module Omnibus class Artifact attr_reader :path attr_reader :platforms attr_reader :config # @param path [String] relative or absolute path to a package file. # @param platforms [Array>] an Array of # distro, distro version, architecture tuples. By convention, the first # platform is the platform on which the artifact was built. # @param config [#Hash] configuration for the release. # Artifact only uses `:build_version => String`. def initialize(path, platforms, config) @path = path @platforms = platforms @config = config end # Adds this artifact to the `release_manifest`, which is mutated. Intended # to be used in a visitor-pattern fashion over a collection of Artifacts to # generate a final release manifest. # # @param release_manifest [Hash{ String => Hash }] a version 1 style release # manifest Hash (see example) # # @example Add the package to release_manifest: # add_to_release_manifest!( {} ) # "el" => { # "5" => { "x86_64" => { "11.4.0-1" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" } } # } # @return [Hash{String=>Hash}] the updated release manifest. def add_to_release_manifest!(release_manifest) platforms.each do |distro, version, arch| release_manifest[distro] ||= {} release_manifest[distro][version] ||= {} release_manifest[distro][version][arch] = { build_version => relpath } # TODO: when adding checksums, the desired format is like this: # build_support_json[platform][platform_version][machine_architecture][options[:version]]["relpath"] = build_location end release_manifest end # Adds this artifact to the `release_manifest`, which is mutated. Intended # to be used in a visitor-pattern fashion over a collection of Artifacts to # generate a final release manifest. # # @param release_manifest [Hash{ String => Hash }] a version 2 style release # manifest Hash (see example) # # @example Add the package to release_manifest: # add_to_release_manifest!( {} ) # "el" => { # "5" => { # "x86_64" => { # "11.4.0-1" => { # "relpath" => "/el/5/x86_64/demoproject-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm", # "md5" => "123f00d...", # "sha256" => 456beef..." # } # } # } # } # @return [Hash{String=>Hash}] the updated release manifest. def add_to_v2_release_manifest!(release_manifest) platforms.each do |distro, version, arch| pkg_info = { 'relpath' => relpath, 'md5' => md5, 'sha256' => sha256, } release_manifest[distro] ||= {} release_manifest[distro][version] ||= {} release_manifest[distro][version][arch] = { build_version => pkg_info } end release_manifest end # Metadata about the artifact as a flat Hash. # # @example For a RHEL/CentOS 6, 64-bit package of project version 11.4.0-1 # flat_metadata # { "platform" => "el", # "platform_version" => "6", # "arch" => "x86_64", # "version" => "11.4.0-1", # "md5" => "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", # "sha256" => "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" } # # @return [Hash{String=>String}] the artifact metadata def flat_metadata distro, version, arch = build_platform { 'platform' => distro, 'platform_version' => version, 'arch' => arch, 'version' => build_version, 'basename' => File.basename(path), 'md5' => md5, 'sha256' => sha256, } end # Platform on which the artifact was built. By convention, this is the # first in the list of platforms passed to {#initialize}. # @return [Array] an Array of distro, distro # version, architecture. def build_platform platforms.first end # @return [String] build version of the project. def build_version config[:version] end # @return [String] relative path at which the artifact should be located # when uploaded to artifact repo. # @example Chef 11.4.0-1 on 64 bit RHEL 6: # relpath # "/el/6/x86_64/chef-11.4.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm" def relpath # upload build to build platform directory "/#{build_platform.join('/')}/#{path.split('/').last}" end # @return [String] hex encoded MD5 of the package def md5 @md5 ||= digest(Digest::MD5) end # @return [String] hex encoded SHA2-256 of the package def sha256 @sha256 ||= digest(Digest::SHA256) end private def digest(digest_class) digest = do |io| while (chunk = * 8)) digest.update(chunk) end end digest.hexdigest end end end