module Protector module Adapters module ActiveRecord # Patches `ActiveRecord::Relation` module Relation extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Protector::DSL::Base alias_method_chain :exec_queries, :protector # AR 3.2 workaround. Come on, guys... SQL parsing :( unless method_defined?(:references_values) def references_values tables_in_string(to_sql) end end unless method_defined?(:includes!) def includes!(*args) self.includes_values += args self end end end # Gets {Protector::DSL::Meta::Box} of this relation def protector_meta # We don't seem to require columns here as well # @klass.protector_meta.evaluate(@klass, @protector_subject, @klass.column_names) @klass.protector_meta.evaluate(@klass, @protector_subject) end # @note Unscoped relation drops properties and therefore should be re-restricted def unscoped super.restrict!(@protector_subject) end # @note This is here cause `NullRelation` can return `nil` from `count` def count(*args) super || 0 end # @note This is here cause `NullRelation` can return `nil` from `sum` def sum(*args) super || 0 end # Merges current relation with restriction and calls real `calculate` def calculate(*args) return super unless @protector_subject merge(protector_meta.relation).unrestrict!.calculate *args end # Merges current relation with restriction and calls real `exists?` def exists?(*args) return super unless @protector_subject merge(protector_meta.relation).unrestrict!.exists? *args end # Patches current relation to fulfill restriction and call real `exec_queries` # # Patching includes: # # * turning `includes` (that are not referenced for eager loading) into `preload` # * delaying built-in preloading to the stage where selection is restricted # * merging current relation with restriction (of self and every eager association) def exec_queries_with_protector(*args) return @records if loaded? return exec_queries_without_protector unless @protector_subject subject = @protector_subject relation = merge(protector_meta.relation).unrestrict! relation = protector_substitute_includes(relation) # Preserve associations from internal loading. We are going to handle that # ourselves respecting security scopes FTW! associations, relation.preload_values = relation.preload_values, [] @records = relation.send(:exec_queries).each{|record| record.restrict!(subject)} # Now we have @records restricted properly so let's preload associations! associations.each do |association|, association).run end @loaded = true @records end # Swaps `includes` with `preload` whether it's not referenced or merges # security scope of proper class otherwise def protector_substitute_includes(relation) subject = @protector_subject if eager_loading? protector_expand_inclusion(includes_values + eager_load_values).each do |klass, path| relation = relation.merge(klass.protector_meta.evaluate(klass, subject).relation) end else relation.preload_values += includes_values relation.includes_values = [] end relation end # Indexes `includes` format by actual entity class # # Turns `{foo: :bar}` into `[[Foo, :foo], [Bar, {foo: :bar}]` # # @param [Symbol, Array, Hash] inclusion Inclusion description in the AR format # @param [Array] results Resulting set # @param [Array] base Association path ([:foo, :bar]) # @param [Class] klass Base class def protector_expand_inclusion(inclusion, results=[], base=[], klass=@klass) if inclusion.is_a?(Hash) protector_expand_inclusion_hash(inclusion, results, base, klass) else Array(inclusion).each do |i| if i.is_a?(Hash) protector_expand_inclusion_hash(i, results, base, klass) else results << [ klass.reflect_on_association(i.to_sym).klass, i.to_sym ] end end end results end private def protector_expand_inclusion_hash(inclusion, results=[], base=[], klass=@klass) inclusion.each do |key, value| model = klass.reflect_on_association(key.to_sym).klass value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) nest = [key]+base value.each do |v| if v.is_a?(Hash) protector_expand_inclusion_hash(v, results, nest) else results << [ model.reflect_on_association(v.to_sym).klass, nest.inject(v){|a, n| { n => a } } ] end end results << [model, base.inject(key){|a, n| { n => a } }] end end end end end end