module Wordmove module CLI module PullPushShared extend ActiveSupport::Concern WORDPRESS_OPTIONS = %i[wordpress uploads themes plugins mu_plugins languages db].freeze included do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength option :wordpress, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[w] option :uploads, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[u] option :themes, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[t] option :plugins, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[p] option :mu_plugins, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[m] option :languages, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[l] option :db, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[d] option :simulate, type: :boolean option :environment, aliases: %w[e] option :config, aliases: %w[c] option :no_adapt, type: :boolean option :all, type: :boolean # option :verbose, type: :boolean, aliases: %w[v] option :debug, type: :boolean private def ensure_wordpress_options_presence!(cli_options) return if ( cli_options.deep_symbolize_keys.keys & (Wordmove::CLI::PullPushShared::WORDPRESS_OPTIONS + [:all]) ).present? puts 'No options given. See wordmove --help' exit 1 end def initial_context(cli_options) cli_options.deep_symbolize_keys! movefile = [cli_options, movefile] end def movefile_from(**cli_options) ensure_wordpress_options_presence!(cli_options) rescue MovefileNotFound => e$stdout).error(e.message) exit 1 end def call_organizer_with(klass:, movefile:, **cli_options) result = cli_options, movefile: movefile) exit 0 if result.success?$stdout).error(result.message) exit 1 end end end module Commands extend Dry::CLI::Registry class Version < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Print the version' def call(*) puts Wordmove::VERSION end end class Init < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Generates a brand new movefile.yml' def call(*) Wordmove::Generators::Movefile.generate end end class Doctor < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Do some local configuration and environment checks' def call(*) Wordmove::Doctor.start end end class List < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'List all environments and vhosts' option :config, aliases: %w[c] def call(**cli_options) Wordmove::EnvironmentsList.print(cli_options) rescue Wordmove::MovefileNotFound => e$stdout).error(e.message) exit 1 rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e$stdout) .error("Your movefile is not parsable due to a syntax error: #{e.message}") exit 1 end end class Pull < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Pulls WP data from remote host to the local machine' include Wordmove::CLI::PullPushShared def call(**cli_options) call_pull_organizer_with(**cli_options) end private def call_pull_organizer_with(**cli_options) movefile = movefile_from(**cli_options) if movefile.options.dig(movefile.environment, :ssh) call_organizer_with( klass: Wordmove::Organizers::Ssh::Pull, movefile: movefile, **cli_options ) elsif movefile.options.dig(movefile.environment, :ftp) call_organizer_with( klass: Wordmove::Organizers::Ftp::Pull, movefile: movefile, **cli_options ) else raise NoAdapterFound, 'No valid adapter found.' end rescue NoAdapterFound => e$stdout).error(e.message) exit 1 end end class Push < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Pulls WP data from remote host to the local machine' include Wordmove::CLI::PullPushShared def call(**cli_options) call_push_organizer_with(**cli_options) end private def call_push_organizer_with(**cli_options) movefile = movefile_from(**cli_options) if movefile.options.dig(movefile.environment, :ssh) call_organizer_with( klass: Wordmove::Organizers::Ssh::Push, movefile: movefile, **cli_options ) elsif movefile.options.dig(movefile.environment, :ftp) call_organizer_with( klass: Wordmove::Organizers::Ftp::Push, movefile: movefile, **cli_options ) else raise NoAdapterFound, 'No valid adapter found.' end rescue NoAdapterFound => e$stdout).error(e.message) exit 1 end end register 'version', Version, aliases: %w[v -v --version] register 'init', Init register 'doctor', Doctor register 'list', List register 'pull', Pull register 'push', Push end end end