module ScoutRails # The agent gathers performance data from a Ruby application. One Agent instance is created per-Ruby process. # # Each Agent object creates a worker thread (unless monitoring is disabled or we're forking). # The worker thread wakes up every +Agent#period+, merges in-memory metrics w/those saved to disk, # saves the merged data to disk, and sends it to the Scout server. class Agent # Headers passed up with all API requests. HTTP_HEADERS = { "Agent-Hostname" => Socket.gethostname } DEFAULT_HOST = '' # see self.instance @@instance = nil # Accessors below are for associated classes attr_accessor :store attr_accessor :layaway attr_accessor :config attr_accessor :environment attr_accessor :logger attr_accessor :log_file # path to the log file attr_accessor :options # options passed to the agent when +#start+ is called. attr_accessor :metric_lookup # Hash used to lookup metric ids based on their name and scope # Hash of class (values are Sets of method names) that should be instrumented by examining # the ActiveRecord call stack. attr_accessor :dynamic_instruments # All access to the agent is thru this class method to ensure multiple Agent instances are not initialized per-Ruby process. def self.instance(options = {}) @@instance ||= end # Note - this doesn't start instruments or the worker thread. This is handled via +#start+ as we don't # want to start the worker thread or install instrumentation if (1) disabled for this environment (2) a worker thread shouldn't # be started (when forking). def initialize(options = {}) @started = false @options ||= options @store = @layaway = @config =[:config_path]) @dynamic_instruments = @metric_lookup = # TODO: the argument is the number of processors end def environment @environment ||= end # This is called via +ScoutRails::Agent.instance.start+ when ScoutRails is required in a Ruby application. # It initializes the agent and starts the worker thread (if appropiate). def start(options = {}) @options.merge!(options) init_logger if !config.settings['monitor'] and !@options[:force] logger.warn "Monitoring isn't enabled for the [#{environment.env}] environment." return false elsif !environment.app_server logger.warn "Couldn't find a supported app server. Not starting agent." return false elsif started? logger.warn "Already started agent." return false end @started = true "Starting monitoring. Framework [#{environment.framework}] App Server [#{environment.app_server}]." start_instruments if !start_worker_thread? logger.debug "Not starting worker thread" install_passenger_worker_process_event if environment.passenger? return end start_worker_thread handle_exit log_version_pid end # Placeholder: store metrics locally on exit so those in memory aren't lost. Need to decide # whether we'll report these immediately or just store locally and risk having stale data. def handle_exit if environment.sinatra? || environment.jruby? || environment.rubinius? logger.debug "Exit handler not supported" else at_exit { at_exit { logger.debug "Shutdown!" } } end end def started? @started end def gem_root File.expand_path(File.join("..","..",".."), __FILE__) end def init_logger @log_file = "#{log_path}/scout_rails.log" @logger = @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG def logger.format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg) prefix = "[#{timestamp.strftime("%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S %z")} #{Socket.gethostname} (#{$$})] #{severity} : #{msg}\n" end @logger end # The worker thread will automatically start UNLESS: # * A supported application server isn't detected (example: running via Rails console) # * A supported application server is detected, but it forks (Passenger). In this case, # the agent is started in the forked process. def start_worker_thread? !environment.forking? or environment.thin? end def install_passenger_worker_process_event PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked| logger.debug "Passenger is starting a worker process. Starting worker thread." self.class.instance.start_worker_thread end end def log_version_pid logger.debug "Scout Agent [#{ScoutRails::VERSION}] Initialized" end def log_path "#{environment.root}/log" end # in seconds, time between when the worker thread wakes up and runs. def period 60 end # Every time the worker thread completes, it calls this method # to add instruments to selected methods in the AR call stack. def add_dynamic_instruments dynamic_instruments.each do |class_name,to_instrument| klass = class_name.constantize klass.class_eval do if !klass.respond_to?(:instrument_method) include ::ScoutRails::Tracer end to_instrument.each do |m| self.instrument_method(m) end end end end # Creates the worker thread. The worker thread is a loop that runs continuously. It sleeps for +Agent#period+ and when it wakes, # processes data, either saving it to disk or reporting to Scout. def start_worker_thread(connection_options = {}) logger.debug "Creating worker thread." @worker_thread = do begin logger.debug "Starting worker thread, running every #{period} seconds" next_time = + period while true do now = while now < next_time sleep_time = next_time - now sleep(sleep_time) if sleep_time > 0 now = end process_metrics add_dynamic_instruments while next_time <= now next_time += period end end rescue logger.debug "Worker Thread Exception!!!!!!!" logger.debug $!.message logger.debug $!.backtrace end end # thread new logger.debug "Done creating worker thread." end # Writes each payload to a file for auditing. def write_to_file(object) logger.debug "Writing to file" full_path ='/log/audit/scout') ( full_path + "#{'%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')}.json" ).open("w") do |f| f.puts object.to_json end end # Before reporting, lookup metric_id for each MetricMeta. This speeds up # reporting on the server-side. def add_metric_ids(metrics) metrics.each do |meta,stats| if metric_id = metric_lookup[meta] meta.metric_id = metric_id end end end # Called from #process_metrics, which is run via the worker thread. def run_samplers begin # returns a hash logger.debug "Process CPU: #{cpu_util.inspect}" store.track!("CPU/Utilization",cpu_util) if cpu_util rescue => e "Error reading ProcessCpu" logger.debug e.message logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n") end begin # returns a single number, in MB logger.debug "Process Memory: #{mem_usage}MB" store.track!("Memory/Physical",mem_usage) if mem_usage rescue => e "Error reading ProcessMemory" logger.debug e.message logger.debug e.backtrace.join("\n") end end # Called in the worker thread. Merges in-memory metrics w/those on disk and reports metrics # to the server. def process_metrics logger.debug "Processing metrics" run_samplers metrics = layaway.deposit_and_deliver if metrics.any? add_metric_ids(metrics) # for debugging, count the total number of requests controller_count = 0 metrics.each do |meta,stats| if meta.metric_name =~ /\AController/ controller_count += stats.call_count end end logger.debug "#{config.settings['name']} Delivering metrics for #{controller_count} requests." response = post( checkin_uri, Marshal.dump(metrics), "Content-Type" => "application/json" ) if response and response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) directives = Marshal.load(response.body) self.metric_lookup.merge!(directives[:metric_lookup]) logger.debug "Metric Cache Size: #{metric_lookup.size}" end end rescue logger.debug "Error on checkin to #{checkin_uri.to_s}" logger.debug $!.message logger.debug $!.backtrace end def checkin_uri URI.parse("http://#{config.settings['host'] || DEFAULT_HOST}/app/#{config.settings['key']}/checkin.scout?name=#{CGI.escape(config.settings['name'])}") end def post(url, body, headers = response = nil request(url) do |connection| post = url.path + (url.query ? ('?' + url.query) : ''), HTTP_HEADERS.merge(headers) ) post.body = body response=connection.request(post) end response end def request(url, &connector) response = nil http =, url.port) response = http.start(&connector) logger.debug "got response: #{response.inspect}" case response when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPNotModified logger.debug "/checkin OK" when Net::HTTPBadRequest logger.warn "/checkin FAILED: The Account Key [#{config.settings['key']}] is invalid." else logger.debug "/checkin FAILED: #{response.inspect}" end rescue Exception logger.debug "Exception sending request to server: #{$!.message}" ensure response end # Loads the instrumention logic. def load_instruments case environment.framework when :rails require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'instruments/rails/action_controller_instruments.rb')) when :rails3 require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'instruments/rails3/action_controller_instruments.rb')) when :sinatra require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'instruments/sinatra_instruments.rb')) end require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'instruments/active_record_instruments.rb')) rescue logger.warn "Exception loading instruments:" logger.warn $!.message logger.warn $!.backtrace end # Injects instruments into the Ruby application. def start_instruments logger.debug "Installing instrumentation" load_instruments end end # class Agent end # module ScoutRails