require 'parallel_tests' module ParallelTests module Test class Runner NAME = 'Test' class << self # --- usually overwritten by other runners def name NAME end def runtime_log 'tmp/parallel_runtime_test.log' end def test_suffix /_(test|spec).rb$/ end def test_file_name "test" end def run_tests(test_files, process_number, num_processes, options) require_list = { |file| file.sub(" ", "\\ ") }.join(" ") cmd = "#{executable} -Itest -e '%w[#{require_list}].each { |f| require %{./\#{f}} }' -- #{options[:test_options]}" execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options) end # ignores other commands runner noise def line_is_result?(line) line =~ /\d+ failure(?!:)/ end # --- usually used by other runners # finds all tests and partitions them into groups def tests_in_groups(tests, num_groups, options={}) tests = tests_with_size(tests, options) Grouper.in_even_groups_by_size(tests, num_groups, options) end def tests_with_size(tests, options) tests = find_tests(tests, options) case options[:group_by] when :found! { |t| [t, 1] } when :filesize sort_by_filesize(tests) when :runtime sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes(tests, options), options.merge(allowed_missing: (options[:allowed_missing_percent] || 50) / 100.0)) when nil # use recorded test runtime if we got enough data runtimes = runtimes(tests, options) rescue [] if runtimes.size * 1.5 > tests.size puts "Using recorded test runtime" sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes) else sort_by_filesize(tests) end else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported option #{options[:group_by]}" end tests end def execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options) env = (options[:env] || {}).merge( "TEST_ENV_NUMBER" => test_env_number(process_number, options), "PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS" => num_processes ) cmd = "nice #{cmd}" if options[:nice] cmd = "#{cmd} 2>&1" if options[:combine_stderr] cmd = ParallelTests.with_ruby_binary(cmd) puts cmd if options[:verbose] execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, options[:serialize_stdout]) end def execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, silence) # make processes descriptive / visible in ps -ef separator = (WINDOWS ? ' & ' : ';') exports = do |k,v| if WINDOWS "(SET \"#{k}=#{v}\")" else "#{k}=#{v};export #{k}" end end.join(separator) cmd = "#{exports}#{separator}#{cmd}" output = open("|#{cmd}", "r") { |output| capture_output(output, silence) } exitstatus = $?.exitstatus seed = output[/seed (\d+)/,1] {:stdout => output, :exit_status => exitstatus, :command => cmd, :seed => seed} end def find_results(test_output) test_output.split("\n").map do |line| line.gsub!(/\e\[\d+m/, '') # remove color coding next unless line_is_result?(line) line end.compact end def test_env_number(process_number, options={}) if process_number == 0 && !options[:first_is_1] '' else process_number + 1 end end def summarize_results(results) sums = sum_up_results(results){|word, number| "#{number} #{word}#{'s' if number != 1}" }.join(', ') end # remove old seed and add new seed def command_with_seed(cmd, seed) clean = cmd.sub(/\s--seed\s+\d+\b/, '') "#{clean} --seed #{seed}" end protected def executable ENV['PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE'] || determine_executable end def determine_executable "ruby" end def sum_up_results(results) results = results.join(' ').gsub(/s\b/,'') # combine and singularize results counts = results.scan(/(\d+) (\w+)/) counts.inject( do |sum, (number, word)| sum[word] += number.to_i sum end end # read output of the process and print it in chunks def capture_output(out, silence) result = "" loop do begin read = out.readpartial(1000000) # read whatever chunk we can get if Encoding.default_internal read = read.force_encoding(Encoding.default_internal) end result << read unless silence $stdout.print read $stdout.flush end end end rescue EOFError result end def sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes, options={}) allowed_missing = options[:allowed_missing] || 1.0 allowed_missing = tests.size * allowed_missing # set know runtime for each test tests.sort!! do |test| allowed_missing -= 1 unless time = runtimes[test] raise "Too little runtime info" if allowed_missing < 0 [test, time] end if options[:verbose] puts "Runtime found for #{tests.count(&:last)} of #{tests.size} tests" end # fill gaps with unknown-runtime if given, average otherwise known, unknown = tests.partition(&:last) average = (known.any? ?!(&:last).inject(:+) / known.size : 1) unknown_runtime = options[:unknown_runtime] || average unknown.each { |set| set[1] = unknown_runtime } end def runtimes(tests, options) log = options[:runtime_log] || runtime_log lines ="\n") lines.each_with_object({}) do |line, times| test, _, time = line.rpartition(':') next unless test and time times[test] = time.to_f if tests.include?(test) end end def sort_by_filesize(tests) tests.sort!! { |test| [test, File.stat(test).size] } end def find_tests(tests, options = {}) (tests || []).map do |file_or_folder| if files = files_in_folder(file_or_folder, options) files.grep(options[:suffix]||test_suffix).grep(options[:pattern]||//) else file_or_folder end end.flatten.uniq end def files_in_folder(folder, options={}) pattern = if options[:symlinks] == false # not nil or true "**/*" else # follow one symlink and direct children # "**{,/*/**}/*" end Dir[File.join(folder, pattern)].uniq end end end end end