# encoding: UTF-8 module Axlsx # The Worksheet class represents a worksheet in the workbook. class Worksheet # The name of the worksheet # @return [String] attr_reader :name # The workbook that owns this worksheet # @return [Workbook] attr_reader :workbook # The tables in this worksheet # @return [Array] of Table attr_reader :tables # The rows in this worksheet # @note The recommended way to manage rows is Worksheet#add_row # @return [SimpleTypedList] # @see Worksheet#add_row attr_reader :rows # An array of content based calculated column widths. # @note a single auto fit data item is a hash with :longest => [String] and :sz=> [Integer] members. # @return [Array] of Hash attr_reader :auto_fit_data # An array of merged cell ranges e.d "A1:B3" # Content and formatting is read from the first cell. # @return Array attr_reader :merged_cells # An range that excel will apply an autfilter to "A1:B3" # This will turn filtering on for the cells in the range. # The first row is considered the header, while subsequent rows are considerd to be data. # @return Array attr_reader :auto_filter # Indicates if the worksheet should show gridlines or not # @return Boolean attr_reader :show_gridlines # Indicates if the worksheet is selected in the workbook # It is possible to have more than one worksheet selected, however it might cause issues # in some older versions of excel when using copy and paste. # @return Boolean attr_reader :selected # Indicates if the worksheet should print in a single page # @return Boolean attr_reader :fit_to_page # Column info for the sheet # @return [SimpleTypedList] attr_reader :column_info # Page margins for printing the worksheet. # @example # wb = Axlsx::Package.new.workbook # # using options when creating the worksheet. # ws = wb.add_worksheet :page_margins => {:left => 1.9, :header => 0.1} # # # use the set method of the page_margins object # ws.page_margins.set(:bottom => 3, :footer => 0.7) # # # set page margins in a block # ws.page_margins do |margins| # margins.right = 6 # margins.top = 0.2 # end # @see PageMargins#initialize # @return [PageMargins] def page_margins @page_margins ||= PageMargins.new yield @page_margins if block_given? @page_margins end # definition of characters which are less than the maximum width of 0-9 in the default font for use in String#count. # This is used for autowidth calculations # @return [String] def self.thin_chars @thin_chars ||= "^.acefijklrstxyzFIJL()-" end # Creates a new worksheet. # @note the recommended way to manage worksheets is Workbook#add_worksheet # @see Workbook#add_worksheet # @option options [String] name The name of this worksheet. # @option options [Hash] page_margins A hash containing page margins for this worksheet. @see PageMargins # @option options [Boolean] show_gridlines indicates if gridlines should be shown for this sheet. def initialize(wb, options={}) self.workbook = wb @workbook.worksheets << self @drawing = @page_margins = @auto_filter = nil @merged_cells = [] @auto_fit_data = [] @selected = false @show_gridlines = true self.name = "Sheet" + (index+1).to_s @page_margins = PageMargins.new options[:page_margins] if options[:page_margins] @rows = SimpleTypedList.new Row @column_info = SimpleTypedList.new Col # @cols = SimpleTypedList.new Cell @tables = SimpleTypedList.new Table options.each do |o| self.send("#{o[0]}=", o[1]) if self.respond_to? "#{o[0]}=" end end # convinience method to access all cells in this worksheet # @return [Array] cells def cells rows.flatten end # Creates merge information for this worksheet. # Cells can be merged by calling the merge_cells method on a worksheet. # @example This would merge the three cells C1..E1 # # worksheet.merge_cells "C1:E1" # # you can also provide an array of cells to be merged # worksheet.merge_cells worksheet.rows.first.cells[(2..4)] # #alternatively you can do it from a single cell # worksheet["C1"].merge worksheet["E1"] # @param [Array, string] def merge_cells(cells) @merged_cells << if cells.is_a?(String) cells elsif cells.is_a?(Array) cells = cells.sort { |x, y| x.r <=> y.r } "#{cells.first.r}:#{cells.last.r}" end end # The demensions of a worksheet. This is not actually a required element by the spec, # but at least a few other document readers expect this for conversion # @return [String] the A1:B2 style reference for the first and last row column intersection in the workbook def dimension dim_start = rows.first.cells.first == nil ? 'A1' : rows.first.cells.first.r dim_end = rows.last.cells.last == nil ? 'AA:200' : rows.last.cells.last.r "#{dim_start}:#{dim_end}" end # Indicates if gridlines should be shown in the sheet. # This is true by default. # @return [Boolean] def show_gridlines=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean v @show_gridlines = v end # @see selected # @return [Boolean] def selected=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean v @selected = v end # Indicates if the worksheet should print in a single page. # This is true by default. # @return [Boolean] def fit_to_page=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean v @fit_to_page = v end # returns the column and row index for a named based cell # @param [String] name The cell or cell range to return. "A1" will return the first cell of the first row. # @return [Cell] def name_to_cell(name) col_index, row_index = *Axlsx::name_to_indices(name) r = rows[row_index] r.cells[col_index] if r end # The name of the worksheet # The name of a worksheet must be unique in the workbook, and must not exceed 31 characters # @param [String] v def name=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "Worksheet.name", String, v raise ArgumentError, (ERR_SHEET_NAME_TOO_LONG % v) if v.size > 31 sheet_names = @workbook.worksheets.map { |s| s.name } raise ArgumentError, (ERR_DUPLICATE_SHEET_NAME % v) if sheet_names.include?(v) @name=v end # The absolute auto filter range # @see auto_filter def abs_auto_filter Axlsx.cell_range(@auto_filter.split(':').collect { |name| name_to_cell(name)}) if @auto_filter end # The auto filter range for the worksheet # @param [String] v # @see auto_filter def auto_filter=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "Worksheet.auto_filter", String, v @auto_filter = v end # The part name of this worksheet # @return [String] def pn "#{WORKSHEET_PN % (index+1)}" end # The relationship part name of this worksheet # @return [String] def rels_pn "#{WORKSHEET_RELS_PN % (index+1)}" end # The relationship Id of thiw worksheet # @return [String] def rId "rId#{index+1}" end # The index of this worksheet in the owning Workbook's worksheets list. # @return [Integer] def index @workbook.worksheets.index(self) end # The drawing associated with this worksheet. # @note the recommended way to work with drawings and charts is Worksheet#add_chart # @return [Drawing] # @see Worksheet#add_chart def drawing @drawing || @drawing = Axlsx::Drawing.new(self) end # Adds a row to the worksheet and updates auto fit data. # @example - put a vanilla row in your spreadsheet # ws.add_row [1, 'fish on my pl', '8'] # # @example - specify a fixed width for a column in your spreadsheet # # The first column will ignore the content of this cell when calculating column autowidth. # # The second column will include this text in calculating the columns autowidth # # The third cell will set a fixed with of 80 for the column. # # If you need to un-fix a column width, use :auto. That will recalculate the column width based on all content in the column # # ws.add_row ['I wish', 'for a fish', 'on my fish wish dish'], :widths=>[:ignore, :auto, 80] # # @example - specify a fixed height for a row # ws.add_row ['I wish', 'for a fish', 'on my fish wish dish'], :height => 40 # # @example - create and use a style for all cells in the row # blue = ws.styles.add_style :color => "#00FF00" # ws.add_row [1, 2, 3], :style=>blue # # @example - only style some cells # blue = ws.styles.add_style :color => "#00FF00" # red = ws.styles.add_style :color => "#FF0000" # big = ws.styles.add_style :sz => 40 # ws.add_row ["red fish", "blue fish", "one fish", "two fish"], :style=>[red, blue, nil, big] # the last nil is optional # # # @example - force the second cell to be a float value # ws.add_row [3, 4, 5], :types => [nil, :float] # # @example - use << alias # ws << [3, 4, 5], :types => [nil, :float] # # @see Worksheet#column_widths # @return [Row] # @option options [Array] values # @option options [Array, Symbol] types # @option options [Array, Integer] style # @option options [Array] widths each member of the widths array will affect how auto_fit behavies. # @option options [Float] height the row's height (in points) def add_row(values=[], options={}) Row.new(self, values, options) update_column_info @rows.last.cells, options.delete(:widths) ||[], options.delete(:style) || [] # update_auto_fit_data @rows.last.cells, options.delete(:widths) || [] yield @rows.last if block_given? @rows.last end alias :<< :add_row # Set the style for cells in a specific row # @param [Integer] index or range of indexes in the table # @param [Integer] the cellXfs index # @option options [Integer] col_offset only cells after this column will be updated. # @note You can also specify the style in the add_row call # @see Worksheet#add_row # @see README.md for an example def row_style(index, style, options={}) offset = options.delete(:col_offset) || 0 rs = @rows[index] if rs.is_a?(Array) rs.each { |r| r.cells[(offset..-1)].each { |c| c.style = style } } else rs.cells[(offset..-1)].each { |c| c.style = style } end end # returns the sheet data as columnw def cols @rows.transpose end # Set the style for cells in a specific column # @param [Integer] index the index of the column # @param [Integer] the cellXfs index # @option options [Integer] row_offset only cells after this column will be updated. # @note You can also specify the style for specific columns in the call to add_row by using an array for the :styles option # @see Worksheet#add_row # @see README.md for an example def col_style(index, style, options={}) offset = options.delete(:row_offset) || 0 @rows[(offset..-1)].each do |r| cells = r.cells[index] next unless cells if cells.is_a?(Array) cells.each { |c| c.style = style } else cells.style = style end end end # This is a helper method that Lets you specify a fixed width for multiple columns in a worksheet in one go. # Axlsx is sparse, so if you have not set data for a column, you cannot set the width. # Setting a fixed column width to nil will revert the behaviour back to calculating the width for you. # @example This would set the first and third column widhts but leave the second column in autofit state. # ws.column_widths 7.2, nil, 3 # @note For updating only a single column it is probably easier to just set the width of the ws.column_info[col_index].width directly # @param [Integer|Float|Fixnum|nil] values def column_widths(*args) args.each_with_index do |value, index| next if value == nil Axlsx::validate_unsigned_numeric(value) unless value == nil @column_info[index] ||= Col.new index+1, index+1 @column_info[index].width = value end end # Adds a chart to this worksheets drawing. This is the recommended way to create charts for your worksheet. This method wraps the complexity of dealing with ooxml drawing, anchors, markers graphic frames chart objects and all the other dirty details. # @param [Class] chart_type # @option options [Array] start_at # @option options [Array] end_at # @option options [Cell, String] title # @option options [Boolean] show_legend # @option options [Integer] style # @note each chart type also specifies additional options # @see Chart # @see Pie3DChart # @see Bar3DChart # @see Line3DChart # @see README for examples def add_chart(chart_type, options={}) chart = drawing.add_chart(chart_type, options) yield chart if block_given? chart end # needs documentation def add_table(ref, options={}) table = Table.new(ref, self, options) @tables << table yield table if block_given? table end # Adds a media item to the worksheets drawing # @param [Class] media_type # @option options [] unknown def add_image(options={}) image = drawing.add_image(options) yield image if block_given? image end # Serializes the object # @param [String] str # @return [String] def to_xml_string str = '' str.concat "" % [XML_NS, XML_NS_R] str.concat "" % fit_to_page if fit_to_page str.concat "" % dimension unless rows.size == 0 str.concat "" % [@selected, show_gridlines] if @column_info.size > 0 str << "" @column_info.each { |col| col.to_xml_string(str) } str.concat '' end str.concat '' @rows.each_with_index { |row, index| row.to_xml_string(index, str) } str.concat '' str.concat "" % @auto_filter if @auto_filter str.concat "%s" % [@merged_cells.size, @merged_cells.reduce('') { |memo, obj| memo += "" % obj } ] unless @merged_cells.empty? page_margins.to_xml_string(str) if @page_margins str.concat "" if @drawing unless @tables.empty? str.concat "%s" % [@tables.size, @tables.reduce('') { |memo, obj| memo += "" % obj.rId }] end str + '' end # The worksheet relationships. This is managed automatically by the worksheet # @return [Relationships] def relationships r = Relationships.new @tables.each do |table| r << Relationship.new(TABLE_R, "../#{table.pn}") end r << Relationship.new(DRAWING_R, "../#{@drawing.pn}") if @drawing r end # Returns the cell or cells defined using excel style A1:B3 references. # @param [String|Integer] cell_def the string defining the cell or range of cells, or the rownumber # @return [Cell, Array] def [] (cell_def) return rows[cell_def] if cell_def.is_a?(Integer) parts = cell_def.split(':') first = name_to_cell parts[0] if parts.size == 1 first else cells = [] last = name_to_cell(parts[1]) rows[(first.row.index..last.row.index)].each do |r| r.cells[(first.index..last.index)].each do |c| cells << c end end cells end end private # assigns the owner workbook for this worksheet def workbook=(v) DataTypeValidator.validate "Worksheet.workbook", Workbook, v; @workbook = v; end # TODO this needs cleanup! def update_column_info(cells, widths=[], style=[]) styles = self.workbook.styles cellXfs, fonts = styles.cellXfs, styles.fonts sz = 11 cells.each_with_index do |cell, index| @column_info[index] ||= Col.new index+1, index+1 col = @column_info[index] width = widths[index] col.width = width if [Integer, Float, Fixnum].include?(width.class) c_style = style[index] if [Integer, Fixnum].include?(style[index].class) next if width == :ignore || (cell.value.is_a?(String) && cell.value.start_with?('=') || cell.value == nil) if self.workbook.use_autowidth cell_xf = cellXfs[(c_style || 0)] font = fonts[(cell_xf.fontId || 0)] sz = cell.sz || font.sz || sz col.width = [(col.width || 0), calculate_width(cell.value.to_s, sz)].max end end end # If you *REALLY* want to know what this does, check the spec for how column width is specified. def calculate_width(text, sz) mdw = 1.78 #magic numbers ftw! This is the widest width of 0..9 in the "standard" font (arial@10px) font_scale = sz/10.0 ((text.count(Worksheet.thin_chars) * mdw + 5) / mdw * 256) / 256.0 * font_scale end end end