# coding: utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2014 Enrico Rivarola # # This file is part of DcmDict gem (dcm_dict). # # DcmDict is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DcmDict is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DcmDict. If not, see . # # This software has neither been tested nor approved for clinical use # or for incorporation in a medical device. # It is the redistributor's or user's responsibility to comply with any # applicable local, state, national or international regulations. # require 'spec_helper' describe "String refinement (internal)" do using DcmDict::Refine::Internal::StringRefineInternal describe "should remove unwanted space characters" do [ ["FileSetDescriptorFileID ", "trailing spaces"], [" FileSetDescriptorFileID", "leading spaces"], [" FileSetDescriptorFileID ", "leading and trailing spaces"], ["File​Set​Descriptor​FileID", "zero width spaces"], [" File​Set​Descriptor​FileID ", "leading, trailing and zero width spaces"] ].each do |wrong_string, comment| it "for string containing #{comment}" do expect(wrong_string.dcm_unspace).to eq('FileSetDescriptorFileID') end end end describe "should convert keyword tag string to symbol object" do [ ['DarkCurrentCounts', :dark_current_counts], ['InstanceCreationDate', :instance_creation_date], ['RecognitionCode', :recognition_code], ['CoefficientsSDVN', :coefficients_sdvn], ['OffsetOfReferencedLowerLevelDirectoryEntity', :offset_of_referenced_lower_level_directory_entity], ['FileSetDescriptorFileID', :file_set_descriptor_file_id], ['SOPClassUID', :sop_class_uid], ['RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID', :related_general_sop_class_uid], ['ReferencedSOPClassUIDInFile', :referenced_sop_class_uid_in_file], ['MAUsedInGainCalibration', :ma_used_in_gain_calibration], ['OtherPatientIDsSequence', :other_patient_ids_sequence], ['RelativeXRayExposure', :relative_x_ray_exposure], ['DisplayedZValue', :displayed_z_value], ['PhysicalUnitsXDirection', :physical_units_x_direction], ['XRay3DFrameTypeSequence', :x_ray_3d_frame_type_sequence], ['SOPInstanceUIDOfConcatenationSource', :sop_instance_uid_of_concatenation_source], ['RowsForNthOrderCoefficients', :rows_for_nth_order_coefficients], ['EquivalentCDADocumentSequence', :equivalent_cda_document_sequence], ['ALineRate', :a_line_rate], ['ThreeDPointCoordinates', :three_d_point_coordinates], ['SourceImageIDs', :source_image_ids], ['ModifyingDeviceID', :modifying_device_id], ['TIDOffset', :tid_offset] ].each do |str, value| it "from #{str.inspect} to #{value.inspect}" do expect(str.tag_key_to_sym).to eq(value) end end end describe "should convert standard string tag" do [ ['(0014,3050)', '00143050', [0x0014,0x3050]], ['(0008,0012)', '00080012', [0x0008,0x0012]], ['(FFFE,E00D)', 'FFFEE00D', [0xfffe,0xe00d]] ].each do |str, value_str, value_ary| it "from #{str.inspect} to a numeric string tag as #{value_str.inspect}" do expect(str.to_tag_ndm).to eq(value_str) end it "from #{str.inspect} to an array object as #{value_ary.inspect}" do expect(str.to_tag_ary).to eq(value_ary) end end end { '(0010,0020)'=> [0x0010,0x0020], '00100020' => [0x0010,0x0020] }.each do |src, expected_val| it "should implement to_tag_ary metod" do expect(src.to_tag_ary).to eq(expected_val) end end { '(0010,0020)'=> '(0010,0020)', '00100020' => '(0010,0020)' }.each do |src, expected_val| it "should implement to_tag_str method" do expect(src.to_tag_str).to eq(expected_val) end end { '(0010,0020)'=> [0x0010,0x0020], '00100020' => [0x0010,0x0020] }.each do |src, expected_val| it "should implement tag_group_num and tag_element_num method" do expect(src.tag_group_num).to eq(expected_val[0]) expect(src.tag_element_num).to eq(expected_val[1]) end end { '(0010,0020)'=> ['0010','0020'], '00100020' => ['0010','0020'], '(FFFE,E000)'=> ['FFFE','E000'], }.each do |src, expected_val| it "should implement tag_group_str and tag_element_str method" do expect(src.tag_group_str).to eq(expected_val[0]) expect(src.tag_element_str).to eq(expected_val[1]) end end [ '(0010,00208)', 'abracadabra', Time.now.to_s, '(1ffff,123)', '(123,1fff0)' ].each do |src| it "should manage wrong value #{src.inspect}" do expect{src.to_tag_str}.to raise_error expect{src.to_tag_ndm}.to raise_error expect{src.to_tag_ary}.to raise_error end end { 'SOP Class' => :sop_class, 'Transfer Syntax' => :transfer_syntax, 'Well-known frame of reference' => :well_known_frame_of_reference, 'Well-known SOP Instance' => :well_known_sop_instance, 'DICOM UIDs as a Coding Scheme' => :dicom_uids_as_a_coding_scheme, 'Coding Scheme' => :coding_scheme, 'Query/Retrieve' => :query_retrieve, 'LDAP OID' => :ldap_oid }.each do |src, expected_val| it "should implement uid_type_to_sym method #{src.inspect} > #{expected_val.inspect}" do expect(src.uid_type_to_sym).to eq(expected_val) end end { '' => true, 'not uid string' => false, '' => true, '1.2.3456.789.' => true, '' => false, '1,2.3' => false, '' => false }.each do |string, expected_as_uid| it "should check for UID string #{string.inspect} -> #{expected_as_uid}" do expect(string.uid_value?).to eq(expected_as_uid) end end describe "should check for group-length tag" do { "00100020" => false, "(0010,0020)" => false, "00100000" => true, "(0010,0000)" => true, "00000002" => false, "(0000,0002)" => false, "00000000" => true, "(0000,0000)" => true }.each do |tag, value| it "for #{tag.inspect}" do expect(tag.group_length_tag?).to eq(value) end end end describe "should check for private-creator tag" do { '00100010' => false, '(0010,0010)' => false, '00110010' => true, '(0011,0010)' => true, '00110110' => false, '(0011,0110)' => false, '00282468' => false, '(0028,2468)' => false }.each do |tag, value| it "for #{tag.inspect}" do expect(tag.private_creator_tag?).to eq(value) end end end end