require 'rubygems' unless RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' require 'strscan' require 'set' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) #$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vendor')) # Public: Methods for parsing Asciidoc input files and rendering documents # using eRuby templates. # # Asciidoc documents comprise a header followed by zero or more sections. # Sections are composed of blocks of content. For example: # # Doc Title # ========= # # SECTION 1 # --------- # # This is a paragraph block in the first section. # # SECTION 2 # # This section has a paragraph block and an olist block. # # 1. Item 1 # 2. Item 2 # # Examples: # # Use built-in templates: # # lines = File.readlines("your_file.asc") # doc = # html = doc.render #"your_file.html", "w+") do |file| # file.puts html # end # # Use custom (Tilt-supported) templates: # # lines = File.readlines("your_file.asc") # doc =, :template_dir => 'templates') # html = doc.render #"your_file.html", "w+") do |file| # file.puts html # end module Asciidoctor module SafeMode # A safe mode level that disables any of the security features enforced # by Asciidoctor (Ruby is still subject to its own restrictions). UNSAFE = 0; # A safe mode level that closely parallels safe mode in AsciiDoc. This value # prevents access to files which reside outside of the parent directory of # the source file and disables any macro other than the include::[] macro. SAFE = 1; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from setting attributes # that would affect the rendering of the document, in addition to all the # security features of SafeMode::SAFE. For instance, this level disallows # changing the backend or the source-highlighter using an attribute defined # in the source document. This is the most fundamental level of security # for server-side deployments (hence the name). SERVER = 10; # A safe mode level that disallows the document from attempting to read # files from the file system and including the contents of them into the # document, in additional to all the security features of SafeMode::SERVER. # For instance, this level disallows use of the include::[] macro and the # embedding of binary content (data uri), stylesheets and JavaScripts # referenced by the document.(Asciidoctor and trusted extensions may still # be allowed to embed trusted content into the document). # # Since Asciidoctor is aiming for wide adoption, this level is the default # and is recommended for server-side deployments. SECURE = 20; # A planned safe mode level that disallows the use of passthrough macros and # prevents the document from setting any known attributes, in addition to all # the security features of SafeMode::SECURE. # # Please note that this level is not currently implemented (and therefore not # enforced)! #PARANOID = 100; end # The root path of the Asciidoctor gem ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) # The default document type # Can influence markup generated by render templates DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = 'article' # The backend determines the format of the rendered output, default to html5 DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'html5' DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_PATH = File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'stylesheets', 'asciidoctor.css') DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS = ['', 'DEFAULT'].to_set DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME = File.basename(DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_PATH) # Pointers to the preferred version for a given backend. BACKEND_ALIASES = { 'html' => 'html5', 'docbook' => 'docbook45' } # Default page widths for calculating absolute widths DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTHS = { 'docbook' => 425 } # Default extensions for the respective base backends DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = { 'html' => '.html', 'docbook' => '.xml', 'asciidoc' => '.ad', 'markdown' => '.md' } SECTION_LEVELS = { '=' => 0, '-' => 1, '~' => 2, '^' => 3, '+' => 4 } ADMONITION_STYLES = ['NOTE', 'TIP', 'IMPORTANT', 'WARNING', 'CAUTION'].to_set # NOTE: AsciiDoc doesn't support pass style for paragraph PARAGRAPH_STYLES = ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'normal', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse'].to_set VERBATIM_STYLES = ['literal', 'listing', 'source', 'verse'].to_set DELIMITED_BLOCKS = { # NOTE: AsciiDoc doesn't support pass style for open block '--' => [:open, ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'admonition'].to_set], '----' => [:listing, ['literal', 'source'].to_set], '....' => [:literal, ['listing', 'source'].to_set], '====' => [:example, ['admonition'].to_set], '****' => [:sidebar,], '____' => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set], '++++' => [:pass,], '|===' => [:table,], '!===' => [:table,], '////' => [:comment,], '```' => [:fenced_code,], '~~~' => [:fenced_code,] } BREAK_LINES = { %q{'''} => :ruler, '<<<' => :page_break } LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist, :colist] NESTABLE_LIST_CONTEXTS = [:ulist, :olist, :dlist] ORDERED_LIST_STYLES = [:arabic, :loweralpha, :lowerroman, :upperalpha, :upperroman] ORDERED_LIST_MARKER_PATTERNS = { :arabic => /\d+[.>]/, :loweralpha => /[a-z]\./, :upperalpha => /[A-Z]\./, :lowerroman => /[ivx]+\)/, :upperroman => /[IVX]+\)/ } LIST_CONTINUATION = '+' LINE_BREAK = ' +' # NOTE allows for empty space in line as it could be left by the template engine BLANK_LINES_PATTERN = /^\s*\n/ LINE_FEED_ENTITY = ' ' # or # Flags to control compliance with the behavior of AsciiDoc COMPLIANCE = { # AsciiDoc terminates paragraphs adjacent to # block content (delimiter or block attribute list) # Compliance value: true # TODO what about literal paragraph? :block_terminates_paragraph => true, # AsciiDoc does not treat paragraphs labeled with a # verbatim style (literal, listing, source, verse) # as verbatim; override this behavior # Compliance value: false :strict_verbatim_paragraphs => true, # AsciiDoc allows start and end delimiters around # a block to be different lengths # this option requires that they be the same # Compliance value: false :congruent_block_delimiters => true } # The following pattern, which appears frequently, captures the contents between square brackets, # ignoring escaped closing brackets (closing brackets prefixed with a backslash '\' character) # # Pattern: # (?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]) # Matches: # [enclosed text here] or [enclosed [text\] here] REGEXP = { # NOTE: this is a inline admonition note :admonition_inline => /^(#{ADMONITION_STYLES.to_a * '|'}):\s/, # [[Foo]] :anchor => /^\[\[([^\s\[\]]+)\]\]$/, # Foowhatevs [[Bar]] :anchor_embedded => /^(.*?)\s*\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]$/, # [[ref]] (anywhere inline) :anchor_macro => /\\?\[\[([\w":].*?)\]\]/, # matches any block delimiter: # open, listing, example, literal, comment, quote, sidebar, passthrough, table # NOTE position the most common blocks towards the front of the pattern :any_blk => %r{^(?:--|(?:-|\.|=|\*|_|\+|/){4,}|[\|!]={3,}|(?:`|~){3,}.*)$}, # detect a list item of any sort # [[:graph:]] is a non-blank character :any_list => /^(?: [[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]| [[:blank:]]*(?:(?:-|\*|\.){1,5}|\d+\.|[A-Za-z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))[[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]| [[:blank:]]*.*?(?::{2,4}|;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]|$) )/x, # :foo: bar # :Author: Dan # :numbered!: :attr_entry => /^:(\w.*?):(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/, # {name?value} :attr_conditional => /^\s*\{([^\?]+)\?\s*([^\}]+)\s*\}/, # + Attribute values treat lines ending with ' +' as a continuation, # not a line-break as elsewhere in the document, where this is # a forced line break. This should be the same regexp as :line_break, # below, but it gets its own entry because readability ftw, even # though repeating regexps ftl. :attr_continue => /^[[:blank:]]*(.*)[[:blank:]]\+[[:blank:]]*$/, # :foo!: :attr_delete => /^:([^:]+)!:$/, # An attribute list above a block element # # Can be strictly positional: # [quote, Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations] # Or can have name/value pairs # [NOTE, caption="Good to know"] # Can be defined by an attribute # [{lead}] :blk_attr_list => /^\[(|[[:blank:]]*[\w\{,"'].*)\]$/, # block attribute list or block id (bulk query) :attr_line => /^\[(|[[:blank:]]*[\w\{,"'].*|\[[^\[\]]*\])\]$/, # attribute reference # {foo} # {counter:pcount:1} :attr_ref => /(\\?)\{(\w+(?:[\-:]\w+)*)(\\?)\}/, # The author info line the appears immediately following the document title # John Doe :author_info => /^(\w[\w\-'.]*)(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +<([^>]+)>)?$/, # [[[Foo]]] (anywhere inline) :biblio_macro => /\\?\[\[\[([\w:][\w:.-]*?)\]\]\]/, # callout reference inside literal text # <1> # special characters will already be replaced, hence their use in the regex :callout_render => /\\?<(\d+)>/, # ...but not while scanning :callout_scan => /\\?<(\d+)>/, # <1> Foo :colist => /^[[:blank:]]+(.*)/, # //// # comment block # //// :comment_blk => %r{^/{4,}$}, # // (and then whatever) :comment => %r{^//(?:[^/]|$)}, # one,two # one, two # one , two :csv_delimiter => /[[:blank:]]*,[[:blank:]]*/, # one;two # one; two # one ; two :semicolon_delim => /[[:blank:]]*;[[:blank:]]*/, # one,two;three;four :scsv_csv_delim => /[[:blank:]]*[,;][[:blank:]]*/, # 29 :digits => /^\d+$/, # foo:: || foo::: || foo:::: || foo;; # Should be followed by a definition, on the same line... # foo:: That which precedes 'bar' (see also, <>) # ...or on a separate line # foo:: # That which precedes 'bar' (see also, <>) # The term may be an attribute reference # {term_foo}:: {def_foo} # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex :dlist => /^[[:blank:]]*(.*?)(:{2,4}|;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/, :dlist_siblings => { # (?:.*?[^:])? - a non-capturing group which grabs longest sequence of characters that doesn't end w/ colon '::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/, ':::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(:::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/, '::::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(::::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/, ';;' => /^[[:blank:]]*(.*)(;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/ }, # ==== #:example => /^={4,}$/, # footnote:[text] # footnoteref:[id,text] # footnoteref:[id] :footnote_macro => /\\?(footnote|footnoteref):\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/, # image::filename.png[Caption] # video::[Cats vs Dogs] :media_blk_macro => /^(image|video|audio)::(\S+?)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]$/, # image:filename.png[Alt Text] # image:filename.png[More [Alt\] Text] (alt text becomes "More [Alt] Text") :image_macro => /\\?image:([^:\[]+)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/, # indexterm:[Tigers,Big cats] # (((Tigers,Big cats))) :indexterm_macro => /\\?(?:indexterm:(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])|\(\(\((.*?)\)\)\)(?!\)))/m, # indexterm2:[Tigers] # ((Tigers)) :indexterm2_macro => /\\?(?:indexterm2:(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])|\(\((.*?)\)\)(?!\)))/m, # whitespace at the beginning of the line :leading_blanks => /^([[:blank:]]*)/, # leading parent directory references in path :leading_parent_dirs => /^(?:\.\.\/)*/, # + From the Asciidoc User Guide: "A plus character preceded by at # least one space character at the end of a non-blank line forces # a line break. It generates a line break (br) tag for HTML outputs. # # + (would not match because there's no space before +) # + (would match and capture '') # Foo + (would and capture 'Foo') :line_break => /^(.*)[[:blank:]]\+$/, # inline link and some inline link macro # FIXME revisit! :link_inline => %r{(^|link:|\s|>|<|[\(\)\[\]])(\\?(?:https?|ftp)://[^\s\[<]*[^\s.,\[<])(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])?}, # inline link macro # link:path[label] :link_macro => /\\?(?:link|mailto):([^\s\[]+)(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])/, # inline email address # :email_inline => /[\\>:]?\w[\w.%+-]*@[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:].-]*\.[[:alpha:]]{2,4}\b/, # ---- #:listing => /^\-{4,}$/, # .... #:literal => /^\.{4,}$/, # Foo or one-or-more-spaces-or-tabs then whatever :lit_par => /^([[:blank:]]+.*)$/, # -- #:open_blk => /^\-\-$/, # . Foo (up to 5 consecutive dots) # 1. Foo (arabic, default) # a. Foo (loweralpha) # A. Foo (upperalpha) # i. Foo (lowerroman) # I. Foo (upperroman) # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex :olist => /^[[:blank:]]*(\.{1,5}|\d+\.|[A-Za-z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))[[:blank:]]+(.*)$/, # ''' (ruler) # <<< (pagebreak) :break_line => /^('|<){3,}$/, # ++++ #:pass => /^\+{4,}$/, # inline passthrough macros # +++text+++ # $$text$$ # pass:quotes[text] :pass_macro => /\\?(?:(\+{3}|\${2})(.*?)\1|pass:([a-z,]*)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])/m, # passthrough macro allowed in value of attribute assignment # pass:[text] :pass_macro_basic => /^pass:([a-z,]*)\[(.*)\]$/, # inline literal passthrough macro # `text` :pass_lit => /(^|[^`\w])(\\?`([^`\s]|[^`\s].*?\S)`)(?![`\w])/m, # placeholder for extracted passthrough text :pass_placeholder => /\x0(\d+)\x0/, # ____ #:quote => /^_{4,}$/, # The document revision info line the appears immediately following the # document title author info line, if present # v1.0, 2013-01-01: Ring in the new year release :revision_info => /^(?:\D*(.*?),)?(?:\s*(?!:)(.*?))(?:\s*(?!^):\s*(.*))?$/, # ''' #:ruler => /^'{3,}$/, # **** #:sidebar_blk => /^\*{4,}$/, # \' within a word :single_quote_esc => /(\w)\\'(\w)/, # an alternative if our backend generated single-quoted html/xml attributes #:single_quote_esc => /(\w|=)\\'(\w)/, # used for sanitizing attribute names :illegal_attr_name_chars => /[^\w\-]/, # |=== # |table # |=== #:table => /^\|={3,}$/, # !=== # !table # !=== #:table_nested => /^!={3,}$/, # 1*h,2*,^3e :table_colspec => /^(?:(\d+)\*)?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?(\d+)?([a-z])?$/, # 2.3+<.>m # TODO might want to use step-wise scan rather than this mega-regexp :table_cellspec => { :start => /^[[:blank:]]*(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?\|/, :end => /[[:blank:]]+(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?$/ }, # .Foo but not . Foo or ..Foo :blk_title => /^\.([^\s.].*)$/, # matches double quoted text, capturing quote char and text (single-line) :dbl_quoted => /^("|)(.*)\1$/, # matches double quoted text, capturing quote char and text (multi-line) :m_dbl_quoted => /^("|)(.*)\1$/m, # == Foo # ^ yields a level 2 title # # == Foo == # ^ also yields a level 2 title # # both equivalent to this two-line version: # Foo # ~~~ # # match[1] is the delimiter, whose length determines the level # match[2] is the title itself # match[3] is an inline anchor, which becomes the section id :section_title => /^(={1,5})\s+(\S.*?)(?:\s*\[\[([^\[]+)\]\])?(?:\s+\1)?$/, # does not begin with a dot and has at least one alphanumeric character :section_name => /^((?=.*\w+.*)[^.].*?)$/, # ====== || ------ || ~~~~~~ || ^^^^^^ || ++++++ # TODO build from SECTION_LEVELS keys :section_underline => /^(?:=|-|~|\^|\+)+$/, # toc::[] # toc::[levels=2] :toc => /^toc::\[(.*?)\]$/, # * Foo (up to 5 consecutive asterisks) # - Foo # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex :ulist => /^[[:blank:]]*(-|\*{1,5})[[:blank:]]+(.*)$/, # inline xref macro # <> (special characters have already been escaped, hence the entity references) # xref:id[reftext] :xref_macro => /\\?(?:<<([\w":].*?)>>|xref:([\w":].*?)\[(.*?)\])/m, # ifdef::basebackend-html[] # ifndef::theme[] # ifeval::["{asciidoctor-version}" >= "0.1.0"] # ifdef::asciidoctor[Asciidoctor!] # endif::theme[] # endif::basebackend-html[] # endif::[] :ifdef_macro => /^[\\]?(ifdef|ifndef|ifeval|endif)::(\S*?(?:([,\+])\S+?)?)\[(.+)?\]$/, # "{asciidoctor-version}" >= "0.1.0" :eval_expr => /^(\S.*?)[[:blank:]]*(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>)[[:blank:]]*(\S.*)$/, # ...or if we want to be more strict up front about what's on each side #:eval_expr => /^(true|false|("|'|)\{\w+(?:\-\w+)*\}\2|("|')[^\3]*\3|\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)*)[[:blank:]]*(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>)[[:blank:]]*(true|false|("|'|)\{\w+(?:\-\w+)*\}\6|("|')[^\7]*\7|\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)*)$/, #[] # include::example.txt[lines=1;2;5..10] :include_macro => /^\\?include::([^\[]+)\[(.*?)\]$/, # http://domain # https://domain # data:info :uri_sniff => /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].+-]*:/i, :uri_encode_chars => /[^\w\-.!~*';:@=+$,()\[\]]/ } INTRINSICS ={|h,k| STDERR.puts "Missing intrinsic: #{k.inspect}"; "{#{k}}"}.merge( { 'startsb' => '[', 'endsb' => ']', 'brvbar' => '|', 'caret' => '^', 'asterisk' => '*', 'tilde' => '~', 'plus' => '+', 'apostrophe' => '\'', 'backslash' => '\\', 'backtick' => '`', 'empty' => '', 'sp' => ' ', 'space' => ' ', 'two-colons' => '::', 'two-semicolons' => ';;', 'nbsp' => ' ', 'deg' => '°', 'zwsp' => '​', 'quot' => '"', 'apos' => ''', 'lsquo' => '‘', 'rsquo' => '’', 'ldquo' => '“', 'rdquo' => '”', 'wj' => '⁠', 'amp' => '&', 'lt' => '<', 'gt' => '>' } ) SPECIAL_CHARS = { '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '&' => '&' } SPECIAL_CHARS_PATTERN = /[#{SPECIAL_CHARS.keys.join}]/ #SPECIAL_CHARS_PATTERN = /(?:<|>|&(?![[:alpha:]]{2,};|#[[:digit:]]{2,}+;|#x[[:alnum:]]{2,}+;))/ # unconstrained quotes:: can appear anywhere # constrained quotes:: must be bordered by non-word characters # NOTE these substituions are processed in the order they appear here and # the order in which they are replaced is important QUOTE_SUBS = [ # **strong** [:strong, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\*\*(.+?)\*\*/m], # *strong* [:strong, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\*(\S|\S.*?\S)\*(?=\W|$)/m], # ``double-quoted'' [:double, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?``(\S|\S.*?\S)''(?=\W|$)/m], # 'emphasis' [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?'(\S|\S.*?\S)'(?=\W|$)/m], # `single-quoted' [:single, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?`(\S|\S.*?\S)'(?=\W|$)/m], # ++monospaced++ [:monospaced, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\+\+(.+?)\+\+/m], # +monospaced+ [:monospaced, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\+(\S|\S.*?\S)\+(?=\W|$)/m], # __emphasis__ [:emphasis, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\_\_(.+?)\_\_/m], # _emphasis_ [:emphasis, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?_(\S|\S.*?\S)_(?=\W|$)/m], # ##unquoted## [:none, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?##(.+?)##/m], # #unquoted# [:none, :constrained, /(^|[^\w;:}])(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?#(\S|\S.*?\S)#(?=\W|$)/m], # ^superscript^ [:superscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\^(.+?)\^/m], # ~subscript~ [:subscript, :unconstrained, /\\?(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\~(.+?)\~/m] ] # NOTE in Ruby 1.8.7, [^\\] does not match start of line, # so we need to match it explicitly # order is significant REPLACEMENTS = [ # (C) [/\\?\(C\)/, '©', :none], # (R) [/\\?\(R\)/, '®', :none], # (TM) [/\\?\(TM\)/, '™', :none], # foo -- bar [/(^|\n| |\\)--( |\n|$)/, ' — ', :none], # foo--bar [/(\w)\\?--(?=\w)/, '—', :leading], # ellipsis [/\\?\.\.\./, '…', :leading], # single quotes [/(\w)\\?'(\w)/, '’', :bounding], # right arrow -> [/\\?->/, '→', :none], # right double arrow => [/\\?=>/, '⇒', :none], # left arrow <- [/\\?<-/, '←', :none], # right left arrow <= [/\\?<=/, '⇐', :none], # restore entities [/\\?(&)amp;((?:[[:alpha:]]+|#[[:digit:]]+|#x[[:alnum:]]+);)/, '', :bounding] ] # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into an Asciidoctor::Document # # Accepts input as an IO (or StringIO), String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in attributes on the # Document object. # # input - the AsciiDoc source as a IO, String or Array. # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details # block - a callback block for handling include::[] directives # # returns the Asciidoctor::Document def self.load(input, options = {}, &block) if (monitor = options.fetch(:monitor, false)) start = end lines = nil if input.is_a?(File) options[:attributes] ||= {} attrs = options[:attributes] lines = input.readlines input_mtime = input.mtime input_path = File.expand_path(input.path) # hold off on setting infile and indir until we get a better sense of their purpose attrs['docfile'] = input_path attrs['docdir'] = File.dirname(input_path) attrs['docname'] = File.basename(input_path, File.extname(input_path)) attrs['docdate'] = input_mtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') attrs['doctime'] = input_mtime.strftime('%H:%M:%S %Z') attrs['docdatetime'] = [attrs['docdate'], attrs['doctime']] * ' ' elsif input.respond_to?(:readlines) input.rewind rescue nil lines = input.readlines elsif input.is_a?(String) lines = input.lines.entries elsif input.is_a?(Array) lines = input.dup else raise "Unsupported input type: #{input.class}" end if monitor read_time = - start start = end doc =, options, &block) if monitor parse_time = - start monitor[:read] = read_time monitor[:parse] = parse_time monitor[:load] = read_time + parse_time end doc end # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document # # Accepts input as an IO, String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in # attributes on the Document. # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details # block - a callback block for handling include::[] directives # # returns the Asciidoctor::Document def self.load_file(filename, options = {}, &block) Asciidoctor.load(, options, &block) end # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into an Asciidoctor::Document and render it # to the specified backend format # # Accepts input as an IO, String or String Array object. If the # input is a File, information about the file is stored in # attributes on the Document. # # If the :in_place option is true, and the input is a File, the output is # written to a file adjacent to the input file, having an extension that # corresponds to the backend format. Otherwise, if the :to_file option is # specified, the file is written to that file. If :to_file is not an absolute # path, it is resolved relative to :to_dir, if given, otherwise the # Document#base_dir. If the target directory does not exist, it will not be # created unless the :mkdirs option is set to true. If the file cannot be # written because the target directory does not exist, or because it falls # outside of the Document#base_dir in safe mode, an IOError is raised. # # If the output is going to be written to a file, the header and footer are # rendered unless specified otherwise (writing to a file implies creating a # standalone document). Otherwise, the header and footer are not rendered by # default and the rendered output is returned. # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details # block - a callback block for handling include::[] directives # # returns the Document object if the rendered result String is written to a # file, otherwise the rendered result String def self.render(input, options = {}, &block) in_place = options.delete(:in_place) || false to_file = options.delete(:to_file) to_dir = options.delete(:to_dir) mkdirs = options.delete(:mkdirs) || false monitor = options.fetch(:monitor, false) write_in_place = in_place && input.is_a?(File) write_to_target = to_file || to_dir stream_output = !to_file.nil? && to_file.respond_to?(:write) if write_in_place && write_to_target raise ArgumentError, 'the option :in_place cannot be used with either the :to_dir or :to_file option' end if !options.has_key?(:header_footer) && (write_in_place || write_to_target) options[:header_footer] = true end doc = Asciidoctor.load(input, options, &block) if to_file == '/dev/null' return doc elsif write_in_place to_file = File.join(File.dirname(input.path), "#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}") elsif !stream_output && write_to_target working_dir = options.has_key?(:base_dir) ? File.expand_path(opts[:base_dir]) : File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) # QUESTION should the jail be the working_dir or doc.base_dir??? jail = >= SafeMode::SAFE ? working_dir : nil if to_dir to_dir = doc.normalize_system_path(to_dir, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) if to_file to_file = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, to_dir, nil, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) # reestablish to_dir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments) to_dir = File.dirname(to_file) else to_file = File.join(to_dir, "#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}") end elsif to_file to_file = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false) # establish to_dir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments) to_dir = File.dirname(to_file) end if ! to_dir if mkdirs Helpers.require_library 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p to_dir else raise IOError, "target directory does not exist: #{to_dir}" end end end start = if monitor output = doc.render if monitor render_time = - start monitor[:render] = render_time monitor[:load_render] = monitor[:load] + render_time end if to_file start = if monitor if stream_output to_file.write output.rstrip # ensure there's a trailing endline to_file.write "\n" else, 'w') {|file| file.write output } # these assignments primarily for testing, diagnostics or reporting doc.attributes['outfile'] = outfile = File.expand_path(to_file) doc.attributes['outdir'] = File.dirname(outfile) end if monitor write_time = - start monitor[:write] = write_time monitor[:total] = monitor[:load_render] + write_time end # NOTE document cannot control this behavior if safe >= SafeMode::SERVER if !stream_output && doc.attr?('copycss') && doc.attr?('linkcss') && DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS.include?(doc.attr('stylesheet')) Helpers.require_library 'fileutils' outdir = doc.attr('outdir') stylesdir = doc.normalize_system_path(doc.attr('stylesdir'), outdir, >= SafeMode::SAFE ? outdir : nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p stylesdir FileUtils.cp DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_PATH, stylesdir, :preserve => true end doc else output end end # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document # and render it to the specified backend format # # input - the String AsciiDoc source filename # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {}) # see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details # block - a callback block for handling include::[] directives # # returns the Document object if the rendered result String is written to a # file, otherwise the rendered result String def self.render_file(filename, options = {}, &block) Asciidoctor.render(, options, &block) end # NOTE still contemplating this method #def self.parse_document_header(input, options = {}) # document = [], options # reader = input, document, true # Lexer.parse_document_header reader, document # document #end # modules require 'asciidoctor/debug' require 'asciidoctor/substituters' require 'asciidoctor/helpers' # abstract classes require 'asciidoctor/abstract_node' require 'asciidoctor/abstract_block' # concrete classes require 'asciidoctor/attribute_list' require 'asciidoctor/backends/base_template' require 'asciidoctor/block' require 'asciidoctor/callouts' require 'asciidoctor/document' require 'asciidoctor/inline' require 'asciidoctor/lexer' require 'asciidoctor/list_item' require 'asciidoctor/path_resolver' require 'asciidoctor/reader' require 'asciidoctor/renderer' require 'asciidoctor/section' require 'asciidoctor/table' # info require 'asciidoctor/version' end