=== 0.11.4 - Fixed issue with dynamic fields: checking whether the document responded to the attribute's method should have checked the setter and not the getter - Fixed has_one associations not being able to be set to nil. === 0.11.3 - Fixed issue with Document#save! not calling before and after create callbacks if document is new === 0.11.2 - Fixing bug where has many and has one relational associations create method did not return the associated document === 0.11.1 - Querying for classes that have subclasses will also return the subclasses as well, similar to ActiveRecord. - Adding configuration option allow_dynamic_fields. This defaults to true and if set to false will raise an error when trying to set an attribute on an object that does not have a corresponding field defined. === 0.11.0 - Set the collection name to store a document in via: Document.store_in :collection_name - Initial inheritance support: - Documents and their associations can now have an infinite number of subclasses. - Has many and has one associations can build or create specific subclasses by providing an optional class as the last parameter to the #create and #build methods on the respective associations. - Querying for specific subclasses will only return those documents which were saved as that subclass, even though the hierarchy is stored in the same collection. - Deletion of subclass documents will only delete documents of that type, even though they all exist in the same collection. #delete_all and #destroy_all also support this behavoir. - Updated mongo and mongo_ext dependencies to 0.18.2 - Fixed save on new documents to return true instead of the document itself. === 0.10.6 - Fixed bug when trying to set empty strings on number fields. (TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String) - Document.delete_all now drops the collection if conditions are empty or nil. === 0.10.5 - Documents that are embedded not properly respond to Document#destroy and Document#delete. - Documents can now be saved sans validation with Document#save(false) === 0.10.4 - Documents no longer inherit from Mongoid::Document. Please include Mongoid::Document in all your models now. - Config module added, you can now set one option: Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = (true|false) - When set to false, a Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound will NOT get thrown when performing a Document.find(id) that does not return a document from the database. This defaults to true. - Mongoid::Document.collection_name macro added. You can now set the name of the database collection to persist to. - Mongoid::Criteria#select becomes Mongoid::Criteria#only