module Aptible module CLI module Subcommands module Backup def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do include Helpers::Token include Helpers::Database desc 'backup:restore BACKUP_ID ' \ '[--environment ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] [--handle HANDLE] ' \ '[--container-size SIZE_MB] [--disk-size SIZE_GB]', 'Restore a backup' option :handle, desc: 'a name to use for the new database' option :environment, desc: 'a different environment to restore to' option :container_size, type: :numeric option :size, type: :numeric option :disk_size, type: :numeric define_method 'backup:restore' do |backup_id| backup = Aptible::Api::Backup.find(backup_id, token: fetch_token) raise Thor::Error, "Backup ##{backup_id} not found" if backup.nil? handle = options[:handle] unless handle ts_suffix = backup.created_at.getgm.strftime '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' handle = "#{backup.database.handle}-at-#{ts_suffix}" end destination_account = if options[:environment] ensure_environment( environment: options[:environment] ) end opts = { type: 'restore', handle: handle, container_size: options[:container_size], disk_size: options[:disk_size] || options[:size], destination_account: destination_account }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } CLI.logger.warn([ 'You have used the "--size" option to specify a disk size.', 'This option which be deprecated in a future version.', 'Please use the "--disk-size" option, instead.' ].join("\n")) if options[:size] operation = backup.create_operation!(opts) "Restoring backup into #{handle}" attach_to_operation_logs(operation) account = destination_account || backup.account database = databases_from_handle(handle, account).first render_database(database, account) end desc 'backup:list DB_HANDLE', 'List backups for a database' option :environment option :max_age, default: '1mo', desc: 'Limit backups returned (example usage: 1w, 1y, etc.)' define_method 'backup:list' do |handle| age = ChronicDuration.parse(options[:max_age]) raise Thor::Error, "Invalid age: #{options[:max_age]}" if age.nil? min_created_at = - age database = ensure_database(options.merge(db: handle)) Formatter.render(Renderer.current) do |root| root.keyed_list('description') do |l| database.each_backup do |backup| break if backup.created_at < min_created_at description = "#{}: #{backup.created_at}, " \ "#{backup.aws_region}" l.object do |o| o.value('id', o.value('description', description) o.value('created_at', backup.created_at) o.value('region', backup.aws_region) end end end end end desc 'backup:purge BACKUP_ID', 'Restore a backup' define_method 'backup:purge' do |backup_id| backup = Aptible::Api::Backup.find(backup_id, token: fetch_token) raise Thor::Error, "Backup ##{backup_id} not found" if backup.nil? operation = backup.create_operation!(type: 'purge') "Purging backup #{backup_id}" attach_to_operation_logs(operation) end end end end end end end