module Gravatarify::Helper
# so that it's possible to access that build_gravatar_url method
include Gravatarify::Base
# to simplify things a bit and have a neat-o naming
alias_method :gravatar_url, :build_gravatar_url
# Helper method for HAML to return a neat hash to be used as attributes in an image tag.
# Now it's as simple as doing something like:
# %img{ gravatar_attrs(@user.mail, :size => 20) }/
def gravatar_attrs(email, options = {})
url_options = options.reject { |key, value| !Gravatarify::GRAVATAR_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
options = options.delete_if { |key, value| Gravatarify::GRAVATAR_OPTIONS.include?(key) }
options[:alt] ||= Gravatarify::Base.get_smart_email_from(email) # use email as :alt attribute
options[:width] = options[:height] = (url_options[:size] || Gravatarify::GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE) # customize size
options[:src] = email.respond_to?(:gravatar_url) ? email.gravatar_url(url_options) : build_gravatar_url(email, url_options)
# Takes care of creating an -tag based on a gravatar url, it no longer
# makes use of any Rails helper, so is totally useable in any other library.
def gravatar_tag(email, options = {})
html_attrs = gravatar_attrs(email, options).map do |key,value|
escaped = defined?(Rack::Utils) ? Rack::Utils.escape_html(value) : CGI.escapeHTML(value)
end.sort.join(" ")