# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "thor" require "colorize" require "io/console" require "qiita_org/version" require "qiita_org/post" require "qiita_org/config" require "qiita_org/get" require "qiita_org/list" require "qiita_org/get_template" require "qiita_org/check_pc_os" require "qiita_org/get_file_path" require "qiita_org/show_file_and_url" require "qiita_org/decide_option" #require "qiita_org/qiita_org_thor" module QiitaOrg class CLI < Thor # def initialize(*argv) # super(*argv) # end # def initialize(*argv) super(*argv) end desc "say_hello", "say_hello" def say_hello(*name) name = name[0] || "world" puts "Hello #{name}." end desc "post [FILE] [private/public/teams]", "post to qiita from org" def post(*argv) checkos = CheckPcOs.new os = checkos.return_os() p ["in qiita_org.rb", argv] p file = argv[0] || "README.org" p mode = argv[1] || DecideOption.new(file).decide_option() qiita = QiitaPost.new(file, mode, os) begin qiita.select_option(mode) rescue RuntimeError => e puts $! else qiita.run end end desc "upload [FILE] [teams/public/private]", "upload about image to qiita" def upload(*argv) checkos = CheckPcOs.new os = checkos.return_os() p file = argv[0] || "README.org" p mode = argv[1] || "private" getpath = GetFilePath.new(file) paths = getpath.get_file_path() unless paths.empty? showfile = ShowFile.new(paths, file, mode, os) showfile.open_file_dir() showfile.open_qiita() puts "Input file URL's on #{file}? (y/n)".green ans = STDIN.getch if ans == "y" showfile.input_url_to_org() end end end desc "config [global/local] [option] [input]", "set config" def config(*argv) status = argv[0] || "local" option = argv[1] || nil input = [argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]] config = QiitaConfig.new(status, option, input) config.run end desc "get [qiita/teams] [ITEM_ID]", "get qiita report" def get(*argv) p mode = argv[0] || "qiita" p id = argv[1] || nil get = QiitaGet.new(mode, id) get.run end desc "template", "make template.org" def template(*argv) checkos = CheckPcOs.new os = checkos.return_os() template = QiitaGetTemplate.new(os) end desc "all", "post all org file in the directory" def all(*argv) Dir.glob("*.org").each do |org| puts org.blue if File.read(org).match(/#\+qiita_(.+)/) system ("qiita post #{org} open") if File.read(org).match(/#\+(.+)_public/) system ("qiita post #{org} teams") if File.read(org).match(/#\+(.+)_teams/) system ("qiita post #{org} private") if File.read(org).match(/#\+(.+)_private/) else system ("qiita post #{org}") end end end desc "list [qiita/teams]", "view qiita report list" def list(*argv) p mode = argv[0] || "qiita" QiitaList.new(mode) end desc "version", "show version" def version puts QiitaOrg::VERSION end end end