require 'sinatra' require 'deltacloud' require 'drivers' require 'json' require 'sinatra/respond_to' require 'sinatra/static_assets' require 'sinatra/rabbit' require 'sinatra/lazy_auth' require 'erb' require 'haml' require 'open3' configure do set :raise_errors => false set :show_exceptions, false end configure :development do # So we can just use puts for logging $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true end # You could use $API_HOST environment variable to change your hostname to # whatever you want (eg. if you running API behind NAT) HOSTNAME=ENV['API_HOST'] ? ENV['API_HOST'] : nil error Deltacloud::Validation::Failure do report_error(400, "validation_failure") end error Deltacloud::AuthException do report_error(403, "auth_exception") end error Deltacloud::BackendError do report_error(500, "backend_error") end # Redirect to /api get '/' do redirect url_for('/api'); end get '/api\/?' do @version = 0.1 respond_to do |format| format.xml { haml :"api/show" } format.json do { :api => { :version => @version, :driver => DRIVER, :links => entry_points.collect { |l| { :rel => l[0], :href => l[1]} } } }.to_json end format.html { haml :"api/show" } end end # Rabbit DSL collection :realms do description < false } format.json do out = [] @machine.states.each do |state| transitions = state.transitions.collect do |t| t.automatically? ? {:to => t.destination, :auto => 'true'} : {:to => t.destination, :action => t.action} end out << { :name => state, :transitions => transitions } end out.to_json end format.html { haml :'instance_states/show'} format.gv { erb :"instance_states/show" } format.png do # Trick respond_to into looking up the right template for the # graphviz file format(:gv); gv = erb :"instance_states/show"; format(:png) png = '' cmd = 'dot -Kdot -Gpad="0.2,0.2" -Gsize="5.0,8.0" -Gdpi="180" -Tpng' Open3.popen3( cmd ) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.write( gv ) stdin.close() png = end png end end end end end get "/api/instances/new" do @instance = { :id=>params[:id], :image_id=>params[:image_id] } ) @image = driver.image( credentials, :id => params[:image_id] ) @hardware_profiles = driver.hardware_profiles(credentials, :architecture => @image.architecture ) @realms = driver.realms(credentials) respond_to do |format| format.html { haml :"instances/new" } end end collection :instances do description < params[:image_id]) instance = driver.create_instance(credentials,, params) respond_to do |format| format.xml do response.status = 201 # Created response['Location'] = instance_url( @instance = instance haml :"instances/show" end format.html do redirect instance_url( if instance and redirect instances_url end end end end operation :reboot, :method => :post, :member => true do description "Reboot running instance" param :id, :string, :required control { instance_action(:reboot) } end operation :start, :method => :post, :member => true do description "Start an instance" param :id, :string, :required control { instance_action(:start) } end operation :stop, :method => :post, :member => true do description "Stop running instance" param :id, :string, :required control { instance_action(:stop) } end operation :destroy do description "Destroy instance" param :id, :string, :required control { instance_action(:destroy) } end end collection :hardware_profiles do description < false } format.html { haml :'hardware_profiles/show' } format.json { convert_to_json(:hardware_profile, @profile) } end else report_error(404, 'not_found') end end end end collection :storage_snapshots do description "Storage snapshots description here" operation :index do description "Listing of storage snapshots" param :id, :string control { filter_all(:storage_snapshots) } end operation :show do description "Show storage snapshot" param :id, :string, :required control { show(:storage_snapshot) } end end collection :storage_volumes do description "Storage volumes description here" operation :index do description "Listing of storage volumes" param :id, :string control { filter_all(:storage_volumes) } end operation :show do description "Show storage volume" param :id, :string, :required control { show(:storage_volume) } end end