# oracle_enhanced_adapter.rb -- ActiveRecord adapter for Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g # # Authors or original oracle_adapter: Graham Jenkins, Michael Schoen # # Current maintainer: Raimonds Simanovskis (http://blog.rayapps.com) # ######################################################################### # # See History.txt for changes added to original oracle_adapter.rb # ######################################################################### # # From original oracle_adapter.rb: # # Implementation notes: # 1. Redefines (safely) a method in ActiveRecord to make it possible to # implement an autonumbering solution for Oracle. # 2. The OCI8 driver is patched to properly handle values for LONG and # TIMESTAMP columns. The driver-author has indicated that a future # release of the driver will obviate this patch. # 3. LOB support is implemented through an after_save callback. # 4. Oracle does not offer native LIMIT and OFFSET options; this # functionality is mimiced through the use of nested selects. # See http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/ask/f?p=4950:8:::::F4950_P8_DISPLAYID:127412348064 # # Do what you want with this code, at your own peril, but if any # significant portion of my code remains then please acknowledge my # contribution. # portions Copyright 2005 Graham Jenkins require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_connection' module ActiveRecord class Base def self.oracle_enhanced_connection(config) if config[:emulate_oracle_adapter] == true # allows the enhanced adapter to look like the OracleAdapter. Useful to pick up # conditionals in the rails activerecord test suite require 'active_record/connection_adapters/emulation/oracle_adapter' ConnectionAdapters::OracleAdapter.new( ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedConnection.create(config), logger) else ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter.new( ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedConnection.create(config), logger) end end # RSI: specify table columns which should be ifnored def self.ignore_table_columns(*args) connection.ignore_table_columns(table_name,*args) end # RSI: specify which table columns should be treated as date (without time) def self.set_date_columns(*args) connection.set_type_for_columns(table_name,:date,*args) end # RSI: specify which table columns should be treated as datetime def self.set_datetime_columns(*args) connection.set_type_for_columns(table_name,:datetime,*args) end # RSI: specify which table columns should be treated as booleans def self.set_boolean_columns(*args) connection.set_type_for_columns(table_name,:boolean,*args) end # After setting large objects to empty, select the OCI8::LOB # and write back the data. after_save :enhanced_write_lobs def enhanced_write_lobs #:nodoc: if connection.is_a?(ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter) && !(self.class.custom_create_method || self.class.custom_update_method) connection.write_lobs(self.class.table_name, self.class, attributes) end end private :enhanced_write_lobs class << self # RSI: patch ORDER BY to work with LOBs def add_order_with_lobs!(sql, order, scope = :auto) if connection.is_a?(ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter) order = connection.lob_order_by_expression(self, order) if order orig_scope = scope scope = scope(:find) if :auto == scope if scope new_scope_order = connection.lob_order_by_expression(self, scope[:order]) if new_scope_order != scope[:order] scope = scope.merge(:order => new_scope_order) else scope = orig_scope end end end add_order_without_lobs!(sql, order, scope = :auto) end private :add_order_with_lobs! alias_method :add_order_without_lobs!, :add_order! alias_method :add_order!, :add_order_with_lobs! end # RSI: get table comment from schema definition def self.table_comment connection.table_comment(self.table_name) end end module ConnectionAdapters #:nodoc: class OracleEnhancedColumn < Column #:nodoc: attr_reader :table_name, :forced_column_type def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil, null = true, table_name = nil, forced_column_type = nil) @table_name = table_name @forced_column_type = forced_column_type super(name, default, sql_type, null) end def type_cast(value) return guess_date_or_time(value) if type == :datetime && OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_dates super end # convert something to a boolean # RSI: added y as boolean value def self.value_to_boolean(value) if value == true || value == false value elsif value.is_a?(String) && value.blank? nil else %w(true t 1 y +).include?(value.to_s.downcase) end end # RSI: convert Time or DateTime value to Date for :date columns def self.string_to_date(string) return string.to_date if string.is_a?(Time) || string.is_a?(DateTime) super end # RSI: convert Date value to Time for :datetime columns def self.string_to_time(string) return string.to_time if string.is_a?(Date) && !OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_dates super end # RSI: get column comment from schema definition # will work only if using default ActiveRecord connection def comment ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_comment(@table_name, name) end private def simplified_type(field_type) return :boolean if OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_booleans && field_type == 'NUMBER(1)' return :boolean if OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_booleans_from_strings && (forced_column_type == :boolean || OracleEnhancedAdapter.is_boolean_column?(name, field_type, table_name)) case field_type when /date/i forced_column_type || (:date if OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_dates_by_column_name && OracleEnhancedAdapter.is_date_column?(name, table_name)) || :datetime when /timestamp/i then :timestamp when /time/i then :datetime when /decimal|numeric|number/i return :integer if extract_scale(field_type) == 0 # RSI: if column name is ID or ends with _ID return :integer if OracleEnhancedAdapter.emulate_integers_by_column_name && OracleEnhancedAdapter.is_integer_column?(name, table_name) :decimal else super end end def guess_date_or_time(value) value.respond_to?(:hour) && (value.hour == 0 and value.min == 0 and value.sec == 0) ? Date.new(value.year, value.month, value.day) : value end class <:username # * :password # * :database class OracleEnhancedAdapter < AbstractAdapter @@emulate_booleans = true cattr_accessor :emulate_booleans @@emulate_dates = false cattr_accessor :emulate_dates # RSI: set to true if columns with DATE in their name should be emulated as date @@emulate_dates_by_column_name = false cattr_accessor :emulate_dates_by_column_name def self.is_date_column?(name, table_name = nil) name =~ /(^|_)date(_|$)/i end # RSI: instance method uses at first check if column type defined at class level def is_date_column?(name, table_name = nil) case get_type_for_column(table_name, name) when nil self.class.is_date_column?(name, table_name) when :date true else false end end # RSI: set to true if NUMBER columns with ID at the end of their name should be emulated as integers @@emulate_integers_by_column_name = false cattr_accessor :emulate_integers_by_column_name def self.is_integer_column?(name, table_name = nil) name =~ /(^|_)id$/i end # RSI: set to true if CHAR(1), VARCHAR2(1) columns or VARCHAR2 columns with FLAG or YN at the end of their name # should be emulated as booleans @@emulate_booleans_from_strings = false cattr_accessor :emulate_booleans_from_strings def self.is_boolean_column?(name, field_type, table_name = nil) return true if ["CHAR(1)","VARCHAR2(1)"].include?(field_type) field_type =~ /^VARCHAR2/ && (name =~ /_flag$/i || name =~ /_yn$/i) end def self.boolean_to_string(bool) bool ? "Y" : "N" end # RSI: use to set NLS specific date formats which will be used when assigning string to :date and :datetime columns @@string_to_date_format = @@string_to_time_format = nil cattr_accessor :string_to_date_format, :string_to_time_format def adapter_name #:nodoc: 'OracleEnhanced' end def supports_migrations? #:nodoc: true end def native_database_types #:nodoc: { :primary_key => "NUMBER(38) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY", :string => { :name => "VARCHAR2", :limit => 255 }, :text => { :name => "CLOB" }, :integer => { :name => "NUMBER", :limit => 38 }, :float => { :name => "NUMBER" }, :decimal => { :name => "DECIMAL" }, :datetime => { :name => "DATE" }, # RSI: changed to native TIMESTAMP type # :timestamp => { :name => "DATE" }, :timestamp => { :name => "TIMESTAMP" }, :time => { :name => "DATE" }, :date => { :name => "DATE" }, :binary => { :name => "BLOB" }, # RSI: if emulate_booleans_from_strings then store booleans in VARCHAR2 :boolean => emulate_booleans_from_strings ? { :name => "VARCHAR2", :limit => 1 } : { :name => "NUMBER", :limit => 1 } } end def table_alias_length 30 end # Returns an array of arrays containing the field values. # Order is the same as that returned by #columns. def select_rows(sql, name = nil) # last parameter indicates to return also column list result, columns = select(sql, name, true) result.map{ |v| columns.map{|c| v[c]} } end # QUOTING ================================================== # # see: abstract/quoting.rb # camelCase column names need to be quoted; not that anyone using Oracle # would really do this, but handling this case means we pass the test... def quote_column_name(name) #:nodoc: name.to_s =~ /[A-Z]/ ? "\"#{name}\"" : quote_oracle_reserved_words(name) end # unescaped table name should start with letter and # contain letters, digits, _, $ or # # can be prefixed with schema name # CamelCase table names should be quoted def self.valid_table_name?(name) name = name.to_s name =~ /^([A-Za-z_0-9]+\.)?[a-z][a-z_0-9\$#]*$/ || name =~ /^([A-Za-z_0-9]+\.)?[A-Z][A-Z_0-9\$#]*$/ ? true : false end # abstract_adapter calls quote_column_name from quote_table_name, so prevent that def quote_table_name(name) if self.class.valid_table_name?(name) name else "\"#{name}\"" end end def quote_string(s) #:nodoc: s.gsub(/'/, "''") end def quote(value, column = nil) #:nodoc: if value && column case column.type when :text, :binary %Q{empty_#{ column.sql_type.downcase rescue 'blob' }()} # RSI: TIMESTAMP support when :timestamp quote_timestamp_with_to_timestamp(value) # RSI: NLS_DATE_FORMAT independent DATE support when :date, :time, :datetime quote_date_with_to_date(value) else super end elsif value.acts_like?(:date) quote_date_with_to_date(value) elsif value.acts_like?(:time) value.to_i == value.to_f ? quote_date_with_to_date(value) : quote_timestamp_with_to_timestamp(value) else super end end def quoted_true return "'#{self.class.boolean_to_string(true)}'" if emulate_booleans_from_strings "1" end def quoted_false return "'#{self.class.boolean_to_string(false)}'" if emulate_booleans_from_strings "0" end # RSI: should support that composite_primary_keys gem will pass date as string def quote_date_with_to_date(value) value = value.to_s(:db) if value.acts_like?(:date) || value.acts_like?(:time) "TO_DATE('#{value}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" end def quote_timestamp_with_to_timestamp(value) # add up to 9 digits of fractional seconds to inserted time value = "#{value.to_s(:db)}.#{("%.6f"%value.to_f).split('.')[1]}" if value.acts_like?(:time) "TO_TIMESTAMP('#{value}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6')" end # CONNECTION MANAGEMENT ==================================== # # If SQL statement fails due to lost connection then reconnect # and retry SQL statement if autocommit mode is enabled. # By default this functionality is disabled. @auto_retry = false attr_reader :auto_retry def auto_retry=(value) @auto_retry = value @connection.auto_retry = value if @connection end def raw_connection @connection.raw_connection end # Returns true if the connection is active. def active? # Pings the connection to check if it's still good. Note that an # #active? method is also available, but that simply returns the # last known state, which isn't good enough if the connection has # gone stale since the last use. @connection.ping rescue OracleEnhancedConnectionException false end # Reconnects to the database. def reconnect! @connection.reset! rescue OracleEnhancedConnectionException => e @logger.warn "#{adapter_name} automatic reconnection failed: #{e.message}" end # Disconnects from the database. def disconnect! @connection.logoff rescue nil end # DATABASE STATEMENTS ====================================== # # see: abstract/database_statements.rb def execute(sql, name = nil) #:nodoc: log(sql, name) { @connection.exec sql } end # Returns the next sequence value from a sequence generator. Not generally # called directly; used by ActiveRecord to get the next primary key value # when inserting a new database record (see #prefetch_primary_key?). def next_sequence_value(sequence_name) select_one("select #{sequence_name}.nextval id from dual")['id'] end def begin_db_transaction #:nodoc: @connection.autocommit = false end def commit_db_transaction #:nodoc: @connection.commit ensure @connection.autocommit = true end def rollback_db_transaction #:nodoc: @connection.rollback ensure @connection.autocommit = true end def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) #:nodoc: # RSI: added to_i for limit and offset to protect from SQL injection offset = (options[:offset] || 0).to_i if limit = options[:limit] limit = limit.to_i sql.replace "select * from (select raw_sql_.*, rownum raw_rnum_ from (#{sql}) raw_sql_ where rownum <= #{offset+limit}) where raw_rnum_ > #{offset}" elsif offset > 0 sql.replace "select * from (select raw_sql_.*, rownum raw_rnum_ from (#{sql}) raw_sql_) where raw_rnum_ > #{offset}" end end # Returns true for Oracle adapter (since Oracle requires primary key # values to be pre-fetched before insert). See also #next_sequence_value. def prefetch_primary_key?(table_name = nil) true end def default_sequence_name(table, column) #:nodoc: quote_table_name("#{table}_seq") end # Inserts the given fixture into the table. Overridden to properly handle lobs. def insert_fixture(fixture, table_name) super klass = fixture.class_name.constantize rescue nil if klass.respond_to?(:ancestors) && klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) write_lobs(table_name, klass, fixture) end end # Writes LOB values from attributes, as indicated by the LOB columns of klass. def write_lobs(table_name, klass, attributes) # is class with composite primary key> is_with_cpk = klass.respond_to?(:composite?) && klass.composite? if is_with_cpk id = klass.primary_key.map {|pk| attributes[pk.to_s] } else id = quote(attributes[klass.primary_key]) end klass.columns.select { |col| col.sql_type =~ /LOB$/i }.each do |col| value = attributes[col.name] # RSI: changed sequence of next two lines - should check if value is nil before converting to yaml next if value.nil? || (value == '') value = value.to_yaml if col.text? && klass.serialized_attributes[col.name] uncached do if is_with_cpk lob = select_one("SELECT #{col.name} FROM #{table_name} WHERE #{klass.composite_where_clause(id)} FOR UPDATE", 'Writable Large Object')[col.name] else lob = select_one("SELECT #{col.name} FROM #{table_name} WHERE #{klass.primary_key} = #{id} FOR UPDATE", 'Writable Large Object')[col.name] end @connection.write_lob(lob, value, col.type == :binary) end end end # RSI: change LOB column for ORDER BY clause # just first 100 characters are taken for ordering def lob_order_by_expression(klass, order) return order if order.nil? changed = false new_order = order.to_s.strip.split(/, */).map do |order_by_col| column_name, asc_desc = order_by_col.split(/ +/) if column = klass.columns.detect { |col| col.name == column_name && col.sql_type =~ /LOB$/i} changed = true "DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(#{column_name},100,1) #{asc_desc}" else order_by_col end end.join(', ') changed ? new_order : order end # SCHEMA STATEMENTS ======================================== # # see: abstract/schema_statements.rb def current_database #:nodoc: select_one("select sys_context('userenv','db_name') db from dual")["db"] end # RSI: changed select from user_tables to all_tables - much faster in large data dictionaries def tables(name = nil) #:nodoc: select_all("select decode(table_name,upper(table_name),lower(table_name),table_name) name from all_tables where owner = sys_context('userenv','session_user')").map {|t| t['name']} end cattr_accessor :all_schema_indexes # This method selects all indexes at once, and caches them in a class variable. # Subsequent index calls get them from the variable, without going to the DB. def indexes(table_name, name = nil) (owner, table_name) = @connection.describe(table_name) unless all_schema_indexes result = select_all(<<-SQL) SELECT lower(i.table_name) as table_name, lower(i.index_name) as index_name, i.uniqueness, lower(c.column_name) as column_name FROM all_indexes i, all_ind_columns c WHERE i.owner = '#{owner}' AND i.table_owner = '#{owner}' AND c.index_name = i.index_name AND c.index_owner = i.owner AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT uc.index_name FROM all_constraints uc WHERE uc.index_name = i.index_name AND uc.owner = i.owner AND uc.constraint_type = 'P') ORDER BY i.index_name, c.column_position SQL current_index = nil self.all_schema_indexes = [] result.each do |row| # have to keep track of indexes because above query returns dups # there is probably a better query we could figure out if current_index != row['index_name'] self.all_schema_indexes << ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition.new(row['table_name'], row['index_name'], row['uniqueness'] == "UNIQUE", []) current_index = row['index_name'] end self.all_schema_indexes.last.columns << row['column_name'] end end # Return the indexes just for the requested table, since AR is structured that way table_name = table_name.downcase all_schema_indexes.select{|i| i.table == table_name} end # RSI: set ignored columns for table def ignore_table_columns(table_name, *args) @ignore_table_columns ||= {} @ignore_table_columns[table_name] ||= [] @ignore_table_columns[table_name] += args.map{|a| a.to_s.downcase} @ignore_table_columns[table_name].uniq! end def ignored_table_columns(table_name) @ignore_table_columns ||= {} @ignore_table_columns[table_name] end # RSI: set explicit type for specified table columns def set_type_for_columns(table_name, column_type, *args) @table_column_type ||= {} @table_column_type[table_name] ||= {} args.each do |col| @table_column_type[table_name][col.to_s.downcase] = column_type end end def get_type_for_column(table_name, column_name) @table_column_type && @table_column_type[table_name] && @table_column_type[table_name][column_name.to_s.downcase] end def clear_types_for_columns @table_column_type = nil end def columns(table_name, name = nil) #:nodoc: # RSI: get ignored_columns by original table name ignored_columns = ignored_table_columns(table_name) (owner, desc_table_name) = @connection.describe(table_name) table_cols = <<-SQL select column_name as name, data_type as sql_type, data_default, nullable, decode(data_type, 'NUMBER', data_precision, 'FLOAT', data_precision, 'VARCHAR2', data_length, 'CHAR', data_length, null) as limit, decode(data_type, 'NUMBER', data_scale, null) as scale from all_tab_columns where owner = '#{owner}' and table_name = '#{desc_table_name}' order by column_id SQL # RSI: added deletion of ignored columns select_all(table_cols, name).delete_if do |row| ignored_columns && ignored_columns.include?(row['name'].downcase) end.map do |row| limit, scale = row['limit'], row['scale'] if limit || scale row['sql_type'] << "(#{(limit || 38).to_i}" + ((scale = scale.to_i) > 0 ? ",#{scale})" : ")") end # clean up odd default spacing from Oracle if row['data_default'] row['data_default'].sub!(/^(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') row['data_default'].sub!(/^'(.*)'$/, '\1') row['data_default'] = nil if row['data_default'] =~ /^(null|empty_[bc]lob\(\))$/i end OracleEnhancedColumn.new(oracle_downcase(row['name']), row['data_default'], row['sql_type'], row['nullable'] == 'Y', # RSI: pass table name for table specific column definitions table_name, # RSI: pass column type if specified in class definition get_type_for_column(table_name, oracle_downcase(row['name']))) end end # RSI: default sequence start with value @@default_sequence_start_value = 10000 cattr_accessor :default_sequence_start_value def create_table(name, options = {}, &block) #:nodoc: create_sequence = options[:id] != false column_comments = {} super(name, options) do |t| # store that primary key was defined in create_table block unless create_sequence class < null end def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc: column = column_for(table_name, column_name) # remove :null option if its value is the same as current column definition # otherwise Oracle will raise error if options.has_key?(:null) && options[:null] == column.null options[:null] = nil end change_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} MODIFY #{quote_column_name(column_name)} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}" options[:type] = type add_column_options!(change_column_sql, options) execute(change_column_sql) end def rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) #:nodoc: execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} RENAME COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)} to #{quote_column_name(new_column_name)}" end def remove_column(table_name, column_name) #:nodoc: execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} DROP COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)}" end # RSI: table and column comments def add_comment(table_name, column_name, comment) return if comment.blank? execute "COMMENT ON COLUMN #{quote_table_name(table_name)}.#{column_name} IS '#{comment}'" end def add_table_comment(table_name, comment) return if comment.blank? execute "COMMENT ON TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} IS '#{comment}'" end def table_comment(table_name) (owner, table_name) = @connection.describe(table_name) select_value <<-SQL SELECT comments FROM all_tab_comments WHERE owner = '#{owner}' AND table_name = '#{table_name}' SQL end def column_comment(table_name, column_name) (owner, table_name) = @connection.describe(table_name) select_value <<-SQL SELECT comments FROM all_col_comments WHERE owner = '#{owner}' AND table_name = '#{table_name}' AND column_name = '#{column_name.upcase}' SQL end # Find a table's primary key and sequence. # *Note*: Only primary key is implemented - sequence will be nil. def pk_and_sequence_for(table_name) (owner, table_name) = @connection.describe(table_name) # RSI: changed select from all_constraints to user_constraints - much faster in large data dictionaries pks = select_values(<<-SQL, 'Primary Key') select cc.column_name from user_constraints c, user_cons_columns cc where c.owner = '#{owner}' and c.table_name = '#{table_name}' and c.constraint_type = 'P' and cc.owner = c.owner and cc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name SQL # only support single column keys pks.size == 1 ? [oracle_downcase(pks.first), nil] : nil end def structure_dump #:nodoc: s = select_all("select sequence_name from user_sequences order by 1").inject("") do |structure, seq| structure << "create sequence #{seq.to_a.first.last};\n\n" end # RSI: changed select from user_tables to all_tables - much faster in large data dictionaries select_all("select table_name from all_tables where owner = sys_context('userenv','session_user') order by 1").inject(s) do |structure, table| ddl = "create table #{table.to_a.first.last} (\n " cols = select_all(%Q{ select column_name, data_type, data_length, char_used, char_length, data_precision, data_scale, data_default, nullable from user_tab_columns where table_name = '#{table.to_a.first.last}' order by column_id }).map do |row| col = "#{row['column_name'].downcase} #{row['data_type'].downcase}" if row['data_type'] =='NUMBER' and !row['data_precision'].nil? col << "(#{row['data_precision'].to_i}" col << ",#{row['data_scale'].to_i}" if !row['data_scale'].nil? col << ')' elsif row['data_type'].include?('CHAR') length = row['char_used'] == 'C' ? row['char_length'].to_i : row['data_length'].to_i col << "(#{length})" end col << " default #{row['data_default']}" if !row['data_default'].nil? col << ' not null' if row['nullable'] == 'N' col end ddl << cols.join(",\n ") ddl << ");\n\n" structure << ddl end end def structure_drop #:nodoc: s = select_all("select sequence_name from user_sequences order by 1").inject("") do |drop, seq| drop << "drop sequence #{seq.to_a.first.last};\n\n" end # RSI: changed select from user_tables to all_tables - much faster in large data dictionaries select_all("select table_name from all_tables where owner = sys_context('userenv','session_user') order by 1").inject(s) do |drop, table| drop << "drop table #{table.to_a.first.last} cascade constraints;\n\n" end end def add_column_options!(sql, options) #:nodoc: type = options[:type] || ((column = options[:column]) && column.type) type = type && type.to_sym # handle case of defaults for CLOB columns, which would otherwise get "quoted" incorrectly if options_include_default?(options) if type == :text sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default])}" else # from abstract adapter sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default], options[:column])}" end end # must explicitly add NULL or NOT NULL to allow change_column to work on migrations if options[:null] == false sql << " NOT NULL" elsif options[:null] == true sql << " NULL" unless type == :primary_key end end # SELECT DISTINCT clause for a given set of columns and a given ORDER BY clause. # # Oracle requires the ORDER BY columns to be in the SELECT list for DISTINCT # queries. However, with those columns included in the SELECT DISTINCT list, you # won't actually get a distinct list of the column you want (presuming the column # has duplicates with multiple values for the ordered-by columns. So we use the # FIRST_VALUE function to get a single (first) value for each column, effectively # making every row the same. # # distinct("posts.id", "posts.created_at desc") def distinct(columns, order_by) return "DISTINCT #{columns}" if order_by.blank? # construct a valid DISTINCT clause, ie. one that includes the ORDER BY columns, using # FIRST_VALUE such that the inclusion of these columns doesn't invalidate the DISTINCT order_columns = order_by.split(',').map { |s| s.strip }.reject(&:blank?) order_columns = order_columns.zip((0...order_columns.size).to_a).map do |c, i| "FIRST_VALUE(#{c.split.first}) OVER (PARTITION BY #{columns} ORDER BY #{c}) AS alias_#{i}__" end sql = "DISTINCT #{columns}, " sql << order_columns * ", " end # ORDER BY clause for the passed order option. # # Uses column aliases as defined by #distinct. def add_order_by_for_association_limiting!(sql, options) return sql if options[:order].blank? order = options[:order].split(',').collect { |s| s.strip }.reject(&:blank?) order.map! {|s| $1 if s =~ / (.*)/} order = order.zip((0...order.size).to_a).map { |s,i| "alias_#{i}__ #{s}" }.join(', ') sql << " ORDER BY #{order}" end private def select(sql, name = nil, return_column_names = false) log(sql, name) do @connection.select(sql, name, return_column_names) end end def oracle_downcase(column_name) @connection.oracle_downcase(column_name) end def column_for(table_name, column_name) unless column = columns(table_name).find { |c| c.name == column_name.to_s } raise "No such column: #{table_name}.#{column_name}" end column end end end end # RSI: Added LOB writing callback for sessions stored in database # Otherwise it is not working as Session class is defined before OracleAdapter is loaded in Rails 2.0 if defined?(CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session) if !CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.respond_to?(:after_save_callback_chain) || CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.after_save_callback_chain.detect{|cb| cb.method == :enhanced_write_lobs}.nil? class CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session after_save :enhanced_write_lobs end end end # RSI: load custom create, update, delete methods functionality # rescue LoadError if ruby-plsql gem cannot be loaded begin require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_procedures' rescue LoadError if defined?(RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info "INFO: ActiveRecord oracle_enhanced adapter could not load ruby-plsql gem. "+ "Custom create, update and delete methods will not be available." end end # RSI: load additional methods for composite_primary_keys support require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_cpk' # RSI: load patch for dirty tracking methods require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_dirty' # RSI: load rake tasks definitions begin require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_tasks' rescue LoadError end if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) # handles quoting of oracle reserved words require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_reserved_words' # add BigDecimal#to_d, Fixnum#to_d and Bignum#to_d methods if not already present require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_core_ext'