require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_helper" require 'diy' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils class DIYTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # Add load paths: %w|gnu dog cat yak donkey goat horse fud non_singleton namespace functions|.each do |p| libdir = path_to_test_file(p) $: << libdir unless $:.member?(libdir) end DIY::Context.auto_require = true # Restore default end # # TESTS # def test_essential_use_case load_context "dog/simple.yml" # Check object defs check_dog_objects @diy # Tweak the load-path $: << path_to_test_file("dog") # Get the objects, use reference comparison to check composition presenter = @diy.get_object('dog_presenter') assert_not_nil presenter, 'nil dog_presenter' model = @diy.get_object('dog_model') assert_not_nil model, 'nil dog_model' assert_same presenter.model, model, "Different model came from context than found in presenter" view = @diy.get_object('dog_view') assert_not_nil view, 'nil dog_view' assert_same presenter.view, view, "Different view came from context than found in presenter" resolver = @diy.get_object('file_resolver') assert_not_nil resolver, 'nil file_resolver' assert_same model.file_resolver, resolver, "File resolver in model is different than one in context" # Check repeat access: assert_same model, @diy.get_object('dog_model'), "Second access of model yielded different result" assert_same view, @diy.get_object('dog_view'), "Second access of view yielded different result" assert_same presenter, @diy.get_object('dog_presenter'), "Second access of presenter got difrnt result" end def test_classname_inside_a_module load_hash 'thinger' => {'class' => "DiyTesting::Bar::Foo", 'lib' => 'foo'} @diy.build_everything assert_not_nil @diy['thinger'], "Should have got my thinger (which is hiding in a couple modules)" end def test_classname_inside_a_module_loads_from_directories_named_after_the_underscored_module_names load_hash 'thinger' => {'class' => "Foo::Bar::Qux"} # expect it to be loaded from: foo/bar/qux.rb @diy.build_everything assert_not_nil @diy['thinger'], "Should have got my thinger (which is hiding in a couple modules)" end def test_use_class_directly load_hash 'thinger' => {'class' => "DiyTesting::Bar::Foo", 'lib' => 'foo', 'use_class_directly' => true} @diy.build_everything assert_equal DiyTesting::Bar::Foo, @diy['thinger'], "Should be the class 'object'" end def test_classname_inside_a_module_derives_the_namespaced_classname_from_the_underscored_object_def_key load_hash 'foo/bar/qux' => nil @diy.build_everything assert_not_nil @diy['foo/bar/qux'], "Should have got my qux (which is hiding in a couple modules)" end def test_keys load_context "dog/simple.yml" assert_equal %w|dog_model dog_presenter dog_view file_resolver other_thing|, @diy.keys.sort end def test_subcontext_keys_should_include_parent_context_keys load_context 'yak/sub_sub_context_test.yml' main_keys = %w|core_presenter core_model core_view data_source|.sort assert_equal main_keys, @diy.keys.sort, "Wrong keys in main context" @diy.within :fringe_context do |fcontext| fringe_keys = [main_keys, %w|fringe_model fringe_view fringe_presenter|].flatten.sort assert_equal fringe_keys, fcontext.keys.sort, "Wrong keys in fringe context" fcontext.within :deep_context do |dcontext| deep_keys = [fringe_keys, %w|krill giant_squid|].flatten.sort assert_equal deep_keys, dcontext.keys.sort end end end def test_constructor_no_hash assert_raise RuntimeError do end end def test_constructor_bad_extra_inputs err = assert_raise RuntimeError do{}, end assert_match(/extra inputs/i, err.message) end def test_from_yaml text ="dog/simple.yml")) diy = DIY::Context.from_yaml(text) check_dog_objects diy end def test_from_yaml_extra_inputs extra = { 'the_cat_lineage' => 'siamese', :some_meat => 'horse' } diy = DIY::Context.from_yaml('cat/needs_input.yml')), extra) cat = diy['cat'] assert_equal 'siamese', cat.heritage assert_equal 'horse', end def test_from_file diy = DIY::Context.from_file(path_to_test_file("dog/simple.yml")) check_dog_objects diy end def test_from_file_bad assert_raise RuntimeError do DIY::Context.from_file(nil) end assert_raise Errno::ENOENT do DIY::Context.from_file("bad file name") end end def test_from_file_extra_inputs extra = { 'the_cat_lineage' => 'siamese', :some_meat => 'horse' } diy = DIY::Context.from_file(path_to_test_file('cat/needs_input.yml'), extra) cat = diy['cat'] assert_equal 'siamese', cat.heritage assert_equal 'horse', end def test_contains_object load_context "dog/simple.yml" assert @diy.contains_object('dog_presenter'), "Should be true for dog_presenter" assert !@diy.contains_object('woops'), "Should return false for 'woops'" err = assert_raise ArgumentError do @diy.contains_object(nil) end end def test_contains_object_extra_inputs extra = { 'the_cat_lineage' => 'siamese', :some_meat => 'horse' } main = YAML.load('cat/needs_input.yml'))) diy =, extra) assert diy.contains_object('cat') assert diy.contains_object('the_cat_lineage') assert diy.contains_object('some_meat') end def test_get_object load_context "dog/simple.yml" assert_not_nil @diy.get_object('file_resolver'), "nil resolver?" assert_raise ArgumentError do @diy.get_object(nil) end assert_raise DIY::ConstructionError do @diy.get_object("no such object") end end def test_hash_style_access load_context "dog/simple.yml" assert_not_nil @diy['file_resolver'], "nil resolver?" assert_raise ArgumentError do @diy[nil] end assert_raise DIY::ConstructionError do @diy["no such object"] end end def test_get_object_construction_error load_context "broken_construction.yml" err = assert_raise DIY::ConstructionError do @diy.get_object 'dog_presenter' end assert_match(/dog_presenter/, err.message) end def test_context_with_extra_inputs extra = { 'the_cat_lineage' => 'siamese', :some_meat => 'horse' } main = YAML.load('cat/needs_input.yml'))) diy =, extra) cat = diy['cat'] assert_equal 'siamese', cat.heritage assert_equal 'horse', end def test_conflicting_extra_inputs extra = { 'the_cat_lineage' => 'siamese', :some_meat => 'horse' } main = YAML.load('cat/extra_conflict.yml'))),extra) flunk "Should have raised err" rescue Exception => err assert_match(/conflict/i, err.message) end def test_sub_context load_context 'yak/my_objects.yml' core_model = @diy['core_model'] assert_not_nil core_model, "no core model in main context?" fmodel1 = nil fview1 = nil @diy.within('fringe_context') do |fc| assert_not_nil fc["fringe_presenter"], "no fringe presenter" fmodel1 = fc["fringe_model"] fmodel1a = fc["fringe_model"] assert_same fmodel1, fmodel1a, "Second fring model in fringe_context came out different" assert_not_nil fmodel1, "no fringe_model" fview1 = fc["fringe_view"] assert_not_nil fview1, "no fringe_view" assert_same core_model, fmodel1.connected end fmodel2 = nil fview2 = nil @diy.within('fringe_context') do |fc| assert_not_nil fc["fringe_presenter"], "2: no fringe presenter" fmodel2 = fc["fringe_model"] fmodel2a = fc["fringe_model"] assert_same fmodel2, fmodel2a, "Second fringe model in fringe_context came out different" assert_not_nil fmodel2, "2: no fringe_model" fview2 = fc["fringe_view"] assert_not_nil fview2, "2: no fringe_view" assert_same core_model, fmodel2.connected assert fmodel1.object_id != fmodel2.object_id, "fringe models 1 and 2 are same!" assert fview1.object_id != fview2.object_id, "fringe views 1 and 2 are same!" end end def test_sub_sub_context load_context 'yak/sub_sub_context_test.yml' core_model = @diy['core_model'] assert_not_nil core_model, "no core model in main context?" fmodel1 = nil fview1 = nil @diy.within('fringe_context') do |fc| assert_not_nil fc["fringe_presenter"], "no fringe presenter" fmodel1 = fc["fringe_model"] fmodel1a = fc["fringe_model"] assert_same fmodel1, fmodel1a, "Second fring model in fringe_context came out different" assert_not_nil fmodel1, "no fringe_model" fview1 = fc["fringe_view"] assert_not_nil fview1, "no fringe_view" assert_same core_model, fmodel1.connected fc.within :deep_context do |dc| krill = dc['krill'] assert_not_nil krill, "nil krill" assert_same krill, dc['krill'], "krill was different second time" giant_squid = dc['giant_squid'] assert_same fview1, giant_squid.fringe_view, "wrong view in squid" assert_same core_model, giant_squid.core_model, "wrong model in squid" assert_same krill, giant_squid.krill, "wrong krill in squid" end end end def test_build_everything # Singletons in the goat context will generate test output in their constructors. # We just gotta tell em where: ofile = path_to_test_file('goat/output.tmp') $goat_test_output_file = ofile # Reusable setup for this test prep_output = proc do remove ofile if File.exist?(ofile) end # Reusable assertion set and cleanup examine_output = proc do # Examine output file for expected construction assert File.exist?(ofile), "no goat output created" lines = File.readlines(ofile).map { |x| x.strip } %w|can paper shirt goat|.each do |object| assert lines.member?("#{object} built"), "Didn't see constructor output for #{object}" end assert_equal 4, lines.size, "wrong number of entries in output file" # Make sure the subcontext was not built assert !lines.member?("plane built"), "plane should not have been built -- it's in the subcontext" assert !lines.member?("wings built"), "wings should not have been built -- it's in the subcontext" # Check the objects in the context %w|can paper shirt goat|.each do |object| assert_same @diy[object], @diy[object], "Multiple accesses on #{object} yielded different refs" end # Try the subcontext @diy.within('the_sub_context') do |tsc| %w|plane wings|.each do |object| assert_same tsc[object], tsc[object], "Multiple accesses on #{object} (in subcontext) yielded different refs" end end # cleanup remove ofile if File.exist?(ofile) end # Test all three methods [:build_everything, :build_all, :preinstantiate_singletons].each do |method_name| load_context 'goat/objects.yml' # go @diy.send method_name end ensure # cleanup remove ofile if File.exist?(ofile) end # See that the current object factory context can be referenced within the yaml def test_this_context load_context 'horse/objects.yml' assert_same @diy, @diy['this_context'], "basic self-reference failed" assert_same @diy, @diy['holder_thing'].thing_held, "composition self-reference failed" end def test_this_context_works_for_subcontexts load_context 'horse/objects.yml' @diy.within('repeater') do |ctx| assert_same ctx, ctx['this_context'], "self-ref inside a subcontext doesn't work" end end def test_multiple_classes_in_one_file load_context 'fud/objects.yml' toy = @diy['toy'] widget = @diy['widget'] thing = @diy['thing_ama_jack'] trinket = @diy['trinket'] assert_same widget, toy.widget, "wrong widget in toy" assert_same trinket, toy.trinket, "wrong trinket in toy" assert_same thing, trinket.thing_ama_jack, "wrong thing_ama_jack in trinket" end def test_objects_can_be_set_in_a_context_and_diy_will_not_attempt_to_build_it_as_a_dependency load_context 'gnu/objects.yml' injected = 'boom' @diy[:injected] = injected thinger = @diy[:thinger] assert_not_nil thinger assert_same injected, thinger.injected assert_same injected, @diy[:injected] inner_injected = 'slam' @diy.within :inny do |sub| sub.set_object :inner_injected, inner_injected inner_thinger = sub[:inner_thinger] assert_not_nil inner_thinger assert_same inner_injected, inner_thinger.injected assert_same inner_injected, sub[:inner_injected] end end def test_should_not_allow_setting_of_an_object_which_has_already_been_loaded load_context 'gnu/objects.yml' injected = 'boom' @diy[:injected] = injected err = assert_raise RuntimeError do @diy[:injected] = injected end assert_match(/object 'injected' already exists/i, err.message) assert_same injected, @diy[:injected] thinger = @diy[:thinger] err = assert_raise RuntimeError do @diy[:thinger] = 'sdf' end assert_match(/object 'thinger' already exists/i, err.message) assert_same thinger, @diy[:thinger] end def test_should_be_able_to_turn_off_auto_require_for_all_objects DIY::Context.auto_require = false load_context 'horse/objects.yml' exception = assert_raise(DIY::ConstructionError) { @diy['holder_thing'] } assert_match(/uninitialized constant/, exception.message) end def test_should_cause_non_singletons_to_be_rebuilt_every_time_they_are_accessed load_context 'non_singleton/objects.yml' air = @diy['air'] assert_not_nil air, "No air" assert_same air, @diy['air'], "Air should be a singleton" yard = @diy['yard'] assert_not_nil yard, "No yard" assert_same yard, @diy['yard'], "yard should be a singleton" pig = @diy['pig'] assert_not_nil pig, "No pig" assert_same pig, @diy['pig'], "Pig should be a singleton" thread_spinner1 = @diy['thread_spinner'] assert_not_nil thread_spinner1, "Couldn't get thread spinner" thread_spinner2 = @diy['thread_spinner'] assert_not_nil thread_spinner2, "Couldn't get second thread spinner" assert thread_spinner1.object_id != thread_spinner2.object_id, "Thread spinners should be different instances" thread_spinner3 = pig.thread_spinner assert_not_nil thread_spinner3, "Didn't get a spinner from the pig" assert thread_spinner2.object_id != thread_spinner3.object_id, "Thread spinner from pig should be different instance than the others" assert thread_spinner1.object_id != thread_spinner3.object_id, "Thread spinner from pig should be different instance than the others" assert_same air, thread_spinner1.air, "spinner 1 air should be singleton reference" assert_same air, thread_spinner2.air, "spinner 2 air should be singleton reference" assert_same air, thread_spinner3.air, "spinner 3 air should be singleton reference" end def test_should_handle_nonsingletons_in_sub_contexts load_context 'non_singleton/objects.yml' yard = @diy['yard'] assert_not_nil yard, "No yard" assert_same yard, @diy['yard'], "yard should be a singleton" thread_spinner1 = @diy['thread_spinner'] assert_not_nil thread_spinner1, "Couldn't get thread spinner" air = @diy['air'] assert_not_nil air, "No air" assert_same air, @diy['air'], "Air should be a singleton" @diy.within :inner_sanctum do |sanct| tick1 = sanct['tick'] assert_not_nil tick1, "Couldn't get tick1 from inner sanctum" tick2 = sanct['tick'] assert_not_nil tick2, "Couldn't get tick2 from inner sanctum" assert tick1.object_id != tick2.object_id, "Tick should not be a singleton" cat = sanct['fat_cat'] assert_not_nil cat, "Couldn't get cat from sanctum" assert_same cat, sanct['fat_cat'], "Cat SHOULD be singleton" tick3 = cat.tick assert_not_nil tick3, "Couldn't get tick from cat" assert tick1.object_id != tick3.object_id, "tick from cat matched an earlier tick; should not be so" assert_same yard, cat.yard, "Cat's yard should be same as other yard" assert_not_nil cat.thread_spinner, "No thread spinner in cat?" assert_same air, cat.thread_spinner.air, "spinner 1 air should be singleton reference" assert thread_spinner1.object_id != cat.thread_spinner.object_id, "cat's thread spinner matched the other spinner; should not be so" end end def test_should_provide_syntax_for_using_namespace # This test exercises single and triple-level namespaces for nested # modules, and their interaction with other namespaced-objects. load_context "namespace/objects.yml" %w{road sky cat bird lizard turtle}.each do |obj| assert @diy.contains_object(obj), "Context had no object '#{obj}'" end road = @diy['road'] sky = @diy['sky'] cat = @diy['cat'] bird = @diy['bird'] lizard = @diy['lizard'] turtle = @diy['turtle'] assert_same road, cat.road, "Cat has wrong Road" assert_same sky,, "Bird has wrong Sky" assert_same bird, lizard.bird, "Lizard has wrong Bird" end def test_should_combine_a_given_class_name_with_the_namespace load_context "namespace/class_name_combine.yml" assert_not_nil @diy['garfield'], "No garfield" assert_kind_of Animal::Cat, @diy['garfield'], "Garfield wrong" end def test_should_let_you_use_namespaces_in_subcontexts load_context "namespace/subcontext.yml" @diy.build_everything %w{road sky cat turtle}.each do |obj| assert @diy.contains_object(obj), "Main context had no object '#{obj}'" end sky = @diy['sky'] @diy.within("aviary") do |subc| assert subc.contains_object("bird"), "Sub context didn't have 'bird'" assert subc.contains_object("lizard"), "Sub context didn't have 'lizard'" bird = subc['bird'] lizard = subc['lizard'] assert_same sky,, "Bird has wrong Sky" assert_same bird, lizard.bird, "Lizard has wrong Bird" end end def test_should_raise_for_namespace_w_no_modules_named ex = assert_raises DIY::NamespaceError do load_context "namespace/no_module_specified.yml" end assert_equal "Namespace needs to indicate a module", ex.message end def test_should_raise_for_namespace_whose_modules_dont_exist load_context "namespace/bad_module_specified.yml" ex = assert_raises DIY::ConstructionError do @diy['bird'] end assert_match(/failed to construct/i, ex.message) assert_match(/no such file to load -- fuzzy_creature\/bird/, ex.message) end def test_should_be_able_define_and_access_bounded_methods load_context "functions/objects.yml" @diy.build_everything build_thing = @diy['build_thing'] assert_not_nil build_thing, "should not be nil" assert_kind_of(Method, build_thing) assert_equal(build_thing, @diy['build_thing']) end def test_bounded_method_can_be_used load_context "functions/objects.yml" @diy.build_everything build_thing = @diy['build_thing'] thing = build_thing["the name", "flying"] assert_equal("the name", assert_equal("flying", thing.ability) end def test_building_bounded_method_uses_object_in_diy_context_correctly load_context "functions/objects.yml" @diy.build_everything assert_equal(@diy['build_thing'], @diy['thing_builder'].method(:build)) load_context "functions/nonsingleton_objects.yml" @diy.build_everything assert_not_equal(@diy['build_thing'], @diy['thing_builder'].method(:build)) end def test_composing_bounded_methods_into_other_objects load_context "functions/objects.yml" @diy.build_everything assert_equal(@diy['build_thing'], @diy['things_builder'].build_thing) end def test_raises_construction_error_if_invalid_method_specified load_context "functions/invalid_method.yml" assert_raises DIY::ConstructionError do @diy.build_everything end end def test_can_optionally_attach_method_to_other_objects_in_context load_context "functions/objects.yml" @diy.build_everything thing = @diy['attached_things_builder'].build_thing("the name", "flying") assert_kind_of(Thing, thing) assert_equal("the name", assert_equal("flying", thing.ability) ["attached_things_builder", "things_builder"].each do |key| thing = @diy[key].build_default_thing assert_kind_of(Thing, thing) assert_equal("Thing", assert_equal("nothing", thing.ability) end end # # HELPERS # def check_dog_objects(context) assert_not_nil context, "nil context" names = %w|dog_presenter dog_model dog_view file_resolver| names.each do |n| assert context.contains_object(n), "Context had no object '#{n}'" end end end