= Cucumber Factory - create ActiveRecord objects without step definitions
Cucumber Factory allows you to create ActiveRecord objects directly from your {Cucumber}[http://cukes.info/] features. No step definitions required.
== Examples
The following will call {Movie.make}[http://github.com/notahat/machinist], {Factory.create(:movie)}[http://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl], Movie.create! or Movie.new, depending on what's available:
Given there is a movie
To create a new record with attributes set, you can say:
Given there is a movie with the title "Sunshine" and the year "2007"
The following will also store the created record in @sunshine:
Given "Sunshine" is a movie with the title "Sunshine" and the year "2007"
To set associations you can refer to other records by name:
Given "Before Sunrise" is a movie
And "Before Sunset" is a movie with the prequel "Before Sunrise"
You can also refer to the last created object of a kind by saying "above":
Given there is a movie with the title "Before Sunrise"
And "Before Sunset" is a movie with the prequel above
Boolean attributes can be set by appending "which", "that" or "who" at the end:
Given there is a movie which is awesome
And there is a movie with the name "Sunshine" that is not a comedy
And there is a director who is popular
Instead of "and" you can also use "but" and commas to join sentences:
Given there is a movie which is awesome, popular and successful but not science fiction
And there is a director with the income "500000" but with the account balance "-30000"
== Factory support
{Machinist blueprints}[http://github.com/notahat/machinist] and {factory_girl factories}[http://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl] will be used when available.
You can use named Machinist blueprint such as Movie.blueprint(:comedy) like this:
Given a movie (comedy) with the title "Groundhog Day"
Inherited factory_girl factories are not supported yet.
== Overriding factory steps
If you want to override a factory step with your own version, just do so:
Given /^there is a movie with good actors$/ do
movie = Movie.make
movie.actors << Actor.make(:name => 'Clive Owen')
movie.actors << Actor.make(:name => 'Denzel Washington')
Custom steps will always be preferred over factory steps. Also Cucumber will not raise a warning about ambiguous steps if the only other matching step is a factory step.
== Installation and setup
Cucumber Factory is a gem, which you can install with
sudo gem install cucumber_factory
In Rails 2, add the following to your environment.rb:
config.gem 'cucumber_factory'
In Rails 3, add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'cucumber_factory'
Finally, create a file features/step_definitions/factory_steps.rb, which just says
== Rails 3 compatibility
We cannot guarantee Rails 3 compatibility at this point, but we will upgrade the gem when Rails 3 is released.
=== Credits
Henning Koch