framework = ask "What framework would you like to use (default: blueprint)?" framework = 'blueprint' if framework.blank? in_root do if yes? "Install haml in vendor/plugins (hit 'n' if you use it as a gem)?" run 'haml --rails .' end run "compass --rails -f #{framework} ." end layout_file = <<-FILE !!! XML !!! %html{:xmlns => "", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"} %head %meta{'http-equiv' => "content-type", :content => "text/html;charset=UTF-8"} %title= @browser_title || 'Default Browser Title' = stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/screen.css', :media => 'screen, projection' = stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/print.css', :media => 'print' /[if IE] = stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/ie.css', :media => 'screen, projection' = stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold' %body #container %h1 Welcome to Compass = yield FILE gem 'compass' unless File.exists?('app/views/layouts/application.html.haml') file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.haml', layout_file puts "We've added a simple layout for you as well which includes the css. Enjoy!" end