# frozen_string_literal: true class User class Creation include BCDD::Context.mixin include BCDD::Result::RollbackOnFailure def call(**input) BCDD::Result.event_logs(name: self.class.name) do Given(input) .and_then(:normalize_input) .and_then(:validate_input) .and_then(:validate_email_uniqueness) .then { |result| rollback_on_failure { result .and_then(:create_user) .and_then(:create_user_token) } } .and_expose(:user_created, %i[user token]) end end private def normalize_input(name:, email:, **options) name = String(name).strip.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') email = String(email).strip.downcase uuid = String(options.fetch(:uuid) { ::SecureRandom.uuid }).strip.downcase Continue(uuid:, name:, email:) end def validate_input(uuid:, name:, email:, password:, password_confirmation:) err = ::Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } err[:uuid] << 'must be an UUID' unless uuid.match?(/\A[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}\z/i) err[:name] << 'must be present' if name.blank? err[:email] << 'must be email' unless email.match?(::URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP) err[:password] << 'must be present' if password.blank? err[:password_confirmation] << 'must be present' if password_confirmation.blank? err.empty? ? Continue() : Failure(:invalid_input, **err) end def validate_email_uniqueness(email:, **) ::User.exists?(email:) ? Failure(:email_already_taken) : Continue() end def create_user(uuid:, name:, email:, password:, password_confirmation:) ::RuntimeBreaker.try_to_interrupt(env: 'BREAK_USER_CREATION') user = ::User.create(uuid:, name:, email:, password:, password_confirmation:) user.persisted? ? Continue(user:) : Failure(:invalid_record, **user.errors.messages) end def create_user_token(user:, **) Token::Creation.new.call(user: user).handle do |on| on.success { |output| Continue(token: output[:token]) } on.failure { raise 'Token creation failed' } end end end end