# Load default formatter gem require 'simplecov-html' SimpleCov.adapters.define 'root_filter' do # Exclude all files outside of simplecov root add_filter do |src| !(src.filename =~ /^#{SimpleCov.root}/) end end SimpleCov.adapters.define 'test_frameworks' do add_filter '/test/' add_filter '/features/' add_filter '/spec/' add_filter '/autotest/' end SimpleCov.adapters.define 'rails' do load_adapter 'test_frameworks' add_filter '/config/' add_filter '/db/' add_filter '/vendor/bundle/' add_group 'Controllers', 'app/controllers' add_group 'Models', 'app/models' add_group 'Mailers', 'app/mailers' add_group 'Helpers', 'app/helpers' add_group 'Libraries', 'lib' add_group 'Plugins', 'vendor/plugins' end # Default configuration SimpleCov.configure do formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter # Exclude files outside of SimpleCov.root load_adapter 'root_filter' end # Gotta stash this a-s-a-p, see the CommandGuesser class and i.e. #110 for further info SimpleCov::CommandGuesser.original_run_command = "#{$0} #{ARGV.join(" ")}" at_exit do # Store the exit status of the test run since it goes away after calling the at_exit proc... if $! #was an exception thrown? #if it was a SystemExit, use the accompanying status #otherwise set a non-zero status representing termination by some other exception #(see github issue 41) @exit_status = $!.is_a?(SystemExit) ? $!.status : SimpleCov::ExitCodes::EXCEPTION end SimpleCov.at_exit.call if SimpleCov.result? # Result has been computed covered_percent = SimpleCov.result.covered_percent.round(2) if @exit_status.to_i == 0 # No other errors @exit_status = if covered_percent < SimpleCov.minimum_coverage $stderr.puts "Coverage (%.2f%%) is below the expected minimum coverage (%.2f%%)." % \ [covered_percent, SimpleCov.minimum_coverage] SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MINIMUM_COVERAGE elsif (last_run = SimpleCov::LastRun.read) diff = last_run['result']['covered_percent'] - covered_percent if diff > SimpleCov.maximum_coverage_drop $stderr.puts "Coverage has dropped by %.2f%% since the last time (maximum allowed: %.2f%%)." % \ [diff, SimpleCov.maximum_coverage_drop] SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MAXIMUM_COVERAGE_DROP end end end metrics = { :result => { :covered_percent => covered_percent } } SimpleCov::LastRun.write(metrics) end exit @exit_status if @exit_status # Force exit with stored status (see github issue #5) end # Autoload config from .simplecov if present config_path = File.join(SimpleCov.root, '.simplecov') load config_path if File.exist?(config_path)