require "spec_helper" describe 'React::Validator', js: true do describe '#validate' do describe "Presence validation" do it "should check if required props provided" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo requires :bar end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({})').to eq(["Required prop `foo` was not specified", "Required prop `bar` was not specified"]) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 1, bar: 3})').to eq([]) end it "should check if passed non specified prop" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do optional :foo end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({bar: 10})').to eq(["Provided prop `bar` not specified in spec"]) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 10})').to eq([]) end end describe "Type validation" do it "should check if passed value with wrong type" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, type: String end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 10})').to eq(["Provided prop `foo` could not be converted to String"]) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: "10"})').to eq([]) end it "should check if passed value with wrong custom type" do evaluate_ruby do class Bar; end VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, type: Bar end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 10})').to eq(["Provided prop `foo` could not be converted to Bar"]) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo:})').to eq([]) end it 'coerces native JS prop types to opal objects' do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, type:, "(function () { return { x: 1 }; })();") end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: `{ x: 1 }`})').to eq(["Provided prop `foo` could not be converted to [object Object]"]) end it 'coerces native JS values to opal objects' do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, type: Array[Integer] end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: `[ { x: 1 } ]`})').to eq(["Provided prop `foo`[0] could not be converted to #{}"]) end it "should support Array[Class] validation" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, type: Array[Hash] end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: [1,"2",3]})').to eq( [ "Provided prop `foo`[0] could not be converted to Hash", "Provided prop `foo`[1] could not be converted to Hash", "Provided prop `foo`[2] could not be converted to Hash" ] ) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: [{},{},{}]})').to eq([]) end end describe "Limited values" do it "should check if passed value is not one of the specified values" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, values: [4,5,6] end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 3})').to eq(["Value `3` for prop `foo` is not an allowed value"]) expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate({foo: 4})').to eq([]) end end end describe '#undefined_props' do before :each do on_client do PROPS = { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', biz: 'biz', baz: 'baz' } VALIDATOR = do requires :foo optional :bar end end end it 'slurps up any extra params into a hash' do expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.undefined_props(PROPS)').to eq({ "biz" => 'biz', "baz" => 'baz' }) end it 'prevents validate non-specified params' do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR.undefined_props(PROPS) end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.validate(PROPS)').to eq([]) end end describe "default_props" do it "should return specified default values" do evaluate_ruby do VALIDATOR = do requires :foo, default: 10 requires :bar optional :lorem, default: 20 end end expect_evaluate_ruby('VALIDATOR.default_props').to eq({"foo" => 10, "lorem" => 20}) end end end