module RDF ## # An RDF repository. # # @example Creating a transient in-memory repository # repository = # # @example Checking whether a repository is readable/writable # repository.readable? # repository.writable? # # @example Checking whether a repository is persistent or transient # repository.persistent? # repository.transient? # # @example Checking whether a repository is empty # repository.empty? # # @example Checking how many statements a repository contains # repository.count # # @example Checking whether a repository contains a specific statement # repository.statement?(statement) # # @example Enumerating statements in a repository # repository.each_statement { |statement| statement.inspect! } # # @example Inserting statements into a repository # repository.insert(*statements) # repository.insert(statement) # repository.insert([subject, predicate, object]) # repository << statement # repository << [subject, predicate, object] # # @example Deleting statements from a repository # repository.delete(*statements) # repository.delete(statement) # repository.delete([subject, predicate, object]) # # @example Deleting all statements from a repository # repository.clear! # # Repositories support transactions with a variety of ACID semantics: # # Atomicity is indicated by `#supports?(:atomic_write)`. When atomicity is # supported, writes through {#transaction}, {#apply_changeset} and # {#delete_insert} are applied atomically. # # Consistency should be guaranteed, in general. Repositories that don't # support consistency, or that have specialized definitions of consistency # above those declared by the RDF data model, should advertise this fact in # their documentation. # # Isolation may be supported at various levels, indicated by # {#isolation_level}: # - `:read_uncommitted`: Inserts & deletes in an uncommitted transaction # scope may be visible to other transactions (or via `#each`, etc...) # - `:read_committed`: Inserts & deletes may be visible to other # transactions once committed # - `:repeatable_read`: Phantom reads may be possible # - `:snapshot`: A transaction reads a consistent snapshot of the data. # Write skew anomalies may occur (for various definitions of consistency) # - `:serializable`: A transaction reads a consistent snapshot of the data. # When two or more transactions attempt conflicting writes, only one of # them may succeed. # # Durability is noted via {RDF::Durable} support and {#durable?} # /{#nondurable?}. # # @example Transational read from a repository # repository.transaction do |tx| # tx.statement?(statement) # tx.query([:s, :p, :o]) # end # # @example Transational read/write of a repository # repository.transaction(mutable: true) do |tx| # tx.insert(*statements) # tx.insert(statement) # tx.insert([subject, predicate, object]) # tx.delete(*statements) # tx.delete(statement) # tx.delete([subject, predicate, object]) # end # class Repository < Dataset include RDF::Mutable include RDF::Transactable DEFAULT_TX_CLASS = RDF::Transaction ## # Returns the options passed to this repository when it was constructed. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] attr_reader :options ## # Returns the {URI} of this repository. # # @return [URI] attr_reader :uri alias_method :url, :uri ## # Returns the title of this repository. # # @return [String] attr_reader :title ## # Loads one or more RDF files into a new transient in-memory repository. # # @param [String, Array] urls # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # Options from {RDF::Repository#initialize} and {RDF::Mutable#load} # @yield [repository] # @yieldparam [Repository] # @return [void] def self.load(urls, **options, &block)**options) do |repository| Array(urls).each do |url| repository.load(url, **options) end if block_given? case block.arity when 1 then else repository.instance_eval(&block) end end end end ## # Initializes this repository instance. # # @param [URI, #to_s] uri (nil) # @param [String, #to_s] title (nil) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :with_graph_name (true) # Indicates that the repository supports named graphs, otherwise, # only the default graph is supported. # @option options [Boolean] :with_validity (true) # Indicates that the repository supports named validation. # @option options [Boolean] :transaction_class (DEFAULT_TX_CLASS) # Specifies the RDF::Transaction implementation to use in this Repository. # @yield [repository] # @yieldparam [Repository] repository def initialize(uri: nil, title: nil, **options, &block) @options = {with_graph_name: true, with_validity: true}.merge(options) @uri = uri @title = title # Provide a default in-memory implementation: send(:extend, Implementation) if self.class.equal?(RDF::Repository) @tx_class ||= @options.delete(:transaction_class) { DEFAULT_TX_CLASS } if block_given? case block.arity when 1 then else instance_eval(&block) end end end ## # Returns `true` if this respository supports the given `feature`. # # Supported features include those from {RDF::Enumerable#supports?} along # with the following: # * `:atomic_write` supports atomic write in transaction scopes # * `:snapshots` supports creation of immutable snapshots of current # contents via #snapshot. # @see RDF::Enumerable#supports? def supports?(feature) case feature.to_sym when :graph_name then @options[:with_graph_name] when :inference then false # forward-chaining inference when :validity then @options.fetch(:with_validity, true) when :literal_equality then true when :atomic_write then false when :rdfstar then false when :snapshots then false else false end end ## # Performs a set of deletes and inserts as a combined operation within a # transaction. The Repository's transaction semantics apply to updates made # through this method. # # @see RDF::Mutable#delete_insert def delete_insert(deletes, inserts) return super unless supports?(:atomic_write) transaction(mutable: true) do deletes.respond_to?(:each_statement) ? delete(deletes) : delete(*deletes) inserts.respond_to?(:each_statement) ? insert(inserts) : insert(*inserts) end end ## # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#project_graph def project_graph(graph_name, &block) graph = graph_name, data: self) graph.each(&block) if block_given? graph end ## # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level def isolation_level supports?(:snapshots) ? :repeatable_read : super end ## # A queryable snapshot of the repository for isolated reads. # # @return [Dataset] an immutable Dataset containing a current snapshot of # the Repository contents. def snapshot raise"#{self.class}#snapshot") end protected ## # @private # @see RDF::Transactable#begin_transaction # @since 0.3.0 def begin_transaction(mutable: false, graph_name: nil), mutable: mutable, graph_name: graph_name) end ## # A default Repository implementation supporting atomic writes and # serializable transactions. # # @see RDF::Repository module Implementation DEFAULT_GRAPH = false ## # @private def self.extend_object(obj) obj.instance_variable_set(:@data, obj.options.delete(:data) || obj.instance_variable_set(:@tx_class, obj.options.delete(:transaction_class) || RDF::Transaction::SerializedTransaction) super end ## # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#supports? def supports?(feature) case feature.to_sym when :graph_name then @options[:with_graph_name] when :validity then @options.fetch(:with_validity, true) when :literal_equality then true when :atomic_write then true when :rdfstar then true when :snapshots then true else false end end ## # @private # @see RDF::Countable#count def count count = 0 @data.each do |_, ss| ss.each do |_, ps| ps.each { |_, os| count += os.size } end end count end ## # @overload graph? # Returns `false` to indicate that this is not a graph. # # @return [Boolean] # @overload graph?(name) # Returns `true` if `self` contains the given RDF graph_name. # # @param [RDF::Resource, false] graph_name # Use value `false` to query for the default graph_name # @return [Boolean] def graph?(*args) case args.length when 0 then false when 1 then @data.key?(args.first) else raise ArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 0 or 1)") end end alias_method :has_graph?, :graph? ## # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_graph def graph_names(options = nil, &block) @data.keys.reject { |g| g == DEFAULT_GRAPH }.to_a end ## # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_graph def each_graph(&block) if block_given? @data.each_key do |gn| yield (gn == DEFAULT_GRAPH ? nil : gn), data: self) end end enum_graph end ## # @overload statement? # Returns `false` indicating this is not an RDF::Statemenet. # @return [Boolean] # @see RDF::Value#statement? # @overload statement?(statement) # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#statement? def statement?(*args) case args.length when 0 then false when 1 then args.first && statement_in?(@data, args.first) else raise ArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 0 or 1)") end end alias_method :has_statement?, :statement? ## # @private # @see RDF::Enumerable#each_statement def each_statement(&block) if block_given? @data.each do |g, ss| ss.each do |s, ps| ps.each do |p, os| os.each do |o, object_options| yield, p, o, object_options.merge(graph_name: g.equal?(DEFAULT_GRAPH) ? nil : g)) end end end end end enum_statement end alias_method :each, :each_statement ## # @see Mutable#apply_changeset def apply_changeset(changeset) data = @data changeset.deletes.each do |del| if del.constant? data = delete_from(data, del) else # we need this condition to handle wildcard statements query_pattern(del) { |stmt| data = delete_from(data, stmt) } end end changeset.inserts.each { |ins| data = insert_to(data, ins) } @data = data end ## # @see RDF::Dataset#isolation_level def isolation_level :snapshot end ## # A readable & queryable snapshot of the repository for isolated reads. # # @return [Dataset] an immutable Dataset containing a current snapshot of # the Repository contents. # # @see Mutable#snapshot def snapshot @data).freeze end protected ## # Match elements with `eql?`, not `==` # # `graph_name` of `false` matches default graph. Unbound variable matches # non-false graph name # # @private # @see RDF::Queryable#query_pattern def query_pattern(pattern, **options, &block) snapshot = @data if block_given? graph_name = pattern.graph_name subject = pattern.subject predicate = pattern.predicate object = pattern.object cs = snapshot.key?(graph_name) ? { graph_name => snapshot[graph_name] } : snapshot cs.each do |c, ss| next unless graph_name.nil? || graph_name == DEFAULT_GRAPH && !c || graph_name.eql?(c) ss = if subject.nil? || subject.is_a?(RDF::Query::Variable) ss elsif subject.is_a?(RDF::Query::Pattern) # Match subjects which are statements matching this pattern {|s| s.statement? && subject.eql?(s)}.inject({}) do |memo, st| memo.merge(st => ss[st]) end elsif ss.key?(subject) { subject => ss[subject] } else [] end ss.each do |s, ps| ps = if predicate.nil? || predicate.is_a?(RDF::Query::Variable) ps elsif ps.key?(predicate) { predicate => ps[predicate] } else [] end ps.each do |p, os| os.each do |o, object_options| next unless object.nil? || object.eql?(o) yield, p, o, object_options.merge(graph_name: c.equal?(DEFAULT_GRAPH) ? nil : c)) end end end end else enum_for(:query_pattern, pattern, **options) end end ## # @private # @see RDF::Mutable#insert def insert_statement(statement) @data = insert_to(@data, statement) end ## # @private # @see RDF::Mutable#delete def delete_statement(statement) @data = delete_from(@data, statement) end ## # @private # @see RDF::Mutable#clear def clear_statements @data = end ## # @private # @return [Hamster::Hash] def data @data end ## # @private # @return [Hamster::Hash] def data=(hash) @data = hash end private ## # @private # @see #statement? def statement_in?(data, statement) s, p, o, g = statement.to_quad g ||= DEFAULT_GRAPH data.key?(g) && data[g].key?(s) && data[g][s].key?(p) && data[g][s][p].key?(o) end alias_method :has_statement_in?, :statement_in? ## # @private # @return [Hamster::Hash] a new, updated hamster hash def insert_to(data, statement) raise ArgumentError, "Statement #{statement.inspect} is incomplete" if statement.incomplete? unless statement_in?(data, statement) s, p, o, c = statement.to_quad c ||= DEFAULT_GRAPH data = data.has_key?(c) ? data.dup : data.merge(c => {}) data[c] = data[c].has_key?(s) ? data[c].dup : data[c].merge(s => {}) data[c][s] = data[c][s].has_key?(p) ? data[c][s].dup : data[c][s].merge(p => {}) data[c][s][p] = data[c][s][p].merge(o => statement.options) end data end ## # @private # @return [Hamster::Hash] a new, updated hamster hash def delete_from(data, statement) if has_statement_in?(data, statement) s, p, o, g = statement.to_quad g = DEFAULT_GRAPH unless supports?(:graph_name) g ||= DEFAULT_GRAPH os = data[g][s][p].dup.delete_if {|k,v| k == o} ps = os.empty? ? data[g][s].dup.delete_if {|k,v| k == p} : data[g][s].merge(p => os) ss = ps.empty? ? data[g].dup.delete_if {|k,v| k == s} : data[g].merge(s => ps) return ss.empty? ? data.dup.delete_if {|k,v| k == g} : data.merge(g => ss) end data end end # Implementation end # Repository end # RDF