require 'opentok/client'
require 'opentok/stream'
require 'opentok/stream_list'
module OpenTok
# A class for working with OpenTok streams. It includes methods for getting info
# about OpenTok streams and for setting layout classes for streams.
class Streams
# @private
def initialize(client)
@client = client
# Use this method to get information on an OpenTok stream.
# For example, you can call this method to get information about layout classes used by an OpenTok stream.
# The layout classes define how the stream is displayed in the layout of a broadcast stream.
# For more information, see { Assigning layout classes to streams in live streaming broadcasts}
# and { Customizing the video layout for composed archives}.
# @param [String] session_id The session ID of the OpenTok session.
# @param [String] stream_id The stream ID within the session.
# @return [Stream] The Stream object.
# @raise [ArgumentError] stream_id or session_id is invalid.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] You are not authorized to fetch the stream information. Check your authentication credentials.
# @raise [OpenTokError] An OpenTok server error.
def find(session_id, stream_id)
raise ArgumentError, 'session_id not provided' if session_id.to_s.empty?
raise ArgumentError, 'stream_id not provided' if session_id.to_s.empty?
stream_json = @client.info_stream(session_id, stream_id) stream_json
# Use this method to get information on all OpenTok streams in a session.
# For example, you can call this method to get information about layout classes used by OpenTok streams.
# The layout classes define how the stream is displayed in the layout of a live streaming
# broadcast or a composed archive. For more information, see
# { Assigning layout classes to streams in live streaming broadcasts}
# and { Customizing the video layout for composed archives}.
# @param [String] session_id The session ID of the OpenTok session.
# @return [StreamList] The StreamList of Stream objects.
# @raise [ArgumentError] The stream_id or session_id is invalid.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] You are not authorized to fetch the stream information. Check your authentication credentials.
# @raise [OpenTokError] An OpenTok server error.
def all(session_id)
raise ArgumentError, 'session_id not provided' if session_id.to_s.empty?
response_json = @client.info_stream(session_id, '') response_json
# Use this method to set the layout of a composed (archive or broadcast) OpenTok stream.
# For example, you can call this method to set the layout classes of an OpenTok stream.
# The layout classes define how the stream is displayed in the layout of a live streaming
# broadcast or a composed archive. For more information, see
# { Assigning layout classes to streams in live streaming broadcasts}
# and { Customizing the video layout for composed archives}.
# @param [String] session_id The session ID of the OpenTok session.
# @param [Hash] opts A hash with one key items
and value as array of objects having stream_id
and layoutClassList
# For more information, see Layout{}
# @raise [ArgumentError] The session_id is invalid.
# @raise [OpenTokAuthenticationError] You are not authorized to fetch the stream information. Check your authentication credentials.
# @raise [OpenTokStreamLayoutError] The layout operation could not be performed due to incorrect layout values.
# @raise [OpenTokError] An OpenTok server error.
def layout(session_id, opts)
raise ArgumentError, 'session_id not provided' if session_id.to_s.empty?
raise ArgumentError, 'opts is empty' if opts.empty?
response = @client.layout_streams(session_id, opts)
(200..300).include? response.code