describe "Teabag.Reporters.Console", -> beforeEach -> @logSpy = spyOn(Teabag, "log") spyOn(Date.prototype, "getTime").andReturn(666) @spec = fullDescription: "_spec_description_" description: "_spec_name_" suiteName: "_suite_name_" link: "?grep=_spec_description_" result: -> {status: "passed", skipped: false} errors: -> [{message: "_message_", trace: {stack: "_stack_"}}] getParents: -> [{fullDescription: "_suite_full_description", description: "_suite_description_"}] @reporter = new Teabag.Reporters.Console() @reporter.spec = @spec @normalizeSpy = spyOn(Teabag, "Spec").andReturn(@spec) describe "constructor", -> it "tracks failures, pending, total, and start time", -> expect(@reporter.start).toBeDefined() describe "#reportRunnerStarting", -> it "logs the information", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") spyOn(JSON, 'parse').andReturn('_date_time_') @reporter.reportRunnerStarting({total: 42}) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith type: "runner" total: 42 start: "_date_time_" describe "#reportSuites", -> it "logs the information", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.reportSuites() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith type: "suite" label: "_suite_description_" level: 0 it "doesn't log the suite more than once.", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.reportSuites() @reporter.reportSuites() expect(spy.callCount).toBe(1) describe "#reportSpecResults", -> it "normalizes the spec", -> @reporter.reportSpecResults() expect(@normalizeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() it "logs the information", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.reportSpecResults() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith type: "spec" suite: "_suite_name_" label: "_spec_name_" status: "passed" skipped: false describe "pending tests", -> beforeEach -> @trackSpy = spyOn(@reporter, "trackPending") @spec.result = -> {status: "pending", skipped: false} it "tracks that it was pending", -> @reporter.reportSpecResults() expect(@trackSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "skipped tests", -> beforeEach -> @reportSuitesSpy = spyOn(@reporter, "reportSuites") @logSpy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @spec.result = -> {status: "pending", skipped: true} it "doesn't report the suite or log the results", -> @reporter.reportSpecResults() expect(@reportSuitesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@logSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "failing tests", -> beforeEach -> @trackSpy = spyOn(@reporter, "trackFailure") @spec.result = -> {status: "failed", skipped: false} it "tracks the failure", -> @reporter.reportSpecResults() expect(@trackSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "#trackPending", -> beforeEach -> @reporter.spec = @spec @spec.result = -> {status: "pending", skipped: false} it "logs the status as 'pending'", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.trackPending() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith type: "spec" suite: "_suite_name_" label: "_spec_name_" status: "pending" skipped: false describe "#trackFailure", -> beforeEach -> @reporter.spec = @spec @spec.result = -> {status: "failed", skipped: false} it "logs the status as 'failed'", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.trackFailure() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith type: "spec" suite: "_suite_name_" label: "_spec_name_" status: "failed" skipped: false link: "_spec_description_" message: "_message_" trace: "_message_" describe "#reportRunnerResults", -> it "logs the results", -> spy = spyOn(@reporter, "log") @reporter.reportRunnerResults() Teabag.finished = false args = spy.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(args["type"]).toEqual("result") expect(args["elapsed"]).toBeDefined() it "tells Teabag that we're finished", -> @reporter.reportRunnerResults() expect(Teabag.finished).toEqual(true) Teabag.finished = false describe "#log", -> it "logs the JSON of the object passed (with an additional _teabag property)", -> @reporter.log(foo: true) expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('{"foo":true,"_teabag":true}')