Vagrant Config Builder ====================== Configure and manage your Vagrant environments with data. Synopsis -------- This plugin provides an interface to the Vagrant configuration constructs in a logic free manner. You can format your input data to fit your needs and use `vagrant-config_builder` to transform that into the needed Vagrant config. Example ------- This example loads all yaml files in the config directory and generates a Vagrant config based on that information. File names are arbitrary and chosen for clarity. #### Directory structure ```shell . ├── config │   ├── roles.yaml │   └── vms.yaml └── Vagrantfile ``` #### Vagrantfile For pure yaml configurations, use yaml loader: ```ruby require 'config_builder' Vagrant.configure('2', &ConfigBuilder.load( :yaml, :yamldir, File.expand_path('../config', __FILE__) )) ``` For yaml erb configurations, use yaml_erb loader: ```ruby require 'config_builder' Vagrant.configure('2', &ConfigBuilder.load( :yaml_erb, :yamldir, File.expand_path('../config', __FILE__) )) ``` The yaml_erb loader would allow configuration such as: ```yaml --- roles: puppet_apply: provisioners: - type: puppet manifests_path: 'tests' module_path: 'spec/fixtures/modules' manifest_file: <%= ENV['VAGRANT_MANIFEST'] || 'init.pp' %> ``` #### config/roles.yaml ```yaml --- boxes: centos-65-x64: debian-73-x64: roles: bigvm: provider: type: virtualbox customize: [[modifyvm, !ruby/sym id, '--memory', 1024]] synced_folders: - host_path: '.' guest_path: '/vagrant' disabled: true smallvm: provider: type: vmware vmx: memsize: 512 numvcpus: 1 ``` #### config/vms.yaml ```yaml --- vms: - name: db private_networks: [ {ip: ''} ] box: centos-65-x64 hostname: db.puppetlabs.vm roles: bigvm - name: web private_networks: [ {ip: ''} ] box: debian-73-x64 ``` Installation ------------ ### Installation into the Vagrant internal gems: * `vagrant plugin install vagrant-config_builder` ### Installation from source Build the gem: * `gem build vagrant-config_builder.gemspec` Install the gem: * `gem install vagrant-config_builder-.gem`