereo" }, { "code": "42474-7", "display": "Skull X-ray stereo" }, { "code": "39516-0", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "37024-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "37025-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "37791-1", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "39517-8", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Stryker Notch and West Point" }, { "code": "37861-2", "display": "Sinuses X-ray submentovertex" }, { "code": "37026-2", "display": "Skull X-ray submentovertex" }, { "code": "43780-6", "display": "Knee X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "37027-0", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "43779-8", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "69256-6", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "69239-2", "display": "Patella X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "69069-3", "display": "Patella - bilateral X-ray Sunrise" }, { "code": "69064-4", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Sunrise and (views standing)" }, { "code": "69149-3", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Sunrise and (views standing)" }, { "code": "42432-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Sunrise and (views standing)" }, { "code": "24944-1", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray Swimmers" }, { "code": "37028-8", "display": "Breast Mammogram tangential" }, { "code": "37029-6", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram tangential" }, { "code": "37030-4", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram tangential" }, { "code": "37770-5", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram tangential" }, { "code": "37870-3", "display": "Skull X-ray Towne" }, { "code": "24668-6", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy transit Post solid contrast" }, { "code": "37031-2", "display": "Humerus X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "37032-0", "display": "Humerus - bilateral X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "37033-8", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "38007-1", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "37034-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "38779-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray transthoracic" }, { "code": "37300-1", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction X-ray true AP" }, { "code": "37037-9", "display": "Breast Mammogram true lateral" }, { "code": "37038-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram true lateral" }, { "code": "38855-3", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram true lateral" }, { "code": "37771-3", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram true lateral" }, { "code": "37039-5", "display": "Hip X-ray true lateral" }, { "code": "37040-3", "display": "Hip - left X-ray true lateral" }, { "code": "38772-0", "display": "Hip - right X-ray true lateral" }, { "code": "30790-0", "display": "Knee X-ray tunnel" }, { "code": "37041-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray tunnel" }, { "code": "37042-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray tunnel" }, { "code": "37761-4", "display": "Knee - right X-ray tunnel" }, { "code": "38842-1", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray tunnel.carpal" }, { "code": "37677-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray tunnel.carpal" }, { "code": "37043-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray tunnel standing" }, { "code": "37756-4", "display": "Knee - right X-ray tunnel standing" }, { "code": "37044-5", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray ulnar deviation" }, { "code": "37645-9", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray ulnar deviation" }, { "code": "37045-2", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray ulnar variance" }, { "code": "37046-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray upright" }, { "code": "37047-8", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Velpeau axillary" }, { "code": "37048-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Velpeau axillary" }, { "code": "38780-3", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Velpeau axillary" }, { "code": "37049-4", "display": "Hip X-ray Von rossen" }, { "code": "37613-7", "display": "Orbit - bilateral X-ray Waters" }, { "code": "37863-8", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Waters" }, { "code": "24921-9", "display": "Skull X-ray Waters" }, { "code": "42473-9", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Waters stereo" }, { "code": "38117-8", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Waters upright" }, { "code": "30751-2", "display": "Shoulder X-ray West Point" }, { "code": "37050-2", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray West Point" }, { "code": "37051-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray West Point" }, { "code": "37809-1", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray West Point" }, { "code": "42680-9", "display": "Breast Mammogram XCCL" }, { "code": "37052-8", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram XCCL" }, { "code": "37053-6", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram XCCL" }, { "code": "37772-1", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram XCCL" }, { "code": "37656-6", "display": "Scapula X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37055-1", "display": "Scapula - bilateral X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37054-4", "display": "Scapula - left X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37790-3", "display": "Scapula - right X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37847-1", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Y" }, { "code": "38858-7", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37805-9", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Y" }, { "code": "37848-9", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray Zanca" }, { "code": "37056-9", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray Zanca" }, { "code": "37057-7", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - left X-ray Zanca" }, { "code": "37810-9", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - right X-ray Zanca" }, { "code": "41793-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "41790-7", "display": "Chest X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "24656-1", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy during surgery" }, { "code": "39047-6", "display": "Hip Fluoroscopy during surgery" }, { "code": "38065-9", "display": "Hip - left X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "38818-1", "display": "Hip - right X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "42008-3", "display": "Humerus X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "24893-0", "display": "Rectum Fluoroscopy post contrast PR during defecation" }, { "code": "37058-5", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37059-3", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37207-8", "display": "Hip - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37731-7", "display": "Hip - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "44205-3", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "38850-4", "display": "Lower extremity - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37734-1", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37633-5", "display": "Pelvis X-ray standing" }, { "code": "39144-1", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W air contrast PO" }, { "code": "41795-6", "display": "Upper Gastrointestine and Small bowel Fluoroscopy W air contrast PO" }, { "code": "69302-8", "display": "Wrist X-ray W clenched fist" }, { "code": "36968-6", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray W clenched fist" }, { "code": "30639-9", "display": "Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "42470-5", "display": "Gastrointestine upper and Gallbladder Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "30809-8", "display": "Upper Gastrointestine and Small bowel Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "42469-7", "display": "Gastrointestine upper and Small bowel and Gallbladder Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "38001-4", "display": "Chest X-ray W expiration" }, { "code": "38002-2", "display": "Chest X-ray W inspiration" }, { "code": "37060-1", "display": "Fetal X-ray" }, { "code": "37636-8", "display": "Abdomen X-ray" }, { "code": "46341-4", "display": "Abdomen Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "24535-7", "display": "Acetabulum X-ray" }, { "code": "26133-9", "display": "Acetabulum - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26134-7", "display": "Acetabulum - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26135-4", "display": "Acetabulum - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24536-5", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray" }, { "code": "26136-2", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26137-0", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26138-8", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24541-5", "display": "Ankle X-ray" }, { "code": "26097-6", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26098-4", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray" }, { "code": "51395-2", "display": "Ankle - left and Foot.left X-ray" }, { "code": "26099-2", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray" }, { "code": "51394-5", "display": "Ankle - right and Foot - right X-ray" }, { "code": "36625-2", "display": "Breast Mammogram" }, { "code": "46342-2", "display": "Breast FFD mammogram" }, { "code": "38070-9", "display": "Breast implant Mammogram" }, { "code": "38071-7", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral Mammogram" }, { "code": "38072-5", "display": "Breast implant - left Mammogram" }, { "code": "38820-7", "display": "Breast implant - right Mammogram" }, { "code": "46380-2", "display": "Breast Implant - unilateral Mammogram" }, { "code": "24597-7", "display": "Breast specimen Mammogram" }, { "code": "38079-0", "display": "Breast specimen - bilateral Mammogram" }, { "code": "38080-8", "display": "Breast specimen - left Mammogram" }, { "code": "38821-5", "display": "Breast specimen - right Mammogram" }, { "code": "36626-0", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram" }, { "code": "36627-8", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram" }, { "code": "37774-7", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram" }, { "code": "46339-8", "display": "Breast - unilateral Mammogram" }, { "code": "24612-4", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray" }, { "code": "26100-8", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26101-6", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26102-4", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30745-4", "display": "Chest X-ray" }, { "code": "30631-6", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "42269-1", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray" }, { "code": "24664-5", "display": "Clavicle X-ray" }, { "code": "26106-5", "display": "Clavicle - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26107-3", "display": "Clavicle - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26108-1", "display": "Clavicle - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30883-3", "display": "Coccyx X-ray" }, { "code": "24676-9", "display": "Elbow X-ray" }, { "code": "26109-9", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26110-7", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26111-5", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray" }, { "code": "46381-0", "display": "Elbow+Radius+Ulna X-ray" }, { "code": "37637-6", "display": "Extremity X-ray" }, { "code": "24695-9", "display": "Facial bones X-ray" }, { "code": "37303-5", "display": "Facial bones and Zygomatic arch X-ray" }, { "code": "24704-9", "display": "Femur X-ray" }, { "code": "26118-0", "display": "Femur - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26120-6", "display": "Femur - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26122-2", "display": "Femur - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24706-4", "display": "Finger X-ray" }, { "code": "26124-8", "display": "Finger - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "30783-5", "display": "Finger fifth X-ray" }, { "code": "37517-0", "display": "Finger fifth - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37518-8", "display": "Finger fifth - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38147-5", "display": "Finger fifth - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30782-7", "display": "Finger fourth X-ray" }, { "code": "37519-6", "display": "Finger fourth - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37520-4", "display": "Finger fourth - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38146-7", "display": "Finger fourth - right X-ray" }, { "code": "26125-5", "display": "Finger - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26126-3", "display": "Finger - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30780-1", "display": "Finger second X-ray" }, { "code": "37521-2", "display": "Finger second - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37522-0", "display": "Finger second - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38144-2", "display": "Finger second - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30781-9", "display": "Finger third X-ray" }, { "code": "37523-8", "display": "Finger third - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37524-6", "display": "Finger third - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38145-9", "display": "Finger third - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24709-8", "display": "Foot X-ray" }, { "code": "26127-1", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26128-9", "display": "Foot - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26129-7", "display": "Foot - right X-ray" }, { "code": "42399-6", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones X-ray" }, { "code": "42400-2", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "43641-0", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones - left X-ray" }, { "code": "42434-1", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37532-9", "display": "Great toe - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37533-7", "display": "Great toe - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38152-5", "display": "Great toe - right X-ray" }, { "code": "28582-5", "display": "Hand X-ray" }, { "code": "36629-4", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36630-2", "display": "Hand - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37716-8", "display": "Hand - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24752-8", "display": "Heart Fluoroscopy video" }, { "code": "24762-7", "display": "Hip X-ray" }, { "code": "26130-5", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26131-3", "display": "Hip - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26132-1", "display": "Hip - right X-ray" }, { "code": "28567-6", "display": "Humerus X-ray" }, { "code": "37319-1", "display": "Humerus bicipital groove X-ray" }, { "code": "37321-7", "display": "Humerus bicipital groove - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37320-9", "display": "Humerus bicipital groove - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38797-7", "display": "Humerus bicipital groove - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37062-7", "display": "Humerus - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36632-8", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37738-2", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray" }, { "code": "36628-6", "display": "Internal auditory canal X-ray" }, { "code": "28565-0", "display": "Knee X-ray" }, { "code": "36635-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36636-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37758-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray" }, { "code": "48465-9", "display": "Larynx Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "24686-8", "display": "Lower extremity X-ray" }, { "code": "26112-3", "display": "Lower extremity - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26113-1", "display": "Lower extremity - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26114-9", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24829-4", "display": "Mandible X-ray" }, { "code": "48745-4", "display": "Mandible - left X-ray" }, { "code": "43533-9", "display": "Mandible - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24830-2", "display": "Mastoid X-ray" }, { "code": "26139-6", "display": "Mastoid - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26140-4", "display": "Mastoid - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26141-2", "display": "Mastoid - right X-ray" }, { "code": "36637-7", "display": "Maxilla X-ray" }, { "code": "24834-4", "display": "Nasal bones X-ray" }, { "code": "37639-2", "display": "Neck X-ray" }, { "code": "37332-4", "display": "Olecranon - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38798-5", "display": "Olecranon - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24846-8", "display": "Optic foramen X-ray" }, { "code": "26142-0", "display": "Optic foramen - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26143-8", "display": "Optic foramen - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26144-6", "display": "Optic foramen - right X-ray" }, { "code": "36886-0", "display": "Orbit X-ray" }, { "code": "24854-2", "display": "Orbit - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36887-8", "display": "Orbit - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38774-6", "display": "Orbit - right X-ray" }, { "code": "43529-7", "display": "Orbit + Facial bones X-ray" }, { "code": "24855-9", "display": "Oropharynx Fluoroscopy video" }, { "code": "30791-8", "display": "Patella X-ray" }, { "code": "36638-5", "display": "Patella - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36639-3", "display": "Patella - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37777-0", "display": "Patella - right X-ray" }, { "code": "28561-9", "display": "Pelvis X-ray" }, { "code": "30885-8", "display": "Pelvis symphysis pubis X-ray" }, { "code": "30767-8", "display": "Pelvis and Hip X-ray" }, { "code": "30768-6", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36631-0", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38771-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - right X-ray" }, { "code": "47984-0", "display": "Pelvis and Spine Lumbar X-ray" }, { "code": "24745-2", "display": "Petrous bone X-ray" }, { "code": "26146-1", "display": "Radius - bilateral and Ulna - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26148-7", "display": "Radius - left and Ulna.left X-ray" }, { "code": "26150-3", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24891-4", "display": "Radius and Ulna X-ray" }, { "code": "24899-7", "display": "Ribs X-ray" }, { "code": "37937-0", "display": "Ribs anterior X-ray" }, { "code": "38073-3", "display": "Ribs anterior - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "38074-1", "display": "Ribs anterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37963-6", "display": "Ribs anterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "38868-6", "display": "Ribs anterior and posterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37962-8", "display": "Ribs anterior and posterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "26151-1", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "69071-9", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray" }, { "code": "26152-9", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39326-4", "display": "Ribs - left and Chest X-ray" }, { "code": "38866-0", "display": "Ribs lower - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39489-0", "display": "Ribs lower posterior X-ray" }, { "code": "42381-4", "display": "Ribs lower posterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39493-2", "display": "Ribs lower posterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37960-2", "display": "Ribs lower - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37938-8", "display": "Ribs posterior X-ray" }, { "code": "39352-0", "display": "Ribs posterior - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "38869-4", "display": "Ribs posterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37964-4", "display": "Ribs posterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "26153-7", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray" }, { "code": "39351-2", "display": "Ribs upper anterior and posterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39491-6", "display": "Ribs upper anterior and posterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "38867-8", "display": "Ribs upper - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39353-8", "display": "Ribs upper posterior - left X-ray" }, { "code": "39492-4", "display": "Ribs upper posterior - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37961-0", "display": "Ribs upper - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24900-3", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray" }, { "code": "36633-6", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "36634-4", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37786-1", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - right X-ray" }, { "code": "30884-1", "display": "Sacrum X-ray" }, { "code": "24665-2", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray" }, { "code": "39058-3", "display": "Salivary gland X-ray" }, { "code": "24903-7", "display": "Scapula X-ray" }, { "code": "26154-5", "display": "Scapula - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26155-2", "display": "Scapula - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26156-0", "display": "Scapula - right X-ray" }, { "code": "42159-4", "display": "Sella turcica X-ray" }, { "code": "24909-4", "display": "Shoulder X-ray" }, { "code": "26157-8", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26158-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26159-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray" }, { "code": "42160-2", "display": "Shunt X-ray" }, { "code": "24911-0", "display": "Shunt Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "24916-9", "display": "Sinuses X-ray" }, { "code": "28564-3", "display": "Skull X-ray" }, { "code": "48697-7", "display": "Skull.base X-ray" }, { "code": "37338-1", "display": "Skull and Facial bones and Mandible X-ray" }, { "code": "28613-8", "display": "Spine X-ray" }, { "code": "24946-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray" }, { "code": "36640-1", "display": "Spine Cervical Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "43538-8", "display": "Spine Cervical Fluoroscopy video" }, { "code": "37481-9", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic X-ray" }, { "code": "38008-9", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray" }, { "code": "43781-4", "display": "Spine Cervicothoracic Junction X-ray" }, { "code": "24972-2", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray" }, { "code": "43536-2", "display": "Spine Lumbar Fluoroscopy video" }, { "code": "24975-5", "display": "Spine.lumbar and Sacroiliac joint - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37340-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum X-ray" }, { "code": "37341-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray" }, { "code": "37342-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint and Coccyx X-ray" }, { "code": "46340-6", "display": "Spine Lumbosacral Junction X-ray" }, { "code": "24983-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray" }, { "code": "42692-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray" }, { "code": "37975-0", "display": "Spine Thoracolumbar Junction X-ray" }, { "code": "37323-3", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "37324-1", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - left X-ray" }, { "code": "37965-1", "display": "Sternoclavicular joint - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24993-8", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joints X-ray" }, { "code": "24994-6", "display": "Sternum X-ray" }, { "code": "72876-6", "display": "Surgical specimen X-ray" }, { "code": "25000-1", "display": "Temporomandibular joint X-ray" }, { "code": "37325-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "30889-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left X-ray" }, { "code": "30890-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right X-ray" }, { "code": "25006-8", "display": "Thumb X-ray" }, { "code": "26160-2", "display": "Thumb - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26161-0", "display": "Thumb - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26162-8", "display": "Thumb - right X-ray" }, { "code": "26163-6", "display": "Tibia - bilateral and Fibula - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26164-4", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26165-1", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray" }, { "code": "25011-8", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray" }, { "code": "37530-3", "display": "Toe fifth - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38151-7", "display": "Toe fifth - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37531-1", "display": "Toe fourth - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38150-9", "display": "Toe fourth - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37534-5", "display": "Toe second - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38148-3", "display": "Toe second - right X-ray" }, { "code": "37535-2", "display": "Toe third - left X-ray" }, { "code": "38149-1", "display": "Toe third - right X-ray" }, { "code": "25013-4", "display": "Toes X-ray" }, { "code": "26166-9", "display": "Toes - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26167-7", "display": "Toes - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26168-5", "display": "Toes - right X-ray" }, { "code": "44238-4", "display": "Trachea X-ray" }, { "code": "48464-2", "display": "Trachea Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "24689-2", "display": "Upper extremity X-ray" }, { "code": "26115-6", "display": "Upper extremity - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26116-4", "display": "Upper extremity - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26117-2", "display": "Upper extremity - right X-ray" }, { "code": "24619-9", "display": "Wrist X-ray" }, { "code": "26169-3", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26170-1", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray" }, { "code": "51392-9", "display": "Wrist - left and Hand - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26171-9", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray" }, { "code": "51388-7", "display": "Wrist - right and Hand - right X-ray" }, { "code": "43468-8", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray" }, { "code": "49512-7", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy" }, { "code": "25074-6", "display": "Zygomatic arch X-ray" }, { "code": "26172-7", "display": "Zygomatic arch - bilateral X-ray" }, { "code": "26173-5", "display": "Zygomatic arch - left X-ray" }, { "code": "26174-3", "display": "Zygomatic arch - right X-ray" }, { "code": "51387-9", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray and (AP view standing)" }, { "code": "39370-2", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray and (view W manual stress)" }, { "code": "30635-7", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy and AP W contrast PO" }, { "code": "42162-8", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy and AP W water soluble contrast PO" }, { "code": "39400-7", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray and carpal tunnel" }, { "code": "69131-1", "display": "Hip X-ray and Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "69140-2", "display": "Hip - left X-ray and Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "39513-7", "display": "Hip - right X-ray and Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "39360-3", "display": "Pelvis X-ray and inlet and outlet" }, { "code": "69059-4", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "69139-4", "display": "Hip - left X-ray and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "39377-7", "display": "Hip - right X-ray and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37583-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - bilateral X-ray and lateral frog" }, { "code": "39372-8", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray and Mortise" }, { "code": "39373-6", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "39390-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "39511-1", "display": "Pelvis X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "39376-9", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "42164-4", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "42163-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "39414-8", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "39398-3", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray and oblique" }, { "code": "69056-0", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray and obliques" }, { "code": "41811-1", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray and PA chest" }, { "code": "41832-7", "display": "Ribs - left and Chest X-ray and PA chest" }, { "code": "42010-9", "display": "Ribs - right and Chest X-ray and PA chest" }, { "code": "42165-1", "display": "Ribs and Chest X-ray and PA chest" }, { "code": "46389-3", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray and radial head capitellar" }, { "code": "39391-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray and Sunrise" }, { "code": "39412-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray and Swimmers" }, { "code": "69148-5", "display": "Knee - left X-ray and tunnel" }, { "code": "39389-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray and tunnel" }, { "code": "30694-4", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake.single" }, { "code": "42271-7", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake W I-123 IV" }, { "code": "60527-9", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake W I-123 PO" }, { "code": "25008-4", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake W I-131 IV" }, { "code": "69236-8", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake W I-131 PO" }, { "code": "43672-5", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake" }, { "code": "44147-7", "display": "Thyroid Scan and uptake W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "42405-1", "display": "Knee X-ray (AP^standing) and (lateral^W hyperextension)" }, { "code": "42401-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray (AP W R-bending and W L-bending and WO bending) and Lateral" }, { "code": "42411-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray (AP^W R-bending and W L-bending) and (lateral^W flexion and W extension)" }, { "code": "39392-6", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary" }, { "code": "44199-8", "display": "Facial bones X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "44198-0", "display": "Knee X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "47373-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "47375-1", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "43521-4", "display": "Mandible X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "47983-2", "display": "Mastoid - bilateral X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "48489-9", "display": "Mastoid - left X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "48488-1", "display": "Mastoid - right X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "43522-2", "display": "Pelvis X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "48467-5", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "43523-0", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 1 or 2 views" }, { "code": "44202-0", "display": "Knee X-ray 1 or 2 views portable" }, { "code": "44201-2", "display": "Pelvis X-ray 1 or 2 views portable" }, { "code": "36641-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37064-3", "display": "Acetabulum - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37664-0", "display": "Acetabulum - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36665-8", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37661-6", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24540-7", "display": "Ankle X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26385-5", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26386-3", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26387-1", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36642-7", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram 2 views" }, { "code": "37768-9", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram 2 views" }, { "code": "36661-7", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "48433-7", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36662-5", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37718-4", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36643-5", "display": "Chest X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36644-3", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy 2 views" }, { "code": "36645-0", "display": "Clavicle X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36646-8", "display": "Clavicle - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37679-8", "display": "Clavicle - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36647-6", "display": "Coccyx X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36648-4", "display": "Elbow X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36649-2", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36650-0", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37681-4", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36652-6", "display": "Femur X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36653-4", "display": "Femur - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36654-2", "display": "Femur - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37690-5", "display": "Femur - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36655-9", "display": "Finger X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36656-7", "display": "Finger - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37694-7", "display": "Finger - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "30784-3", "display": "Foot X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36657-5", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "38846-2", "display": "Foot - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37697-0", "display": "Foot - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24721-3", "display": "Hand X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26388-9", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26389-7", "display": "Hand - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26390-5", "display": "Hand - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36663-3", "display": "Hip X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "69058-6", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36664-1", "display": "Hip - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37721-8", "display": "Hip - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24765-0", "display": "Humerus X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26391-3", "display": "Humerus - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26392-1", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26393-9", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24806-2", "display": "Knee X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26394-7", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26395-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26396-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36651-8", "display": "Lower extremity X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "69257-4", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24861-7", "display": "Patella X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26397-0", "display": "Patella - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26398-8", "display": "Patella - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "26399-6", "display": "Patella - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37617-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "42685-8", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "42686-6", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36659-1", "display": "Radius - bilateral and Ulna - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36660-9", "display": "Radius - left and Ulna.left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37707-7", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36658-3", "display": "Radius and Ulna X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "39060-9", "display": "Ribs X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "42687-4", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37066-8", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37780-4", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37651-7", "display": "Sacrum X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "44179-0", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37655-8", "display": "Scapula X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36666-6", "display": "Scapula - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37787-9", "display": "Scapula - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "42435-8", "display": "Sella turcica X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37840-6", "display": "Shoulder X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36667-4", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36668-2", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37793-7", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37853-9", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37867-9", "display": "Skull X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37879-4", "display": "Spine X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36669-0", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "43784-8", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36670-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37905-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "24984-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "69273-1", "display": "Spine Thoracolumbar Junction X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37883-6", "display": "Sternum X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36671-6", "display": "Tibia - bilateral and Fibula - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36672-4", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37815-8", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37895-0", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37902-4", "display": "Toes X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37348-0", "display": "Toes - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "36673-2", "display": "Toes - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37821-6", "display": "Toes - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37922-2", "display": "Upper extremity X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37925-5", "display": "Wrist X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37482-7", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37483-5", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "37826-5", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "69305-1", "display": "Zygomatic arch X-ray 2 views" }, { "code": "42430-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and (views standing)" }, { "code": "42009-1", "display": "Chest X-ray 2 views and apical" }, { "code": "39378-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and oblique" }, { "code": "48468-3", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray 2 views and PA chest" }, { "code": "43467-0", "display": "Chest X-ray 2 views and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "69060-2", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 2 views and Sunrise" }, { "code": "69142-8", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views and Sunrise" }, { "code": "39379-3", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and Sunrise" }, { "code": "39380-1", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "69061-0", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 2 views and tunnel" }, { "code": "41819-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views and tunnel" }, { "code": "39381-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and tunnel" }, { "code": "69143-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views and tunnel standing" }, { "code": "39382-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views and tunnel standing" }, { "code": "38118-6", "display": "Neck X-ray 2 views lateral" }, { "code": "38844-7", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "37686-3", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "38871-0", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "38108-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "38874-4", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "38114-5", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray 2 views Oblique" }, { "code": "44181-6", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray 2 or 3 views" }, { "code": "43539-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 2 or 3 views" }, { "code": "48469-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 2 or 3 views" }, { "code": "39880-0", "display": "Bone Scan 2 views phase" }, { "code": "44184-0", "display": "Elbow X-ray 2 views portable" }, { "code": "44182-4", "display": "Hand X-ray 2 views portable" }, { "code": "44183-2", "display": "Radius and Ulna X-ray 2 views portable" }, { "code": "36674-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 2 views portable" }, { "code": "37658-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray 2 views scoliosis" }, { "code": "38843-9", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 2 views tunnel.carpal" }, { "code": "37678-0", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 2 views tunnel.carpal" }, { "code": "42166-9", "display": "Heart Scan 2 views at rest and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "38841-3", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "37675-6", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "37068-4", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "37069-2", "display": "Foot - left X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "37698-8", "display": "Foot - right X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "36945-4", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "38851-2", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "37762-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "36946-2", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "69274-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 2 views standing" }, { "code": "38840-5", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray 2 views W manual stress" }, { "code": "37672-3", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray 2 views W manual stress" }, { "code": "37067-6", "display": "Chest X-ray 2 views W nipple markers" }, { "code": "36293-9", "display": "Abdomen X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37635-0", "display": "Acetabulum X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36294-7", "display": "Ankle X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36295-4", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36296-2", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37665-7", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36298-8", "display": "Chest X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36299-6", "display": "Elbow X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36300-2", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36301-0", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37682-2", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36297-0", "display": "Facial bones X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36302-8", "display": "Femur X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36303-6", "display": "Finger X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36304-4", "display": "Finger - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37695-4", "display": "Finger - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36305-1", "display": "Foot X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36306-9", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36307-7", "display": "Foot - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37699-6", "display": "Foot - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "24722-1", "display": "Hand X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26379-8", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26380-6", "display": "Hand - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26381-4", "display": "Hand - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36308-5", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36309-3", "display": "Hip - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37722-6", "display": "Hip - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "30788-4", "display": "Knee X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36310-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36311-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37742-4", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36312-7", "display": "Mandible X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36838-1", "display": "Mastoid X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "48470-9", "display": "Mastoid - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "48471-7", "display": "Mastoid - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37604-6", "display": "Nasal bones X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "69261-6", "display": "Patella - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "30766-0", "display": "Pelvis X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37256-5", "display": "Pelvis and Spine Lumbar X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "39062-5", "display": "Ribs X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36313-5", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36314-3", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37781-2", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37648-3", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "39061-7", "display": "Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "24908-6", "display": "Shoulder X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26382-2", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26383-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "26384-8", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37854-7", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "24918-5", "display": "Skull X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "24941-7", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "30775-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37257-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacroiliac Joint X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37259-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37260-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37261-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint and Coccyx X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37906-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37881-0", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37888-5", "display": "Thumb X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36315-0", "display": "Thumb - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37812-5", "display": "Thumb - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "36316-8", "display": "Toes - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37820-8", "display": "Toes - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37926-3", "display": "Wrist X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37454-6", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "48738-9", "display": "Wrist - bilateral and Hand - bilateral X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37455-3", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37827-3", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "48737-1", "display": "Wrist and Hand X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "37933-9", "display": "Zygomatic arch X-ray 3 views" }, { "code": "69154-3", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 3 views and axillary" }, { "code": "39393-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 3 views and axillary" }, { "code": "39399-1", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 3 views and carpal tunnel" }, { "code": "39364-5", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 3 views and radial deviation" }, { "code": "39404-9", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 3 views and submentovertex" }, { "code": "39383-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 3 views and Sunrise" }, { "code": "48472-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 3 views and Swimmers" }, { "code": "39365-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 3 views and ulnar deviation" }, { "code": "69155-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 3 views and Y" }, { "code": "39394-2", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 3 views and Y" }, { "code": "43499-3", "display": "Foot - left X-ray 3 or 4 views" }, { "code": "43483-7", "display": "Foot - right X-ray 3 or 4 views" }, { "code": "39901-4", "display": "Bone Scan 3 views phase multiple areas" }, { "code": "39902-2", "display": "Bone Scan 3 views phase single area" }, { "code": "39882-6", "display": "Bone Scan 3 views phase whole body" }, { "code": "39883-4", "display": "Bone Scan 3 views phase" }, { "code": "30776-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 3 views portable" }, { "code": "69151-9", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 3 views scaphoid" }, { "code": "24778-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray 3 views serial W and WO contrast IV" }, { "code": "69138-6", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "69254-1", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "36947-0", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "36948-8", "display": "Foot - left X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "37700-2", "display": "Foot - right X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "36949-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "42443-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 3 views standing" }, { "code": "36317-6", "display": "Ankle X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36319-2", "display": "Breast Mammogram 4 views" }, { "code": "36320-0", "display": "Chest X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36321-8", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy 4 views" }, { "code": "36322-6", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36323-4", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37683-0", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36318-4", "display": "Facial bones X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36324-2", "display": "Femur - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37691-3", "display": "Femur - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "30789-2", "display": "Knee X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36325-9", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36326-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37743-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36327-5", "display": "Mandible X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "43534-7", "display": "Mandible - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "43535-4", "display": "Mandible - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36839-9", "display": "Mastoid X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37609-5", "display": "Optic foramen X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37612-9", "display": "Orbit - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36328-3", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "69265-7", "display": "Shoulder X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36329-1", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36330-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37794-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37855-4", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37868-7", "display": "Skull X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37876-0", "display": "Spine X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36331-7", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "36332-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "48473-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37907-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37882-8", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joint X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "38155-8", "display": "Wrist X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37070-0", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37071-8", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37828-1", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "37934-7", "display": "Zygomatic arch X-ray 4 views" }, { "code": "69144-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 4 views and AP standing" }, { "code": "39384-3", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views and AP standing" }, { "code": "39385-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views and oblique" }, { "code": "39413-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 4 views and oblique" }, { "code": "39099-7", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray 4 views and PA chest" }, { "code": "69063-6", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 4 views and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "39387-6", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "69145-1", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 4 views and tunnel" }, { "code": "39386-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views and tunnel" }, { "code": "69062-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 4 views standing" }, { "code": "38852-0", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 4 views standing" }, { "code": "37763-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 4 views standing" }, { "code": "36675-7", "display": "Facial bones X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "36676-5", "display": "Knee - left X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37744-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "36890-2", "display": "Mastoid X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37351-4", "display": "Pelvis and Spine Lumbar X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "30750-4", "display": "Shoulder X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "36677-3", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37795-2", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37856-2", "display": "Sinuses X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "24922-7", "display": "Skull X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "24939-1", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "30797-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37353-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacroiliac Joint X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37355-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37356-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Coccyx X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37357-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar and Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint and Coccyx X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37350-6", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37072-6", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "37829-9", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 5 views" }, { "code": "39407-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray 5 views and oblique" }, { "code": "69081-8", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 5 views and Swimmers" }, { "code": "37073-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 5 views standing" }, { "code": "69080-0", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 5 views W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "39063-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 5 views W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "42273-3", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "36678-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "36679-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "37796-0", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "42691-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "38156-6", "display": "Wrist X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "37074-2", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "37830-7", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 6 views" }, { "code": "36680-7", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray 7 views" }, { "code": "36681-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray 7 views" }, { "code": "36682-3", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray 8 views" }, { "code": "36683-1", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray 8 views" }, { "code": "37831-5", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray 8 views" }, { "code": "42412-7", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray 90 degree abduction" }, { "code": "39064-1", "display": "Ribs X-ray anterior and lateral" }, { "code": "69070-1", "display": "Ribs - bilateral X-ray anterior and lateral" }, { "code": "38856-1", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray anterior and lateral" }, { "code": "37782-0", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray anterior and lateral" }, { "code": "24796-5", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and AP left lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "24792-4", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and AP left lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "24653-8", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and AP right lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "24654-6", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and AP right lateral-decubitus portable" }, { "code": "37080-9", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and axillary" }, { "code": "37081-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "37082-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "38781-1", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "39339-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and axillary and outlet and 30 degree caudal angle" }, { "code": "37083-3", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and axillary and outlet and Zanca" }, { "code": "38782-9", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and axillary and outlet and Zanca" }, { "code": "37126-0", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "37084-1", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "38783-7", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "39512-9", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP and Danelius Miller" }, { "code": "39401-5", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP and Grashey and axillary" }, { "code": "69153-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and Grashey and axillary" }, { "code": "69262-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and Grashey and axillary" }, { "code": "37618-6", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and inlet" }, { "code": "37623-6", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and inlet and outlet" }, { "code": "39065-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and inlet and outlet and oblique" }, { "code": "37619-4", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and Judet" }, { "code": "24794-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "30779-3", "display": "Ankle X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36684-9", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36685-6", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37667-3", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36686-4", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36701-1", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37719-2", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36687-2", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "39066-6", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36688-0", "display": "Coccyx X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36689-8", "display": "Elbow X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36690-6", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36691-4", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37684-8", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36693-0", "display": "Femur X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36694-8", "display": "Femur - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36695-5", "display": "Femur - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37692-1", "display": "Femur - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "39069-0", "display": "Foot X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36696-3", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36697-1", "display": "Foot - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37701-0", "display": "Foot - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "42409-3", "display": "Foot sesamoid bones X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "69130-3", "display": "Hand X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "48474-1", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "38847-0", "display": "Hand - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37710-1", "display": "Hand - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36702-9", "display": "Hip X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36703-7", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36704-5", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37725-9", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36706-0", "display": "Humerus X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36707-8", "display": "Humerus - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36708-6", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37736-6", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36709-4", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36590-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36710-2", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37745-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36692-2", "display": "Lower extremity X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "69258-2", "display": "Lower extremity - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36711-0", "display": "Mandible X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "42438-2", "display": "Neck X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36712-8", "display": "Patella - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36713-6", "display": "Patella - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37776-2", "display": "Patella - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37620-2", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36705-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36699-7", "display": "Radius - bilateral and Ulna - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36700-3", "display": "Radius - left and Ulna.left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37708-5", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36698-9", "display": "Radius and Ulna X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37652-5", "display": "Sacrum X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36714-4", "display": "Scapula - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36715-1", "display": "Scapula - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37788-7", "display": "Scapula - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37841-4", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36716-9", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "24919-3", "display": "Skull X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "24928-4", "display": "Spine X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "24942-5", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37361-3", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Thoracic X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "39067-4", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "43785-5", "display": "Spine Cervicothoracic Junction X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "24970-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "30753-8", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "38123-6", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37974-3", "display": "Spine Thoracolumbar Junction X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37889-3", "display": "Thumb X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36717-7", "display": "Tibia - bilateral and Fibula - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36718-5", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37816-6", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37896-8", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "36719-3", "display": "Toes - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37822-4", "display": "Toes - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "30793-4", "display": "Wrist X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "38860-3", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37832-3", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray AP and lateral" }, { "code": "37839-8", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP and lateral and axillary" }, { "code": "39070-8", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and lateral and lordotic" }, { "code": "42404-4", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral and measurement" }, { "code": "39071-6", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and Merchants" }, { "code": "37095-7", "display": "Ankle X-ray AP and lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "37096-5", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "37097-3", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "37666-5", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "39072-4", "display": "Ankle X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36720-1", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36721-9", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37668-1", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36731-8", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36722-7", "display": "Elbow X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36723-5", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36724-3", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37685-5", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36725-0", "display": "Finger X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36726-8", "display": "Finger - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36727-6", "display": "Finger - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37696-2", "display": "Finger - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36728-4", "display": "Foot X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36729-2", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36730-0", "display": "Foot - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37702-8", "display": "Foot - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "69057-8", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "38848-8", "display": "Hand - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37711-9", "display": "Hand - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36732-6", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36733-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37748-1", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37624-4", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36734-2", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36735-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37908-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36736-7", "display": "Thumb - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37813-3", "display": "Thumb - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37927-1", "display": "Wrist X-ray AP and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37099-9", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and odontoid" }, { "code": "38083-2", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and odontoid and swimmer" }, { "code": "37101-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and spot" }, { "code": "42410-1", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and spot standing" }, { "code": "37102-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37118-7", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37115-3", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and oblique and tunnel" }, { "code": "69137-8", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique standing" }, { "code": "39371-0", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique standing" }, { "code": "39334-8", "display": "Foot - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique standing" }, { "code": "39375-1", "display": "Foot - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique standing" }, { "code": "42417-6", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and oblique W manual stress" }, { "code": "42418-4", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral and oblique W manual stress" }, { "code": "39369-4", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral and oblique W manual stress" }, { "code": "37103-9", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral and odontoid" }, { "code": "37079-1", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral and odontoid portable" }, { "code": "39074-0", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "39073-2", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "69147-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "39388-4", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "37105-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral and spot" }, { "code": "37106-2", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37107-0", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37108-8", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37749-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37109-6", "display": "Patella - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37110-4", "display": "Patella - left X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "38786-0", "display": "Patella - right X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37111-2", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37116-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37117-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37740-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "38009-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP and lateral and Swimmers" }, { "code": "37112-0", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral and tunnel" }, { "code": "37113-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral and tunnel" }, { "code": "37114-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral and tunnel" }, { "code": "37747-3", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral and tunnel" }, { "code": "69065-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37086-6", "display": "Hip X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37087-4", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37723-4", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37090-8", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "69146-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37089-0", "display": "Pelvis and Hip X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37088-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "38784-5", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "30763-7", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and lateral crosstable portable" }, { "code": "37077-5", "display": "Hip X-ray AP and lateral crosstable portable" }, { "code": "37091-6", "display": "Hip X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "37092-4", "display": "Hip - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "37093-2", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "37724-2", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "30770-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "42167-7", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "37094-0", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "38785-2", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral frog" }, { "code": "41776-6", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral frog portable" }, { "code": "24793-2", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "44185-7", "display": "Femur X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "44186-5", "display": "Foot X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "41817-8", "display": "Hip - left X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "41777-4", "display": "Hip - right X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "30726-4", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "37078-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "30754-6", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP and lateral portable" }, { "code": "39330-6", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "42380-6", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39368-6", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39068-2", "display": "Foot X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39331-4", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39332-2", "display": "Foot - left X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39374-4", "display": "Foot - right X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "24805-4", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "26364-0", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "26365-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "26366-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "39333-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "38084-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and left posterior oblique" }, { "code": "37119-5", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and oblique" }, { "code": "39076-5", "display": "Foot X-ray AP and oblique" }, { "code": "37621-0", "display": "Pelvis X-ray AP and oblique" }, { "code": "37649-1", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray AP and oblique" }, { "code": "39075-7", "display": "Toes X-ray AP and oblique" }, { "code": "37098-1", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and oblique and lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "44187-3", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and oblique and odontoid and lateral portable W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37100-5", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and oblique and odontoid and lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "24797-3", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP and oblique prone" }, { "code": "37120-3", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and odontoid and lateral crosstable" }, { "code": "37104-7", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray AP and odontoid and lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "42011-7", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray AP and PA chest" }, { "code": "24642-1", "display": "Chest X-ray AP and PA upright" }, { "code": "24808-8", "display": "Knee X-ray AP and PA standing" }, { "code": "26361-6", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray AP and PA standing" }, { "code": "26362-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP and PA standing" }, { "code": "26363-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP and PA standing" }, { "code": "37121-1", "display": "Clavicle - left X-ray AP and Serendipity" }, { "code": "37680-6", "display": "Clavicle - right X-ray AP and Serendipity" }, { "code": "37122-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "37797-8", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and Stryker Notch" }, { "code": "37485-0", "display": "Humerus X-ray AP and transthoracic" }, { "code": "39077-3", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP and transthoracic" }, { "code": "46349-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP and transthoracic" }, { "code": "38082-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and transthoracic" }, { "code": "38822-3", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and transthoracic" }, { "code": "37123-7", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and West Point" }, { "code": "38787-8", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and West Point" }, { "code": "36961-1", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and West Point and outlet" }, { "code": "37799-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and West Point and outlet" }, { "code": "37124-5", "display": "Scapula - left X-ray AP and Y" }, { "code": "37789-5", "display": "Scapula - right X-ray AP and Y" }, { "code": "69266-5", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP and Y" }, { "code": "37125-2", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP and Y" }, { "code": "38788-6", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP and Y" }, { "code": "24562-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (left lateral-decubitus and right lateral-decubitus)" }, { "code": "24650-4", "display": "Chest X-ray AP (right lateral-decubitus and left lateral-decubitus)" }, { "code": "24649-6", "display": "Chest X-ray AP (right lateral-decubitus and left lateral-decubitus) portable" }, { "code": "37085-8", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (supine and lateral-decubitus)" }, { "code": "37076-7", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (supine and lateral-decubitus) portable" }, { "code": "24798-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (supine and upright)" }, { "code": "43463-9", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray AP (supine and upright) and PA chest" }, { "code": "24795-7", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (supine and upright) portable" }, { "code": "42019-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray AP (upright and left lateral decubitus)" }, { "code": "39329-8", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation)" }, { "code": "39328-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation)" }, { "code": "39395-9", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation)" }, { "code": "39321-5", "display": "Shoulder X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary" }, { "code": "39336-3", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary" }, { "code": "39335-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary" }, { "code": "39337-1", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "39344-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "39338-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "39397-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and West Point" }, { "code": "39343-9", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and Y" }, { "code": "39348-8", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation and W external rotation) and Y" }, { "code": "39325-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation) and Grashey and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "39346-2", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray AP (W internal rotation) and West Point" }, { "code": "39347-0", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray AP (W internal rotation) and West Point" }, { "code": "39396-7", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray AP (W internal rotation) and West Point" }, { "code": "24632-2", "display": "Chest X-ray AP portable" }, { "code": "37075-9", "display": "Hip X-ray AP portable" }, { "code": "43561-0", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray AP upright and AP chest" }, { "code": "38003-0", "display": "Foot - left X-ray AP standing" }, { "code": "38815-7", "display": "Foot - right X-ray AP standing" }, { "code": "42406-9", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP W and WO left bending" }, { "code": "42407-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP W and WO right bending" }, { "code": "42445-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP W left bending and WO bending" }, { "code": "37484-3", "display": "Knee - left X-ray AP W manual stress" }, { "code": "37746-5", "display": "Knee - right X-ray AP W manual stress" }, { "code": "42403-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP W right bending and W left bending" }, { "code": "42408-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray AP W right bending and W left bending and WO bending" }, { "code": "42444-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP W right bending and W left bending and WO bending" }, { "code": "42446-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray AP W right bending and WO bending" }, { "code": "39403-1", "display": "Shoulder X-ray axillary and transcapular" }, { "code": "37127-8", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray axillary and Y" }, { "code": "37128-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray axillary and Y" }, { "code": "37807-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray axillary and Y" }, { "code": "46386-9", "display": "Teeth X-ray bitewing" }, { "code": "39884-2", "display": "Bone Scan blood pool" }, { "code": "39861-0", "display": "Heart Scan blood pool" }, { "code": "42709-6", "display": "Liver Scan blood pool" }, { "code": "39860-2", "display": "Heart Scan blood pool W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "26352-5", "display": "Wrist - bilateral and Hand - bilateral X-ray bone age" }, { "code": "26353-3", "display": "Wrist - left and Hand - left X-ray bone age" }, { "code": "26354-1", "display": "Wrist - right and Hand - right X-ray bone age" }, { "code": "24724-7", "display": "Wrist and Hand X-ray bone age" }, { "code": "37362-1", "display": "Bones X-ray bone age" }, { "code": "24591-0", "display": "Brain Scan brain death protocol W Tc-99m HMPAO IV" }, { "code": "37996-6", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray Broden" }, { "code": "37995-8", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray Broden" }, { "code": "37997-4", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray Broden" }, { "code": "38814-0", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray Broden" }, { "code": "37486-8", "display": "Ankle X-ray Broden W manual stress" }, { "code": "37852-1", "display": "Sinuses X-ray Caldwell and Waters" }, { "code": "39859-4", "display": "Brain Scan delayed static" }, { "code": "39875-0", "display": "Scan delayed W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39840-4", "display": "Scan delayed W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39842-0", "display": "Scan delayed W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "39874-3", "display": "Head Cistern Scan delayed W radionuclide IT" }, { "code": "39819-8", "display": "Bone Scan delayed" }, { "code": "39741-4", "display": "Parathyroid Scan delayed" }, { "code": "24605-8", "display": "Breast Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "39152-4", "display": "Breast FFD mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "69158-4", "display": "Breast implant X-ray diagnostic" }, { "code": "48475-8", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "69150-1", "display": "Breast implant - left Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "69259-0", "display": "Breast implant - right Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "26346-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "39154-0", "display": "Breast - bilateral FFD mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "26347-5", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "42169-3", "display": "Breast - left FFD mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "26348-3", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "42168-5", "display": "Breast - right FFD mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "46350-5", "display": "Breast - unilateral Mammogram diagnostic" }, { "code": "24604-1", "display": "Breast Mammogram diagnostic limited" }, { "code": "26349-1", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram diagnostic limited" }, { "code": "26350-9", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram diagnostic limited" }, { "code": "26351-7", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram diagnostic limited" }, { "code": "46351-3", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral Mammogram displacement" }, { "code": "39895-8", "display": "Gallbladder Scan ejection fraction W Tc-99m DISIDA IV" }, { "code": "39887-5", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and ejection fraction at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39889-1", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39885-9", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and ventricular volume" }, { "code": "39910-5", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39912-1", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion and ventricular volume and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39909-7", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion and ventricular volume and ejection fraction W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39908-9", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion and ventricular volume W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39886-7", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39890-9", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion" }, { "code": "39888-3", "display": "Heart Scan first pass and wall motion W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39867-7", "display": "Heart Scan first pass at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39863-6", "display": "Heart Scan first pass at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39866-9", "display": "Heart Scan first pass at rest and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39864-4", "display": "Heart Scan first pass" }, { "code": "39865-1", "display": "Left ventricle Scan first pass" }, { "code": "39869-3", "display": "Heart Scan first pass W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39868-5", "display": "Heart Scan first pass W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39893-3", "display": "Heart Scan flow for shunt detection" }, { "code": "43644-4", "display": "Brain Scan flow limited" }, { "code": "39858-6", "display": "Bone Scan flow" }, { "code": "39636-6", "display": "Brain Scan flow" }, { "code": "39871-9", "display": "Heart Scan flow" }, { "code": "42261-8", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan flow" }, { "code": "42262-6", "display": "Liver Scan flow" }, { "code": "43653-5", "display": "Liver and Spleen Scan flow" }, { "code": "39847-9", "display": "Parotid gland Scan flow" }, { "code": "39899-0", "display": "Salivary gland Scan flow" }, { "code": "42308-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan flow" }, { "code": "42263-4", "display": "Spleen Scan flow" }, { "code": "39856-0", "display": "Thyroid Scan flow" }, { "code": "43500-8", "display": "Vessel Scan flow" }, { "code": "44148-5", "display": "Brain Scan flow W Tc-99m bicisate IV" }, { "code": "43642-8", "display": "Brain Scan flow W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "43664-2", "display": "Renal vessels Scan flow W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "43643-6", "display": "Brain Scan flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "43666-7", "display": "Kidney - bilateral and Renal vessels Scan flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "43663-4", "display": "Renal vessels Scan flow W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "43665-9", "display": "Renal vessels Scan flow W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV" }, { "code": "39870-1", "display": "Heart Scan flow W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "43654-3", "display": "Liver Scan flow W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "39685-3", "display": "Scan for abscess W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39940-2", "display": "Lung Scan Clearance W Tc-99m DTPA aerosol inhaled" }, { "code": "43787-1", "display": "Skull and Facial bones and Mandible X-ray for dental measurement" }, { "code": "43648-5", "display": "Scan for endocrine tumor multiple areas W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "43649-3", "display": "Scan for endocrine tumor multiple areas W In-111 pentetreotide IV" }, { "code": "39827-1", "display": "Scan for endocrine tumor whole body W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39828-9", "display": "Scan for endocrine tumor whole body W In-111 pentetreotide IV" }, { "code": "39327-2", "display": "Abdomen and Fetus X-ray for fetal age" }, { "code": "44208-7", "display": "Orbit X-ray for foreign body" }, { "code": "30720-7", "display": "Orbit - bilateral X-ray for foreign body" }, { "code": "42311-1", "display": "Orbit - left X-ray for foreign body" }, { "code": "42312-9", "display": "Orbit - right X-ray for foreign body" }, { "code": "39768-7", "display": "Stomach Scan for gastric emptying W Tc-99m SC PO" }, { "code": "39767-9", "display": "Stomach Scan for gastric emptying liquid phase W radionuclide PO" }, { "code": "24997-9", "display": "Stomach Scan for gastric emptying solid phase W Tc-99m SC PO" }, { "code": "39769-5", "display": "Stomach Scan for gastric emptying W radionuclide PO" }, { "code": "39892-5", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct and first pass" }, { "code": "39891-7", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct and first pass W Tc-99m PYP IV" }, { "code": "43646-9", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct qualitative and quantitative" }, { "code": "43645-1", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct qualitative" }, { "code": "43647-7", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct quantitative" }, { "code": "39653-1", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct" }, { "code": "39657-2", "display": "Heart Scan for infarct W Tc-99m PYP IV" }, { "code": "39933-7", "display": "Scan for infection multiple areas W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39830-5", "display": "Scan for infection whole body W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39677-0", "display": "Scan for infection W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39490-8", "display": "Femur - right and Tibia - right X-ray for leg length" }, { "code": "24700-7", "display": "Femur and Tibia X-ray for leg length" }, { "code": "39686-1", "display": "Scan for lymphoma W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "42170-1", "display": "Scan for lymphoma" }, { "code": "39672-1", "display": "Esophagus Scan for motility W radionuclide PO" }, { "code": "72256-1", "display": "Abdomen X-ray for motility with radioopaque markers" }, { "code": "24571-2", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan for patency of biliary structures and ejection fraction W sincalide and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "24572-0", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan for patency of biliary structures W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "43788-9", "display": "Tube Fluoroscopy for patency W contrast via tube" }, { "code": "43789-7", "display": "Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan for patency W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "39673-9", "display": "Esophagus Scan for reflux W radionuclide PO" }, { "code": "30650-6", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy for shunt" }, { "code": "39665-5", "display": "Heart Scan for shunt detection" }, { "code": "39664-8", "display": "Heart Scan for shunt detection W Tc-99m MAA IV" }, { "code": "39848-7", "display": "Peritoneovenous shunt Scan for patency W In-111 IT" }, { "code": "39849-5", "display": "Peritoneovenous shunt Scan for patency W radionuclide IT" }, { "code": "24876-5", "display": "Peritoneovenous shunt Scan for patency W Tc-99m DTPA IT" }, { "code": "44149-3", "display": "Peritoneovenous shunt Scan for patency W Tc-99m MAA inj" }, { "code": "39954-3", "display": "Vein Scan for thrombosis" }, { "code": "44140-2", "display": "Abdomen and Pelvis Scan for tumor" }, { "code": "39831-3", "display": "Scan for tumor limited W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39951-9", "display": "Scan for tumor multiple area W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39934-5", "display": "Scan for tumor multiple areas W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39829-7", "display": "Scan for tumor whole body W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "42171-9", "display": "Scan for tumor whole body" }, { "code": "39749-7", "display": "Scan for tumor whole body W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39679-6", "display": "Scan for tumor W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39750-5", "display": "Scan for tumor W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "42305-3", "display": "Scan for tumor W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "42397-0", "display": "Chest X-ray frontal stereo" }, { "code": "39923-8", "display": "Heart Scan gated and ejection fraction at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39917-0", "display": "Heart Scan gated and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39919-6", "display": "Heart Scan gated and first pass" }, { "code": "39925-3", "display": "Heart Scan gated and wall motion and ejection fraction at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39931-1", "display": "Heart Scan gated and wall motion and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "42306-1", "display": "Heart Scan gated and wall motion" }, { "code": "39929-5", "display": "Heart Scan gated and wall motion W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39921-2", "display": "Heart Scan gated at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39924-6", "display": "Heart Scan gated at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39922-0", "display": "Heart Scan gated at rest and W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "39920-4", "display": "Heart Scan gated at rest and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39915-4", "display": "Heart Scan gated" }, { "code": "39928-7", "display": "Heart Scan gated W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39927-9", "display": "Heart Scan gated W stress and W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "39914-7", "display": "Heart Scan gated W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "46348-9", "display": "Chest X-ray GE 2 and PA and Lateral views" }, { "code": "44210-3", "display": "Ankle X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48480-8", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46390-1", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46347-1", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48481-6", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46344-8", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46345-5", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48479-0", "display": "Facial bones X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43492-8", "display": "Finger fifth - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43497-7", "display": "Finger fifth - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43491-0", "display": "Finger fourth - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43496-9", "display": "Finger fourth - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43489-4", "display": "Finger second - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43494-4", "display": "Finger second - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43490-2", "display": "Finger third - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43495-1", "display": "Finger third - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "44188-1", "display": "Foot X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48478-2", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48477-4", "display": "Foot - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48476-6", "display": "Foot - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "47370-2", "display": "Hand - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "47371-0", "display": "Hand - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43498-5", "display": "Knee - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43482-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "47381-9", "display": "Mastoid X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43543-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "44189-9", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48746-2", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - bilateral X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43486-0", "display": "Sinuses X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46377-8", "display": "Skull X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48482-4", "display": "Sternoclavicular Joints X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43488-6", "display": "Thumb - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "43493-6", "display": "Thumb - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "44190-7", "display": "Wrist X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48483-2", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46346-3", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "46343-0", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray GE 3 views" }, { "code": "48485-7", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray GE 3 and PA Chest views" }, { "code": "48486-5", "display": "Ribs - left and Chest X-ray GE 3 and PA Chest views" }, { "code": "48484-0", "display": "Ribs - right and Chest X-ray GE 3 and PA Chest views" }, { "code": "44191-5", "display": "Ribs and Chest X-ray GE 3 and PA Chest views" }, { "code": "44239-2", "display": "Ribs - unilateral and Chest X-ray Ge 3 and PA Chest Portable views" }, { "code": "44193-1", "display": "Hand X-ray GE 3 Portable views" }, { "code": "44192-3", "display": "Pelvis X-ray GE 3 Portable views" }, { "code": "44211-1", "display": "Chest X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47367-8", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47374-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47376-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47379-3", "display": "Mandible X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "48747-0", "display": "Orbit - bilateral X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "48487-3", "display": "Skull X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "44212-9", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47382-7", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray GE 4 views" }, { "code": "47368-6", "display": "Chest X-ray GE 4 and Pa and Lateral views" }, { "code": "44194-9", "display": "Spine X-ray GE 4 views W right bending and W left bending" }, { "code": "44195-6", "display": "Knee X-ray GE 5 views" }, { "code": "43524-8", "display": "Skull X-ray GE 5 views" }, { "code": "44197-2", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray GE 5 views standing" }, { "code": "44196-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray GE 5 views W right bending and W left bending" }, { "code": "49570-5", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray GE 6 views" }, { "code": "37160-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and axillary" }, { "code": "38793-6", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and axillary" }, { "code": "37158-3", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "37806-7", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and axillary and outlet" }, { "code": "37161-7", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Grashey and axillary and outlet and Zanca" }, { "code": "69267-3", "display": "Shoulder X-ray Grashey and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "37538-6", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "38789-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and axillary and Y" }, { "code": "37157-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and outlet" }, { "code": "38791-0", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and outlet" }, { "code": "39350-4", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray Grashey and outlet and Serendipity" }, { "code": "37162-5", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and outlet and Serendipity" }, { "code": "38794-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and outlet and Serendipity" }, { "code": "37167-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and West Point" }, { "code": "38795-1", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and West Point" }, { "code": "69156-8", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey and Y" }, { "code": "43790-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey and Y" }, { "code": "38004-8", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray Grashey W and WO weight" }, { "code": "38816-5", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray Grashey W and WO weight" }, { "code": "37539-4", "display": "Breast Mammogram grid" }, { "code": "37540-2", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Holmblad standing" }, { "code": "30771-0", "display": "Pelvis X-ray inlet and outlet" }, { "code": "37627-7", "display": "Pelvis X-ray inlet and outlet and oblique" }, { "code": "37164-1", "display": "Facial bones X-ray lateral and Caldwell and Waters" }, { "code": "37864-6", "display": "Sinuses X-ray lateral and Caldwell and Waters" }, { "code": "37165-8", "display": "Facial bones X-ray lateral and Caldwell and Waters and submentovertex" }, { "code": "37166-6", "display": "Facial bones X-ray lateral and Caldwell and Waters and submentovertex and Towne" }, { "code": "37871-1", "display": "Skull X-ray lateral and Caldwell and Waters and Towne" }, { "code": "37134-4", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "37135-1", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "37670-7", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray lateral and Mortise" }, { "code": "42382-2", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray lateral and Mortise and Broden W manual stress" }, { "code": "39366-0", "display": "Scapula X-ray lateral and outlet" }, { "code": "43464-7", "display": "Ribs - bilateral and Chest X-ray lateral and PA chest" }, { "code": "37603-8", "display": "Ribs - left and Chest X-ray lateral and PA chest" }, { "code": "39100-3", "display": "Ribs - right and Chest X-ray lateral and PA chest" }, { "code": "39101-1", "display": "Ribs and Chest X-ray lateral and PA chest" }, { "code": "39341-3", "display": "Chest X-ray lateral and PA W inspiration and expiration" }, { "code": "39406-4", "display": "Sternum X-ray lateral and right anterior oblique" }, { "code": "39405-6", "display": "Sternum X-ray lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "42436-6", "display": "Sella turcica X-ray lateral and Towne" }, { "code": "37869-5", "display": "Skull X-ray lateral and Towne" }, { "code": "37605-3", "display": "Nasal bones X-ray lateral and Waters" }, { "code": "37862-0", "display": "Sinuses X-ray lateral and Waters" }, { "code": "37136-9", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray lateral and Y" }, { "code": "37803-4", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray lateral and Y" }, { "code": "39340-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral standing and W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37133-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37132-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "38010-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37929-7", "display": "Wrist X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "69157-6", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "39515-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37474-4", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray lateral W manual stress" }, { "code": "37669-9", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray lateral W manual stress" }, { "code": "43480-3", "display": "Joint X-ray lateral W manual stress" }, { "code": "37541-0", "display": "Mastoid - bilateral X-ray law and Mayer and Stenver and Towne" }, { "code": "47380-1", "display": "Mandible X-ray LE 3 views" }, { "code": "43470-4", "display": "Skull X-ray LE 3 views" }, { "code": "47377-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray LE 4 views" }, { "code": "24610-8", "display": "Breast Mammogram limited" }, { "code": "26287-3", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram limited" }, { "code": "26289-9", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram limited" }, { "code": "26291-5", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram limited" }, { "code": "41826-9", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray limited" }, { "code": "41785-7", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray limited" }, { "code": "36737-5", "display": "Facial bones X-ray limited" }, { "code": "41830-1", "display": "Hand - left X-ray limited" }, { "code": "41789-9", "display": "Hand - right X-ray limited" }, { "code": "36738-3", "display": "Mandible X-ray limited" }, { "code": "36893-6", "display": "Mastoid X-ray limited" }, { "code": "42007-5", "display": "Mastoid - bilateral X-ray limited" }, { "code": "37646-7", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint X-ray limited" }, { "code": "44209-5", "display": "Sinuses X-ray limited" }, { "code": "48466-7", "display": "Skull X-ray limited" }, { "code": "42710-4", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray limited" }, { "code": "36739-1", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray limited" }, { "code": "38838-9", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray limited" }, { "code": "37642-6", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray limited" }, { "code": "41797-2", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy limited W air and barium contrast PR" }, { "code": "42335-0", "display": "Spine Cervical Fluoroscopy limited W contrast IT" }, { "code": "38125-1", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar Fluoroscopy limited W contrast IT" }, { "code": "38120-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic Fluoroscopy limited W contrast IT" }, { "code": "37137-7", "display": "Kidney X-ray limited W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39687-9", "display": "Scan limited W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39754-7", "display": "Thyroid Scan limited W I-131 IV" }, { "code": "49571-3", "display": "Scan limited W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39843-8", "display": "Scan limited W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "41836-8", "display": "Bone Scan limited W In-111 tagged WBC IV" }, { "code": "39627-5", "display": "Bone Scan limited" }, { "code": "39822-2", "display": "Bone marrow Scan limited" }, { "code": "39645-7", "display": "Breast Scan limited" }, { "code": "39695-2", "display": "Lung Scan limited" }, { "code": "39936-0", "display": "Joint Scan limited" }, { "code": "37542-8", "display": "Breast Mammogram magnification" }, { "code": "37543-6", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram magnification" }, { "code": "37554-3", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram magnification and spot" }, { "code": "38854-6", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram magnification and spot" }, { "code": "37769-7", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram magnification and spot" }, { "code": "30769-4", "display": "Pelvis and Hip - bilateral X-ray max abduction" }, { "code": "38086-5", "display": "Knee X-ray Merchants 30 and 45 and 60 degrees" }, { "code": "39935-2", "display": "Scan multiple areas W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39949-3", "display": "Scan multiple areas W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "39904-8", "display": "Bone Scan multiple areas" }, { "code": "39907-1", "display": "Bone marrow Scan multiple areas" }, { "code": "39937-8", "display": "Joint Scan multiple areas" }, { "code": "39950-1", "display": "Prostate Scan multiple areas W Tc-99m capromab pendatide IV" }, { "code": "36608-8", "display": "Elbow X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36740-9", "display": "Elbow - bilateral X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36741-7", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37687-1", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36744-1", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37737-4", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36619-5", "display": "Knee X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36745-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36746-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37757-2", "display": "Knee - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36747-4", "display": "Mandible X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37630-1", "display": "Pelvis X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36742-5", "display": "Radius - bilateral and Ulna - bilateral X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36743-3", "display": "Radius - left and Ulna.left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37709-3", "display": "Radius - right and Ulna - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "48748-8", "display": "Spine X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36748-2", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "43791-3", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "48749-6", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36749-0", "display": "Tibia - left and Fibula - left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37817-4", "display": "Tibia - right and Fibula - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "36894-4", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37544-4", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "38839-7", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "37643-4", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray oblique" }, { "code": "42398-8", "display": "Foot X-ray oblique and (AP and lateral) standing" }, { "code": "37139-3", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray oblique and lateral W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "37154-2", "display": "Knee X-ray oblique and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37155-9", "display": "Knee X-ray oblique and Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "43469-6", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray of foreign body" }, { "code": "37063-5", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy of foreign body" }, { "code": "37546-9", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral X-ray open and closed mouth" }, { "code": "48491-5", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left X-ray open and closed mouth" }, { "code": "48490-7", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right X-ray open and closed mouth" }, { "code": "48699-3", "display": "Temporomandibular Joint - unilateral X-ray open and closed mouth" }, { "code": "37152-6", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral X-ray outlet and Y" }, { "code": "37140-1", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray outlet and Y" }, { "code": "37804-2", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray outlet and Y" }, { "code": "36750-8", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and AP lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "42272-5", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "36751-6", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy PA and lateral" }, { "code": "36752-4", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "36753-2", "display": "Hand - left X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "37713-5", "display": "Hand - right X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "36754-0", "display": "Mandible X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "30721-5", "display": "Sinuses X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "37547-7", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "37548-5", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "37835-6", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray PA and lateral" }, { "code": "37143-5", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and AP lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "37144-3", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and AP left lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "37145-0", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and AP right lateral-decubitus" }, { "code": "37142-7", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray PA and lateral and Ball Catcher" }, { "code": "37860-4", "display": "Sinuses X-ray PA and lateral and Caldwell and Waters" }, { "code": "37146-8", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and left oblique" }, { "code": "30741-3", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and lordotic upright" }, { "code": "39078-1", "display": "Finger X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36755-7", "display": "Hand X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36756-5", "display": "Hand - bilateral X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36757-3", "display": "Hand - left X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37715-0", "display": "Hand - right X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37884-4", "display": "Sternum X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37549-3", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37550-1", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "37836-4", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray PA and lateral and oblique" }, { "code": "36758-1", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and oblique and lordotic" }, { "code": "37148-4", "display": "Mandible X-ray PA and lateral and oblique and Towne" }, { "code": "37147-6", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and right oblique" }, { "code": "30742-1", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "30743-9", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and right oblique and left oblique portable" }, { "code": "30744-7", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and right or-left oblique" }, { "code": "24643-9", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral and right or-left oblique upright" }, { "code": "37149-2", "display": "Patella - left X-ray PA and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "38790-2", "display": "Patella - right X-ray PA and lateral and Sunrise" }, { "code": "37859-6", "display": "Sinuses X-ray PA and lateral and Waters" }, { "code": "69271-5", "display": "Skull X-ray PA and lateral and Waters and Towne" }, { "code": "24647-0", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral upright" }, { "code": "24644-7", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lateral upright portable" }, { "code": "36759-9", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and lordotic" }, { "code": "39079-9", "display": "Hand X-ray PA and oblique" }, { "code": "37141-9", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and right lateral" }, { "code": "39519-4", "display": "Skull X-ray PA and right lateral and left lateral" }, { "code": "39521-0", "display": "Skull X-ray PA and right lateral and left lateral and Caldwell and Towne" }, { "code": "39520-2", "display": "Skull X-ray PA and right lateral and left lateral and Towne" }, { "code": "24646-2", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and right lateral and right oblique and left oblique upright" }, { "code": "24645-4", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and right lateral and right oblique and left oblique upright portable" }, { "code": "37150-0", "display": "Chest X-ray PA and right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "24635-5", "display": "Chest X-ray PA upright W inspiration and expiration" }, { "code": "46378-6", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray PA standing and W flexion" }, { "code": "43660-0", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion qualitative at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "43661-8", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion quantitative at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "43658-4", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion quantitative" }, { "code": "43656-8", "display": "Lung Scan perfusion quantitative" }, { "code": "39719-0", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W adenosine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "43777-2", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W adenosine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39722-4", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W dipyridamole and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39720-8", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W dipyridamole and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39728-1", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39726-5", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39727-3", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39699-4", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion at rest and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39701-8", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W adenosine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39731-5", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W adenosine and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39735-6", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W adenosine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39708-3", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dipyridamole and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39709-1", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dipyridamole and W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "39705-9", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dipyridamole and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39707-5", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dipyridamole and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39703-4", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dobutamine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39702-6", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dobutamine and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39733-1", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W dobutamine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39941-0", "display": "Lung Scan perfusion W particulate radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39833-9", "display": "Lung Scan perfusion W radionuclide gaseous inhaled" }, { "code": "39716-6", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion" }, { "code": "39697-8", "display": "Lung Scan perfusion" }, { "code": "39730-7", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39732-3", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39715-8", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W stress and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39704-2", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39714-1", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "39713-3", "display": "Heart Scan perfusion W Tl-201 IV and Tc-99m Tetrofosmin IV" }, { "code": "30765-2", "display": "Acetabulum X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30764-5", "display": "Acetabulum - bilateral X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41823-6", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41782-4", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30746-2", "display": "Chest X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41827-7", "display": "Elbow - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41786-5", "display": "Elbow - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41773-3", "display": "Facial bones X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41818-6", "display": "Femur - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41778-2", "display": "Femur - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "43570-1", "display": "Hand X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41829-3", "display": "Hand - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41788-1", "display": "Hand - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37168-2", "display": "Hip X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37169-0", "display": "Hip - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "38796-9", "display": "Hip - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37170-8", "display": "Humerus X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41825-1", "display": "Humerus - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41784-0", "display": "Humerus - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41820-2", "display": "Knee - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41779-0", "display": "Knee - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30792-6", "display": "Patella X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30772-8", "display": "Pelvis X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30747-0", "display": "Ribs X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41831-9", "display": "Ribs - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41791-5", "display": "Ribs - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "46391-9", "display": "Shoulder X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41824-4", "display": "Shoulder - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41783-2", "display": "Shoulder - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30723-1", "display": "Skull X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37171-6", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray portable" }, { "code": "44203-8", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37172-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41828-5", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray portable" }, { "code": "41787-3", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray portable" }, { "code": "37151-8", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy portable" }, { "code": "30731-4", "display": "Zygomatic arch X-ray portable" }, { "code": "30730-6", "display": "Zygomatic arch - bilateral X-ray portable" }, { "code": "24634-8", "display": "Chest X-ray portable W inspiration and expiration" }, { "code": "24824-5", "display": "Lung Scan portable" }, { "code": "42402-8", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray post mortem" }, { "code": "43657-6", "display": "Lung Scan quantitative" }, { "code": "30733-0", "display": "Chest X-ray right and left oblique portable" }, { "code": "37131-0", "display": "Abdomen X-ray right lateral and left lateral" }, { "code": "37138-5", "display": "Abdomen X-ray right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "41792-3", "display": "Chest X-ray right oblique and left oblique" }, { "code": "24651-2", "display": "Chest X-ray right oblique and left oblique upright" }, { "code": "42414-3", "display": "Chest X-ray right oblique and left oblique W nipple markers" }, { "code": "37016-3", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram roll" }, { "code": "37017-1", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram roll" }, { "code": "37775-4", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram roll" }, { "code": "30740-5", "display": "Chest X-ray right or-left oblique" }, { "code": "30739-7", "display": "Chest X-ray right or-left oblique portable" }, { "code": "43479-5", "display": "Aorta abdominal Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30838-7", "display": "Aorta and Femoral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37364-7", "display": "Aorta and Femoral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38799-3", "display": "Aorta and Femoral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram runoff W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38107-9", "display": "Wrist X-ray scaphoid" }, { "code": "37304-3", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray scaphoid" }, { "code": "37302-7", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray scaphoid" }, { "code": "38115-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray scaphoid" }, { "code": "24930-0", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis" }, { "code": "30715-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP and lateral" }, { "code": "42424-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP and lateral sitting" }, { "code": "39367-8", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP and lateral standing" }, { "code": "42472-1", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP in traction" }, { "code": "42425-9", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP standing and W right bending and W left bending and WO bending" }, { "code": "43569-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis AP upright and supine" }, { "code": "30716-5", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis lateral" }, { "code": "30717-3", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis standing" }, { "code": "24929-2", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray scoliosis W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "24606-6", "display": "Breast Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "39153-2", "display": "Breast FFD mammogram screening" }, { "code": "69159-2", "display": "Breast implant X-ray screening" }, { "code": "48492-3", "display": "Breast implant - bilateral Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "26175-0", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "42174-3", "display": "Breast - bilateral FFD mammogram screening" }, { "code": "26176-8", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "46355-4", "display": "Breast - left FFD mammogram screening" }, { "code": "26177-6", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "46354-7", "display": "Breast - right FFD mammogram screening" }, { "code": "46356-2", "display": "Breast - unilateral Mammogram screening" }, { "code": "37022-1", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray ski jump" }, { "code": "37021-3", "display": "Calcaneus - bilateral X-ray ski jump" }, { "code": "37023-9", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray ski jump" }, { "code": "38778-7", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray ski jump" }, { "code": "37551-9", "display": "Breast Mammogram spot" }, { "code": "37552-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram spot" }, { "code": "38807-4", "display": "Breast - right Mammogram spot" }, { "code": "37553-5", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram spot compression" }, { "code": "43550-3", "display": "Brain Scan static and flow" }, { "code": "39952-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan static and flow" }, { "code": "39676-2", "display": "Scan static for infection W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39894-1", "display": "Heart Scan static for shunt detection" }, { "code": "39896-6", "display": "Scan static for tumor W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39814-9", "display": "Bone Scan static limited" }, { "code": "39634-1", "display": "Brain Scan static limited" }, { "code": "39903-0", "display": "Bone Scan static multiple areas" }, { "code": "39817-2", "display": "Bone Scan static whole body" }, { "code": "39815-6", "display": "Bone Scan static" }, { "code": "39824-8", "display": "Bone marrow Scan static" }, { "code": "39633-3", "display": "Brain Scan static" }, { "code": "39853-7", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan static" }, { "code": "39832-1", "display": "Liver Scan static" }, { "code": "39878-4", "display": "Liver and Spleen Scan static" }, { "code": "39900-6", "display": "Salivary gland Scan static" }, { "code": "39855-2", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan static" }, { "code": "43501-6", "display": "Vessel Scan static" }, { "code": "44150-1", "display": "Brain Scan static W Tc-99m bicisate IV" }, { "code": "39854-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan static W Tc-99m DMSA IV" }, { "code": "37153-4", "display": "Mastoid X-ray Stenver and Arcelin" }, { "code": "69136-0", "display": "Knee X-ray Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37163-3", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37156-7", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "37759-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Sunrise and tunnel" }, { "code": "39345-4", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Sunrise and tunnel standing" }, { "code": "69255-8", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Sunrise and tunnel standing" }, { "code": "38088-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees" }, { "code": "38087-3", "display": "Knee - left X-ray Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees" }, { "code": "38824-9", "display": "Knee - right X-ray Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees" }, { "code": "24579-5", "display": "Bones long X-ray survey" }, { "code": "43518-0", "display": "Bones X-ray survey" }, { "code": "37365-4", "display": "Bones X-ray survey for metastasis" }, { "code": "39518-6", "display": "Bones long X-ray survey limited" }, { "code": "43519-8", "display": "Bones X-ray survey limited" }, { "code": "38089-9", "display": "Bones X-ray survey limited for metastasis" }, { "code": "37159-1", "display": "Foot - left X-ray tarsal" }, { "code": "38792-8", "display": "Foot - right X-ray tarsal" }, { "code": "43796-2", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray tunnel.carpal" }, { "code": "69304-4", "display": "Wrist X-ray ulnar deviation" }, { "code": "69303-6", "display": "Wrist X-ray ulnar deviation and radial deviation" }, { "code": "69072-7", "display": "Wrist - bilateral X-ray ulnar deviation and radial deviation" }, { "code": "37555-0", "display": "Wrist - left X-ray ulnar deviation and radial deviation" }, { "code": "38808-2", "display": "Wrist - right X-ray ulnar deviation and radial deviation" }, { "code": "43532-1", "display": "Chest and Abdomen X-ray upright and PA chest" }, { "code": "39944-4", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and equilibrium and washout W radionuclide inhaled" }, { "code": "39948-5", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and equilibrium and washout W radionuclide inhaled single breath" }, { "code": "39947-7", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and equilibrium W radionuclide inhaled single breath" }, { "code": "39946-9", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and perfusion and differential W radionuclide inhaled and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39943-6", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and perfusion W radionuclide inhaled and W particulate radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "30697-7", "display": "Pulmonary system Scan ventilation and perfusion W radionuclide inhaled and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39942-8", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation and perfusion W radionuclide inhaled single breath and W particulate radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "24888-0", "display": "Pulmonary system Scan ventilation and perfusion W Xe-133 inhaled and W Tc-99m MAA IV" }, { "code": "39835-4", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W radionuclide aerosol inhaled" }, { "code": "39836-2", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W radionuclide gaseous inhaled" }, { "code": "39945-1", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W radionuclide gaseous inhaled single breath" }, { "code": "39837-0", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W radionuclide inhaled" }, { "code": "39834-7", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W Tc-99m DTPA aerosol inhaled" }, { "code": "46361-2", "display": "Lung Scan ventilation W Xe-133 inhaled" }, { "code": "39932-9", "display": "Heart Scan wall motion and ejection fraction" }, { "code": "39873-5", "display": "Heart Scan wall motion" }, { "code": "39683-8", "display": "Scan whole body W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "39698-6", "display": "Scan whole body W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39845-3", "display": "Scan whole body W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "42711-2", "display": "Scan whole body W In-111 tagged WBC IV" }, { "code": "42175-0", "display": "Scan whole body" }, { "code": "39818-0", "display": "Bone Scan whole body" }, { "code": "39826-3", "display": "Bone marrow Scan whole body" }, { "code": "39669-7", "display": "Scan whole body W Tc-99m Arcitumomab IV" }, { "code": "24713-0", "display": "Gallbladder X-ray 48 hours post contrast PO" }, { "code": "39660-6", "display": "Heart Scan at rest and W dipyridamole and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39661-4", "display": "Heart Scan at rest and W dobutamine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39663-0", "display": "Heart Scan at rest and W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "42309-5", "display": "Heart Scan at rest and W stress and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "24750-2", "display": "Heart Scan at rest and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "43459-7", "display": "Brain Scan during electroconvulsive shock treatment" }, { "code": "24577-9", "display": "Bone X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "47372-8", "display": "Hip X-ray during surgery" }, { "code": "25070-4", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy during surgery" }, { "code": "24574-6", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Fluoroscopy during surgery W contrast biliary duct" }, { "code": "46352-1", "display": "Breast duct Mammogram during surgery W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "43485-2", "display": "Kidney X-ray during surgery W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "39150-8", "display": "Breast FFD mammogram Post Localization" }, { "code": "69251-7", "display": "Breast Mammogram Post Wire Placement" }, { "code": "42415-0", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram Post Wire Placement" }, { "code": "42416-8", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram Post Wire Placement" }, { "code": "37201-1", "display": "Ankle X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37202-9", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37203-7", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37676-4", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37205-2", "display": "Calcaneus X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37206-0", "display": "Calcaneus - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37720-0", "display": "Calcaneus - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "38845-4", "display": "Femur - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37693-9", "display": "Femur - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "24708-0", "display": "Foot X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26094-3", "display": "Foot - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26095-0", "display": "Foot - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26096-8", "display": "Foot - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37584-0", "display": "Great toe - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "38810-8", "display": "Great toe - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "24809-6", "display": "Knee X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26085-1", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26086-9", "display": "Knee - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "26087-7", "display": "Knee - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37204-5", "display": "Lower extremity X-ray standing" }, { "code": "69264-0", "display": "Sacrum X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37208-6", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray standing" }, { "code": "69275-6", "display": "Spine Thoracic X-ray standing" }, { "code": "38124-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic and Lumbar X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37899-2", "display": "Tibia and Fibula X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37209-4", "display": "Toes - left X-ray standing" }, { "code": "37823-2", "display": "Toes - right X-ray standing" }, { "code": "44233-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W and WO Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "44232-7", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W and WO Tc-99m Mertiatide IV" }, { "code": "37579-0", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray W and WO weight" }, { "code": "37580-8", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray W and WO weight" }, { "code": "37581-6", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - left X-ray W and WO weight" }, { "code": "37663-2", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - right X-ray W and WO weight" }, { "code": "39651-5", "display": "Heart Scan W adenosine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "38090-7", "display": "Breast - bilateral Mammogram W air" }, { "code": "38091-5", "display": "Breast - left Mammogram W air" }, { "code": "39059-1", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W air and barium contrast PO" }, { "code": "24666-0", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W air and barium contrast PR" }, { "code": "46357-0", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W air contrast PR" }, { "code": "30633-2", "display": "Esophagus Fluoroscopy W barium contrast PO" }, { "code": "42683-3", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W barium contrast PO" }, { "code": "43574-3", "display": "Upper Gastrointestine and Small bowel Fluoroscopy W barium contrast PO" }, { "code": "44227-7", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W barium contrast PR" }, { "code": "37565-9", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy W barium contrast via fistula" }, { "code": "38092-3", "display": "Urinary bladder Fluoroscopy W chain and contrast intra bladder" }, { "code": "41770-9", "display": "Gallbladder Scan W cholecystokinin and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "43650-1", "display": "Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan W cholecystokinin and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "30630-8", "display": "Head Cistern Fluoroscopy video W contrast" }, { "code": "30824-7", "display": "Intercranial vessel and Neck Vessel Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37585-7", "display": "Jejunum Fluoroscopy W contrast" }, { "code": "38853-8", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37765-5", "display": "Lower extremity vessels - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37615-2", "display": "Pelvis vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37936-2", "display": "Peripheral vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37640-0", "display": "Renal vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "64140-7", "display": "Renal vessels - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "64141-5", "display": "Renal vessels - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "38094-9", "display": "Spine.cavity Fluoroscopy W contrast" }, { "code": "37973-5", "display": "Testicle vessels Fluoroscopy W contrast" }, { "code": "25005-0", "display": "Three vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "25014-2", "display": "Two vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37976-8", "display": "Upper extremity vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "42014-1", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast" }, { "code": "37980-0", "display": "Vertebral vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37981-8", "display": "Visceral vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast" }, { "code": "37575-8", "display": "Gallbladder X-ray W contrast and fatty meal PO" }, { "code": "38101-2", "display": "Kidney X-ray W contrast antegrade" }, { "code": "46376-0", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast antegrade" }, { "code": "38100-4", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast antegrade" }, { "code": "38102-0", "display": "Kidney X-ray W contrast antegrade via pyelostomy" }, { "code": "25030-8", "display": "Abdominal Arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30832-0", "display": "Adrenal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30831-2", "display": "Adrenal artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37387-8", "display": "Adrenal artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37939-6", "display": "Adrenal artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38861-1", "display": "Ankle arteries - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37941-2", "display": "Ankle arteries - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24658-7", "display": "Aorta Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30837-9", "display": "Aorta abdominal Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24546-4", "display": "Aorta arch and Neck Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37366-2", "display": "Abdominal Aorta and Arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69054-5", "display": "Aortic arch Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37380-3", "display": "Aortic arch and Brachial artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37381-1", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37587-3", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery - bilateral and Vertebral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37588-1", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.common - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37589-9", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.common - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37590-7", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.common - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37591-5", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.external - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37592-3", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.external - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37593-1", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery.external - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37594-9", "display": "Aortic arch and Carotid artery and Vertebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37382-9", "display": "Aortic arch and Subclavian artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37383-7", "display": "Aortic arch and Subclavian artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38800-9", "display": "Aortic arch and Subclavian artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37379-5", "display": "Aortic arch and Upper Extremity artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37384-5", "display": "Aortic arch and Vertebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37385-2", "display": "Aortic arch and Vertebral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37386-0", "display": "Aortic arch and Vertebral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24551-4", "display": "AV fistula Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30828-8", "display": "Brachial artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37388-6", "display": "Brachial artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24581-1", "display": "Brachial artery and Subclavian artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69077-6", "display": "Brachiocephalic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37389-4", "display": "Bronchial artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24617-3", "display": "Carotid artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26079-4", "display": "Carotid artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "39097-1", "display": "Carotid artery - bilateral and Cerebral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "39094-8", "display": "Carotid artery.cervical Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "39098-9", "display": "Carotid artery.cervical - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38863-7", "display": "Carotid artery.cervical - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37945-3", "display": "Carotid artery.cervical - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30821-3", "display": "Carotid artery.external Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30820-5", "display": "Carotid artery.external - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37390-2", "display": "Carotid artery.external - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37948-7", "display": "Carotid artery.external - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38864-5", "display": "Carotid artery.internal - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37952-9", "display": "Carotid artery.internal - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26080-2", "display": "Carotid artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26081-0", "display": "Carotid artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "39095-5", "display": "Carotid artery and Cerebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38865-2", "display": "Carotid artery and Cerebral artery internal - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37953-7", "display": "Carotid artery and Cerebral artery internal - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38862-9", "display": "Carotid artery and Cerebral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37944-6", "display": "Carotid artery and Cerebral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37391-0", "display": "Carotid artery and Vertebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37392-8", "display": "Carotid artery and Vertebral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37393-6", "display": "Carotid artery+Vertebral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37943-8", "display": "Carotid artery+Vertebral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24622-3", "display": "Celiac artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37403-3", "display": "Celiac artery and Gastric artery - left and Superior mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37394-4", "display": "Celiac artery and Superior mesenteric artery and Inferior mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37173-2", "display": "Cerebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30891-6", "display": "Cervicocerebral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37174-0", "display": "Coronary arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37595-6", "display": "Coronary graft Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30848-6", "display": "Extremity arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30849-4", "display": "Extremity arteries - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37395-1", "display": "Extremity arteries - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37949-5", "display": "Extremity arteries - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37175-7", "display": "Femoral artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37176-5", "display": "Femoral artery and Popliteal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37397-7", "display": "Gastric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37398-5", "display": "Gastric artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38801-7", "display": "Gastric artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37399-3", "display": "Gastroduodenal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30822-1", "display": "Head artery - bilateral and Neck artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "62448-6", "display": "Head artery.left+Neck artery.left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "62449-4", "display": "Head artery.right+Neck artery.right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30823-9", "display": "Head artery and Neck artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25076-1", "display": "Hepatic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "43782-2", "display": "Iliac artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37177-3", "display": "Iliac artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24862-5", "display": "Iliac artery Internal Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37178-1", "display": "Iliac artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37739-0", "display": "Iliac artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37179-9", "display": "Inferior mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25079-5", "display": "Kidney arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37487-6", "display": "Lower extremity arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "47986-5", "display": "Lower extremity arteries - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "47987-3", "display": "Lower extremity arteries - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30829-6", "display": "Internal mammary artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "64995-4", "display": "Mammary artery.internal - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "65000-2", "display": "Mammary artery.internal - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37401-7", "display": "Maxillary artery.internal Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24833-6", "display": "Mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24860-9", "display": "Pancreatic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30833-8", "display": "Pelvis arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37935-4", "display": "Pelvis arteries and Lower extremity arteries - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24874-0", "display": "Peripheral arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "44240-0", "display": "Peripheral arteries - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "69249-1", "display": "Popliteal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37181-5", "display": "Popliteal artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37778-8", "display": "Popliteal artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37404-1", "display": "Pudendal artery.internal Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "39057-5", "display": "Pulmonary artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30830-4", "display": "Pulmonary artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37182-3", "display": "Pulmonary artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37779-6", "display": "Pulmonary artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "30834-6", "display": "Renal artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "62446-0", "display": "Renal artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "62447-8", "display": "Renal artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24925-0", "display": "Spinal artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26082-8", "display": "Spinal artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26083-6", "display": "Spinal artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "26084-4", "display": "Spinal artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24992-0", "display": "Splenic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24991-2", "display": "Splenic vein and Portal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37886-9", "display": "Subclavian artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37405-8", "display": "Subclavian artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37406-6", "display": "Subclavian artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37966-9", "display": "Subclavian artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37180-7", "display": "Superior mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37402-5", "display": "Superior mesenteric artery and Inferior mesenteric artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "38119-4", "display": "Thoracic artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37900-8", "display": "Tibial artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37489-2", "display": "Tibioperoneal arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37977-6", "display": "Upper extremity arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37396-9", "display": "Upper extremity arteries - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37488-4", "display": "Upper extremity arteries - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37967-7", "display": "Upper extremity arteries - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "24576-1", "display": "Urinary bladder arteries Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37979-2", "display": "Uterine artery Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37407-4", "display": "Vertebral artery - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37490-0", "display": "Vertebral artery - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "37968-5", "display": "Vertebral artery - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "42156-0", "display": "Vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IA" }, { "code": "25017-5", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast intra bladder" }, { "code": "43559-4", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast intra bladder during voiding" }, { "code": "37586-5", "display": "Penis Fluoroscopy W contrast intra corpus cavernosum" }, { "code": "39054-2", "display": "Breast duct Mammogram W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "38095-6", "display": "Breast duct - bilateral Mammogram W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "38096-4", "display": "Breast duct - left Mammogram W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "38825-6", "display": "Breast duct - right Mammogram W contrast intra duct" }, { "code": "30810-6", "display": "Lacrimal duct Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lacrimal duct" }, { "code": "38098-0", "display": "Lacrimal duct - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lacrimal duct" }, { "code": "38099-8", "display": "Lacrimal duct - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lacrimal duct" }, { "code": "38827-2", "display": "Lacrimal duct - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lacrimal duct" }, { "code": "24845-0", "display": "Neck Fluoroscopy W contrast intra larynx" }, { "code": "30850-2", "display": "Extremity lymphatics Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "30851-0", "display": "Extremity lymphatics - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37599-8", "display": "Extremity lymphatics - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "38812-4", "display": "Extremity lymphatics - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "24827-8", "display": "Lymphatics Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "30839-5", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "30840-3", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37597-2", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal and Lymphatics pelvic Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37598-0", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal and Lymphatics pelvic - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37596-4", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal and Lymphatics pelvic - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "38811-6", "display": "Lymphatics abdominal and Lymphatics pelvic - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37600-4", "display": "Lymphatics - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "39510-3", "display": "Lymphatics pelvic Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "37601-2", "display": "Lymphatics pelvic - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "38813-2", "display": "Lymphatics - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "39148-2", "display": "Breast duct Mammogram W contrast intra multiple ducts" }, { "code": "39146-6", "display": "Breast duct - bilateral Mammogram W contrast intra multiple ducts" }, { "code": "39145-8", "display": "Breast duct - left Mammogram W contrast intra multiple ducts" }, { "code": "39147-4", "display": "Breast duct - right Mammogram W contrast intra multiple ducts" }, { "code": "24661-1", "display": "Pleural space Fluoroscopy W contrast intra pleural space" }, { "code": "38116-0", "display": "Parotid gland Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "38097-2", "display": "Parotid gland - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "38826-4", "display": "Parotid gland - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "24902-9", "display": "Salivary gland Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "26067-9", "display": "Salivary gland - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "26068-7", "display": "Salivary gland - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "26069-5", "display": "Salivary gland - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "38153-3", "display": "Submandibular gland Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "48698-5", "display": "Submandibular gland - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "42460-6", "display": "Submandibular gland - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "48696-9", "display": "Submandibular gland - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intra salivary duct" }, { "code": "24912-8", "display": "Sinus tract Fluoroscopy W contrast intra sinus tract" }, { "code": "24552-2", "display": "Stent Fluoroscopy W contrast intra stent" }, { "code": "25016-7", "display": "Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast intra urethra" }, { "code": "39151-6", "display": "Vas deferens Fluoroscopy W contrast intra vas deferens" }, { "code": "37183-1", "display": "Ankle Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37184-9", "display": "Ankle - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37185-6", "display": "Ankle - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37942-0", "display": "Ankle - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37186-4", "display": "Elbow Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37187-2", "display": "Elbow - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37188-0", "display": "Elbow - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37947-9", "display": "Elbow - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "24764-3", "display": "Hip Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26070-3", "display": "Hip - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26071-1", "display": "Hip - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26072-9", "display": "Hip - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "24800-5", "display": "Knee Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26073-7", "display": "Knee - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26074-5", "display": "Knee - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26075-2", "display": "Knee - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37647-5", "display": "Sacroiliac Joint Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37189-8", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37190-6", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37785-3", "display": "Sacroiliac joint - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "24910-2", "display": "Shoulder Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26076-0", "display": "Shoulder - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26077-8", "display": "Shoulder - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "26078-6", "display": "Shoulder - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37901-6", "display": "Temporomandibular joint Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37409-0", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37410-8", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37818-2", "display": "Temporomandibular joint - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "25034-0", "display": "Wrist Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37570-9", "display": "Wrist - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37571-7", "display": "Wrist - left Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37641-8", "display": "Wrist - right Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "37191-4", "display": "Joint Fluoroscopy W contrast intraarticular" }, { "code": "24825-2", "display": "Lung X-ray W contrast intrabronchial" }, { "code": "30813-0", "display": "Lung - bilateral X-ray W contrast intrabronchial" }, { "code": "64996-2", "display": "Lung - left X-ray W contrast intrabronchial" }, { "code": "64997-0", "display": "Lung - right X-ray W contrast intrabronchial" }, { "code": "24927-6", "display": "Spine Fluoroscopy W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "37192-2", "display": "Spine Cervical Fluoroscopy W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "37193-0", "display": "Spine Lumbar Fluoroscopy W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "70933-7", "display": "Spine Thoracic Fluoroscopy W contrast intradisc" }, { "code": "25022-5", "display": "Uterus and Fallopian tubes Fluoroscopy W contrast intrauterine" }, { "code": "30811-4", "display": "Posterior fossa Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "37572-5", "display": "Spine Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "24947-4", "display": "Spine Cervical Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "38103-8", "display": "Spine Cervical and Spine Lumbar Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "30808-0", "display": "Spine Cervical and Thoracic and Lumbar Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "38104-6", "display": "Spine.epidural space Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "24974-8", "display": "Spine Lumbar Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "24985-4", "display": "Spine Thoracic Fluoroscopy W contrast IT" }, { "code": "69066-9", "display": "Abdominal vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30843-7", "display": "Adrenal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37602-0", "display": "Adrenal vein left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30844-5", "display": "Adrenal vein - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37940-4", "display": "Adrenal vein - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "58746-9", "display": "AV fistula Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24569-6", "display": "AV shunt Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37411-6", "display": "Azygos vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24573-8", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder X-ray W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37195-5", "display": "Cerebral vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30819-7", "display": "Epidural veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39055-9", "display": "Extremity veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37412-4", "display": "Extremity veins - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37413-2", "display": "Extremity veins - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37950-3", "display": "Extremity veins - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "42157-8", "display": "Extremity vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37416-5", "display": "Femoral vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39093-0", "display": "Hepatic veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37421-5", "display": "Inferior mesenteric vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37419-9", "display": "Intraosseous veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37197-1", "display": "Jugular vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37420-7", "display": "Jugular vein - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37954-5", "display": "Jugular vein - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37607-9", "display": "Kidney X-ray W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24788-2", "display": "Kidney - bilateral X-ray W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37414-0", "display": "Lower extremity veins - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37196-3", "display": "Lower extremity veins - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37767-1", "display": "Lower extremity veins - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37574-1", "display": "Lower extremity vessels Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30825-4", "display": "Orbit veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37422-3", "display": "Orbit veins - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37958-6", "display": "Orbit veins - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30852-8", "display": "Peripheral veins - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24685-0", "display": "Peripheral veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "69250-9", "display": "Portal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30847-8", "display": "Renal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30846-0", "display": "Renal vein - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37423-1", "display": "Renal vein - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37959-4", "display": "Renal vein - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30827-0", "display": "Sagittal sinus vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "65803-9", "display": "Sagittal sinus vein - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "65802-1", "display": "Sagittal sinus and Jugular veins - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "65804-7", "display": "Sagittal sinus vein - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "65805-4", "display": "Sagittal sinus and Jugular veins - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30826-2", "display": "Sagittal sinus and Jugular veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37969-3", "display": "Sinus vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37970-1", "display": "Splenic vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37971-9", "display": "Subclavian vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37972-7", "display": "Superior mesenteric vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "24550-6", "display": "Upper extremity veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37415-7", "display": "Upper extremity veins - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "38859-5", "display": "Upper extremity veins - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "37824-0", "display": "Upper extremity veins - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25023-3", "display": "Vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26064-6", "display": "Vein - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26065-3", "display": "Vein - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "26066-1", "display": "Vein - right Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "25025-8", "display": "Vena cava Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30845-2", "display": "Inferior vena cava Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "30645-6", "display": "Superior vena cava Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "43554-5", "display": "vessels - left Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV" }, { "code": "39096-3", "display": "Hepatic veins Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV and W hemodynamics" }, { "code": "43783-0", "display": "Renal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV and W renin sampling" }, { "code": "25080-3", "display": "Renal vein - bilateral Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast IV and W renin sampling" }, { "code": "30816-3", "display": "Peritoneum Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast percutaneous" }, { "code": "24575-3", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Fluoroscopy W contrast percutaneous transhepatic" }, { "code": "37200-3", "display": "Chest X-ray W contrast PO" }, { "code": "37199-7", "display": "Chest Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "37198-9", "display": "Esophagus X-ray W contrast PO" }, { "code": "24678-5", "display": "Esophagus Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "24712-2", "display": "Gallbladder X-ray W contrast PO" }, { "code": "42459-8", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "24924-3", "display": "Small bowel Fluoroscopy W contrast PO" }, { "code": "24673-6", "display": "Duodenum Fluoroscopy W contrast PO and hypotonic agent per ng" }, { "code": "24681-9", "display": "Esophagus and Hypopharynx Fluoroscopy video W contrast PO during swallowing" }, { "code": "24667-8", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W contrast PR" }, { "code": "24894-8", "display": "Rectum and Urinary bladder Fluoroscopy W contrast PR and intra bladder during defecation and voiding" }, { "code": "39363-7", "display": "Fistula Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "38105-3", "display": "Kidney X-ray W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "39349-6", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde" }, { "code": "30761-1", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde via urethra" }, { "code": "38873-6", "display": "Kidney - left and Collecting system Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde via urethra" }, { "code": "38113-7", "display": "Kidney - right and Collecting system Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde via urethra" }, { "code": "25020-9", "display": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra Fluoroscopy W contrast retrograde via urethra" }, { "code": "30841-1", "display": "Portal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast transhepatic" }, { "code": "30842-9", "display": "Portal vein Fluoroscopic angiogram W contrast transhepatic and W hemodynamics" }, { "code": "37566-7", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy W contrast via catheter" }, { "code": "37567-5", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W contrast via colostomy" }, { "code": "37568-3", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy W contrast via fistula" }, { "code": "69272-3", "display": "Small bowel Fluoroscopy W contrast via ileostomy" }, { "code": "24780-9", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Fluoroscopy W contrast via nephrostomy tube" }, { "code": "38872-8", "display": "Kidney - left and Collecting system Fluoroscopy W contrast via nephrostomy tube" }, { "code": "38112-9", "display": "Kidney - right and Collecting system Fluoroscopy W contrast via nephrostomy tube" }, { "code": "37569-1", "display": "Urinary bladder Fluoroscopy W contrast via suprapubic tube" }, { "code": "30647-2", "display": "Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Fluoroscopy W contrast via T-tube" }, { "code": "39696-0", "display": "Lung Scan W depreotide and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "42161-0", "display": "Heart Scan W dobutamine and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39652-3", "display": "Heart Scan W dobutamine and W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "42383-0", "display": "Gallbladder X-ray W double dose contrast PO" }, { "code": "42690-8", "display": "Spine X-ray W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "24945-8", "display": "Spine Cervical X-ray W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "24971-4", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "43481-1", "display": "Joint X-ray W flexion and W extension" }, { "code": "30785-0", "display": "Foot X-ray W forced dorsiflexion" }, { "code": "43461-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W furosemide and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39688-7", "display": "Scan W GA-67 IV" }, { "code": "24679-3", "display": "Esophagus Fluoroscopy W gastrografin PO" }, { "code": "42684-1", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W gastrografin PO" }, { "code": "42681-7", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W gastrografin PR" }, { "code": "37576-6", "display": "Unspecified body region Fluoroscopy W gastrografin via fistula" }, { "code": "39850-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W I-131 IV" }, { "code": "25007-6", "display": "Thyroid Scan W I-131 IV" }, { "code": "39841-2", "display": "Scan W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39857-8", "display": "Adrenal gland Scan W I-131 MIBG IV" }, { "code": "39624-2", "display": "Adrenal gland Scan W I-131 NP59 IV" }, { "code": "24770-0", "display": "Joint Scan W In-111 intrajoint" }, { "code": "39846-1", "display": "Scan W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "39738-0", "display": "Abdomen Scan W In-111 Satumomab IV" }, { "code": "25032-4", "display": "Bone Scan W In-111 tagged WBC IV" }, { "code": "42708-8", "display": "Scan W In-111 tiuxetan IV" }, { "code": "30736-3", "display": "Chest X-ray W inspiration and expiration" }, { "code": "24682-7", "display": "Esophagus and Hypopharynx Fluoroscopy video W liquid and paste contrast PO during swallowing" }, { "code": "37556-8", "display": "Ankle X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37557-6", "display": "Ankle - bilateral X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37558-4", "display": "Ankle - left X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37673-1", "display": "Ankle - right X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37559-2", "display": "Foot - left X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37705-1", "display": "Foot - right X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37560-0", "display": "Knee X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37561-8", "display": "Knee - bilateral X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37562-6", "display": "Knee - left X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37753-1", "display": "Knee - right X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37563-4", "display": "Thumb - bilateral X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37564-2", "display": "Thumb - left X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "37814-1", "display": "Thumb - right X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "39056-7", "display": "Unspecified body region X-ray W manual stress" }, { "code": "38093-1", "display": "Chest X-ray W nipple markers" }, { "code": "39670-5", "display": "Lacrimal duct Scan W radionuclide intra lacrimal duct" }, { "code": "64051-6", "display": "Breast lymphatics - left Scan W radionuclide intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "64052-4", "display": "Breast lymphatics - right Scan W radionuclide intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "24826-0", "display": "Lymphatics Scan W radionuclide intra lymphatic" }, { "code": "24663-7", "display": "Head Cistern Scan W radionuclide IT" }, { "code": "42158-6", "display": "Adrenal gland Scan" }, { "code": "42776-5", "display": "AV shunt Scan" }, { "code": "25031-6", "display": "Bone Scan" }, { "code": "24730-4", "display": "Brain Scan" }, { "code": "39643-2", "display": "Brain veins Scan" }, { "code": "39646-5", "display": "Breast Scan" }, { "code": "39650-7", "display": "Heart Scan" }, { "code": "24776-7", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan" }, { "code": "30877-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral and Renal vessels Scan" }, { "code": "24804-7", "display": "Knee Scan" }, { "code": "26088-5", "display": "Knee - bilateral Scan" }, { "code": "26089-3", "display": "Knee - left Scan" }, { "code": "26090-1", "display": "Knee - right Scan" }, { "code": "39693-7", "display": "Liver Scan" }, { "code": "39694-5", "display": "Liver transplant Scan" }, { "code": "43557-8", "display": "Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan" }, { "code": "39897-4", "display": "Liver and Lung Scan" }, { "code": "39877-6", "display": "Liver and Spleen Scan" }, { "code": "39629-1", "display": "Meckels diverticulum Scan" }, { "code": "39737-2", "display": "Neck Scan" }, { "code": "39739-8", "display": "Pancreas Scan" }, { "code": "39742-2", "display": "Parathyroid Scan" }, { "code": "39619-2", "display": "Pulmonary system Scan" }, { "code": "43669-1", "display": "Renal vessels Scan" }, { "code": "39747-1", "display": "Salivary gland Scan" }, { "code": "30696-9", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan" }, { "code": "39751-3", "display": "Spleen Scan" }, { "code": "30695-1", "display": "Thyroid Scan" }, { "code": "25018-3", "display": "Urinary bladder Scan" }, { "code": "39626-7", "display": "Vein - bilateral Scan" }, { "code": "49118-3", "display": "Unspecified body region Scan" }, { "code": "39939-4", "display": "Joint Scan" }, { "code": "39671-3", "display": "Rectum Scan W radionuclide PO" }, { "code": "39752-1", "display": "Spleen Scan W radionuclide tagged heat damaged RBC IV" }, { "code": "24773-4", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W radionuclide transplant scan" }, { "code": "30713-2", "display": "Spine X-ray W right bending and W left bending" }, { "code": "42413-5", "display": "Spine Lumbar X-ray W right bending and W left bending" }, { "code": "43651-9", "display": "Liver and Biliary ducts and Gallbladder Scan W sincalide and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "39820-6", "display": "Bone Scan W SM153 IV" }, { "code": "39666-3", "display": "Heart Scan W stress and W 201 Th IV" }, { "code": "39667-1", "display": "Heart Scan W stress and W radionuclide IV" }, { "code": "69231-9", "display": "Heart Scan W stress and W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "69232-7", "display": "Heart Scan W stress and W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "24819-5", "display": "Liver and Spleen Scan W Tc-99m calcium colloid IV" }, { "code": "39744-8", "display": "Prostate Scan W Tc-99m capromab pendatide IV" }, { "code": "39674-7", "display": "Gallbladder Scan W Tc-99m DISIDA IV" }, { "code": "41771-7", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W Tc-99m DMSA IV" }, { "code": "39625-9", "display": "Artery Scan W Tc-99m DTPA IA" }, { "code": "39745-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "43667-5", "display": "Kidney - bilateral and Renal vessels Scan W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "39753-9", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "39765-3", "display": "Vein Scan W Tc-99m DTPA IV" }, { "code": "39642-4", "display": "Brain Scan W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "44234-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W Tc-99m glucoheptonate IV" }, { "code": "39766-1", "display": "Vein Scan W Tc-99m HDP IV" }, { "code": "39812-3", "display": "Bone Scan W Tc-99m HMPAO IV" }, { "code": "39630-9", "display": "Brain Scan W Tc-99m HMPAO IV" }, { "code": "39757-0", "display": "Thyroid Scan W Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "24831-0", "display": "Meckels diverticulum Scan W Tc-99m M04 IV" }, { "code": "44141-0", "display": "Liver and Spleen Scan W Tc-99m MAA IV" }, { "code": "44142-8", "display": "Bone Scan W Tc-99m medronate IV" }, { "code": "39746-3", "display": "Kidney - bilateral Scan W Tc-99m Mertiatide IV" }, { "code": "69233-5", "display": "Parotid gland Scan W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "25001-9", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle Scan W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "26091-9", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - bilateral Scan W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "26092-7", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - left Scan W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "26093-5", "display": "Scrotum and Testicle - right Scan W Tc-99m pertechnetate IV" }, { "code": "44146-9", "display": "Bone marrow Scan W Tc-99m SC IV" }, { "code": "39689-5", "display": "Gastrointestine Scan W Tc-99m SC IV" }, { "code": "69230-1", "display": "Liver Scan W Tc-99m SC IV" }, { "code": "39764-6", "display": "Vein Scan W Tc-99m SC IV" }, { "code": "24683-5", "display": "Esophagus and Stomach Scan W Tc-99m SC PO" }, { "code": "44145-1", "display": "Parathyroid Scan W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "39756-2", "display": "Thyroid Scan W Tc-99m Sestamibi IV" }, { "code": "24714-8", "display": "Gastrointestine Scan W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "44143-6", "display": "Heart Scan W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "39690-3", "display": "Liver Scan W Tc-99m tagged RBC IV" }, { "code": "42700-5", "display": "Bone Scan W Tc-99m tagged WBC IV" }, { "code": "24751-0", "display": "Parathyroid Scan W TI-201 subtraction Tc-99m IV" }, { "code": "39635-8", "display": "Brain Scan W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "51389-5", "display": "Breast Scan W Tl-201 IV" }, { "code": "42012-5", "display": "Gastrointestine upper Fluoroscopy W water soluble contrast PO" }, { "code": "24669-4", "display": "Colon Fluoroscopy W water soluble contrast PR" }, { "code": "37577-4", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray W weight" }, { "code": "37578-2", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray W weight" }, { "code": "44144-4", "display": "Liver Scan W Xe-133 inhaled" }, { "code": "37582-4", "display": "Acromioclavicular Joint X-ray WO weight" }, { "code": "69055-2", "display": "Acromioclavicular joint - bilateral X-ray WO weight" }, { "code": "52073-4", "display": "Vision attachment" }, { "code": "28631-0", "display": "Visual acuity study" }, { "code": "46242-4", "display": "Fetal Document Vital signs measurements" }, { "code": "52070-0", "display": "Workers compensation" }, { "code": "74282-5", "display": "Individual counseling note" }, { "code": "71683-7", "display": "FDA package insert PMI - Stop taking and call your doctor section" }, { "code": "71685-2", "display": "FDA package insert PMI - Tell your doctor before taking section" }, { "code": "34086-9", "display": "FDA package insert Abuse section" }, { "code": "60555-0", "display": "FDA package insert Accessories" }, { "code": "34084-4", "display": "FDA package insert Adverse reactions section" }, { "code": "69761-5", "display": "FDA package insert Alarms" }, { "code": "70946-9", "display": "Ancillary eye tests Narrative" }, { "code": "34091-9", "display": "FDA package insert Animal pharmacology/toxicology section" }, { "code": "48767-8", "display": "Annotation comment Narrative" }, { "code": "60556-8", "display": "FDA package insert Assembly or installation instructions" }, { "code": "35519-8", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Assessment of safety section" }, { "code": "35517-2", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Assessment section" }, { "code": "35511-5", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Background information section" }, { "code": "34066-1", "display": "FDA package insert Boxed warning section" }, { "code": "60557-6", "display": "FDA package insert Calibration instructions" }, { "code": "72135-7", "display": "Cancer diagnosis Narrative" }, { "code": "34083-6", "display": "FDA package insert Carcinogenesis and mutagenesis and impairment of fertility section" }, { "code": "60684-8", "display": "FDA product label Cellular therapy" }, { "code": "60558-4", "display": "FDA package insert Cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilization instructions" }, { "code": "34090-1", "display": "FDA package insert Clinical pharmacology section" }, { "code": "34092-7", "display": "FDA package insert Clinical studies section" }, { "code": "35528-9", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Clinical trial protocol" }, { "code": "69760-7", "display": "FDA package insert Compatible accessories" }, { "code": "60559-2", "display": "FDA package insert Components" }, { "code": "70940-2", "display": "Confrontation visual field Narrative" }, { "code": "34070-3", "display": "FDA package insert Contraindications section" }, { "code": "34085-1", "display": "FDA package insert Controlled substance section" }, { "code": "57826-0", "display": "Co-payment amount Narrative" }, { "code": "57025-9", "display": "Data criteria Narrative" }, { "code": "35524-8", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Data handling and record keeping section" }, { "code": "34087-7", "display": "FDA package insert Dependence section" }, { "code": "34089-3", "display": "FDA package insert Description section" }, { "code": "69758-1", "display": "FDA package insert Diagram of device" }, { "code": "35521-4", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Direct access to source data+documents section" }, { "code": "69763-1", "display": "FDA package insert Disposal and waste handling" }, { "code": "34068-7", "display": "FDA package insert Dosage and administration section" }, { "code": "43678-2", "display": "FDA package insert Dosage forms and strengths section" }, { "code": "34074-5", "display": "FDA package insert Drug/laboratory test interactions section" }, { "code": "42227-9", "display": "FDA package insert Drug abuse and dependence section" }, { "code": "34073-7", "display": "FDA package insert Drug interactions section" }, { "code": "35518-0", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Efficacy assessment section" }, { "code": "35523-0", "display": "Clinical trial protocol Ethics section" }, { "code": "61147-5", "display": "Expected outcomes Narrative" }, { "code": "70943-6", "display": "Eye anterior segment Narrative" }, { "code": "70941-0", "display": "Eye external Narrative" }, { 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"urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1022" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "LanguagePreferenceType", "title": "Language preference type", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/language-preference-type", "concept": [ { "code": "verbal", "display": "verbal" }, { "code": "written", "display": "written" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/code-search-support", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "code-search-support", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "vocab" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 0 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/code-search-support", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.860" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "CodeSearchSupport", "title": "CodeSearchSupport", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/code-search-support" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/benefit-term", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "benefit-term", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fm" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/benefit-term", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.612" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "BenefitTermCodes", "title": "Benefit Term Codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "This is an example set.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/benefit-term" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/dataelement-sdcobjectclass", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "dataelement-sdcobjectclass", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/dataelement-sdcobjectclass", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.910" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "DataElementSDCObjectClass", "title": "DataElement SDC Object Class", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "copyright": "This value set includes content from LOINC®, which is copyright © 1995 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the LOINC Committee, and available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/terms-of-use. This resource includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct" }, { "system": "http://loinc.org" }, { "system": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/object-role", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "object-role", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "sec" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 3 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/object-role", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.460" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "AuditEventEntityRole", "title": "AuditEventEntityRole", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/measure-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "measure-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "cqi" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 2 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/measure-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.769" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "MeasureType", "title": "MeasureType", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/measure-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/contract-security-control", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "contract-security-control", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fm" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/contract-security-control", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1222" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ContractResourceSecurityControlCodes", "title": "Contract Resource Security Control codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "HL7 International.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/contract-security-control" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/postal-address-use", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "postal-address-use", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/postal-address-use", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.908" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "PostalAddressUse", "title": "PostalAddressUse", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-AddressUse", "concept": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "A flag indicating that the address is bad, in fact, useless." } ], "code": "BAD", "display": "bad address" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates that the address is considered sensitive and should only be shared or published in accordance with organizational controls governing patient demographic information with increased sensitivity. Uses of Addresses. Lloyd to supply more complete description." } ], "code": "CONF", "display": "confidential address" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The primary home, to reach a person after business hours." } ], "code": "HP", "display": "primary home" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "A vacation home, to reach a person while on vacation." } ], "code": "HV", "display": "vacation home" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates a work place address or telecommunication address that reaches the individual or organization directly without intermediaries. For phones, often referred to as a 'private line'." } ], "code": "DIR", "display": "direct" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates a work place address or telecommunication address that is a 'standard' address which may reach a reception service, mail-room, or other intermediary prior to the target entity." } ], "code": "PUB", "display": "public" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used primarily to visit an address." } ], "code": "PHYS", "display": "physical visit address" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used to send mail." } ], "code": "PST", "display": "postal address" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/questionnaire-display-category", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "questionnaire-display-category", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/questionnaire-display-category", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.935" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "QuestionnaireTextCategories", "title": "Questionnaire Text Categories", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/questionnaire-display-category" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/media-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "media-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "oo" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/media-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1000" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "MediaType", "title": "Media Type", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2017-12-08T02:32:59+00:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/media-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/device-nametype", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "device-nametype", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "oo" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 0 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/device-nametype", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1083" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "DeviceNameType", "title": "DeviceNameType", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/device-nametype" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/encounter-location-status", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "encounter-location-status", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pa" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 2 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/encounter-location-status", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.262" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "EncounterLocationStatus", "title": "EncounterLocationStatus", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-location-status" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/examplescenario-actor-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "examplescenario-actor-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 0 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/examplescenario-actor-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.858" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ExampleScenarioActorType", "title": "ExampleScenarioActorType", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/examplescenario-actor-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/name-part-qualifier", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "name-part-qualifier", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/name-part-qualifier", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.906" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "EntityNamePartQualifier", "title": "EntityNamePartQualifier", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-EntityNamePartQualifierR2", "concept": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "For organizations a suffix indicating the legal status, e.g., Inc., \"Co.\", \"AG\", \"GmbH\", \"B.V.\" \"S.A.\", \"Ltd.\" Etc." } ], "code": "LS", "display": "Legal status" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates that a prefix like \"Dr.\" or a suffix like \"M.D.\" or \"Ph.D.\" is an academic title." } ], "code": "AC", "display": "Academic" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "In Europe and Asia, there are still people with nobility titles (aristocrats). German \"von\" is generally a nobility title, not a mere voorvoegsel. Others are \"Earl of\" or \"His Majesty King of...\" etc. Rarely used nowadays, but some systems do keep track of this." } ], "code": "NB", "display": "Nobility" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Primarily in the British Imperial culture people tend to have an abbreviation of their professional organization as part of their credential suffices" } ], "code": "PR", "display": "Professional" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "An honorific such as \"The Right Honourable\" or \"Weledelgeleerde Heer\"." } ], "code": "HON", "display": "Honorific" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "A name that a person was given at birth or established as a consequence of adoption. NOTE: This is not used for temporary names assigned at birth such as 'Baby of Smith' – which is just a name with a use code of TEMP" } ], "code": "BR", "display": "Birth" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "A name part a person acquired. The name part may be acquired by adoption, or the person may have chosen to use the name part for some other reason. NOTE This differs from an other/psuedonym/alias in that an acquired name part is acquired on a formal basis rather than an informal one (e.g. registered as part of the official name)" } ], "code": "AD", "display": "Acquired" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The name assumed from the partner in a marital relationship. Usually the spouse‘s family name. No inference about gender may be made from the existence of spouse names" } ], "code": "SP", "display": "Spouse" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates that the name part is a middle name. In general, the English \"middle name\" concept is all of the given names after the first. This qualifier may be used to explicitly indicate which given names are considered to be middle names. The middle name qualifier may also be used with family names. This is a Scandinavian use case, matching the concept of \"mellomnavn\"/\"mellannamn\". There are specific rules that indicate what names may be taken as a mellannamnin different Scandinavian countries" } ], "code": "MID", "display": "Middle Name" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Callme is used to indicate which of the various name parts is used when interacting with the person" } ], "code": "CL", "display": "Call me" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Indicates that a name part is just an initial. Initials do not imply a trailing period since this would not work with non-Latin scripts. Initials may consist of more than one letter, e.g., \"Ph.\" could stand for \"Philippe\" or \"Th.\" for \"Thomas\"" } ], "code": "IN", "display": "Initial" } ] }, { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-EntityNamePartQualifier", "concept": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "A Dutch \"voorvoegsel\" is something like \"van\" or \"de\" that might have indicated nobility in the past but no longer so. Similar prefixes exist in other languages such as German, Spanish, French or Portugese" } ], "code": "VV", "display": "Voorvoegsel" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/care-plan-activity-kind", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "care-plan-activity-kind", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pc" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 2 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/care-plan-activity-kind", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.145" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "CarePlanActivityKind", "title": "Care Plan Activity Kind", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/resource-types", "concept": [ { "code": "Appointment" }, { "code": "CommunicationRequest" }, { "code": "DeviceRequest" }, { "code": "MedicationRequest" }, { "code": "NutritionOrder" }, { "code": "Task" }, { "code": "ServiceRequest" }, { "code": "VisionPrescription" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/device-definition-status", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "device-definition-status", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "oo" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/device-definition-status", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1307" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "FHIRDeviceStatus", "title": "FHIRDeviceStatus", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/device-definition-status" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/message-events", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "message-events", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-special-status", "valueString": "This Value Set is normative - it is generated based on the information defined in this specification. The definition will remain fixed across versions, but the actual contents will change from version to version" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "normative" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-normative-version", "valueCode": "4.0.0" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 5 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/message-events", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.26" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "MessageEvent", "title": "MessageEvent", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/message-events" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/c80-practice-codes", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "c80-practice-codes", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "sd" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/c80-practice-codes", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "PracticeSettingCodeValueSet", "title": "Practice Setting Code Value Set", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "copyright": "This resource includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). 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"display": "Finnish Landrace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132235000", "display": "Guinea Hog pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132236004", "display": "Hezuo pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132237008", "display": "Ossabaw Island pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132238003", "display": "Kele pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132239006", "display": "Krskopolje pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132240008", "display": "Kunekune pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132241007", "display": "Large Black-White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132242000", "display": "Lithuanian Native pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132243005", "display": "Meishan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132244004", "display": "Jinhua pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132245003", "display": "Ningxiang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132246002", "display": "Mora Romagnola pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132261001", "display": "Siska pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132277000", 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"132290007", "display": "Yuedong Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132291006", "display": "Xiang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132292004", "display": "Cantonese pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132293009", "display": "Jinhua, Dongyang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132294003", "display": "Jinhua, Yongkang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132295002", "display": "Daweizi pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132296001", "display": "Huazhong Two-End Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132297005", "display": "Huazhong Two-End Black, Jianli pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132298000", "display": "Huazhong Two-End Black, Tongcheng pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132299008", "display": "Huazhong Two-End Black, Satzeling pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132300000", "display": "Ganzhongnan Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132301001", "display": "Hang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132302008", "display": "Leping pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132303003", "display": "Longyou Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132304009", "display": "Wuyi Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132305005", "display": "Lee-Sung pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132306006", "display": "Lan-Yu pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132307002", "display": "Vietnamese Yorkshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132308007", "display": "Yujiang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132309004", "display": "Wanzhe Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132310009", "display": "Wanzhe Spotted, Chunan Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132311008", "display": "Wanzhe Spotted, Wannan Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132312001", "display": "Shengxian Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133167003", "display": "Chin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133168008", "display": "Siamese pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133169000", "display": "Hailum pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133170004", "display": "Kwai pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133171000", "display": "Raad pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133172007", "display": "Akha pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133173002", "display": "South China pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133174008", "display": "South China Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133175009", "display": "Balinese pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133176005", "display": "Diani pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133177001", "display": "Kaman pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133178006", "display": "Ashanti Dwarf pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133179003", "display": "Koronadal pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133180000", "display": "Ohmini pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133181001", "display": "Clawn pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133182008", "display": "Sus scrofa domestic pig X Japanese wild boar intragenus hybrid (organism)" }, { "code": "133183003", "display": "Kangaroo Island pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133184009", "display": "Captain Cooker pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133185005", "display": "West African pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133186006", "display": "Nigerian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133187002", "display": "Bakosi pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133188007", "display": "Windsnyer pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133189004", "display": "Kolbroek pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133190008", "display": "South African Landrace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133191007", "display": "Bulgarian White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133192000", "display": "Bulgarian Landrace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133193005", "display": "Danube White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133194004", "display": "Dermantsi Pied pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133195003", "display": "Romanian Native, Stocli pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133196002", "display": "Romanian Native, Baltaret pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133197006", "display": "Banat White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133198001", "display": "Bazna pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133199009", "display": "Dobrogea Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133200007", "display": "Strei pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133218005", "display": "Slovhyb-1 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133219002", "display": "Nitra Hybrid pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133220008", "display": "Synthetic SL98 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133221007", "display": "SL96 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132021009", "display": "High Conformation White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132022002", "display": "Line 32 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132023007", "display": "Line 21 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132024001", "display": "Meatline pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132025000", "display": "Hampline pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132026004", "display": "Euroline pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132027008", "display": "Norline pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132028003", "display": "Premier pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132029006", "display": "Tribred pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132030001", "display": "American Essex pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132031002", "display": "Sino-Gascony pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132032009", "display": "Guadeloupe Créole pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132033004", "display": "Managra pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132034005", "display": "Canadian Landrace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132035006", "display": "Canadian Yorkshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132037003", "display": "Pineywoods pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132038008", "display": "Catalina Island pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132039000", "display": "Ras-n-Lansa pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132040003", "display": "Pitman-Moore Miniature pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132041004", "display": "Vita Vet Lab Minipig pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132043001", "display": "Black Hampshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132044007", "display": "Red Hamprace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132045008", "display": "American Yorkshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132046009", "display": "American Berkshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132047000", "display": "Camborough Blue pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132048005", "display": "Camborough 12 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132059001", "display": "Canastrão, Junqueira pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132060006", "display": "Canastrão, Capitão Chico pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132061005", "display": "Canastrão, Zabumba pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132062003", "display": "Canastrão, Cabano pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132063008", "display": "Canastrão, Vermelho pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132064002", "display": "Piau, Caruncho Piau pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132065001", "display": "Canastrinho pig breed (organism)" 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"132320004", "display": "Shahutou pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132321000", "display": "Jiaoxi pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132322007", "display": "Shanghai White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132323002", "display": "Hubei White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132324008", "display": "Xinjin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132325009", "display": "Xinjin, Jilin Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132326005", "display": "Xinjin, Ning-an pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132327001", "display": "Í pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132328006", "display": "DBI pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132329003", "display": "Xinjin, Xinjin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132330008", "display": "Meixin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132331007", "display": "North East China Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132332000", "display": "Fannong Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132333005", "display": "Laoshan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132334004", "display": "Nanjing Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132335003", "display": "Shanxi Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132336002", "display": "Ganzhou White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132337006", "display": "Guangxi White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132338001", "display": "Hanzhong White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132339009", "display": "Lutai White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132340006", "display": "Yili White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132341005", "display": "Xinjiang White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132342003", "display": "BSI pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132343008", "display": "Mong Cai pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132344002", "display": "Lang Hong pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132345001", "display": "Muong Khuong pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132346000", "display": "Meo pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132347009", "display": "Tong Con pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132348004", "display": "Ha Bac pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132349007", "display": "Thai Binh pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132350007", "display": "Co pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132351006", "display": "Swiss Improved Landrace pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132352004", "display": "German Landrace B pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132353009", "display": "Edelschwein pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132354003", "display": "Swabian-Hall pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132355002", "display": "Bentheim Black Pied pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132356001", "display": "Baldinger Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132357005", "display": "German Red Pied pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132358000", "display": "German Cornwall pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132359008", "display": "Göttingen Miniature pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132360003", "display": "Munich Miniature pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132361004", "display": "Leicoma pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132362006", "display": "Schwerfurt Meat pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132363001", "display": "Hungarian White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132364007", "display": "Hungahyb pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132365008", "display": "Bulgarian Native pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132366009", "display": "East Balkan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132367000", "display": "Kula pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132368005", "display": "Nghia Binh pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132768008", "display": "Kakhetian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132769000", "display": "West French White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132843000", "display": "Muban pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132844006", "display": "Iban pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133161002", "display": "Tuy Hoa Hairless pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133162009", "display": "Hainan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133163004", "display": "Sino-Vietnamese pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133164005", "display": "Bo Xu pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133165006", "display": "Thuoc Nhieu pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133166007", "display": "Burmese pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133201006", "display": "Romanian Large White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133202004", "display": "Romanian Meat Pig pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133203009", "display": "Gurktal pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133204003", "display": "Black Slavonian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133205002", "display": "Resava pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133206001", "display": "Morava pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133207005", "display": "Dzumalia pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133208000", "display": "Macedonian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133209008", "display": "Albanian Native pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133210003", "display": "Shkodra pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133211004", "display": "Slovenian White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133212006", "display": "Subotica White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133213001", "display": "Prestice pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133214007", "display": "Slovakian Black Pied pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133215008", "display": "Czech Improved White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133216009", "display": "Moravian Large Yorkshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133217000", "display": "Slovakian White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133222000", "display": "Czech Meat pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133223005", "display": "Czech Miniature pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133224004", "display": "Small Polish Prick-Eared pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133225003", "display": "Polesian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133226002", "display": "Nadbuzanska pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133227006", "display": "Sarny pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133228001", "display": "Krolevets pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133229009", "display": "Polish Marsh pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133230004", "display": "Large Polish Long-Eared pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "406663005", "display": "Ukrainian steppe white pig (organism)" }, { "code": "417012009", "display": "Mixed breed pig (organism)" }, { "code": "3260001", "display": "Duroc pig (organism)" }, { "code": "5227002", "display": "Oxford sandy block pig (organism)" }, { "code": "9135003", "display": "OIC pig (organism)" }, { "code": "15443006", "display": "Yuca pig (organism)" }, { "code": "15961007", "display": "British saddleback pig (organism)" }, { "code": "19770007", "display": "Hereford pig (organism)" }, { "code": "20044005", "display": "Pietrain pig (organism)" }, { "code": "20280002", "display": "Hampshire pig (organism)" }, { "code": "21021000", "display": "Large black pig (organism)" }, { "code": "22506004", "display": "British lop pig (organism)" }, { "code": "29881002", "display": "Connor prairie pig (organism)" }, { "code": "30448006", "display": "Lacombe pig (organism)" }, { "code": "30634003", "display": "Tamworth pig (organism)" }, { "code": "36187006", "display": "Spotted pig (organism)" }, { "code": "49240006", "display": "Palouse pig (organism)" }, { "code": "54232006", "display": "Welsh pig (organism)" }, { "code": "69461005", "display": "Chester white pig (organism)" }, { "code": "73648005", "display": "Wessex saddleback pig (organism)" }, { "code": "74568001", "display": "Red wattle pig (organism)" }, { "code": "77236002", "display": "Large white pig (organism)" }, { "code": "79814001", "display": "Poland China pig (organism)" }, { "code": "80084005", "display": "Lucie pig (organism)" }, { "code": "80979001", "display": "San Pierre pig (organism)" }, { "code": "82909008", "display": "Middle white pig (organism)" }, { "code": "85315007", "display": "Yorkshire pig (organism)" }, { "code": "86694007", "display": "Hormel miniature pig (organism)" }, { "code": "90885005", "display": "Gloucester old spot pig (organism)" }, { "code": "132009005", "display": "Haiti Créole pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132010000", "display": "Manor Hybrid pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132011001", "display": "Hamline pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132012008", "display": "Manor Ranger pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132013003", "display": "Manor Meishan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132014009", "display": "Cotswold Gold pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132015005", "display": "Cotswold Platinum pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132016006", "display": "Cotswold 16 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132017002", "display": "Cotswold 29 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132018007", "display": "Cotswold 90 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132019004", "display": "Hampen pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132020005", "display": "SPM pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132042006", "display": "Hanford Miniature pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132049002", "display": "Westrain pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132050002", "display": "Dalland 030 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132051003", "display": "Razor-Back pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132052005", "display": "Macau pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132053000", "display": "Moura pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132054006", "display": "Canastra pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132055007", "display": "Pirapetinga pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132056008", "display": "Piau pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132057004", "display": "Nilo-Canastra pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132058009", "display": "Canastrão pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132072000", "display": "Central Russian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132073005", "display": "Steppe Meat pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132125002", "display": "Gascony pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132126001", "display": "Limousin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132127005", "display": "Harbin White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132128000", "display": "Heilongjiang Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132129008", "display": "Liaoning Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132130003", "display": "Huang-Huai-Hai Black, Shenxian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132131004", "display": "Huang-Huai-Hai Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132132006", "display": "Bamei pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132133001", "display": "Hanjiang Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132134007", "display": "Ding pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132135008", "display": "Huai pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132136009", "display": "New Huai pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132137000", "display": "Mashen pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132138005", "display": "Yimeng Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132139002", "display": "Hetao Lop-Ear pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132140000", "display": "Korean Native pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132141001", "display": "Korean Improved pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132142008", "display": "Penbuk pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132143003", "display": "Beijing Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132144009", "display": "Chenghua pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132145005", "display": "Taoyuan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132146006", "display": "Taiwan Small Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132147002", "display": "Taiwan Small Red pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132148007", "display": "Guanling pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132149004", "display": "Huchuan Mountain pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132150004", "display": "Rongchang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132151000", "display": "Wujin pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132152007", "display": "Dahe pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132153002", "display": "Yanan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132154008", "display": "South Yunnan Short-Eared pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132155009", "display": "Hainan, Lingao pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132156005", "display": "Hainan, Tunchang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132157001", "display": "Hainan, Wenchang pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132158006", "display": "Liang Guang Small Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132159003", "display": "German Pasture pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132160008", "display": "Piau, Sorocaba pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132161007", "display": "Nilo pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132162000", "display": "Bahia pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132163005", "display": "Perna-Curta pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132164004", "display": "Carunchinho pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132165003", "display": "Mandi pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132166002", "display": "Orehla de Colher pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132167006", "display": "Venezuelan Black pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132168001", "display": "Bolivian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132170005", "display": "Mexican Wattled pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132171009", "display": "Dalland 080 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132173007", "display": "Monarch pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132174001", "display": "Bisaro pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132175000", "display": "Black Hairless pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132176004", "display": "Black Mangalitsa pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "74921000", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line (organism)" }, { "code": "80131009", "display": "Landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "89928000", "display": "FHC pig (organism)" }, { "code": "75709004", "display": "Pic pig (organism)" }, { "code": "74899005", "display": "Boar power pig (organism)" }, { "code": "112489009", "display": "Berkshire pig (organism)" }, { "code": "69602006", "display": "Kleen leen pig (organism)" }, { "code": "61083001", "display": "Minnesota pig (organism)" }, { "code": "6053007", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 33 (organism)" }, { "code": "8516002", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 51 (organism)" }, { "code": "8763002", "display": "German landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "8970009", "display": "French landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "10261003", "display": "Belgium landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "11161001", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 77 (organism)" }, { "code": "12407009", "display": "Swedish landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "14063001", "display": "FHC elite pig 9 (organism)" }, { "code": "17717005", "display": "Pic Cambourgh pig (organism)" }, { "code": "18212001", "display": "Boar power pig 72 (organism)" }, { "code": "24111007", "display": "FHC elite pig 3 (organism)" }, { "code": "24319000", "display": "Boar power pig 414 (organism)" }, { "code": "25856007", "display": "Boar power pig 929 (organism)" }, { "code": "29223008", "display": "Boar power pig 565 (organism)" }, { "code": "29235007", "display": "Pic line pig 26 (organism)" }, { "code": "30720007", "display": "Boar power pig 84 (organism)" }, { "code": "32297006", "display": "Boar power pig 48 (organism)" }, { "code": "32683006", "display": "FHC elite pig 7 (organism)" }, { "code": "33212007", "display": "Boar power pig 616 (organism)" }, { "code": "33551003", "display": "Kentucky red berkshire pig (organism)" }, { "code": "34595003", "display": "Boar power pig 828 (organism)" }, { "code": "36111002", "display": "Kleen leen black pig (organism)" }, { "code": "36570001", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 31 (organism)" }, { "code": "41561001", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 30 (organism)" }, { "code": "42948007", "display": "Norwegian landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "43500007", "display": "Boar power pig 454 (organism)" }, { "code": "45635003", "display": "FHC elite pig 1 (organism)" }, { "code": "47795006", "display": "FHC elite pig 4 (organism)" }, { "code": "48470006", "display": "Boar power pig 656 (organism)" }, { "code": "49462008", "display": "FHC elite pig 6 (organism)" }, { "code": "53431006", "display": "Boar power pig 59 (organism)" }, { "code": "56084008", "display": "Boar power pig 292 (organism)" }, { "code": "57613003", "display": "Kleen leen white pig (organism)" }, { "code": "61973002", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 61 (organism)" }, { "code": "67720004", "display": "FHC elite pig 5 (organism)" }, { "code": "68512002", "display": "Boar power pig 141 (organism)" }, { "code": "71923001", "display": "Italian landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "73005003", "display": "FHC elite pig 8 (organism)" }, { "code": "73944009", "display": "Minnesota pig #1 (organism)" }, { "code": "74970001", "display": "Boar power pig 161 (organism)" }, { "code": "76364003", "display": "Boar power pig 27 (organism)" }, { "code": "78994007", "display": "British landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "84081007", "display": "Boar power pig 747 (organism)" }, { "code": "84232003", "display": "Kleen leen red pig (organism)" }, { "code": "84315000", "display": "Boar power pig 474 (organism)" }, { "code": "84528008", "display": "Danish landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "86440008", "display": "Pic line pig 24 (organism)" }, { "code": "87061000", "display": "Boar power pig 282 (organism)" }, { "code": "132074004", "display": "Kharkov pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132075003", "display": "Dnepropetrovsk pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132076002", "display": "Russian Large White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132077006", "display": "Forest Mountain pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132078001", "display": "Dnieper pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132079009", "display": "Iberian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132080007", "display": "Iberian, Extremadura Red pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132081006", "display": "Iberian, Jabugo Spotted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132082004", "display": "Iberian, Black Iberian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132083009", "display": "Philippine Native, Ilocos pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132084003", "display": "Philippine Native, Jalajala pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132085002", "display": "Mangalizta pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132086001", "display": "Alentejana pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132087005", "display": "Belgian Landrace, BN pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132088000", "display": "French Large White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132089008", "display": "Hyper Large White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132090004", "display": "Tia Meslan pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132091000", "display": "Pen ar Lan 77 pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132092007", "display": "Penshire pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132093002", "display": "Laconie pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132094008", "display": "Murcian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132095009", "display": "Cavallino pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132096005", "display": "Calabrian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132097001", "display": "Apulian pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132098006", "display": "Siena Belted pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132099003", "display": "Calascibetta pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132100006", "display": "Güssing Forest Pig pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132101005", "display": "Swiss Edelschwein pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132102003", "display": "North Caucasus pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132103008", "display": "Don pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132104002", "display": "Rostov pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132105001", "display": "Russian Long-Eared White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132106000", "display": "Russian Short-Eared White pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132107009", "display": "Prisheksninsk pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132108004", "display": "Breitov pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132109007", "display": "Livny pig breed (organism)" 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(organism)" }, { "code": "132124003", "display": "Créole pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132169009", "display": "Pelón pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132178003", "display": "Borghigiana pig breed (organism)" }, { "code": "58311005", "display": "Dutch landrace pig (organism)" }, { "code": "59667000", "display": "FHC elite pig 2 (organism)" }, { "code": "61036003", "display": "Boar power pig 545 (organism)" }, { "code": "112490000", "display": "Dekalb hybrid pig line 63 (organism)" }, { "code": "34618005", "display": "Bos taurus (organism)" }, { "code": "133259004", "display": "Red Angus cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "409905004", "display": "Black Angus cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "78541007", "display": "Milking Shorthorn cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "53031002", "display": "Dexter cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "62153005", "display": "Blonde d'Aquitaine (organism)" }, { "code": "65344003", "display": "Marchigiana cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "66314009", "display": "Longhorn cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "66911005", "display": "Galloway cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "67448000", "display": "German Fleck-Vieh cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "76497003", "display": "Gelbveih cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "81267004", "display": "Normandie cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "80835003", "display": "Shorthorn cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "400003", "display": "Pinzgauer cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "944009", "display": "Brown Welsh cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "3216001", "display": "Lincoln red cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "6112002", "display": "Meusse-Rhine-Ijssel cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "8989009", "display": "Ayrshire cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "13544004", "display": "Belted Galloway cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "21553004", "display": "Luing cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "21921002", "display": "Canadian cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "23629009", "display": "Hays converter cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "26105007", "display": "Holstein-Friesian cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "26525003", "display": "White Park cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "28483003", "display": "Simmental cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "28744004", "display": "Black Welsh cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "35229007", "display": "Chianina cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "44230005", "display": "Brown Swiss cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "45284002", "display": "Maine Anjou cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "48702000", "display": "Limousin cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "50959000", "display": "Tarentaise cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "51937006", "display": "Jersey cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "83173002", "display": "Scottish Highland cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "84839000", "display": "Guernsey cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "88807001", "display": "Red Poll cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "90612002", "display": "Salers cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "112485003", "display": "Gujarati cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "84923006", "display": "Aberdeen Angus cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "30384003", "display": "Brahma cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "32938007", "display": "Gir cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "132771000", "display": "Jem-Jem Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133594007", "display": "Amritmahal cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133595008", "display": "Bachaur cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133596009", "display": "Barka cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133597000", "display": "Bengali cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133598005", "display": "Bhagnari cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133599002", "display": "Boran cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133600004", "display": "Channi cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133601000", "display": "Cholistani cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133602007", "display": "Dajal cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133603002", "display": "Dangi cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133604008", "display": "Deoni cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133605009", "display": "Dhanni cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133606005", "display": "Gaolao cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133607001", "display": "Hallikar cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133608006", "display": "Hariana cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133609003", "display": "Indo-Brazilian cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133610008", "display": "Kangayam cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133611007", "display": "Kankrej cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133612000", "display": "Kenkatha cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133631006", "display": "Arsi cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133632004", "display": "Atpadi Mahal cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133633009", "display": "Azaouak cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133634003", "display": "Azerbaijan Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133635002", "display": "Baggara cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133636001", "display": "Bambawa cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133637005", "display": "Bami cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133638000", "display": "Banyo cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133639008", "display": "Bargur cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133640005", "display": "Bari cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133641009", "display": "Bimal cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133642002", "display": "Borneo Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133643007", "display": "Butana cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133644001", "display": "Chittagong Red cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133645000", "display": "Cutchi cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133646004", "display": "Dairy Zebu of Uberaba cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133647008", "display": "Dashtiari cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133648003", "display": "Diali cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133649006", "display": "Didinga cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133650006", "display": "Dongola cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133651005", "display": "Fellata cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133653008", "display": "Abyssinian Highland Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133654002", "display": "Abyssinian Shorthorned Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133655001", "display": "Aceh cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133656000", "display": "Achham cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133657009", "display": "Garre cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133658004", "display": "Gasara cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133659007", "display": "Gobra cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133660002", "display": "Goomsur cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133661003", "display": "Gujamavu 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"133630007", "display": "Zanzibar Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133652003", "display": "Turkmen zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133662005", "display": "Leiqiong cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133671001", "display": "Umblachery cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133672008", "display": "Venezuelan Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133683004", "display": "Wakwa cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133684005", "display": "White Fulani cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133685006", "display": "Yemeni Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133687003", "display": "Khorsan cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133688008", "display": "Polled Gir cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133692001", "display": "Kenya Boran cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133693006", "display": "Kenya Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133694000", "display": "Khamala cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133695004", "display": "Khurasani 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"display": "Malnad Gidda cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133721006", "display": "Mampati cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133722004", "display": "Manapari cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133723009", "display": "Maure cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133724003", "display": "Mazandarani cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133725002", "display": "Merauke cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133727005", "display": "Mhaswad cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133728000", "display": "Miniature Zebu cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133729008", "display": "Mongalla cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133730003", "display": "Morang cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133737000", "display": "Mozambique Angoni cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133738005", "display": "Mpwapwa cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133739002", "display": "Murle cattle breed (organism)" }, { "code": "133740000", "display": "Nakali cattle breed (organism)" }, { 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"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The specializations this device is certified for" } ], "code": "532353", "display": "MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_CERT_DEV_LIST" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The regulation type and status this device has" } ], "code": "532354", "display": "MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_REG_STATUS" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The upload transactions this gateway has been certified for" } ], "code": "532355", "display": "MDC_REG_CERT_DATA_CONTINUA_PHG_CERT_LIST" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/standards-status", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "standards-status", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": 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"copyright": "These codes are excerpted from ASTM Standard, E1762-95(2013) - Standard Guide for Electronic Authentication of Health Care Information, Copyright by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. Copies of this standard are available through the ASTM Web Site at www.astm.org.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "urn:iso-astm:E1762-95:2013" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/coverageeligibilityresponse-ex-auth-support", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "coverageeligibilityresponse-ex-auth-support", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fm" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/coverageeligibilityresponse-ex-auth-support", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1393" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "CoverageEligibilityResponseAuthSupportCodes", "title": "CoverageEligibilityResponse Auth Support Codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "HL7 Inc.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/coverageeligibilityresponse-ex-auth-support" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/ucum-bodyweight", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "ucum-bodyweight", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-extensible", "valueBoolean": false }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "oo" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/ucum-bodyweight", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.956" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "BodyWeightUnits", "title": "Body Weight Units", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "copyright": "UCUM is Copyright © 1999-2013 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and The UCUM Organization, Indianapolis, IN. All rights reserved. See http://unitsofmeasure.org/trac//wiki/TermsOfUse for details", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "concept": [ { "code": "kg" }, { "code": "[lb_av]" }, { "code": "g" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/encounter-admit-source", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "encounter-admit-source", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pa" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/encounter-admit-source", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.257" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "AdmitSource", "title": "Admit source", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/admit-source" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/issue-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "issue-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "normative" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-normative-version", "valueCode": "4.0.0" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 5 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/issue-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.410" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "IssueType", "title": "IssueType", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/issue-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "address-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "normative" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-normative-version", "valueCode": "4.0.0" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 5 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.69" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "AddressType", "title": "AddressType", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/address-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/link-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "link-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pa" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "normative" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-normative-version", "valueCode": "4.0.0" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 5 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/link-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.423" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "LinkType", "title": "LinkType", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/link-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/probability-distribution-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "probability-distribution-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fhir" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/probability-distribution-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.907" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ProbabilityDistributionType", "title": "ProbabilityDistributionType", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ProbabilityDistributionType", "concept": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The beta-distribution is used for data that is bounded on both sides and might or might not be skewed (e.g., occurs when probabilities are estimated.) Two parameters a and b are available to adjust the curve. The mean m and variance s2 relate as follows: m = a/ (a + b) and s2 = ab/((a + b)2 (a + b + 1))." } ], "code": "B", "display": "beta" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used for data that describes extinction. The exponential distribution is a special form of g-distribution where a = 1, hence, the relationship to mean m and variance s2 are m = b and s2 = b2." } ], "code": "E", "display": "exponential" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used to describe the quotient of two c2 random variables. The F-distribution has two parameters n1 and n2, which are the numbers of degrees of freedom of the numerator and denominator variable respectively. The relationship to mean m and variance s2 are: m = n2 / (n2 - 2) and s2 = (2 n2 (n2 + n1 - 2)) / (n1 (n2 - 2)2 (n2 - 4))." } ], "code": "F", "display": "F" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The gamma-distribution used for data that is skewed and bounded to the right, i.e. where the maximum of the distribution curve is located near the origin. The g-distribution has a two parameters a and b. The relationship to mean m and variance s2 is m = a b and s2 = a b2." } ], "code": "G", "display": "(gamma)" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The logarithmic normal distribution is used to transform skewed random variable X into a normally distributed random variable U = log X. The log-normal distribution can be specified with the properties mean m and standard deviation s. Note however that mean m and standard deviation s are the parameters of the raw value distribution, not the transformed parameters of the lognormal distribution that are conventionally referred to by the same letters. Those log-normal parameters mlog and slog relate to the mean m and standard deviation s of the data value through slog2 = log (s2/m2 + 1) and mlog = log m - slog2/2." } ], "code": "LN", "display": "log-normal" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "This is the well-known bell-shaped normal distribution. Because of the central limit theorem, the normal distribution is the distribution of choice for an unbounded random variable that is an outcome of a combination of many stochastic processes. Even for values bounded on a single side (i.e. greater than 0) the normal distribution may be accurate enough if the mean is \"far away\" from the bound of the scale measured in terms of standard deviations." } ], "code": "N", "display": "normal (Gaussian)" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used to describe the quotient of a normal random variable and the square root of a c2 random variable. The t-distribution has one parameter n, the number of degrees of freedom. The relationship to mean m and variance s2 are: m = 0 and s2 = n / (n - 2)" } ], "code": "T", "display": "T" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "The uniform distribution assigns a constant probability over the entire interval of possible outcomes, while all outcomes outside this interval are assumed to have zero probability. The width of this interval is 2s sqrt(3). Thus, the uniform distribution assigns the probability densities f(x) = sqrt(2 s sqrt(3)) to values m - s sqrt(3) >= x <= m + s sqrt(3) and f(x) = 0 otherwise." } ], "code": "U", "display": "uniform" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-concept-definition", "valueString": "Used to describe the sum of squares of random variables which occurs when a variance is estimated (rather than presumed) from the sample. The only parameter of the c2-distribution is n, so called the number of degrees of freedom (which is the number of independent parts in the sum). The c2-distribution is a special type of g-distribution with parameter a = n /2 and b = 2. Hence, m = n and s2 = 2 n." } ], "code": "X2", "display": "chi square" } ] } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/service-uscls", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "service-uscls", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fm" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/service-uscls", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.542" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "USCLSCodes", "title": "USCLS Codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "This is an example set.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-USCLS" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/concept-subsumption-outcome", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "concept-subsumption-outcome", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "vocab" } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/concept-subsumption-outcome", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1238" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ConceptSubsumptionOutcome", "title": "ConceptSubsumptionOutcome", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-subsumption-outcome" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/administrative-gender", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "administrative-gender", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pa" }, { "url": 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As the Information is of a general nature only, it is up to any person using or relying on the Information to ensure that it is accurate, complete and suitable for the circumstances of its use.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "urn:oid:" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/claim-subtype", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "claim-subtype", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "fm" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/claim-subtype", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.566" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ExampleClaimSubTypeCodes", "title": "Example Claim SubType Codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "copyright": "This is an example set.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ex-claimsubtype" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/supplydelivery-type", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "supplydelivery-type", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "oo" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/supplydelivery-type", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.702" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "SupplyItemType", "title": "Supply Item Type", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/supply-item-type" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/slotstatus", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "slotstatus", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pa" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 3 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/slotstatus", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.482" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "SlotStatus", "title": "SlotStatus", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/slotstatus" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/condition-ver-status", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "condition-ver-status", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pc" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 3 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/condition-ver-status", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.166" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ConditionVerificationStatus", "title": "ConditionVerificationStatus", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "immutable": true, "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-ver-status" } ] } } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/immunization-recommendation-target-disease", "resource": { "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "immunization-recommendation-target-disease", "extension": [ { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg", "valueCode": "pher" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "draft" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 1 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/immunization-recommendation-target-disease", "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.309" } ], "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ImmunizationRecommendationTargetDiseaseCodes", "title": "Immunization Recommendation Target Disease Codes", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2018-12-27T22:37:54+11:00", "copyright": "This resource includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). 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"valueCode": "sec" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status", "valueCode": "trial-use" }, { "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm", "valueInteger": 3 } ], "url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/object-lifecycle-events", "version": "4.0.0", "name": "ObjectLifecycleEvents", "status": "draft", "experimental": false, "date": "2017-02-19T18:00:00+01:00", "copyright": "This is an example FHIR value set based on ASTM Standard, E1762-95 (2013) HL7 RoleClass OID 2.16.840.1.113883.5.110, HL7 Role Code 2.16.840.1.113883.5.111, HL7 ParticipationType OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.5.90, HL7 ParticipationFunction codes at OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.5.88, and HL7 Security and Privacy Domain Analysis Model roles classes. These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/dicom-audit-lifecycle" }, { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/iso-21089-lifecycle" } ] } } } ] }