module Lono::Template::Dsl::Builder::Helpers module CoreHelper extend Memoist def tags(list={}) casing = list.delete(:casing) || :camelize if list.empty? tag_list(@tags) if @tags # when list is empty, use @tags variable. If not set then return nil else tag_list(list, casing: casing) end end def tag_list(list, casing: :camelize) raise "tags list cannot be empty" if list == nil if list.is_a?(Array) hash = list.inject({}) do |h,i| i.symbolize_keys! h[i[:Key]] = i[:Value] h end return tag_list(hash) # recursive call tag_list to normalized the argument with a Hash end do |k,v| k = k.to_s k = case casing when :camelize k.camelize when :underscore k.underscore when :dasherize k.dasherize else # leave alone k end {Key: k, Value: v} end end def dimensions(hash, casing: :camelize) tag_list(hash, casing: casing).map { |h| h[:Name] = h.delete(:Key) || h.delete(:key) h } end def stack_name @options[:stack] end def content(path) render_file(Lono.config.content_path, path) end def user_data(path) render_file(Lono.config.user_data_path, path) end def user_data_script return "# @user_data variable not set" unless @user_data if File.exist?(@user_data) else message = "WARN: #{@user_data} not found" puts message.color(:yellow) "# #{message}" end end def render_file(folder, path) path = "#{folder}/#{path}" if File.exist?(path) render_path(path) else message = "WARNING: path #{path} not found" puts message.color(:yellow) puts "Called from:" puts caller[2] message end end memoize :render_file def render_path(path) RenderMePretty.result(path, context: self) end def s3_bucket end def file_s3_key(name, options={}) Lono::AppFile::Registry.register(name, @blueprint, options) "file://app/files/#{name}" # placeholder for post processing end alias_method :s3_key, :file_s3_key def setting end memoize :setting end end