Title: SNV Comparison Report Subtitle: A side-by-side comparison Format: complete CSS: report.css # SNV Comparison Report <% loader = YouAndMe::RawDataFileLoader.new %> - Left file: <%= @left_file %> - Right file: <%= @right_file %> - SNPs sequenced in both profiles: <%= @both_rsid.length %> (<%= 100.0 * @both_rsid.length / @left.length %>% of left and <%= 100.0 * @both_rsid.length / @right.length %>% of right.) - Same genotype when SNV in both profiles: <%= @rsid_same.length %> (<%= "%.3f" % (100.0 * @rsid_same.length / @left.length) %>% of left and <%= "%.3f" % (100.0 * @rsid_same.length / @right.length) %>% of right.)) - Differing genotypes when SNV in both profiles: <%= @rsid_diff.length %> (<%= "%.3f" % (100.0 * @rsid_diff.length / @left.length) %>% of left and <%= "%.3f" % (100.0 * @rsid_diff.length / @right.length) %>% of right.)) - Generated <%= Time.now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y at %I:%M%p") %>. ## Same Genotype The following <%= @rsid_same.length %> SNVs are the *same* in both profiles. Click the links in the last column for access to scientific literature. [Same Genotype] | rsID | Genotype | Reference Position | Links || -------- | <% @rsid_same.each do |n| %><%= n[0][:rsid] %> | <%= n[0][:genotype] %> | <%= n[0][:position] %> |<%= loader.markdown_links(n[0]) %> <% end %> ## Different Genotype The follow <%= @rsid_diff.length %> SNVs *differ* between the profiles. Click the links in the last column for access to scientific literature. [Different Genotype] | rsID | Left Genotype | Right Genotype | Reference Position | Links || -------- | <% @rsid_diff.each do |n| %><%= n[0][:rsid] %> | <%= n[0][:genotype] %> | <%= n[1][:genotype] %> | <%= n[0][:position] %> | <%= loader.markdown_links(n[0]) %> <% end %>