/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_transports_httpclient_h__ #define INCLUDE_transports_httpclient_h__ #include "common.h" #include "net.h" #define GIT_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE 100 #define GIT_HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 #define GIT_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301 #define GIT_HTTP_FOUND 302 #define GIT_HTTP_SEE_OTHER 303 #define GIT_HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 307 #define GIT_HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT 308 #define GIT_HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED 401 #define GIT_HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 407 typedef struct git_http_client git_http_client; /** Method for the HTTP request */ typedef enum { GIT_HTTP_METHOD_GET, GIT_HTTP_METHOD_POST, GIT_HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT } git_http_method; /** An HTTP request */ typedef struct { git_http_method method; /**< Method for the request */ git_net_url *url; /**< Full request URL */ git_net_url *proxy; /**< Proxy to use */ /* Headers */ const char *accept; /**< Contents of the Accept header */ const char *content_type; /**< Content-Type header (for POST) */ git_credential *credentials; /**< Credentials to authenticate with */ git_credential *proxy_credentials; /**< Credentials for proxy */ git_strarray *custom_headers; /**< Additional headers to deliver */ /* To POST a payload, either set content_length OR set chunked. */ size_t content_length; /**< Length of the POST body */ unsigned chunked : 1, /**< Post with chunking */ expect_continue : 1; /**< Use expect/continue negotiation */ } git_http_request; typedef struct { int status; /* Headers */ char *content_type; size_t content_length; char *location; /* Authentication headers */ unsigned server_auth_schemetypes; /**< Schemes requested by remote */ unsigned server_auth_credtypes; /**< Supported cred types for remote */ unsigned proxy_auth_schemetypes; /**< Schemes requested by proxy */ unsigned proxy_auth_credtypes; /**< Supported cred types for proxy */ unsigned chunked : 1, /**< Response body is chunked */ resend_credentials : 1; /**< Resend with authentication */ } git_http_response; typedef struct { /** Certificate check callback for the remote */ git_transport_certificate_check_cb server_certificate_check_cb; void *server_certificate_check_payload; /** Certificate check callback for the proxy */ git_transport_certificate_check_cb proxy_certificate_check_cb; void *proxy_certificate_check_payload; } git_http_client_options; /** * Create a new httpclient instance with the given options. * * @param out pointer to receive the new instance * @param opts options to create the client with or NULL for defaults */ extern int git_http_client_new( git_http_client **out, git_http_client_options *opts); /** * Update the options of an existing httpclient instance. * * @param client the httpclient instance to modify * @param opts new options or NULL to keep existing options */ extern void git_http_client_set_options( git_http_client *client, git_http_client_options *opts); /* * Sends a request to the host specified by the request URL. If the * method is POST, either the content_length or the chunked flag must * be specified. The body should be provided in subsequent calls to * git_http_client_send_body. * * @param client the client to write the request to * @param request the request to send */ extern int git_http_client_send_request( git_http_client *client, git_http_request *request); /* * After sending a request, there may already be a response to read -- * either because there was a non-continue response to an expect: continue * request, or because the server pipelined a response to us before we even * sent the request. Examine the state. * * @param client the client to examine * @return true if there's already a response to read, false otherwise */ extern bool git_http_client_has_response(git_http_client *client); /** * Sends the given buffer to the remote as part of the request body. The * request must have specified either a content_length or the chunked flag. * * @param client the client to write the request body to * @param buffer the request body * @param buffer_len number of bytes of the buffer to send */ extern int git_http_client_send_body( git_http_client *client, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_len); /** * Reads the headers of a response to a request. This will consume the * entirety of the headers of a response from the server. The body (if any) * can be read by calling git_http_client_read_body. Callers must free * the response with git_http_response_dispose. * * @param response pointer to the response object to fill * @param client the client to read the response from */ extern int git_http_client_read_response( git_http_response *response, git_http_client *client); /** * Reads some or all of the body of a response. At most buffer_size (or * INT_MAX) bytes will be read and placed into the buffer provided. The * number of bytes read will be returned, or 0 to indicate that the end of * the body has been read. * * @param client the client to read the response from * @param buffer pointer to the buffer to fill * @param buffer_size the maximum number of bytes to read * @return the number of bytes read, 0 on end of body, or error code */ extern int git_http_client_read_body( git_http_client *client, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); /** * Reads all of the (remainder of the) body of the response and ignores it. * None of the data from the body will be returned to the caller. * * @param client the client to read the response from * @return 0 or an error code */ extern int git_http_client_skip_body(git_http_client *client); /** * Examines the status code of the response to determine if it is a * redirect of any type (eg, 301, 302, etc). * * @param response the response to inspect * @return true if the response is a redirect, false otherwise */ extern bool git_http_response_is_redirect(git_http_response *response); /** * Frees any memory associated with the response. * * @param response the response to free */ extern void git_http_response_dispose(git_http_response *response); /** * Frees any memory associated with the client. If any sockets are open, * they will be closed. * * @param client the client to free */ extern void git_http_client_free(git_http_client *client); #endif