require 'google/apis/sheets_v4' require 'google/apis/drive_v3' require 'googleauth' require 'googleauth/stores/file_token_store' require 'googleauth/user_refresh' module Remi # Contains methods shared between Salesforce Extractor/Parser/Encoder/Loader class Extractor::Gsheet < Extractor::FileSystem def initialize(*args, **kargs, &block) super init_gsheet_extractor(*args, **kargs) end attr_reader :data attr_reader :client_id attr_reader :client_secret attr_reader :access_token attr_reader :ref_token attr_reader :scope attr_reader :expire_time def authorize credentials = client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret, scope: @scope, access_token: @access_token, refresh_token: @refresh_token, expires_at: @expiration_time / 1000 ) end def get_file_list(folder_id) service = service.client_options.application_name = @application_name service.authorization = authorize() response = service_list_files(service, folder_id) response.files end def service_list_files(service, folder_id) service.list_files(q: "'#{folder_id}' in parents", page_size: 10, order_by: 'createdTime desc', fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, createdTime, mimeType)') end def get_spreadsheet_vals(service, spreadsheet_id) service.get_spreadsheet_values(spreadsheet_id, 'Sheet1') end def extract service = service.client_options.application_name = @application_name service.authorization = authorize() @data = [] entries.each do |file| response = get_spreadsheet_vals(service, file.raw) data.push(response) end self end # @return [Array] (Memoized) list of objects in the bucket/prefix def all_entries @all_entries ||= all_entries! end # @return [Array] (Memoized) list of objects in the bucket/prefix def all_entries! gsheet_entries = get_file_list(@default_folder_id) do |entry| entry = entry.to_h pathname: File.join(@default_folder_id, entry[:name]), create_time: entry[:created_time], modified_time: entry[:created_time], raw: entry[:id] ) end end private def init_gsheet_extractor(*args, credentials:, folder_id:, **kargs) @default_folder_id = folder_id @oob_uri = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' @application_name = credentials.fetch(:application_name) @client_secrets_path = File.join( Dir.home, '.credentials/client_secret.json' ) @credentials_path = File.join( Dir.home, '.credentials/' ) @client_id = credentials.fetch(:client_id) @access_token = credentials.fetch(:access_token) @refresh_token = credentials.fetch(:refresh_token) @client_secret = credentials.fetch(:client_secret) @project_id = credentials.fetch(:project_id) @scope = ["",""] @expiration_time = Integer(credentials.fetch(:expiration_time)) end end class Parser::Gsheet < Parser def parse(gs_extract) google_vals = return_hash = nil google_vals.each do |google_val| if return_hash.nil? return_hash = google_val.values[0].each do |header| return_hash[] = [] end end keys_temp = return_hash.keys google_val.values[1..-1].each do |rows| col_num = 0 rows.each do |value| return_hash[keys_temp[col_num]] << value col_num +=1 end end end Remi::DataFrame.create(:daru, return_hash, order: return_hash.keys) end end end