require 'net/ftp' require 'net/http' class SdocAll class Ruby < Base def initialize(raw_config) raw_config ||= {} raw_config = {:version => raw_config} unless raw_config.is_a?(Hash) @config = { :update => raw_config.delete(:update) != false, :version => raw_config.delete(:version).to_s, :index => raw_config.delete(:index), :stdlib => raw_config.delete(:stdlib), } unless config[:version].present? raise"specify version of ruby (place archive to 'sources' directory or it will be download from") end if binary = config[:version][/^`(.*)`$/, 1] version = `#{binary} -e 'print "\#{RUBY_VERSION}-p\#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"'` if $?.success? && version[/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+-p\d+$/] config[:version] = version puts "binary `#{binary}` is of version #{version}" else raise"binary `#{binary}` failed or does not seem to be ruby binary as version returned is #{version.inspect}") end end self.class.find_or_download_matching_archive(config[:version]) if config[:index] index = Pathname(config[:index]) unless && (index + 'index.html').file? raise"index should be a directory with index.html inside and all related files should be with relative links") end end if config[:stdlib] download_and_get_stdlib_config end raise_unknown_options_if_not_blank!(raw_config) end def add_tasks(options = {}) archive = self.class.find_or_download_matching_archive(config[:version], :update => config[:update] && options[:update]) version = archive.full_version src_path = sources_path + version unless Base.remove_if_present(src_path) case archive.extension when 'tar.bz2' Base.system('tar', '-xjf', archive.path, '-C', sources_path) when 'tar.gz' Base.system('tar', '-xzf', archive.path, '-C', sources_path) when 'zip' Base.system('unzip', '-q', archive.path, '-d', sources_path) end File.rename(sources_path + "ruby-#{version}", src_path) end self.class.used_sources << src_path task_options = { :src_path => src_path, :doc_path => "ruby-#{version}", :title => "ruby-#{version}" } task_options[:index] = config[:index] if config[:index] Base.add_task(task_options) if config[:stdlib] stdlib_config = download_and_get_stdlib_config(:update => config[:update] && options[:update]) stdlib_tasks = [] Dir.chdir(src_path) do main_files_to_document = get_files_to_document stdlib_config['targets'].each do |target| name = target['target'] paths = paths.include("{lib,ext}/#{name}/**/README*") paths.include("{lib,ext}/#{name}.{c,rb}") paths.include("{lib,ext}/#{name}/**/*.{c,rb}") paths.resolve paths.reject! do |path| [%r{/extconf.rb\Z}, %r{/test/(?!unit)}, %r{/tests/}, %r{/sample}, %r{/demo/}].any?{ |pat| pat.match path } end if paths.present? && (paths - main_files_to_document).present? stdlib_tasks << { :src_path => src_path, :doc_path => name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-_]/i, '-'), :paths => paths.to_a, :main => target['mainpage'], :title => name } end end end Base.add_merge_task( :doc_path => "ruby-stdlib-#{version}", :title => "ruby-stdlib-#{version}", :tasks_options => stdlib_tasks.sort_by{ |task| task[:title].downcase } ) end end private def get_files_to_document(dir = nil) files = [] dot_document_name = '.document' dot_document_path = dir ? dir + dot_document_name : Pathname(dot_document_name) if dot_document_path.exist?{ |line| line[/^\s*#/] } else ['*'] end.each do |glob| Pathname.glob(dir ? dir + glob : glob) do |path| if files.concat(get_files_to_document(path)) else files << path.to_s end end end files end def download_and_get_stdlib_config(options = {}) stdlib_config_url = '' if options[:update] || (config = get_stdlib_config).nil? data = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(stdlib_config_url)) stdlib_config_path.write(data) if (config = get_stdlib_config).nil? raise"could not get stdlib config from #{stdlib_config_url}") end end config end def get_stdlib_config YAML.load_file stdlib_config_path if stdlib_config_path.readable? end def stdlib_config_path sources_path.parent + 'stdlib-gendoc.yaml' end ArchiveInfo =, :name, :full_version, :extension, :version) module ClassMethods def match_ruby_archive(path) name = File.basename(path) if match = /^ruby-((\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-p(\d+))(?:\.(tar\.(?:gz|bz2)|zip))$/.match(name) do |i| i.path = path = name i.full_version = match[1] i.extension = match[4] i.version = match[2].split('.').map(&:to_i) << match[3].to_i end end end def last_matching_ruby_archive(version, paths) do |path| match_ruby_archive(path) end.compact.sort_by(&:version).reverse.find do |tar_info| tar_info.full_version.starts_with?(version) end end def find_matching_archive(version) paths = last_matching_ruby_archive(version, paths) end def download_matching_archive(version)'') do |ftp| remote_path = Pathname('/pub/ruby') ftp.debug_mode = true ftp.passive = true ftp.login ftp.chdir(remote_path) tar = nil dirs, files = [], [] ftp.list('*').map do |line| full_path = remote_path + line.split.last (line.starts_with?('d') ? dirs : files) << full_path end tar_bz2_matcher = /(^|\/)ruby-.*\.tar\.bz2$/ unless tar = last_matching_ruby_archive(version, files.grep(tar_bz2_matcher)) || last_matching_ruby_archive(version, files) dirs = dirs.sort_by{ |dir| s = dir.basename.to_s; v = s.to_f; [v, s] }.reverse. select{ |dir| dir.basename.to_s[/^\d/] && dir.basename.to_s.starts_with?(version[0, 3]) } dirs.each do |dir| files = ftp.nlst(dir) break if tar = last_matching_ruby_archive(version, files.grep(tar_bz2_matcher)) || last_matching_ruby_archive(version, files) end end if tar dest = sources_path.parent + unless dest.exist? && dest.size == ftp.size(tar.path) ftp.getbinaryfile(tar.path, dest) end end end end def find_or_download_matching_archive(version, options = {}) if options[:update] || (archive = find_matching_archive(version)).nil? download_matching_archive(version) if (archive = find_matching_archive(version)).nil? raise"could not find version of ruby matching #{version.inspect}") end end archive end end extend ClassMethods end end