# # Author:: Bryan McLellan (btm@loftninjas.org) # Author:: Scott Bonds (scott@ggr.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Bryan McLellan # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Scott Bonds # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' class Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd public :builtin_service_enable_variable_name public :determine_enabled_status! public :determine_current_status! public :is_enabled? attr_accessor :rc_conf, :rc_conf_local end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd do let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.automatic_attrs[:command] = {:ps => "ps -ax"} node end let(:supports) { {:status => false} } let(:new_resource) do new_resource = Chef::Resource::Service.new("sndiod") new_resource.pattern("sndiod") new_resource.supports(supports) new_resource end let(:current_resource) do current_resource = Chef::Resource::Service.new("sndiod") current_resource end let(:provider) do events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) allow(::File).to receive(:read).with('/etc/rc.conf').and_return('') allow(::File).to receive(:read).with('/etc/rc.conf.local').and_return('') provider = Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd.new(new_resource,run_context) provider.action = :start provider end before do allow(Chef::Resource::Service).to receive(:new).and_return(current_resource) end def stub_etc_rcd_script allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).and_return(false) expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}").and_return(true) end def run_load_current_resource stub_etc_rcd_script provider.load_current_resource end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "initialize" do it "should find /etc/rc.d init scripts" do stub_etc_rcd_script expect(provider.init_command).to eql "/etc/rc.d/sndiod" end it "should set init_command to nil if it can't find anything" do expect(::File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/rc.d/sndiod').and_return(false) expect(provider.init_command).to be nil end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "determine_current_status!" do before do stub_etc_rcd_script provider.current_resource = current_resource current_resource.service_name(new_resource.service_name) end context "when a status command has been specified" do let(:status) { double(:stdout => "", :exitstatus => 0) } before do new_resource.status_command("/bin/chefhasmonkeypants status") end it "should run the services status command if one has been specified" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("/bin/chefhasmonkeypants status").and_return(status) provider.determine_current_status! end end context "when the service supports status" do let(:status) { double(:stdout => "", :exitstatus => 0) } let(:supports) { { :status => true } } it "should run '/etc/rc.d/service_name status'" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} check").and_return(status) provider.determine_current_status! end it "should set running to true if the status command returns 0" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} check").and_return(status) provider.determine_current_status! expect(current_resource.running).to be true end it "should set running to false if the status command returns anything except 0" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} check").and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) provider.determine_current_status! expect(current_resource.running).to be false end end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "determine_enabled_status!" do before do stub_etc_rcd_script provider.current_resource = current_resource current_resource.service_name(new_resource.service_name) allow(provider).to receive(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return("#{new_resource.service_name}_enable") end context "when the service is builtin" do before do expect(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}") provider.rc_conf = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=NO" provider.rc_conf_local = lines.join("\n") end %w{YES Yes yes yEs YeS}.each do |setting| context "when the enable variable is set to #{setting}" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="#{setting}"} ] } it "sets enabled to true" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be true end end end %w{No NO no nO None NONE none nOnE}.each do |setting| context "when the enable variable is set to #{setting}" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="#{setting}"} ] } it "sets enabled to false" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end end context "when the enable variable is garbage" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_enable="alskdjflasdkjflakdfj"} ] } it "sets enabled to false" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end context "when the enable variable partial matches (left) some other service and we are disabled" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{thing_#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="YES"}, %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="NO"}, ] } it "sets enabled based on the exact match (false)" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end context "when the enable variable partial matches (right) some other service and we are disabled" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_thing="YES"}, %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}}, ] } it "sets enabled based on the exact match (false)" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end context "when the enable variable partial matches (left) some other disabled service and we are enabled" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{thing_#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="NO"}, %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="YES"}, ] } it "sets enabled based on the exact match (true)" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be true end end context "when the enable variable partial matches (right) some other disabled service and we are enabled" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_thing="NO"}, %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}="YES"}, ] } it "sets enabled based on the exact match (true)" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be true end end context "when the enable variable only partial matches (left) some other enabled service" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{thing_#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_enable="YES"} ] } it "sets enabled to false" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end context "when the enable variable only partial matches (right) some other enabled service" do let(:lines) { [ %Q{#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}_thing_enable="YES"} ] } it "sets enabled to false" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end context "when nothing matches" do let(:lines) { [] } it "sets enabled to true" do provider.determine_enabled_status! expect(current_resource.enabled).to be false end end end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "load_current_resource" do before(:each) do stub_etc_rcd_script expect(provider).to receive(:determine_current_status!) current_resource.running(false) allow(provider).to receive(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return "#{new_resource.service_name}_enable" expect(::File).to receive(:open).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name}") end it "should create a current resource with the name of the new resource" do expect(Chef::Resource::Service).to receive(:new).and_return(current_resource) provider.load_current_resource end it "should set the current resources service name to the new resources service name" do provider.load_current_resource expect(current_resource.service_name).to eq(new_resource.service_name) end it "should return the current resource" do expect(provider.load_current_resource).to eql(current_resource) end end context "when testing actions" do before(:each) do stub_etc_rcd_script expect(provider).to receive(:determine_current_status!) current_resource.running(false) expect(provider).to receive(:determine_enabled_status!) current_resource.enabled(false) provider.load_current_resource end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "start_service" do it "should call the start command if one is specified" do new_resource.start_command("/etc/rc.d/chef startyousillysally") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/rc.d/chef startyousillysally") provider.start_service() end it "should call '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/service_name start' if no start command is specified" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} start") provider.start_service() end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "stop_service" do it "should call the stop command if one is specified" do new_resource.stop_command("/etc/init.d/chef itoldyoutostop") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/init.d/chef itoldyoutostop") provider.stop_service() end it "should call '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/service_name stop' if no stop command is specified" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} stop") provider.stop_service() end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "restart_service" do context "when the new_resource supports restart" do let(:supports) { { restart: true } } it "should call 'restart' on the service_name if the resource supports it" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/rc.d/#{new_resource.service_name} restart") provider.restart_service() end end it "should call the restart_command if one has been specified" do new_resource.restart_command("/etc/init.d/chef restartinafire") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out_with_systems_locale!).with("/etc/init.d/chef restartinafire") provider.restart_service() end it "otherwise it should call stop and start" do expect(provider).to receive(:stop_service) expect(provider).to receive(:start_service) provider.restart_service() end end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "define_resource_requirements" do before do provider.current_resource = current_resource end context "when the init script is not found" do before do provider.init_command = nil allow(provider).to receive(:builtin_service_enable_variable_name).and_return("#{new_resource.service_name}_enable") end [ "start", "reload", "restart", "enable" ].each do |action| it "should raise an exception when the action is #{action}" do provider.define_resource_requirements provider.action = action expect { provider.process_resource_requirements }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service) end end [ "stop", "disable" ].each do |action| it "should not raise an error when the action is #{action}" do provider.define_resource_requirements provider.action = action expect { provider.process_resource_requirements }.not_to raise_error end end end context "when the init script is found, but the service_enable_variable_name is nil" do before do allow(provider).to receive(:builtin_service_enable_variable_name).and_return(nil) end [ "start", "reload", "restart", "enable" ].each do |action| it "should raise an exception when the action is #{action}" do provider.action = action provider.define_resource_requirements expect { provider.process_resource_requirements }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service) end end [ "stop", "disable" ].each do |action| it "should not raise an error when the action is #{action}" do provider.action = action provider.define_resource_requirements expect { provider.process_resource_requirements }.not_to raise_error end end end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "enable_service" do before do provider.current_resource = current_resource allow(FileUtils).to receive(:touch).with('/etc/rc.conf.local') end context "is builtin and disabled by default" do before do provider.rc_conf = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=NO" end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\"" end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already enabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.enable_service end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should enable the service by adding a line to rc.conf.local" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', include("#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\"")) expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false provider.enable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true end end end context "is builtin and enabled by default" do before do provider.rc_conf = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\"" end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already enabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.enable_service end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=NO" end it "should enable the service by removing a line from rc.conf.local" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', /^(?!#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name})$/) expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false provider.enable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true end end end context "is not builtin" do before do provider.rc_conf = '' end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "pkg_scripts=\"#{new_resource.service_name}\"\n" end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already enabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.enable_service end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should enable the service by adding it to the pkg_scripts list" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', "\npkg_scripts=\"#{new_resource.service_name}\"\n") expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false provider.enable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true end end end end describe Chef::Provider::Service::Openbsd, "disable_service" do before do provider.current_resource = current_resource allow(FileUtils).to receive(:touch).with('/etc/rc.conf.local') end context "is builtin and disabled by default" do before do provider.rc_conf = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=NO" end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\"" end it "should disable the service by removing its line from rc.conf.local" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', /^(?!#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name})$/) expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true provider.disable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already disabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.disable_service end end end context "is builtin and enabled by default" do before do provider.rc_conf = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"\"" end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should disable the service by adding a line to rc.conf.local" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', include("#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=\"NO\"")) expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true provider.disable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "#{provider.builtin_service_enable_variable_name}=NO" end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already disabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.disable_service end end end context "is not builtin" do before do provider.rc_conf = '' end context "is enabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = "pkg_scripts=\"#{new_resource.service_name}\"\n" end it "should disable the service by removing it from the pkg_scripts list" do expect(::File).to receive(:write).with('/etc/rc.conf.local', /^(?!#{new_resource.service_name})$/) expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be true provider.disable_service expect(provider.is_enabled?).to be false end end context "is disabled" do before do provider.rc_conf_local = '' end it "should not change rc.conf.local since it is already disabled" do expect(::File).not_to receive(:write) provider.disable_service end end end end end