require 'spec_helper' # - describe GeoPoint do describe Geo do # # @param {String|Number} dmsStr: Degrees or deg/min/sec in variety of formats # @returns {Number} Degrees as decimal number describe '#parse_dms' do it 'should convert "58 38 38N" to a Float of degrees (58..59)' do deg = Geo.parse_dms("58 38 38N") deg.should be_a(Float) deg.should be_between(58, 59) end it 'should convert "01 38 38W" to a Float of degrees (1..2)' do deg = Geo.parse_dms("01 38 38W") deg.should be_a(Float) deg.should < 0 deg.should > -2 end it 'should convert "005 38 E" to a Float of degrees (5..6)' do deg = Geo.parse_dms("005 38 E") deg.should be_a(Float) deg.should be_between(5, 6) end end # deg, format = :dms, dp = 0 describe '#to_dms' do it 'should convert 58.3 to a String in DMS format' do dms = Geo.to_dms(58.3) dms.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "058".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032", "00", "\u2033") dms.should match expr end it 'should convert 58.3 to a String in DM format' do dm = Geo.to_dms(58.3, :dm, 2) dm.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "058".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032") dm.should match expr end it 'should convert 58.3 to a String in D format' do d = Geo.to_dms(58.3, :d, 2) d.should be_a(String) m = Regexp.escape "058".concat("\u00B0") d.should match m end end # deg, format, dp describe '#to_lat' do it 'should convert 58.3 to a latitude String in North direction' do str_lat = Geo.to_lat(58.3) str_lat.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "58".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032", "00", "\u2033", "N") str_lat.should match expr end it 'should convert -58.3 to a latitude String in South direction' do str_lat = Geo.to_lat(-58.3) str_lat.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "58".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032", "00", "\u2033", "S") str_lat.should match expr end end # deg, format, dp describe '#to_lon' do it 'should convert 58.3 to a longitude String' do str_lat = Geo.to_lon(58.3) str_lat.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "58".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032", "00", "\u2033", "E") str_lat.should match expr end it 'should convert 58.3 to a longitude String' do str_lat = Geo.to_lon(-58.3) str_lat.should be_a(String) expr = Regexp.escape "58".concat("\u00B0", "18", "\u2032", "00", "\u2033", "W") str_lat.should match expr end end # Convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec as a bearing (0º..360º) # deg, format, dp describe '#to_brng' do it 'should convert 58.3 to a longitude String' do brng = Geo.to_brng(-58.3) brng.to_f.should be_between(0, 360) expr = Regexp.escape "42".concat("\u00B0", "42", "\u2032", "00") brng.should match expr end end end end