The TaskJuggler User Manual

Project Management beyond Gantt Chart Drawing

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Keyword journalentry


This attribute adds an entry to the journal of the project. A journal can be used to record events, decisions or news that happened at a particular moment during the project. Depending on the context, a journal entry may or may not be associated with a specific property or author.

A journal entry can consists of up to three parts. The headline is mandatory and should be only 5 to 10 words long. The introduction is optional and should be only one or two sentences long. All other details should be put into the third part.

Depending on the context, journal entries are listed with headlines only, as headlines plus introduction or in full.

Syntax journalentry <date> <headline> [{ <attributes> }]
Arguments date
See date for details.
headline [STRING]
The headline of the journal entry. It will be interpreted as Rich Text.
Context project, resource, supplement (resource), task, supplement (task)

Attributes alert, author, details, flags (journalentry), summary

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Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Chris Schlaeger <>.TaskJuggler is a trademark of Chris Schlaeger.