module HybridPlatformsConductorTest module Helpers module ProvisionerProxmoxHelpers # Setup a test platform for Proxmox tests # # Parameters:: # * *node_metadata* (Hash): Extra node metadata [default: {}] # * *environment* (String): Environment to be used [default: 'test'] # * Proc: Code called when everything is setup # * Parameters:: # * *instance* (Provisioner): A new Provisioner instance targeting the Proxmox instance # * *repository* (String): The platforms' repository def with_test_proxmox_platform(node_metadata: {}, environment: 'test') with_repository('platform') do |repository| os_image_path = "#{repository}/os_image" FileUtils.mkdir_p os_image_path FileUtils.cp "#{__dir__}/../api/deployer/provisioners/proxmox/proxmox.json", "#{os_image_path}/proxmox.json" with_platforms(" os_image :test_image, '#{os_image_path}' test_platform path: '#{repository}' proxmox( api_url: '', api_max_retries: 3, api_wait_between_retries_secs: 0, sync_node: 'node', test_config: { pve_nodes: ['pve_node_name'], vm_ips_list: %w[ ], vm_ids_range: [1000, 1100], coeff_ram_consumption: 10, coeff_disk_consumption: 1, expiration_period_secs: 24 * 60 * 60, limits: { nbr_vms_max: 5, cpu_loads_thresholds: [10, 10, 10], ram_percent_used_max: 0.75, disk_percent_used_max: 0.75 } }, vm_config: { vm_dns_servers: [''], vm_search_domain: '', vm_gateway: '' } ) ") do register_platform_handlers test: HybridPlatformsConductorTest::PlatformHandlerPlugins::Test self.test_platforms_info = { 'platform' => { nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', image: 'test_image' }.merge(node_metadata) } } } } instance = 'node', environment: environment, logger: logger, logger_stderr: logger, config: test_config, cmd_runner: test_cmd_runner, nodes_handler: test_nodes_handler, actions_executor: test_actions_executor ) yield instance, repository end end end # Get a mocking code corresponding to a call to # This code should mock Proxmox getting info about the existing nodes # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_realm* (String or nil): Proxmox realm used to connect to Proxmox API [default: 'pam'] # * *nodes_info* (Array): Nodes info returned by the Proxmox API [default: []] # * *nbr_api_errors* (Integer): Number of API errors 500 to mock before getting a successful query [defaults: 0] # * *extra_expects* (Proc or nil): Code called for additional expectations on the proxmox instance, or nil if none [default: nil] # * Parameters:: # * *proxmox* (Double): The mocked Proxmox instance # Result:: # * Proc: Code called in place of Signature is the same as def mock_proxmox_to_get_nodes_info( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, proxmox_realm: 'pam', nodes_info: [], nbr_api_errors: 0, extra_expects: nil ) proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq proxmox_realm expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock initialization expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger=).and_return(nil) expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger_stderr=).and_return(nil) # Mock checking existing nodes idx_try = 0 expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).exactly(nbr_api_errors + 1).times.with('nodes') do idx_try += 1 idx_try <= nbr_api_errors ? 'NOK: error code = 500' : nodes_info end extra_expects&.call(proxmox) proxmox end end # Get a mocking code corresponding to a call to # This code should mock Proxmox starting a node # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *task_name* (String): Proxmox start task name [default: 'UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:start::root@pam:'] # * *task_status* (String or nil): Proxmox start task status, or nil if no task status query is to be expected [default: 'OK'] # * *nbr_api_errors* (Integer): Number of API errors 500 to mock before getting a successful query [defaults: 0] # Result:: # * Proc: Code called in place of Signature is the same as def mock_proxmox_to_start_node( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, task_name: 'UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:start::root@pam:', task_status: 'OK', nbr_api_errors: 0 ) proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq 'pam' expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock initialization expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger=).and_return(nil) expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger_stderr=).and_return(nil) # Mock start a container idx_try = 0 expect(proxmox).to receive(:post).exactly(nbr_api_errors + (task_status.nil? ? 0 : 1)).times.with('nodes/pve_node_name/lxc/1024/status/start') do idx_try += 1 idx_try <= nbr_api_errors ? 'NOK: error code = 500' : task_name end expect(proxmox).to receive(:reauthenticate).exactly(nbr_api_errors - (task_status.nil? ? 1 : 0)).times # Mock checking task status unless task_status.nil? # Mock checking task status expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).with("nodes/pve_node_name/tasks/#{task_name}/status") do { 'status' => task_status } end end proxmox end end # Get a mocking code corresponding to a call to # This code should mock Proxmox stopping a node # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *task_status* (String): Proxmox stop task status [default: 'OK'] # Result:: # * Proc: Code called in place of Signature is the same as def mock_proxmox_to_stop_node( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, task_status: 'OK' ) proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq 'pam' expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock initialization expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger=).and_return(nil) expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger_stderr=).and_return(nil) # Mock start a container expect(proxmox).to receive(:post).with('nodes/pve_node_name/lxc/1024/status/stop').and_return('UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:stop::root@pam:') # Mock checking task status expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).with('nodes/pve_node_name/tasks/UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:stop::root@pam:/status') do { 'status' => task_status } end proxmox end end # Get a mocking code corresponding to a call to # This code should mock Proxmox destroying a node # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *task_status* (String): Proxmox destroy task status [default: 'OK'] # Result:: # * Proc: Code called in place of Signature is the same as def mock_proxmox_to_destroy_node( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, task_status: 'OK' ) proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq 'pam' expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock initialization expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger=).and_return(nil) expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger_stderr=).and_return(nil) # Mock start a container expect(proxmox).to receive(:delete).with('nodes/pve_node_name/lxc/1024').and_return('UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:destroy::root@pam:') # Mock checking task status expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).with('nodes/pve_node_name/tasks/UPID:pve_node_name:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:destroy::root@pam:/status') do { 'status' => task_status } end proxmox end end # Get a mocking code corresponding to a call to # This code should mock Proxmox getting the status a node # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *status* (String or nil): Mocked status, or nil if it should not be asked [default: 'created'] # * *nbr_api_errors* (Integer): Number of API errors 500 to mock before getting a successful query [defaults: 0] # Result:: # * Proc: Code called in place of Signature is the same as def mock_proxmox_to_status_node( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, status: 'created', nbr_api_errors: 0 ) proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq 'pam' expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock initialization expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger=).and_return(nil) expect(proxmox).to receive(:logger_stderr=).and_return(nil) # Mock getting status of a container idx_try = 0 expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).exactly(nbr_api_errors + (status.nil? ? 0 : 1)).times.with('nodes/pve_node_name/lxc') do idx_try += 1 if idx_try <= nbr_api_errors 'NOK: error code = 500' else [ { 'vmid' => '1024' } ] end end expect(proxmox).to receive(:reauthenticate).exactly(nbr_api_errors - (status.nil? ? 1 : 0)).times unless status.nil? expect(proxmox).to receive(:get).with('nodes/pve_node_name/lxc/1024/status/current') do { 'status' => status } end end proxmox end end # Give access to the actions that have been called on the mocked Proxmox instances attr_reader(*%i[proxmox_actions proxmox_create_options proxmox_destroy_options]) # Mock a call to the reserve_proxmox_container sync node # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_realm* (String): Proxmox realm used to connect to Proxmox API [default: 'pam'] # * *error_on_create* (String or nil): Error to be mocked by reserve_proxmox_container create, or nil in case of success [default: nil] # * *error_on_destroy* (String or nil): Error to be mocked by reserve_proxmox_container destroy, or nil in case of success [default: nil] # * *destroy_vm* (Boolean): Should we expect also a VM destruction? [default: false] # * *expected_file_id* (String): The expected config file IDs used [default: 'node_test'] # * *expected_sudo* (Boolean): Is sudo to be expected? [default: true] def mock_call_to_reserve_proxmox_container( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, proxmox_realm: 'pam', error_on_create: nil, error_on_destroy: nil, destroy_vm: false, expected_file_id: 'node_test', expected_sudo: true ) runs = [ proc do |actions| expect(actions.keys).to eq ['node'] expect(actions['node'].size).to eq 4 # First action should be to copy the reserve_proxmox_container code expect(actions['node'][0].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][0][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/hpc_plugins/provisioner/proxmox/$}) expect(actions['node'][0][:scp].first[1]).to eq '.' # Second action should be to create directories expect(actions['node'][1]).to eq( remote_bash: "mkdir -p ./proxmox/config\nmkdir -p ./proxmox/create" ) # Next actions should be to copy the config/create/destroy files expect(actions['node'][2].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][2][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/create_#{Regexp.escape(expected_file_id)}\.json$}) expect(actions['node'][2][:scp].first[1]).to eq './proxmox/create' expect(actions['node'][3].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][3][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/config_#{Regexp.escape(expected_file_id)}\.json$}) expect(actions['node'][3][:scp].first[1]).to eq './proxmox/config' @proxmox_create_options = JSON.parse(['node'][2][:scp].first[0])) { 'node' => [0, '', ''] } end, proc do |actions| expect(actions).to eq( 'node' => { remote_bash: { commands: "#{expected_sudo ? 'sudo -u root -E ' : ''}./proxmox/reserve_proxmox_container --create ./proxmox/create/create_#{expected_file_id}.json --config ./proxmox/config/config_#{expected_file_id}.json", env: { 'hpc_user_for_proxmox' => proxmox_user, 'hpc_password_for_proxmox' => proxmox_password, 'hpc_realm_for_proxmox' => proxmox_realm } } } ) result = if error_on_create { error: error_on_create } else { pve_node: 'pve_node_name', vm_id: 1024, vm_ip: '' } end { 'node' => [0, <<~EO_STDOUT, ''] } ===== JSON ===== #{JSON.pretty_generate(result)} EO_STDOUT end ] if destroy_vm runs.concat [ proc do |actions| expect(actions.keys).to eq ['node'] expect(actions['node'].size).to eq 4 # First action should be to copy the reserve_proxmox_container code expect(actions['node'][0].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][0][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/hpc_plugins/provisioner/proxmox/$}) expect(actions['node'][0][:scp].first[1]).to eq '.' # Second action should be to create directories expect(actions['node'][1]).to eq( remote_bash: "mkdir -p ./proxmox/config\nmkdir -p ./proxmox/destroy" ) # Next actions should be to copy the config/create/destroy files expect(actions['node'][2].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][2][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/destroy_#{Regexp.escape(expected_file_id)}\.json$}) expect(actions['node'][2][:scp].first[1]).to eq './proxmox/destroy' expect(actions['node'][3].keys).to eq [:scp] expect(actions['node'][3][:scp].first[0]).to match(%r{^.+/config_#{Regexp.escape(expected_file_id)}\.json$}) expect(actions['node'][3][:scp].first[1]).to eq './proxmox/config' @proxmox_destroy_options = JSON.parse(['node'][2][:scp].first[0])) { 'node' => [0, '', ''] } end, proc do |actions| expect(actions).to eq( 'node' => { remote_bash: { commands: "#{expected_sudo ? 'sudo -u root -E ' : ''}./proxmox/reserve_proxmox_container --destroy ./proxmox/destroy/destroy_#{expected_file_id}.json --config ./proxmox/config/config_#{expected_file_id}.json", env: { 'hpc_user_for_proxmox' => proxmox_user, 'hpc_password_for_proxmox' => proxmox_password, 'hpc_realm_for_proxmox' => proxmox_realm } } } ) result = if error_on_destroy { error: error_on_destroy } else { pve_node: 'pve_node_name', vm_id: 1024, vm_ip: '' } end { 'node' => [0, <<~EO_STDOUT, ''] } ===== JSON ===== #{JSON.pretty_generate(result)} EO_STDOUT end ] end expect_actions_executor_runs runs end # Mock a series of Proxmox calls, and expect them to occur. # # Parameters:: # * *calls* (Array): List of mocked calls # * *proxmox_user* (String or nil): Proxmox user used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String or nil): Proxmox password used to connect to Proxmox API [default: nil] # * *proxmox_realm* (String): Proxmox realm used to connect to Proxmox API [default: 'pam'] # * *error_on_create* (String or nil): Error to be mocked by reserve_proxmox_container create, or nil in case of success [default: nil] # * *error_on_destroy* (String or nil): Error to be mocked by reserve_proxmox_container destroy, or nil in case of success [default: nil] # * *reserve* (Boolean): Do we expect the resource reservation to occur? [default: true] # * *destroy_vm* (Boolean): Should we expect also a VM destruction? [default: false] # * *expected_file_id* (String): The expected config file IDs used [default: 'node_test'] # * *expected_sudo* (Boolean): Is sudo to be expected? [default: true] def mock_proxmox_calls_with( calls, proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, proxmox_realm: 'pam', error_on_create: nil, error_on_destroy: nil, reserve: true, destroy_vm: false, expected_file_id: 'node_test', expected_sudo: true ) if reserve || destroy_vm # Mock querying reserve_proxmox_container mock_call_to_reserve_proxmox_container( proxmox_user: proxmox_user, proxmox_password: proxmox_password, proxmox_realm: proxmox_realm, error_on_create: error_on_create, error_on_destroy: error_on_destroy, destroy_vm: destroy_vm, expected_file_id: expected_file_id, expected_sudo: expected_sudo ) end expect(::Proxmox::Proxmox).to receive(:new).exactly(calls.size).times do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options|, pve_node, user, password, realm, options) end end # Mock the Proxmox API calls to map a given Proxmox status. # Mock any call to the paths of the API to serve a given nodes information. # Mock also calls to stop and destroy containers, and log those actions so that they can be checked by the test case later. # # Parameters:: # * *proxmox_user* (String): Proxmox user to be used for the API, or nil if none [default: nil] # * *proxmox_password* (String): Proxmox password to be used for the API, or nil if none [default: nil] # * *proxmox_realm* (String): Proxmox realm to be used for the API, or nil if none [default: 'pam'] # * *mocked_pve_nodes* (Array< Hash< String, Hash > > or Hash< String, Hash >): # List of (or single) PVE node information, per PVE node name. [default: { 'pve_node_name' => {} }] # If used as a list, it is expected that the Proxmox API be used as many times as the number of items in the list, and the mocked info will follow the list order. # Here are the properties of a PVE node: # * *loadavg* ([Float, Float, Float]): Load average of the node [default: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]] # * *memory_total* (Integer): Bytes of RAM of this PVE node [default: 16 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024] # * *storage_total* (Integer): Bytes of disk of this PVE node [default: 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024] # * *lxc_containers* (Hash >): LXC containers info, per VM ID [default: {}] # * *maxdisk* (Integer): Bytes of disk allocated to this VM [default: 1024 * 1024 * 1024] # * *maxmem* (Integer): Bytes of RAM allocated to this VM [default: 1024 * 1024 * 1024] # * *cpus* (Integer): CPUs allocated to this VM [default: 1] # * *ip* (String): IP allocated to this node [default: 192.168.0.] # * *status* (String): Status of this node [default: 'running'] # * *debug* (Boolean): Do we mark the VM as debug? [default: false] # * *node* (String): Node for which this given container has been created [default: 'test_node'] # * *environment* (String): Environment for which this given container has been created [default: 'test_env'] def mock_proxmox( proxmox_user: nil, proxmox_password: nil, proxmox_realm: 'pam', mocked_pve_nodes: { 'pve_node_name' => {} } ) # List of proxmox actions that have been mocked and their corresponding properties # Array< [Symbol, Object] > @proxmox_actions = [] mocked_pve_nodes = [mocked_pve_nodes] unless mocked_pve_nodes.is_a?(Array) mock_proxmox_calls_with( do |pve_nodes| # Complete pve_nodes with default values pve_nodes = pve_nodes.to_h do |pve_node_name, pve_node_info| pve_node_info[:lxc_containers] = (pve_node_info.key?(:lxc_containers) ? pve_node_info[:lxc_containers] : {}).to_h do |vm_id, vm_info| [ vm_id, { maxdisk: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, maxmem: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, cpus: 1, ip: "192.168.0.#{(vm_id % 254) + 1}", status: 'running', creation_date: ( - 60).utc, debug: false, node: 'test_node', environment: 'test_env' }.merge(vm_info) ] end [ pve_node_name, { loadavg: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], memory_total: 16 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, storage_total: 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 }.merge(pve_node_info) ] end proc do |url, pve_node, user, password, realm, options| expect(url).to eq '' expect(pve_node).to eq 'my-proxmox' expect(user).to eq proxmox_user expect(password).to eq proxmox_password expect(realm).to eq proxmox_realm expect(options[:verify_ssl]).to be false proxmox = instance_double ::Proxmox::Proxmox # Mock getting status of a container allow(proxmox).to receive(:get) do |path| case path when 'nodes' { |pve_node_name| { 'node' => pve_node_name } } when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/status$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) { 'loadavg' => pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:loadavg].map(&:to_s), 'memory' => { 'total' => pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:memory_total] } } when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/storage$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) [ { 'storage' => 'local-lvm', 'total' => pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:storage_total] } ] when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) if pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:error_strings].nil? || pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:error_strings].empty? pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers].map do |vm_id, vm_info| { 'vmid' => vm_id.to_s, 'maxdisk' => vm_info[:maxdisk], 'maxmem' => vm_info[:maxmem], 'cpus' => vm_info[:cpus] } end else pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:error_strings].shift end when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc/([^/]+)/config$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) vmid = Regexp.last_match(2) { 'net0' => "ip=#{pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:ip]}/32", 'description' => <<~EO_DESCRIPTION ===== HPC info ===== node: #{pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:node]} environment: #{pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:environment]} debug: #{pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:debug] ? 'true' : 'false'} creation_date: #{pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:creation_date].strftime('%FT%T')} EO_DESCRIPTION } when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc/([^/]+)/status/current$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) vmid = Regexp.last_match(2) { 'status' => pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers][Integer(vmid)][:status] } when %r{^nodes/[^/]+/tasks/[^/]+/status$} # Mock tasks completion { 'status' => 'OK' } else raise "Unknown Proxmox API get call: #{path}. Please adapt the test framework." end end # Mock some post actions allow(proxmox).to receive(:post) do |path, args| @proxmox_actions << [:post, path, args].compact case path when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) "UPID:#{pve_node_name}:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:create::root@pam:" when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc/([^/]+)/status/stop$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) vmid = Regexp.last_match(2) "UPID:#{pve_node_name}:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:stop_#{vmid}::root@pam:" else raise "Unknown Proxmox API post call: #{path}. Please adapt the test framework." end end # Mock some delete actions allow(proxmox).to receive(:delete) do |path| @proxmox_actions << [:delete, path] case path when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)/lxc/([^/]+)$} pve_node_name = Regexp.last_match(1) vmid = Regexp.last_match(2) # Make sure we delete the mocked information as well pve_nodes[pve_node_name][:lxc_containers].delete(Integer(vmid)) "UPID:#{pve_node_name}:0000A504:6DEABF24:5F44669B:destroy_#{vmid}::root@pam:" else raise "Unknown Proxmox API post call: #{path}. Please adapt the test framework." end end # Mock create_ticket allow(proxmox).to receive(:create_ticket) do @proxmox_actions << [:create_ticket] end proxmox end end, reserve: false ) end # Prepare a repository to test reserve_proxmox_container # # Parameters:: # * *leftovers* (Array): List of leftover files among cgroups [default: []] # * *expect_remaining_leftovers* (Array): List of leftover files among cgroups that should remain after run [default: []] # * Proc: Code to be called with repository setup def with_sync_node(leftovers: [], expect_remaining_leftovers: []) with_repository('sync_node') do |repository| # Mock the cgroup file system of the sync node remaining_leftovers = leftovers.clone allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).and_wrap_original do |original_glob, dir, &block| case dir when '/sys/fs/cgroup/*/lxc/*' block.nil? ? remaining_leftovers : remaining_leftovers.each(&block) when %r{^/sys/fs/cgroup/\*/lxc/(.+)$} vm_id_str = Regexp.last_match(1) matched_files = remaining_leftovers.grep(%r{^/sys/fs/cgroup/.+/lxc/#{Regexp.escape(vm_id_str)}$}) block.nil? ? matched_files : matched_files.each(&block) else, &block) end end allow(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).and_wrap_original do |original_rm_rf, path| if path.start_with?('/sys/fs/cgroup') remaining_leftovers.delete_if { |file| file.start_with?(path) } else end end @repository = repository yield expect(remaining_leftovers.sort).to eq expect_remaining_leftovers.sort end end # Call the reserve_proxmox_container script using a given ARGV. # Prerequisite: This is called within a with_sync_node session. # # Parameters:: # * *config* (Hash): Configuration overriding defaults to store in the config file [default: {}] # * *max_retries* (Integer): Specify the max number of retries [default: 1] # * *wait_before_retry* (Integer): Specify the number of seconds to wait before retry [default: 0] # * *create* (Hash or nil): Create file content, or nil if none [default: nil] # * *destroy* (Hash or nil): Destroy file content, or nil if none [default: nil] # * *api_max_retries* (Integer): Max number of API retries [default: 3] # * *api_wait_between_retries_secs* (Integer): Number of seconds to wait between API retries [default: 0] # Result:: # * Hash: JSON result of the call def call_reserve_proxmox_container_with( config: {}, max_retries: 1, wait_before_retry: 0, create: nil, destroy: nil, api_max_retries: 3, api_wait_between_retries_secs: 0 ) # Make sure we set default values in the config config = { proxmox_api_url: '', futex_file: "#{@repository}/proxmox/allocations.futex", logs_dir: "#{Dir.tmpdir}/hpc_test_proxmox_waiter_logs", api_max_retries: api_max_retries, api_wait_between_retries_secs: api_wait_between_retries_secs, pve_nodes: ['pve_node_name'], vm_ips_list: %w[ ], vm_ids_range: [1000, 1100], coeff_ram_consumption: 10, coeff_disk_consumption: 1, expiration_period_secs: 24 * 60 * 60, expire_stopped_vm_timeout_secs: 3, limits: { nbr_vms_max: 5, cpu_loads_thresholds: [10, 10, 10], ram_percent_used_max: 0.75, disk_percent_used_max: 0.75 } }.merge(config) FileUtils.cp_r "#{__dir__}/../../../lib/hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/provisioner/proxmox", @repository File.write("#{@repository}/proxmox/config.json", config.to_json) script_args = [ '--max-retries', max_retries.to_s, '--wait-before-retry', wait_before_retry.to_s ] unless create.nil? create_file = "#{@repository}/proxmox/create_vm.json" File.write(create_file, create.to_json) script_args.concat(['--create', create_file]) end unless destroy.nil? destroy_file = "#{@repository}/proxmox/destroy_vm.json" File.write(destroy_file, destroy.to_json) script_args.concat(['--destroy', destroy_file]) end # Call the script by loading the Ruby file mocking the ARGV and ENV variables old_argv = ARGV.dup old_stdout = $stdout ARGV.replace(script_args) $stdout = unless logger.debug? begin load "#{@repository}/proxmox/reserve_proxmox_container" raise 'This test can\'t run in debug mode.' if logger.debug? @stdout = $stdout.string ensure ARGV.replace old_argv $stdout = old_stdout end stdout_lines = @stdout.split("\n") JSON.parse(stdout_lines[stdout_lines.index('===== JSON =====') + 1..].join("\n")).transform_keys(&:to_sym) end # Call the reserve_proxmox_container script and get its result as JSON. # Prerequisite: This is called within a with_sync_node session. # # Parameters:: # * *cpus* (Integer): Required CPUs # * *ram_mb* (Integer): Required RAM MB # * *disk_gb* (Integer): Required Disk GB # * *config* (Hash): Configuration overriding defaults to store in the config file [default: {}] # * *max_retries* (Integer): Specify the max number of retries [default: 1] # * *wait_before_retry* (Integer): Specify the number of seconds to wait before retry [default: 0] # Result:: # * Hash: JSON result of the call def call_reserve_proxmox_container( cpus, ram_mb, disk_gb, config: {}, max_retries: 1, wait_before_retry: 0 ) call_reserve_proxmox_container_with( config: config, max_retries: max_retries, wait_before_retry: wait_before_retry, create: { ostemplate: 'test_template.iso', hostname: '', description: "===== HPC info =====\nnode: test_node\nenvironment: test_env\n", cores: cpus, cpulimit: cpus, memory: ram_mb, rootfs: "local-lvm:#{disk_gb}", net0: 'name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,gw=' } ) end # Call the reserve_proxmox_container script to release a VM and get its result as JSON. # Prerequisite: This is called within a with_sync_node session. # # Parameters:: # * *vm_id* (Integer): VM ID to release # * *node* (String): Node for which the VM has been reserved # * *environment* (String): Environment for which the VM has been reserved # * *config* (Hash): Configuration overriding defaults to store in the config file [default: {}] # * *max_retries* (Integer): Specify the max number of retries [default: 1] # Result:: # * Hash: JSON result of the call def call_release_proxmox_container(vm_id, node, environment, config: {}, max_retries: 1) call_reserve_proxmox_container_with( config: config, max_retries: max_retries, destroy: { vm_id: vm_id, node: node, environment: environment } ) end # Expect a list of Proxmox API calls to match a given list. # Handle Regexp in the expectation. # # Parameters:: # * *expected_proxmox_actions* (Array): Expected Proxmox actions def expect_proxmox_actions_to_be(expected_proxmox_actions) expect(@proxmox_actions.size).to eq(expected_proxmox_actions.size), <<~EO_ERROR_MESSAGE Expected #{expected_proxmox_actions.size} Proxmox actions, but got #{@proxmox_actions.size} instead: ----- Received: #{"\n")} ----- Expected: #{"\n")} EO_ERROR_MESSAGE do |proxmox_action, expected_proxmox_action| expect(proxmox_action.size).to eq expected_proxmox_action.size expect(proxmox_action[0..1]).to eq expected_proxmox_action[0..1] next if proxmox_action.size < 3 # The third argument is a Hash that might have Regexp in the expectation expect(proxmox_action[2].keys.sort).to eq expected_proxmox_action[2].keys.sort proxmox_action[2].each do |property, value| expected_value = expected_proxmox_action[2][property] if expected_value.is_a?(Regexp) expect(value).to match expected_value else expect(value).to eq expected_value end end end end end end end