class Quandl::Client::Dataset module Validations extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do validates :code, presence: true, format: { with: Quandl::Pattern.code, message: "is invalid. Expected format: #{Quandl::Pattern.code.to_example}" } validates :display_url, allow_blank: true, url: true validate :data_should_be_valid! validate :dataset_data_should_be_valid! validate :data_row_count_should_match_column_count! validate :data_columns_should_not_exceed_column_names! validate :data_rows_should_have_equal_columns! validate :ambiguous_code_requires_source_code! validate :source_code_should_exist! before_save :enforce_required_formats after_save :save_dataset_data end def data_should_be_valid! if data? && !data.valid? data.errors.each{|k,v| self.errors.add( k,v ) } return false end true end def dataset_data_should_be_valid! if dataset_data? && !dataset_data.valid? dataset_data.errors.each{|k,v| self.errors.add( k,v ) } return false end true end def source_code_should_exist! if source_code.present? Quandl::Client::Source.cached[source_code] = Quandl::Client::Source.find(source_code) unless Quandl::Client::Source.cached.has_key?(source_code) source = Quandl::Client::Source.cached[source_code] self.errors.add( :source_code, "Could not find a source with the source_code '#{source_code}'" ) if source.blank? || source.code.blank? return false end true end def ambiguous_code_requires_source_code! if code.to_s.numeric? && source_code.blank? message = %Q{Pure numerical codes like "#{code}" are not allowed unless you include a source code. Do this:\nsource_code: \ncode: #{code}} self.errors.add( :data, message ) return false end true end def data_columns_should_not_exceed_column_names! if errors.size == 0 && data? && data.present? && column_names.present? && data.first.count != column_names.count self.errors.add( :data, "You may not change the number of columns in a dataset. This dataset has #{column_names.count} columns but you tried to send #{data.first.count} columns." ) return false end true end def data_rows_should_have_equal_columns! # skip validation unless data is present return true unless data? && data.present? # use first row as expected column count column_count = data[0].count # check each row data.each_with_index do |row, index| # the row is valid if it's count matches the first row's count next if row.count == column_count # the row is invalid if the count is mismatched self.errors.add( :data, "Unexpected number of points in this row:\n#{row.join(',')}\nFound #{row.size-1} but expected #{data[0].size-1} based on precedent from the first row (#{data[0].join(',')})" ) # return validation failure return false end true end def data_row_count_should_match_column_count! # skip validation unless data and column_names present return true unless data? && data.present? && column_names.present? # count the number of expected columns column_count = column_names.count # check each row data.each_with_index do |row, index| # the row is valid if it's count matches the first row's count next if row.count == column_count # the row is invalid if the count is mismatched self.errors.add( :data, "Unexpected number of points in this row:\n#{row.join(',')}\nFound #{row.size-1} but expected #{column_names.count-1} based on precedent from the header row (#{column_names.join(',')})" ) # return validation failure return false end true end def save_dataset_data return if (!saved? && id.blank?) return if !data? || data.blank? = id = benchmark('data.to_csv'){ data.to_csv } benchmark(''){ } # update dataset's attributes with dataset_data's attributes attributes.each{|k,v| attributes[k] = dataset_data.attributes[k] if dataset_data.attributes.has_key?(k) } # update dataset errors with dataset_data @metadata[:status] = dataset_data.status unless dataset_data.saved? # inherit_errors(dataset_data) unless dataset_data.saved? end def inherit_errors(object) return unless object.respond_to?(:response_errors) && object.response_errors.respond_to?(:each) object.response_errors.each do |key, messages| if messages.respond_to?(:each) messages.each{|message| errors.add(key, message) } end end @metadata[:status] = object.status object end def enforce_required_formats self.source_code = self.source_code.to_s.upcase self.code = self.code.to_s.upcase self.locations_attributes = locations_attributes.to_json if locations_attributes.respond_to?(:to_json) && !locations_attributes.kind_of?(String) end end end