/* -*- c-file-style: "ruby"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team * Copyright (C) 2005 Masao Mutoh * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "rbgprivate.h" #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_THREAD_H # include #endif GStaticPrivate rg_polling_key = G_STATIC_PRIVATE_INIT; /* static ID id_poll_func; */ static ID id_call; static VALUE mGLibSource; static GThread *main_thread; typedef struct _callback_info_t { VALUE callback; guint id; } callback_info_t; /*****************************************/ static GPollFunc default_poll_func; typedef struct _PollInfo { GPollFD *ufds; guint nfsd; gint timeout; gint result; } PollInfo; static void rg_poll_in_blocking_raw(PollInfo *info) { info->result = default_poll_func(info->ufds, info->nfsd, info->timeout); } #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_CALL_WITHOUT_GVL static void * rg_poll_in_blocking(void *data) { PollInfo *info = data; rg_poll_in_blocking_raw(info); return NULL; } #else static VALUE rg_poll_in_blocking(void *data) { PollInfo *info = data; rg_poll_in_blocking_raw(info); return Qnil; } #endif static gint rg_poll(GPollFD *ufds, guint nfsd, gint timeout) { PollInfo info; info.ufds = ufds; info.nfsd = nfsd; info.timeout = timeout; info.result = 0; g_static_private_set(&rg_polling_key, GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE), NULL); if (g_thread_self() == main_thread) { #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_CALL_WITHOUT_GVL rb_thread_call_without_gvl(rg_poll_in_blocking, &info, RUBY_UBF_IO, NULL); #else rb_thread_blocking_region(rg_poll_in_blocking, &info, RUBY_UBF_IO, NULL); #endif } else { rg_poll_in_blocking_raw(&info); } g_static_private_set(&rg_polling_key, GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE), NULL); return info.result; } static VALUE ruby_source_set_priority (G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE priority) { return Qnil; } static void restore_poll_func(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE data) { if (g_main_context_get_poll_func(NULL) == (GPollFunc)rg_poll) { g_main_context_set_poll_func(NULL, default_poll_func); } } static VALUE source_remove(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE tag) { return CBOOL2RVAL(g_source_remove(NUM2UINT(tag))); } static VALUE source_current_source(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_main_current_source, G_TYPE_SOURCE); } static gboolean source_func(gpointer data) { callback_info_t *info = (callback_info_t *)data; return RVAL2CBOOL(rb_funcall(info->callback, id_call, 0)); } static void source_destroy_notify(gpointer data) { callback_info_t *info = data; rbgobj_remove_relative(mGLibSource, (ID)0, info->callback); xfree(info); } /*****************************************/ #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,30,0) GType g_main_context_get_type(void) { static GType our_type = 0; if (our_type == 0) our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static ("GMainContext", (GBoxedCopyFunc)g_main_context_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)g_main_context_unref); return our_type; } #endif /*****************************************/ #define RG_TARGET_NAMESPACE cMainContext #define _SELF(s) ((GMainContext*)RVAL2BOXED(s, G_TYPE_MAIN_CONTEXT)) static VALUE rg_initialize(VALUE self) { GMainContext *context; context = g_main_context_new(); g_main_context_set_poll_func(context, rg_poll); G_INITIALIZE(self, context); return Qnil; } static VALUE rg_s_default(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_main_context_default(), G_TYPE_MAIN_CONTEXT); } static VALUE rg_iteration(VALUE self, VALUE may_block) { return CBOOL2RVAL(g_main_context_iteration(_SELF(self), RVAL2CBOOL(may_block))); } static VALUE rg_pending_p(VALUE self) { return CBOOL2RVAL(g_main_context_pending(_SELF(self))); } static VALUE rg_find_source(VALUE self, VALUE source_id) { GSource* src = g_main_context_find_source_by_id(_SELF(self), NUM2UINT(source_id)); return BOXED2RVAL(src, G_TYPE_SOURCE); } /* GSource* g_main_context_find_source_by_user_data (GMainContext *context, gpointer user_data); GSource* g_main_context_find_source_by_funcs_user_data (GMainContext *context, GSourceFuncs *funcs, gpointer user_data); */ static VALUE rg_wakeup(VALUE self) { g_main_context_wakeup(_SELF(self)); return self; } static VALUE rg_acquire(VALUE self) { return CBOOL2RVAL(g_main_context_acquire(_SELF(self))); } static VALUE rg_release(VALUE self) { g_main_context_release(_SELF(self)); return self; } static VALUE rg_owner_p(VALUE self) { return CBOOL2RVAL(g_main_context_is_owner(_SELF(self))); } /* gboolean g_main_context_wait (GMainContext *context, GCond *cond, GMutex *mutex); */ static VALUE rg_prepare(VALUE self) { gint priority; gboolean ret = g_main_context_prepare(_SELF(self), &priority); return rb_assoc_new(CBOOL2RVAL(ret), INT2NUM(priority)); } struct mc_query_body_args { gint timeout_; GPollFD *fds; gint n_fds; }; static VALUE mc_query_body(VALUE value) { struct mc_query_body_args *args = (struct mc_query_body_args *)value; gint i; VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); for (i = 0; i < args->n_fds; i++) rb_ary_push(ary, GPOLLFD2RVAL(&args->fds[i])); return rb_assoc_new(INT2NUM(args->timeout_), ary); } static VALUE mc_query_ensure(VALUE value) { g_free((GPollFD *)value); return Qnil; } #define QUERY_DEFAULT_FDS 100 static VALUE rg_query(VALUE self, VALUE rbmax_priority) { GMainContext *context = _SELF(self); gint max_priority = NUM2INT(rbmax_priority); gint timeout_; GPollFD *fds; gint n_fds; struct mc_query_body_args args; fds = g_new(GPollFD, QUERY_DEFAULT_FDS); n_fds = g_main_context_query(context, max_priority, &timeout_, fds, QUERY_DEFAULT_FDS); if (n_fds > QUERY_DEFAULT_FDS) { g_free(fds); fds = g_new(GPollFD, n_fds); g_main_context_query(context, max_priority, &timeout_, fds, n_fds); } args.timeout_ = timeout_; args.fds = fds; args.n_fds = n_fds; return rb_ensure(mc_query_body, (VALUE)&args, mc_query_ensure, (VALUE)fds); } /* How can I implement this? static VALUE rg_check(VALUE self, VALUE max_priority) { gint i, timeout_; VALUE ary; GPollFD* fds; gint ret, n_fds; fds = g_new (GPollFD, 10); n_fds = g_main_context_query(_SELF(self), NUM2INT(max_priority), &timeout_, fds, 10); printf("n_fds = %d\n", n_fds); g_free(fds); fds = g_new (GPollFD, n_fds); ret = g_main_context_check(_SELF(self), NUM2INT(max_priority), fds, n_fds); printf("ret = %d\n", ret); ary = rb_ary_new(); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) rb_ary_push(ary, GPOLLFD2RVAL(&fds[i])); g_free(fds); return ary; } */ static VALUE rg_dispatch(VALUE self) { g_main_context_dispatch(_SELF(self)); return self; } /* How can I get "self" or something like it as key .... static gint poll_func(GPollFD *ufds, guint nfsd, gint timeout_) { VALUE func = rb_ivar_get(self, id_poll_func); if (NIL_P(func)) return -1; return INT2NUM(rb_funcall(func, 3, GPOLLFD2RVAL(ufds), UINT2NUM(nfsd), INT2NUM(timeout_))); } static VALUE rg_set_poll_func(VALUE self) { rb_ivar_set(self, id_poll_func, rb_block_proc()); g_main_context_set_poll_func(_SELF(self), (GPollFunc)poll_func); return self; } */ /* GPollFunc g_main_context_get_poll_func (GMainContext *context); */ static VALUE rg_add_poll(VALUE self, VALUE fd, VALUE priority) { g_main_context_add_poll(_SELF(self), RVAL2GPOLLFD(fd), NUM2INT(priority)); return self; } static VALUE rg_remove_poll(VALUE self, VALUE fd) { g_main_context_remove_poll(_SELF(self), RVAL2GPOLLFD(fd)); return self; } #ifdef HAVE_G_MAIN_DEPTH static VALUE rg_s_depth(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(g_main_depth()); } #endif static VALUE timeout_source_new(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE interval) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_timeout_source_new(NUM2UINT(interval)), G_TYPE_SOURCE); } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) static VALUE timeout_source_new_seconds(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE interval) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_timeout_source_new_seconds(NUM2UINT(interval)), G_TYPE_SOURCE); } #endif static VALUE timeout_add(int argc, VALUE *argv, G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { VALUE interval, rb_priority, func, rb_id; gint priority; callback_info_t *info; guint id; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11&", &interval, &rb_priority, &func); priority = NIL_P(rb_priority) ? G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT : NUM2INT(rb_priority); info = ALLOC(callback_info_t); info->callback = func; id = g_timeout_add_full(priority, NUM2UINT(interval), source_func, info, source_destroy_notify); info->id = id; rb_id = UINT2NUM(id); rbgobj_add_relative(mGLibSource, func); return rb_id; } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) static VALUE timeout_add_seconds(int argc, VALUE *argv, G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { VALUE interval, rb_priority, func, rb_id; gint priority; callback_info_t *info; guint id; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11&", &interval, &rb_priority, &func); priority = NIL_P(rb_priority) ? G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT : NUM2INT(rb_priority); info = ALLOC(callback_info_t); info->callback = func; id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full(priority, NUM2UINT(interval), source_func, info, source_destroy_notify); info->id = id; rb_id = UINT2NUM(id); rbgobj_add_relative(mGLibSource, func); return rb_id; } #endif static VALUE idle_source_new(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_idle_source_new(), G_TYPE_SOURCE); } static VALUE idle_add(gint argc, VALUE *argv, G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self) { VALUE arg1, arg2, func, rb_id; callback_info_t *info; guint id; gint priority = G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &arg1, &arg2); if (RVAL2CBOOL(rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg1, rb_cProc))) { func = arg1; } else if (RVAL2CBOOL(rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg1, rb_cInteger))) { priority = NUM2INT(arg1); func = rb_block_proc(); } else { func = rb_block_proc(); } info = ALLOC(callback_info_t); info->callback = func; id = g_idle_add_full(priority, source_func, info, source_destroy_notify); info->id = id; rb_id = UINT2NUM(id); rbgobj_add_relative(mGLibSource, func); return rb_id; } static VALUE child_watch_source_new(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE pid) { return BOXED2RVAL(g_child_watch_source_new((GPid)NUM2INT(pid)), G_TYPE_SOURCE); } static void child_watch_func(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer func) { rb_funcall((VALUE)func, id_call, 2, INT2NUM((long)pid), INT2NUM(status)); } static VALUE child_watch_add(VALUE self, VALUE pid) { VALUE func = rb_block_proc(); G_RELATIVE(self, func); return UINT2NUM(g_child_watch_add((GPid)NUM2INT(pid), (GChildWatchFunc)child_watch_func, (gpointer)func)); } void Init_glib_main_context(void) { VALUE RG_TARGET_NAMESPACE = G_DEF_CLASS(G_TYPE_MAIN_CONTEXT, "MainContext", mGLib); VALUE timeout = rb_define_module_under(mGLib, "Timeout"); VALUE idle = rb_define_module_under(mGLib, "Idle"); VALUE child_watch = rb_define_module_under(mGLib, "ChildWatch"); id_call = rb_intern("call"); g_static_private_set(&rg_polling_key, GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE), NULL); main_thread = g_thread_self(); rbg_define_singleton_method(mGLib, "set_ruby_thread_priority", ruby_source_set_priority, 1); mGLibSource = rb_const_get(mGLib, rb_intern("Source")); rbg_define_singleton_method(mGLibSource, "remove", source_remove, 1); rbg_define_singleton_method(mGLibSource, "current", source_current_source, 0); /* id_poll_func = rb_intern("__poll_func__"); */ RG_DEF_METHOD(initialize, 0); RG_DEF_SMETHOD(default, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(iteration, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD_P(pending, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(find_source, 1); RG_DEF_METHOD(wakeup, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(acquire, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(release, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD_P(owner, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(prepare, 0); RG_DEF_METHOD(query, 1); /* RG_DEF_METHOD(check, 1); */ RG_DEF_METHOD(dispatch, 0); /* RG_DEF_METHOD(set_poll_func, 0); */ RG_DEF_METHOD(add_poll, 2); RG_DEF_METHOD(remove_poll, 1); #ifdef HAVE_G_MAIN_DEPTH RG_DEF_SMETHOD(depth, 0); #endif rbg_define_singleton_method(timeout, "source_new", timeout_source_new, 1); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) rbg_define_singleton_method(timeout, "source_new_seconds", timeout_source_new_seconds, 1); #endif rbg_define_singleton_method(timeout, "add", timeout_add, -1); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) rbg_define_singleton_method(timeout, "add_seconds", timeout_add_seconds, -1); #endif rbg_define_singleton_method(idle, "source_new", idle_source_new, 0); rbg_define_singleton_method(idle, "add", idle_add, -1); rbg_define_singleton_method(child_watch, "source_new", child_watch_source_new, 1); rbg_define_singleton_method(child_watch, "add", child_watch_add, 1); default_poll_func = g_main_context_get_poll_func(NULL); g_main_context_set_poll_func(NULL, rg_poll); rb_set_end_proc(restore_poll_func, Qnil); }