=begin #CLOUD API #IONOS Enterprise-grade Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions can be managed through the Cloud API, in addition or as an alternative to the \"Data Center Designer\" (DCD) browser-based tool. Both methods employ consistent concepts and features, deliver similar power and flexibility, and can be used to perform a multitude of management tasks, including adding servers, volumes, configuring networks, and so on. The version of the OpenAPI document: 6.0 Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech OpenAPI Generator version: 5.2.1-SNAPSHOT =end require 'date' require 'time' module Ionoscloud class KubernetesNodePoolPropertiesForPost # The annotations attached to the node pool. attr_accessor :annotations attr_accessor :auto_scaling # The availability zone in which the target VM should be provisioned. attr_accessor :availability_zone # The total number of cores for the nodes. attr_accessor :cores_count # The CPU type for the nodes. attr_accessor :cpu_family # The unique identifier of the VDC where the worker nodes of the node pool are provisioned.Note that the data center is located in the exact place where the parent cluster of the node pool is located. attr_accessor :datacenter_id # The Kubernetes version running in the node pool. Note that this imposes restrictions on which Kubernetes versions can run in the node pools of a cluster. Also, not all Kubernetes versions are suitable upgrade targets for all earlier versions. attr_accessor :k8s_version # The labels attached to the node pool. attr_accessor :labels # The array of existing private LANs to attach to worker nodes. attr_accessor :lans attr_accessor :maintenance_window # A Kubernetes node pool name. Valid Kubernetes node pool name must be 63 characters or less and must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between. attr_accessor :name # The number of worker nodes of the node pool. attr_accessor :node_count # Optional array of reserved public IP addresses to be used by the nodes. The IPs must be from the exact location of the node pool's data center. If autoscaling is used, the array must contain one more IP than the maximum possible number of nodes (nodeCount+1 for a fixed number of nodes or maxNodeCount+1). The extra IP is used when the nodes are rebuilt. attr_accessor :public_ips # The RAM size for the nodes. Must be specified in multiples of 1024 MB, with a minimum size of 2048 MB. attr_accessor :ram_size # The allocated volume size in GB. The allocated volume size in GB. To achieve good performance, we recommend a size greater than 100GB for SSD. attr_accessor :storage_size # The storage type for the nodes. attr_accessor :storage_type class EnumAttributeValidator attr_reader :datatype attr_reader :allowable_values def initialize(datatype, allowable_values) @allowable_values = allowable_values.map do |value| case datatype.to_s when /Integer/i value.to_i when /Float/i value.to_f else value end end end def valid?(value) !value || allowable_values.include?(value) end end # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'annotations' => :'annotations', :'auto_scaling' => :'autoScaling', :'availability_zone' => :'availabilityZone', :'cores_count' => :'coresCount', :'cpu_family' => :'cpuFamily', :'datacenter_id' => :'datacenterId', :'k8s_version' => :'k8sVersion', :'labels' => :'labels', :'lans' => :'lans', :'maintenance_window' => :'maintenanceWindow', :'name' => :'name', :'node_count' => :'nodeCount', :'public_ips' => :'publicIps', :'ram_size' => :'ramSize', :'storage_size' => :'storageSize', :'storage_type' => :'storageType' } end # Returns all the JSON keys this model knows about def self.acceptable_attributes attribute_map.values end # Attribute type mapping. def self.openapi_types { :'annotations' => :'Hash', :'auto_scaling' => :'KubernetesAutoScaling', :'availability_zone' => :'String', :'cores_count' => :'Integer', :'cpu_family' => :'String', :'datacenter_id' => :'String', :'k8s_version' => :'String', :'labels' => :'Hash', :'lans' => :'Array', :'maintenance_window' => :'KubernetesMaintenanceWindow', :'name' => :'String', :'node_count' => :'Integer', :'public_ips' => :'Array', :'ram_size' => :'Integer', :'storage_size' => :'Integer', :'storage_type' => :'String' } end # List of attributes with nullable: true def self.openapi_nullable Set.new([ ]) end # Initializes the object # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash def initialize(attributes = {}) if (!attributes.is_a?(Hash)) fail ArgumentError, "The input argument (attributes) must be a hash in `Ionoscloud::KubernetesNodePoolPropertiesForPost` initialize method" end # check to see if the attribute exists and convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| if (!self.class.attribute_map.key?(k.to_sym)) fail ArgumentError, "`#{k}` is not a valid attribute in `Ionoscloud::KubernetesNodePoolPropertiesForPost`. Please check the name to make sure it's valid. List of attributes: " + self.class.attribute_map.keys.inspect end h[k.to_sym] = v } if attributes.key?(:'annotations') && (value = attributes[:'annotations']).is_a?(Hash) self.annotations = value end if attributes.key?(:'auto_scaling') self.auto_scaling = attributes[:'auto_scaling'] end if attributes.key?(:'availability_zone') self.availability_zone = attributes[:'availability_zone'] end if attributes.key?(:'cores_count') self.cores_count = attributes[:'cores_count'] end if attributes.key?(:'cpu_family') self.cpu_family = attributes[:'cpu_family'] end if attributes.key?(:'datacenter_id') self.datacenter_id = attributes[:'datacenter_id'] end if attributes.key?(:'k8s_version') self.k8s_version = attributes[:'k8s_version'] end if attributes.key?(:'labels') && (value = attributes[:'labels']).is_a?(Hash) self.labels = value end if attributes.key?(:'lans') && (value = attributes[:'lans']).is_a?(Array) self.lans = value end if attributes.key?(:'maintenance_window') self.maintenance_window = attributes[:'maintenance_window'] end if attributes.key?(:'name') self.name = attributes[:'name'] end if attributes.key?(:'node_count') self.node_count = attributes[:'node_count'] end if attributes.key?(:'public_ips') && (value = attributes[:'public_ips']).is_a?(Array) self.public_ips = value end if attributes.key?(:'ram_size') self.ram_size = attributes[:'ram_size'] end if attributes.key?(:'storage_size') self.storage_size = attributes[:'storage_size'] end if attributes.key?(:'storage_type') self.storage_type = attributes[:'storage_type'] end end # Show invalid properties with the reasons. Usually used together with valid? # @return Array for valid properties with the reasons def list_invalid_properties invalid_properties = Array.new if @availability_zone.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "availability_zone", availability_zone cannot be nil.') end if @cores_count.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "cores_count", cores_count cannot be nil.') end if @cpu_family.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "cpu_family", cpu_family cannot be nil.') end if @datacenter_id.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "datacenter_id", datacenter_id cannot be nil.') end if @name.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "name", name cannot be nil.') end if @node_count.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "node_count", node_count cannot be nil.') end if @ram_size.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "ram_size", ram_size cannot be nil.') end if @storage_size.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "storage_size", storage_size cannot be nil.') end if @storage_type.nil? invalid_properties.push('invalid value for "storage_type", storage_type cannot be nil.') end invalid_properties end # Check to see if the all the properties in the model are valid # @return true if the model is valid def valid? return false if @availability_zone.nil? availability_zone_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["AUTO", "ZONE_1", "ZONE_2"]) return false unless availability_zone_validator.valid?(@availability_zone) return false if @cores_count.nil? return false if @cpu_family.nil? return false if @datacenter_id.nil? return false if @name.nil? return false if @node_count.nil? return false if @ram_size.nil? return false if @storage_size.nil? return false if @storage_type.nil? storage_type_validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["HDD", "SSD"]) return false unless storage_type_validator.valid?(@storage_type) true end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] availability_zone Object to be assigned def availability_zone=(availability_zone) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["AUTO", "ZONE_1", "ZONE_2"]) unless validator.valid?(availability_zone) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"availability_zone\", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @availability_zone = availability_zone end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). # @param [Object] storage_type Object to be assigned def storage_type=(storage_type) validator = EnumAttributeValidator.new('String', ["HDD", "SSD"]) unless validator.valid?(storage_type) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"storage_type\", must be one of #{validator.allowable_values}." end @storage_type = storage_type end # Checks equality by comparing each attribute. # @param [Object] Object to be compared def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && annotations == o.annotations && auto_scaling == o.auto_scaling && availability_zone == o.availability_zone && cores_count == o.cores_count && cpu_family == o.cpu_family && datacenter_id == o.datacenter_id && k8s_version == o.k8s_version && labels == o.labels && lans == o.lans && maintenance_window == o.maintenance_window && name == o.name && node_count == o.node_count && public_ips == o.public_ips && ram_size == o.ram_size && storage_size == o.storage_size && storage_type == o.storage_type end # @see the `==` method # @param [Object] Object to be compared def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculates hash code according to all attributes. # @return [Integer] Hash code def hash [annotations, auto_scaling, availability_zone, cores_count, cpu_family, datacenter_id, k8s_version, labels, lans, maintenance_window, name, node_count, public_ips, ram_size, storage_size, storage_type].hash end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def self.build_from_hash(attributes) new.build_from_hash(attributes) end # Builds the object from hash # @param [Hash] attributes Model attributes in the form of hash # @return [Object] Returns the model itself def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.openapi_types.each_pair do |key, type| if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? && self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(key) self.send("#{key}=", nil) elsif type =~ /\AArray<(.*)>/i # check to ensure the input is an array given that the attribute # is documented as an array but the input is not if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map { |v| _deserialize($1, v) }) end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) end end self end # Deserializes the data based on type # @param string type Data type # @param string value Value to be deserialized # @return [Object] Deserialized data def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :Time Time.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :Boolean if value.to_s =~ /\A(true|t|yes|y|1)\z/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+?), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model # models (e.g. Pet) or oneOf klass = Ionoscloud.const_get(type) klass.respond_to?(:openapi_one_of) ? klass.build(value) : klass.build_from_hash(value) end end # Returns the string representation of the object # @return [String] String presentation of the object def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_hash (backward compatibility) # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_body to_hash end # Returns the object in the form of hash # @return [Hash] Returns the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) if value.nil? is_nullable = self.class.openapi_nullable.include?(attr) next if !is_nullable || (is_nullable && !instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{attr}")) end hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Outputs non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value # @param [Object] value Any valid value # @return [Hash] Returns the value in the form of hash def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map { |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end