require 'pty' require 'shellwords' module Snapshot class Runner TRACE_DIR = '/tmp/snapshot_traces' def work(clean: true, build: true, take_snapshots: true) SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.js_file # to verify the file can be found earlier clean) if build @app_path = determine_app_path counter = 0 errors = [] if (SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.clear_previous_screenshots and take_snapshots) path_to_clear = (SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.screenshots_path + "/*-*/*.png") # languages always contain a `-` Dir[path_to_clear].each { |a| File.delete(a) } # no idea why rm_rf doesn't work end SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.devices.each do |device| SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.languages.each do |language_item| if language_item.instance_of?String language = language_item locale = language_item else (language, locale) = language_item end prepare_simulator(device, language) reinstall_app(device, language, locale) unless ENV["SNAPSHOT_SKIP_UNINSTALL"] begin errors.concat(run_tests(device, language, locale)) rescue => ex Helper.log.error(ex) end # we also want to see the screenshots when something went wrong counter += copy_screenshots(language) if take_snapshots teardown_simulator(device, language) break if errors.any? && ENV["SNAPSHOT_BREAK_ON_FIRST_ERROR"] end break if errors.any? && ENV["SNAPSHOT_BREAK_ON_FIRST_ERROR"] end `killall "iOS Simulator"` # close the simulator after the script is finished return unless take_snapshots if errors.count > 0 Helper.log.error "-----------------------------------------------------------" Helper.log.error errors.join(' - ').red Helper.log.error "-----------------------------------------------------------" raise "Finished generating #{counter} screenshots with #{errors.count} errors.".red else "Successfully finished generating #{counter} screenshots.".green end "Check it out here: #{SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.screenshots_path}".green end def clean_old_traces FileUtils.rm_rf(TRACE_DIR) FileUtils.mkdir_p(TRACE_DIR) end def prepare_simulator(device, language) SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.blocks[:setup_for_device_change].call(device, udid_for_simulator(device), language) # Callback SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.blocks[:setup_for_language_change].call(language, device) # deprecated end def teardown_simulator(device, language) SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.blocks[:teardown_language].call(language, device) # Callback SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.blocks[:teardown_device].call(device, language) # deprecated end def udid_for_simulator(name) # fetches the UDID of the simulator type all = `instruments -s`.split("\n") all.each do |current| return current.match(/\[(.*)\]/)[1] if current.include?name end raise "Could not find simulator '#{name}' to install the app on." end def reinstall_app(device, language, locale) "Reinstalling app...".yellow unless $verbose app_identifier = ENV["SNAPSHOT_APP_IDENTIFIER"] app_identifier ||= @app_identifier def com(cmd) puts cmd.magenta if $verbose result = `#{cmd} 2>&1` # to now show errors puts result if (result.to_s.length > 0 and $verbose) end udid = udid_for_simulator(device) com("killall 'iOS Simulator'") sleep 3 com("xcrun simctl boot '#{udid}'") com("xcrun simctl uninstall booted '#{app_identifier}'") sleep 3 com("xcrun simctl install booted '#{@app_path.shellescape}'") com("xcrun simctl shutdown booted") end def run_tests(device, language, locale) "Running tests on #{device} in language #{language} (locale #{locale})".green clean_old_traces ENV['SNAPSHOT_LANGUAGE'] = language command = generate_test_command(device, language, locale) Helper.log.debug command.yellow retry_run = false lines = [] errors = [] PTY.spawn(command) do |stdout, stdin, pid| # Waits for process so that we can see if anything has failed begin stdout.sync stdout.each do |line| lines << line begin puts line.strip if $verbose result = parse_test_line(line) case result when :retry retry_run = true when :screenshot "Successfully took screenshot 📱" when :pass line.strip.gsub("Pass:", "✓").green when :fail line.strip.gsub("Fail:", "✗").red when :need_permission raise "Looks like you may need to grant permission for Instruments to analyze other processes.\nPlease Ctrc + C and run this command: \"#{command}\"" end rescue Exception => ex Helper.log.error lines.join('') Helper.log.error errors << ex.to_s end end rescue Errno::EIO => e # We could maybe do something like this ensure ::Process.wait pid end end if retry_run Helper.log.error "Instruments tool failed again. Re-trying..." if $verbose sleep 2 # We need enough sleep... that's an instruments bug errors = run_tests(device, language, locale) end return errors end def determine_app_path # Determine the path to the actual app and not the WatchKit app build_dir = SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.build_dir || '/tmp/snapshot' Dir.glob("#{build_dir}/**/*.app/*.plist").each do |path| # `2>&1` to hide the error if it's not there: watchkit_enabled = `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print WKWatchKitApp' '#{path}' 2>&1`.strip next if watchkit_enabled == 'true' # we don't care about WatchKit Apps app_identifier = `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print CFBundleIdentifier' '#{path}' 2>&1`.strip if app_identifier and app_identifier.length > 0 # This seems to be the valid Info.plist @app_identifier = app_identifier return File.expand_path("..", path) # the app end end raise "Could not find app in '#{build_dir}'. Make sure you're following the README and set the build directory to the correct path.".red end def parse_test_line(line) if line =~ /.*Target failed to run.*/ return :retry elsif line.include?"Screenshot captured" return :screenshot elsif line.include? "Instruments wants permission to analyze other processes" return :need_permission elsif line.include? "Pass: " return :pass elsif line.include? "Fail: " return :fail elsif line =~ /.*Error: (.*)/ raise "UIAutomation Error: #{$1}" elsif line =~ /Instruments Usage Error :(.*)/ raise "Instruments Usage Error: #{$1}" elsif line.include?"__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object" raise "Looks like something is wrong with the used app. Make sure the build was successful." end end def copy_screenshots(language) resulting_path = File.join(SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.screenshots_path, language) FileUtils.mkdir_p resulting_path unless SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.skip_alpha_removal end Dir.glob("#{TRACE_DIR}/**/*.png") do |file| FileUtils.cp_r(file, resulting_path + '/') end return Dir.glob("#{TRACE_DIR}/**/*.png").count end def generate_test_command(device, language, locale) is_ipad = (device.downcase.include?'ipad') script_path = SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.js_file(is_ipad) custom_run_args = SnapshotConfig.shared_instance.custom_run_args || ENV["SNAPSHOT_CUSTOM_RUN_ARGS"] || '' [ "instruments", "-w '#{device}'", "-D '#{TRACE_DIR}/trace'", "-t 'Automation'", "#{@app_path.shellescape}", "-e UIARESULTSPATH '#{TRACE_DIR}'", "-e UIASCRIPT '#{script_path}'", "-AppleLanguages '(#{language})'", "-AppleLocale '#{locale}'", custom_run_args, ].join(' ') end end end