# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ostruct' describe Rake::Funnel::Support::MSBuild::BuildTool do # rubocop:disable RSpec/FilePath context 'vswhere' do let(:vswhere_args) do %w(vswhere.exe -products * -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:require).with('win32/registry').and_raise(LoadError) allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with('mono', any_args).and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) end context 'not installed' do before do allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with(*vswhere_args).and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end end context 'installed' do before do allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with(*vswhere_args).and_return(vswhere_path) end context 'fails' do let(:vswhere_path) do [ 'vswhere crashed', OpenStruct.new(success?: false) ] end before do allow($stderr).to receive(:print) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end it 'warns about the crash' do described_class.find rescue nil # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier expect($stderr).to have_received(:print).with(/^vswhere failed:/) end end describe 'MSBuild executable' do let(:vswhere_path) do [ 'c:\path', OpenStruct.new(success?: true) ] end before do allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).with('c:/path/MSBuild/*/Bin/MSBuild.exe') .and_return(['c:/path/msbuild.exe']) end context 'exists' do before do allow(File).to receive(:file?).with('c:/path/msbuild.exe').and_return(true) end it 'finds msbuild.exe' do expect(described_class.find).to eq('c:/path/msbuild.exe') end end context 'does not exist' do before do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('c:/path/msbuild.exe').and_return(false) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end end end end end context 'Registry', skip: ('Windows Registry not available on this platform' unless defined?(::Win32::Registry)) do before do allow(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).to receive(:open).and_yield('MSBuildToolsPath' => 'path') end it 'searches the registry for known MSBuild versions' do described_class.find rescue nil # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier expect(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).to have_received(:open).at_least(:once) end context 'Registry key not found' do before do allow(::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).to receive(:open).and_raise(::Win32::Registry::Error.new(3)) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end end describe 'MSBuild executable' do context 'exists' do before do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('path/msbuild.exe').and_return(true) end it 'finds msbuild.exe' do expect(described_class.find).to eq('path/msbuild.exe') end end context 'does not exist' do before do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('path/msbuild.exe').and_return(false) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end end end end context 'mono' do before do allow(described_class).to receive(:require).with('win32/registry').and_raise(LoadError) allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with('vswhere.exe', any_args).and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) end context 'not installed' do before do allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with('mono', '--version').and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end end context 'installed' do before do allow(Open3).to receive(:capture2).with('mono', '--version').and_return(mono_version) end context 'fails' do let(:mono_version) do [ 'mono crashed', OpenStruct.new(success?: false) ] end before do allow($stderr).to receive(:print) end it 'finds nothing' do expect { described_class.find }.to raise_error('No compatible MSBuild build tool was found') end it 'warns about the crash' do described_class.find rescue nil # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier expect($stderr).to have_received(:print).with(/^Could not determine mono version:/) end end context 'mono < 5.0' do let(:mono_version) do [ 'Mono JIT compiler version 4.8.1 (mono-4.8.0-branch/22a39d7 Fri Apr 7 12:00:08 EDT 2017)', OpenStruct.new(success?: true) ] end it 'finds xbuild' do expect(described_class.find).to eq('xbuild') end end context 'mono >= 5.0' do let(:mono_version) do [ 'Mono JIT compiler version (2017-02/9667aa6 Fri May 5 09:12:57 EDT 2017)', OpenStruct.new(success?: true) ] end it 'finds msbuild' do expect(described_class.find).to eq('msbuild') end end end end end