#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Usage: test/50_rye_test.rb # $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'benchmark' require 'rubygems' require 'stringio' require 'yaml' require 'rye' machine_key = { :host => 'localhost', :user => "delano", :key => '/proj/git/rudy/.rudy/key-test-app.private' } machine_pass = { :host => 'localhost', :user => 'delano', # :pass => 'pablo9001' } machine_local = { :host => "localhost" } rbox_key = Rye::Box.new(machine_key[:host], :user => machine_key[:user], :keys => machine_key[:key]) rbox_pass = Rye::Box.new(machine_pass[:host], :user => machine_pass[:user], :password=> machine_pass[:pass]) rbox_local = Rye::Box.new(machine_local[:host], :safe => false) rset_serial = Rye::Set.new("example", :parallel => false) #, :debug => STDOUT rset_parallel = Rye::Set.new("example", :parallel => true) rset_serial.add_boxes(rbox_key, rbox_local, rbox_pass) rset_parallel.add_boxes(rbox_key, rbox_local, rbox_pass) # The Rehersal will be slower because they'll include the connection time Benchmark.bmbm do |x| x.report('rbox: ') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % [rbox_key.uname, rbox_local.uname, rbox_pass.uname] } x.report('rset-S:') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % rset_serial.uname } x.report('rset-P:') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % rset_parallel.uname } end # Parallel should obviously be faster here Benchmark.bmbm do |x| x.report('rbox: ') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % [rbox_key.sleep(2), rbox_local.sleep(2), rbox_pass.sleep(2)] } x.report('rset-S:') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % rset_serial.sleep(2) } x.report('rset-P:') { puts "%10s:%s:%s" % rset_parallel.sleep(2) } end