require 'hashie/mash' module RSqoot module Helper # Add auto-cache helper methods, instances to save the latest query # def self.included(base) [ 'deals', 'deal', 'categories', 'providers', 'merchant', 'commissions', 'clicks' ].each do |name| attr_reader ('rsqoot_' + name).to_sym attr_accessor (name + '_options').to_sym base.send :define_method, (name + '_not_latest?').to_sym do |opt| result = method(name + '_options').call == opt ? false : true method(name + '_options=').call opt if result result end end # Add categories and providers query helpers # Search categories and providers will be very easy # Such as: query_categories('home&_visiter,friends') # => search records like: home, visiter, friends # [ 'categories', 'providers' ].each do |name| base.send :define_method, ('query_' + name).to_sym do |q| queries = q.downcase.scan(/[A-Za-z]+|\d+/) if queries.present? do |q| instance_variable_get('@rsqoot_' + name).dup.keep_if do |c| c.slug =~ end end.flatten.compact.uniq end end base.class_eval { private ('query_' + name).to_sym } end # Add Wrappers: Deal, Category, Commission, Merchant, Provider, Click # All records should return as RSqoot::Sqoot* object # [ 'SqootDeal', 'SqootCategory', 'SqootCommission', 'SqootMerchant', 'SqootProvider', 'SqootClick'].each do |class_name| new_class = RSqoot.const_set class_name, new_class end end # Add expired time functionality to this gem # By default is 1.hour, and can be replaced anywhere # def update_by_expire_time(options = {}) @expired_in = options[:expired_in] if options[:expired_in].present? time = / expired_in.to_i options.merge({expired_in: time}) end end end