import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; /** @module @ember/object */ const END_WITH_EACH_REGEX = /\.@each$/; /** Expands `pattern`, invoking `callback` for each expansion. The only pattern supported is brace-expansion, anything else will be passed once to `callback` directly. Example ```js import { expandProperties } from '@ember/object/computed'; function echo(arg){ console.log(arg); } expandProperties('', echo); //=> '' expandProperties('{foo,bar}', echo); //=> 'foo', 'bar' expandProperties('foo.{bar,baz}', echo); //=> '', 'foo.baz' expandProperties('{foo,bar}.baz', echo); //=> 'foo.baz', 'bar.baz' expandProperties('foo.{bar,baz}.[]', echo) //=> '[]', 'foo.baz.[]' expandProperties('{foo,bar}.{spam,eggs}', echo) //=> 'foo.spam', 'foo.eggs', 'bar.spam', 'bar.eggs' expandProperties('{foo}.bar.{baz}') //=> '' ``` @method expandProperties @static @for @ember/object/computed @public @param {String} pattern The property pattern to expand. @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke. It is invoked once per expansion, and is passed the expansion. */ export default function expandProperties(pattern, callback) { assert(`A computed property key must be a string, you passed ${typeof pattern} ${pattern}`, typeof pattern === 'string'); assert('Brace expanded properties cannot contain spaces, e.g. "user.{firstName, lastName}" should be "user.{firstName,lastName}"', pattern.indexOf(' ') === -1); // regex to look for double open, double close, or unclosed braces assert(`Brace expanded properties have to be balanced and cannot be nested, pattern: ${pattern}`, pattern.match(/\{[^}{]*\{|\}[^}{]*\}|\{[^}]*$/g) === null); let start = pattern.indexOf('{'); if (start < 0) { callback(pattern.replace(END_WITH_EACH_REGEX, '.[]')); } else { dive('', pattern, start, callback); } } function dive(prefix, pattern, start, callback) { let end = pattern.indexOf('}'), i = 0, newStart, arrayLength; let tempArr = pattern.substring(start + 1, end).split(','); let after = pattern.substring(end + 1); prefix = prefix + pattern.substring(0, start); arrayLength = tempArr.length; while (i < arrayLength) { newStart = after.indexOf('{'); if (newStart < 0) { callback((prefix + tempArr[i++] + after).replace(END_WITH_EACH_REGEX, '.[]')); } else { dive(prefix + tempArr[i++], after, newStart, callback); } } }