# Dpl [](https://travis-ci.com/travis-ci/dpl) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/travis-ci/dpl) [](https://coveralls.io/github/travis-ci/dpl?branch=master) [](http://rubygems.org/gems/dpl) [](http://rubydoc.info/github/travis-ci/dpl) This version of the README documents dpl v2, the next major version of dpl. The REAMDE for dpl v1, the version that is currently used in production on Travis CI can be found [here](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/blob/v1/README.md). Dpl is command line tool for deploying code, html, packages, or build artifacts to various service providers. It is tightly integrated into Travis CI's [deployment integration](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment), but also used, and recommended by others, such as [GitLab](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/examples/deployment/). It is maintained by Travis CI, largely community driven, and it has existed since 2013. If you find support your preferred deployment target missing, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and we'll help you [add it](#contributing-to-dpl). ## Table of Contents * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Maturity Levels](#maturity-levels) * [Supported Providers](#supported-providers) * [Contributing to Dpl](#contributing-to-dpl) * [Old Issues](#old-issues) * [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) * [License](#license) * [Credits](#credits) ## Requirements Dpl requires Ruby 2.2 or later. Depending on the deployment target dpl might require additional runtimes (e.g. Go, Node.js, or Python) to be installed. It also might require sudo access in order to install a Debian package. Dpl is generally optimized for usage on Linux systems. ## Installation This version of dpl is currently released as an `alpha` preview release. In order to install it, add the `--pre` flag: ``` gem install dpl --pre ``` ## Usage Dpl is meant and optimized for usage in ephemeral build environments, such as Travis CI, or any other CI/CD pipeline. Dpl is integrated to Travis CI's build configuration and build script compilation tooling, so all you need to do is add the proper configuration to your `.travis.yml` file. Please refer to [the documentation](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment) for details. For usage outside of Travis CI dpl can be executed as follows. Please refer to the respective [providers](#supported-providers) for details. ``` dpl [provider] [options] ``` Dpl can be used locally, e.g. on your development machine, but it might leave artifacts that may alter the behaviour of your system. If you encounter this behaviour and it presents a serious issue to you then please open an [issue](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/issues/new). ### Cleaning up the Git working directory Dpl v1 has cleaned up the Git working directory by default, using `git stash --all`. The default for this option has been changed in dpl v2, and users now need to opt in to cleaning up any left over artifacts from the build process by passing the option `--cleanup`. The status of the working directory is relevant only to providers that package and push it to the respective remote service (e.g. `heroku` when using the `api` strategy, package registry providers, etc.). Most providers will either push the latest Git commit, or pull code from a remote repository. ## Maturity Levels In order to communicate the current development status and maturity of dpl's support for a particular service the respective provider is marked with one of the following maturity levels, according to the given criteria: * `dev` - the provider is in development (initial level) * `alpha` - the provider is fully tested * `beta` - the provider has been in alpha for at least a month, and successful real-world production deployments have been observed * `stable` - the provider has been in beta for at least a month, and there are no open issues that qualify as critical (such as deployments failing, documented functionality broken, etc) ## Supported Providers Dpl supports the following providers: * [Anynines](#anynines) * [AWS CloudFormation](#aws-cloudformation) * [AWS Code Deploy](#aws-code-deploy) * [AWS Elastic Beanstalk](#aws-elastic-beanstalk) * [AWS Lambda](#aws-lambda) * [AWS OpsWorks](#aws-opsworks) * [AWS S3](#aws-s3) * [Azure Web Apps](#azure-web-apps) * [Bintray](#bintray) * [Bluemix Cloud Foundry](#bluemix-cloud-foundry) * [Boxfuse](#boxfuse) * [Cargo](#cargo) * [Chef Supermarket](#chef-supermarket) * [Cloud Files](#cloud-files) * [Cloud Foundry](#cloud-foundry) * [Cloud66](#cloud66) * [Convox](#convox) * [Datica](#datica) * [Engineyard](#engineyard) * [Firebase](#firebase) * [GitHub Pages](#github-pages) * [GitHub Pages (API)](#github-pages-api-) * [GitHub Releases](#github-releases) * [Gleis](#gleis) * [Google App Engine](#google-app-engine) * [Google Cloud Store](#google-cloud-store) * [Hackage](#hackage) * [Hephy](#hephy) * [Heroku API](#heroku-api) * [Heroku Git](#heroku-git) * [Launchpad](#launchpad) * [Netlify](#netlify) * [npm](#npm) * [OpenShift](#openshift) * [Packagecloud](#packagecloud) * [Puppet Forge](#puppet-forge) * [PyPI](#pypi) * [Rubygems](#rubygems) * [Scalingo](#scalingo) * [Script](#script) * [Snap](#snap) * [Surge](#surge) * [TestFairy](#testfairy) * [Transifex](#transifex) ### Anynines Support for deployments to Anynines is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl anynines [options] Summary: Anynines deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER anynines username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS anynines password (type: string, required: true) --organization ORG anynines organization (type: string, required: true) --space SPACE anynines space (type: string, required: true) --app_name APP Application name (type: string) --buildpack PACK Buildpack name or Git URL (type: string) --manifest FILE Path to the manifest (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl anynines --username user --password pass --organization org --space space dpl anynines --username user --password pass --organization org --space space --app_name app ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `ANYNINES_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `ANYNINES_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### AWS CloudFormation Support for deployments to AWS CloudFormation is in **development**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl cloudformation [options] Summary: AWS CloudFormation deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS Access Key ID (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS Secret Key (type: string, required: true) --region REGION AWS Region to deploy to (type: string, default: us-east-1) --template STR CloudFormation template file (type: string, required: true, note: can be either a local path or an S3 URL) --stack_name NAME CloudFormation Stack Name. (type: string, required: true) --stack_name_prefix STR CloudFormation Stack Name Prefix. (type: string) --[no-]promote Deploy changes (default: true, note: otherwise a change set is created) --role_arn ARN AWS Role ARN (type: string) --sts_assume_role ARN AWS Role ARN for cross account deployments (assumed by travis using given AWS credentials). (type: string) --capabilities STR CloudFormation allowed capabilities (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), known values: CAPABILITY_IAM, CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/APIReference/API_CreateStack.html) --[no-]wait Wait for CloutFormation to finish the stack creation and update (default: true) --wait_timeout SEC How many seconds to wait for stack creation and update. (type: integer, default: 3600) --create_timeout SEC How many seconds to wait before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED (type: integer, default: 3600, note: valid only when creating a stack) --session_token STR AWS Session Access Token if using STS assume role (type: string, note: Not recommended on CI/CD) --parameters STR key=value pairs or ENV var names (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --output_file PATH Path to output file to store CloudFormation outputs to (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl cloudformation --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --template str --stack_name name dpl cloudformation --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --template str --stack_name name --region region ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|CLOUDFORMATION_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `CLOUDFORMATION_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### AWS Code Deploy Support for deployments to AWS Code Deploy is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl codedeploy [options] Summary: AWS Code Deploy deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS access key (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS secret access key (type: string, required: true) --application NAME CodeDeploy application name (type: string, required: true) --deployment_group GROUP CodeDeploy deployment group name (type: string) --revision_type TYPE CodeDeploy revision type (type: string, known values: s3, github, downcase: true) --commit_id SHA Commit ID in case of GitHub (type: string) --repository NAME Repository name in case of GitHub (type: string) --bucket NAME S3 bucket in case of S3 (type: string) --region REGION AWS availability zone (type: string, default: us-east-1) --file_exists_behavior STR How to handle files that already exist in a deployment target location (type: string, default: disallow, known values: disallow, overwrite, retain) --[no-]wait_until_deployed Wait until the deployment has finished --bundle_type TYPE Bundle type of the revision (type: string) --key KEY S3 bucket key of the revision (type: string) --description DESCR Description of the revision (type: string) --endpoint ENDPOINT S3 endpoint url (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl codedeploy --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --application name dpl codedeploy --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --application name --deployment_group group --revision_type s3 ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|CODEDEPLOY_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `CODEDEPLOY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### AWS Elastic Beanstalk Support for deployments to AWS Elastic Beanstalk is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl elasticbeanstalk [options] Summary: AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS Access Key ID (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS Secret Key (type: string, required: true) --region REGION AWS Region the Elastic Beanstalk app is running in (type: string, default: us-east-1) --app NAME Elastic Beanstalk application name (type: string, default: repo name) --env NAME Elastic Beanstalk environment name which will be updated (type: string, required: true) --bucket NAME Bucket name to upload app to (type: string, required: true, alias: bucket_name) --bucket_path PATH Location within Bucket to upload app to (type: string) --description DESC Description for the application version (type: string) --label LABEL Label for the application version (type: string) --zip_file PATH The zip file that you want to deploy (type: string) --[no-]only_create_app_version Only create the app version, do not actually deploy it --[no-]wait_until_deployed Wait until the deployment has finished Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl elasticbeanstalk --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --env name --bucket name dpl elasticbeanstalk --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --env name --bucket name --region region ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `ELASTIC_BEANSTALK_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### AWS Lambda Support for deployments to AWS Lambda is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl lambda [options] Summary: AWS Lambda deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS access key id (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS secret key (type: string, required: true) --region REGION AWS region the Lambda function is running in (type: string, default: us-east-1) --function_name FUNC Name of the Lambda being created or updated (type: string, required: true) --role ROLE ARN of the IAM role to assign to the Lambda function (type: string, note: required when creating a new function) --handler_name NAME Function the Lambda calls to begin execution. (type: string, note: required when creating a new function) --module_name NAME Name of the module that exports the handler (type: string, requires: handler_name, default: index) --description DESCR Description of the Lambda being created or updated (type: string) --timeout SECS Function execution time (in seconds) at which Lambda should terminate the function (type: string, default: 3) --memory_size MB Amount of memory in MB to allocate to this Lambda (type: string, default: 128) --subnet_ids IDS List of subnet IDs to be added to the function (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), note: Needs the ec2:DescribeSubnets and ec2:DescribeVpcs permission for the user of the access/secret key to work) --security_group_ids IDS List of security group IDs to be added to the function (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), note: Needs the ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups and ec2:DescribeVpcs permission for the user of the access/secret key to work) --environment VARS List of Environment Variables to add to the function (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), alias: environment_variables, format: /[\w\-]+=.+/, note: Can be encrypted for added security) --runtime NAME Lambda runtime to use (type: string, default: nodejs8.10, known values: java8, nodejs8.10, nodejs10.x, python2.7, python3.6, python3.7, dotnetcore2.1, go1.x, ruby2.5, note: required when creating a new function) --dead_letter_arn ARN ARN to an SNS or SQS resource used for the dead letter queue. (type: string) --kms_key_arn ARN KMS key ARN to use to encrypt environment_variables. (type: string) --tracing_mode MODE Tracing mode (type: string, default: PassThrough, known values: Active, PassThrough, note: Needs xray:PutTraceSegments xray:PutTelemetryRecords on the role) --layers LAYERS Function layer arns (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --function_tags TAGS List of tags to add to the function (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), format: /[\w\-]+=.+/, note: Can be encrypted for added security) --[no-]publish Create a new version of the code instead of replacing the existing one. --zip PATH Path to a packaged Lambda, a directory to package, or a single file to package (type: string, default: .) --[no-]dot_match Include hidden .* files to the zipped archive Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl lambda --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --function_name func dpl lambda --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --function_name func --region region --role role ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|LAMBDA_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `LAMBDA_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### AWS OpsWorks Support for deployments to AWS OpsWorks is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl opsworks [options] Summary: AWS OpsWorks deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS access key id (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS secret key (type: string, required: true) --app_id APP The app id (type: string, required: true) --region REGION AWS region (type: string, default: us-east-1) --instance_ids ID An instance id (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --layer_ids ID A layer id (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --[no-]migrate Migrate the database. --[no-]wait_until_deployed Wait until the app is deployed and return the deployment status. --[no-]update_on_success When wait-until-deployed and updated-on-success are both not given, application source is updated to the current SHA. Ignored when wait-until-deployed is not given. (alias: update_app_on_success) --custom_json JSON Custom json options override (overwrites default configuration) (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl opsworks --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --app_id app dpl opsworks --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --app_id app --region region --instance_ids id ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|OPSWORKS_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `OPSWORKS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### AWS S3 Support for deployments to AWS S3 is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl s3 [options] Summary: AWS S3 deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --access_key_id ID AWS access key id (type: string, required: true) --secret_access_key KEY AWS secret key (type: string, required: true) --bucket BUCKET S3 bucket (type: string, required: true) --region REGION S3 region (type: string, default: us-east-1) --endpoint URL S3 endpoint (type: string) --upload_dir DIR S3 directory to upload to (type: string) --local_dir DIR Local directory to upload from (type: string, default: ., e.g.: ~/travis/build (absolute path) or ./build (relative path)) --[no-]dot_match Upload hidden files starting with a dot --acl ACL Access control for the uploaded objects (type: string, default: private, known values: private, public_read, public_read_write, authenticated_read, bucket_owner_read, bucket_owner_full_control) --[no-]detect_encoding HTTP header Content-Encoding for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities --cache_control STR HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), default: no-cache, known values: /^no-cache.*/, /^no-store.*/, /^max-age=\d+.*/, /^s-maxage=\d+.*/, /^no-transform/, /^public/, /^private/, note: accepts mapping values to globs) --expires DATE Date and time that the cached object expires (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), format: /^"?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} .+"?.*$/, note: accepts mapping values to globs) --default_text_charset CHARSET Default character set to append to the content-type of text files (type: string) --storage_class CLASS S3 storage class to upload as (type: string, default: STANDARD, known values: STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY) --[no-]server_side_encryption Use S3 Server Side Encryption (SSE-AES256) --index_document_suffix SUFFIX Index document suffix of a S3 website (type: string) --[no-]overwrite Whether or not to overwrite existing files (default: true) --[no-]force_path_style Whether to force keeping the bucket name on the path --max_threads NUM The number of threads to use for S3 file uploads (type: integer, default: 5, max: 15) --[no-]verbose Be verbose about uploading files Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl s3 --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --bucket bucket dpl s3 --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key --bucket bucket --region region --endpoint url ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[AWS_|S3_]`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>` or `S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### Azure Web Apps Support for deployments to Azure Web Apps is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl azure_web_apps [options] Summary: Azure Web Apps deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username NAME Web App Deployment Username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS Web App Deployment Password (type: string, required: true) --site SITE Web App name (e.g. myapp in myapp.azurewebsites.net) (type: string, required: true) --slot SLOT Slot name (if your app uses staging deployment) (type: string) --[no-]verbose Print deployment output from Azure. Warning: If authentication fails, Git prints credentials in clear text. Correct credentials remain hidden. Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl azure_web_apps --username name --password pass --site site dpl azure_web_apps --username name --password pass --site site --slot slot --verbose ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `AZURE_WA_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `AZURE_WA_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Bintray Support for deployments to Bintray is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl bintray [options] Summary: Bintray deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --user USER Bintray user (type: string, required: true) --key KEY Bintray API key (type: string, required: true) --file FILE Path to a descriptor file for the Bintray upload (type: string, required: true) --passphrase PHRASE Passphrase as configured on Bintray (if GPG signing is used) (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl bintray --user user --key key --file file dpl bintray --user user --key key --file file --passphrase phrase --cleanup ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `BINTRAY_`. E.g. the option `--key` can be given as `BINTRAY_KEY=<key>`. ### Bluemix Cloud Foundry Support for deployments to Bluemix Cloud Foundry is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl bluemixcloudfoundry [options] Summary: Bluemix Cloud Foundry deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER Bluemix username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS Bluemix password (type: string, required: true) --organization ORG Bluemix organization (type: string, required: true) --space SPACE Bluemix space (type: string, required: true) --region REGION Bluemix region (type: string, default: ng, known values: ng, eu-gb, eu-de, au-syd) --api URL Bluemix api URL (type: string) --app_name APP Application name (type: string) --buildpack PACK Buildpack name or Git URL (type: string) --manifest FILE Path to the manifest (type: string) --[no-]skip_ssl_validation Skip SSL validation Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl bluemixcloudfoundry --username user --password pass --organization org --space space dpl bluemixcloudfoundry --username user --password pass --organization org --space space --region ng ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CLOUDFOUNDRY_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `CLOUDFOUNDRY_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Boxfuse Support for deployments to Boxfuse is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl boxfuse [options] Summary: Boxfuse deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --user USER type: string, required: true --secret SECRET type: string, required: true --payload PAYLOAD type: string --app APP type: string --version VERSION type: string --env ENV type: string --config_file FILE type: string, alias: configfile (deprecated, please use config_file) --extra_args ARGS type: string Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl boxfuse --user user --secret secret dpl boxfuse --user user --secret secret --payload payload --app app --version version ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `BOXFUSE_`. E.g. the option `--secret` can be given as `BOXFUSE_SECRET=<secret>`. ### Cargo Support for deployments to Cargo is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl cargo [options] Summary: Cargo deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --token TOKEN Cargo registry API token (type: string, required: true) --[no-]allow_dirty Allow publishing from a dirty git working directory Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl cargo --token token dpl cargo --token token --allow_dirty --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CARGO_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `CARGO_TOKEN=<token>`. ### Chef Supermarket Support for deployments to Chef Supermarket is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl chef_supermarket [options] Summary: Chef Supermarket deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --user_id ID Chef Supermarket user name (type: string, required: true) --name NAME Cookbook name (type: string, alias: cookbook_name (deprecated, please use name), note: defaults to the name given in metadata.json or metadata.rb) --category CAT Cookbook category in Supermarket (type: string, required: true, alias: cookbook_category (deprecated, please use category), see: https://docs.getchef.com/knife_cookbook_site.html#id12) --client_key KEY Client API key file name (type: string, default: client.pem) --dir DIR Directory containing the cookbook (type: string, default: .) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl chef_supermarket --user_id id --category cat dpl chef_supermarket --user_id id --category cat --name name --client_key key --dir dir ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CHEF_`. ### Cloud Files Support for deployments to Cloud Files is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl cloudfiles [options] Summary: Cloud Files deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER Rackspace username (type: string, required: true) --api_key KEY Rackspace API key (type: string, required: true) --region REGION Cloudfiles region (type: string, required: true, known values: ord, dfw, syd, iad, hkg) --container NAME Name of the container that files will be uploaded to (type: string, required: true) --glob GLOB Paths to upload (type: string, default: **/*) --[no-]dot_match Upload hidden files starting a dot Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl cloudfiles --username user --api_key key --region ord --container name dpl cloudfiles --username user --api_key key --region ord --container name --glob glob ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CLOUDFILES_`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `CLOUDFILES_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Cloud Foundry Support for deployments to Cloud Foundry is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl cloudfoundry [options] Summary: Cloud Foundry deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER Cloud Foundry username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS Cloud Foundry password (type: string, required: true) --organization ORG Cloud Foundry organization (type: string, required: true) --space SPACE Cloud Foundry space (type: string, required: true) --api URL Cloud Foundry api URL (type: string, default: https://api.run.pivotal.io) --app_name APP Application name (type: string) --buildpack PACK Buildpack name or Git URL (type: string) --manifest FILE Path to the manifest (type: string) --[no-]skip_ssl_validation Skip SSL validation --[no-]v3 Use the v3 API version to push the application Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl cloudfoundry --username user --password pass --organization org --space space dpl cloudfoundry --username user --password pass --organization org --space space --api url ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CLOUDFOUNDRY_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `CLOUDFOUNDRY_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Cloud66 Support for deployments to Cloud66 is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl cloud66 [options] Summary: Cloud66 deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --redeployment_hook URL The redeployment hook URL (type: string, required: true) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl cloud66 --redeployment_hook url dpl cloud66 --redeployment_hook url --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CLOUD66_`. E.g. the option `--redeployment_hook` can be given as `CLOUD66_REDEPLOYMENT_HOOK=<redeployment_hook>`. ### Convox Support for deployments to Convox is in **development**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl convox [options] Summary: Convox deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --host HOST type: string, default: console.convox.com --app APP type: string, required: true --rack RACK type: string, required: true --password PASS type: string, required: true --install_url URL type: string, default: https://convox.com/cli/linux/convox --[no-]update_cli --[no-]create --[no-]promote default: true --env VARS type: array (string, can be given multiple times) --env_file FILE type: string --description STR type: string --generation NUM type: integer, default: 2 Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl convox --app app --rack rack --password pass dpl convox --app app --rack rack --password pass --host host --install_url url ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `CONVOX_`. ### Datica Support for deployments to Datica is in **development**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl datica [options] Summary: Datica deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --target TARGET The git remote repository to deploy to (type: string, required: true) --path PATH Path to files to deploy (type: string, default: .) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl datica --target target dpl datica --target target --path path --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[CATALYZE_|DATICA_]`. ### Engineyard Support for deployments to Engineyard is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl engineyard [options] Summary: Engineyard deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either api_key, or email and password are required. --api_key KEY Engine Yard API key (type: string, note: can be obtained at https://cloud.engineyard.com/cli) --email EMAIL Engine Yard account email (type: string) --password PASS Engine Yard password (type: string) --app APP Engine Yard application name (type: string, default: repo name) --env ENV Engine Yard application environment (type: string, alias: environment) --migrate CMD Engine Yard migration commands (type: string) --account NAME Engine Yard account name (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl engineyard --api_key key dpl engineyard --email email --password pass dpl engineyard --api_key key --app app --env env --migrate cmd --account name ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[ENGINEYARD_|EY_]`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `ENGINEYARD_API_KEY=<api_key>` or `EY_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Firebase Support for deployments to Firebase is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl firebase [options] Summary: Firebase deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --token TOKEN Firebase CI access token (generate with firebase login:ci) (type: string, required: true) --project NAME Firebase project to deploy to (defaults to the one specified in your firebase.json) (type: string) --message MSG Message describing this deployment. (type: string) --only SERVICES Firebase services to deploy (type: string, note: can be a comma-separated list) --[no-]force Whether or not to delete Cloud Functions missing from the current working directory Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl firebase --token token dpl firebase --token token --project name --message msg --only services --force ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `FIREBASE_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `FIREBASE_TOKEN=<token>`. ### GitHub Pages Support for deployments to GitHub Pages is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl pages git [options] Summary: GitHub Pages deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either token, or deploy_key are required. --repo SLUG Repo slug (type: string, default: repo slug) --token TOKEN GitHub oauth token with repo permission (type: string, alias: github_token) --deploy_key PATH Path to a file containing a private deploy key with write access to the repository (type: string, see: https://developer.github.com/v3/guides/managing-deploy-keys/#deploy-keys) --target_branch BRANCH Branch to push force to (type: string, default: gh-pages) --[no-]keep_history Create incremental commit instead of doing push force (default: true) --commit_message MSG type: string, default: Deploy %{project_name} to %{url}:%{target_branch} --[no-]allow_empty_commit Allow an empty commit to be created (requires: keep_history) --[no-]verbose Be verbose about the deploy process --local_dir DIR Directory to push to GitHub Pages (type: string, default: .) --fqdn FQDN Write the given domain name to the CNAME file (type: string) --project_name NAME Used in the commit message only (defaults to fqdn or the current repo slug) (type: string) --name NAME Committer name (type: string, note: defaults to the current git commit author name) --email EMAIL Committer email (type: string, note: defaults to the current git commit author email) --[no-]committer_from_gh Use the token's owner name and email for the commit (requires: github_token) --[no-]deployment_file Enable creation of a deployment-info file --url URL type: string, alias: github_url, default: github.com Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --strategy NAME GitHub Pages deployment strategy (type: string, default: git, known values: api, git) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl pages git --token token dpl pages git --deploy_key path dpl pages git --token token --repo slug --target_branch branch --keep_history --commit_message msg ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[GITHUB_|PAGES_]`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>` or `PAGES_TOKEN=<token>`. ### GitHub Pages (API) Support for deployments to GitHub Pages (API) is in **development**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl pages api [options] Summary: GitHub Pages (API) deployment provider Description: This provider requests GitHub Pages build for the repository given by the `--repo` flag, or the current one, if the flag is not given. Note that `dpl` does not perform any check about the fitness of the request; it is assumed that the target repository (and the branch that GitHub Pages is configured to use) is ready for building. For example, if your GitHub Pages is configured to use `gh-pages` but the deployment is run on the `master` branch, you would have to ensure that the `gh-pages` would be updated accordingly during the build. Options: --repo SLUG GitHub repo slug (type: string, default: repo slug) --token TOKEN GitHub oauth token with repo permission (type: string, required: true, alias: github_token) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --strategy NAME GitHub Pages deployment strategy (type: string, default: git, known values: api, git) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl pages api --token token dpl pages api --token token --repo slug --cleanup --run cmd --strategy api ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[GITHUB_|PAGES_]`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>` or `PAGES_TOKEN=<token>`. ### GitHub Releases Support for deployments to GitHub Releases is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl releases [options] Summary: GitHub Releases deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either token, or username and password are required. --token TOKEN GitHub oauth token (needs public_repo or repo permission) (type: string, alias: api_key) --username LOGIN GitHub login name (type: string, alias: user) --password PASS GitHub password (type: string) --repo SLUG GitHub repo slug (type: string, default: repo slug) --file GLOB File or glob to release to GitHub (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), default: *) --[no-]file_glob Interpret files as globs (default: true) --[no-]overwrite Overwrite files with the same name --[no-]prerelease Identify the release as a prerelease --release_number NUM Release number (overide automatic release detection) (type: string) --release_notes STR Content for the release notes (type: string, alias: body) --release_notes_file PATH Path to a file containing the release notes (type: string, note: will be ignored if --release_notes is given) --[no-]draft Identify the release as a draft --tag_name TAG Git tag from which to create the release (type: string) --target_commitish STR Commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from (type: string) --name NAME Name for the release (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl releases --token token dpl releases --username login --password pass dpl releases --token token --repo slug --file glob --file_glob --overwrite ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[GITHUB_|RELEASES_]`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>` or `RELEASES_TOKEN=<token>`. ### Gleis Support for deployments to Gleis is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl gleis [options] Summary: Gleis deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --app APP Gleis application to upload to (type: string, default: repo name) --username NAME Gleis username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS Gleis password (type: string, required: true) --key_name NAME Name of the SSH deploy key pushed to Gleis (type: string, default: dpl_deploy_key) --[no-]verbose Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl gleis --username name --password pass dpl gleis --username name --password pass --app app --key_name name --verbose ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `GLEIS_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `GLEIS_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Google App Engine Support for deployments to Google App Engine is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl gae [options] Summary: Google App Engine deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --project ID Project ID used to identify the project on Google Cloud (type: string, required: true) --keyfile FILE Path to the JSON file containing your Service Account credentials in JSON Web Token format. To be obtained via the Google Developers Console. Should be handled with care as it contains authorization keys. (type: string, default: service-account.json) --config FILE Path to your service configuration file (type: array (string, can be given multiple times), default: app.yaml) --version VER The version of the app that will be created or replaced by this deployment. If you do not specify a version, one will be generated for you (type: string) --verbosity LEVEL Adjust the log verbosity (type: string, default: warning) --[no-]promote Whether to promote the deployed version (default: true) --[no-]stop_previous_version Prevent the deployment from stopping a previously promoted version (default: true) --[no-]install_sdk Whether to install the Google Cloud SDK (default: true) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl gae --project id dpl gae --project id --keyfile file --config file --version ver --verbosity level ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `[CLOUDSDK_CORE|CLOUDSDK_CORE_|GAE|GAE_|GOOGLECLOUD|GOOGLECLOUD_]`. ### Google Cloud Store Support for deployments to Google Cloud Store is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl gcs [options] Summary: Google Cloud Store deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either key_file, or access_key_id and secret_access_key are required. --key_file FILE Path to a GCS service account key JSON file (type: string) --access_key_id ID GCS Interoperable Access Key ID (type: string) --secret_access_key KEY GCS Interoperable Access Secret (type: string) --bucket BUCKET GCS Bucket (type: string, required: true) --local_dir DIR Local directory to upload from (type: string, default: .) --upload_dir DIR GCS directory to upload to (type: string) --[no-]dot_match Upload hidden files starting with a dot --acl ACL Access control to set for uploaded objects (type: string, default: private, known values: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control, see: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/reference-headers#xgoogacl) --[no-]detect_encoding HTTP header Content-Encoding to set for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities. --cache_control HEADER HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. (type: string, see: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/xml-api/reference-headers#cachecontrol) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl gcs --bucket bucket --key_file file dpl gcs --bucket bucket --access_key_id id --secret_access_key key dpl gcs --bucket bucket dpl gcs --bucket bucket --key_file file --local_dir dir --upload_dir dir --dot_match ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `GCS_`. E.g. the option `--access_key_id` can be given as `GCS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>`. ### Hackage Support for deployments to Hackage is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl hackage [options] Summary: Hackage deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER Hackage username (type: string, required: true) --password USER Hackage password (type: string, required: true) --[no-]publish Whether or not to publish the package Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl hackage --username user --password user dpl hackage --username user --password user --publish --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `HACKAGE_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `HACKAGE_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Hephy Support for deployments to Hephy is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl hephy [options] Summary: Hephy deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --controller NAME Hephy controller (type: string, required: true, e.g.: hephy.hephyapps.com) --username USER Hephy username (type: string, required: true) --password PASS Hephy password (type: string, required: true) --app APP Deis app (type: string, required: true) --cli_version VER Install a specific Hephy CLI version (type: string, default: stable) --[no-]verbose Verbose log output Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl hephy --controller name --username user --password pass --app app dpl hephy --controller name --username user --password pass --app app --cli_version ver ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `HEPHY_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `HEPHY_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Heroku API Support for deployments to Heroku API is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl heroku api [options] Summary: Heroku API deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --api_key KEY Heroku API key (type: string, required: true) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --strategy NAME Heroku deployment strategy (type: string, default: api, known values: api, git) --app APP Heroku app name (type: string, default: repo name) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl heroku api --api_key key dpl heroku api --api_key key --cleanup --run cmd --strategy api --app app ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `HEROKU_`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `HEROKU_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Heroku Git Support for deployments to Heroku Git is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl heroku git [options] Summary: Heroku Git deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either api_key, or username and password are required. --api_key KEY Heroku API key (type: string) --username USER Heroku username (type: string, alias: user) --password PASS Heroku password (type: string) --git URL Heroku Git remote URL (type: string) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --strategy NAME Heroku deployment strategy (type: string, default: api, known values: api, git) --app APP Heroku app name (type: string, default: repo name) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl heroku git --api_key key dpl heroku git --username user --password pass dpl heroku git --api_key key --git url --cleanup --run cmd --strategy api ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `HEROKU_`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `HEROKU_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Launchpad Support for deployments to Launchpad is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl launchpad [options] Summary: Launchpad deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --oauth_token TOKEN Launchpad OAuth token (type: string) --oauth_token_secret SECRET Launchpad OAuth token secret (type: string) --slug SLUG Launchpad project slug (type: string, format: /^~[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/, e.g.: ~user-name/project-name/branch-name) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl launchpad --oauth_token token --oauth_token_secret secret --slug slug --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `LAUNCHPAD_`. E.g. the option `--oauth_token` can be given as `LAUNCHPAD_OAUTH_TOKEN=<oauth_token>`. ### Netlify Support for deployments to Netlify is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl netlify [options] Summary: Netlify deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --site ID A site ID to deploy to (type: string, required: true) --auth TOKEN An auth token to log in with (type: string, required: true) --dir DIR Specify a folder to deploy (type: string) --functions FUNCS Specify a functions folder to deploy (type: string) --message MSG A message to include in the deploy log (type: string) --[no-]prod Deploy to production Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl netlify --site id --auth token dpl netlify --site id --auth token --dir dir --functions funcs --message msg ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `NETLIFY_`. E.g. the option `--auth` can be given as `NETLIFY_AUTH=<auth>`. ### npm Support for deployments to npm is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl npm [options] Summary: npm deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --email EMAIL npm account email (type: string) --api_token TOKEN npm api token (type: string, required: true, alias: api_key, note: can be retrieved from your local ~/.npmrc file, see: https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-and-viewing-authentication-tokens) --access ACCESS Access level (type: string, known values: public, private) --registry URL npm registry url (type: string) --src SRC directory or tarball to publish (type: string, default: .) --tag TAGS distribution tags to add (type: string) --auth_method METHOD Authentication method (type: string, known values: auth) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl npm --api_token token dpl npm --api_token token --email email --access public --registry url --src src ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `NPM_`. E.g. the option `--api_token` can be given as `NPM_API_TOKEN=<api_token>`. ### OpenShift Support for deployments to OpenShift is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl openshift [options] Summary: OpenShift deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --server SERVER OpenShift server (type: string, required: true) --token TOKEN OpenShift token (type: string, required: true) --project PROJECT OpenShift project (type: string, required: true) --app APP OpenShift application (type: string, default: repo name) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl openshift --server server --token token --project project dpl openshift --server server --token token --project project --app app --cleanup ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `OPENSHIFT_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `OPENSHIFT_TOKEN=<token>`. ### Packagecloud Support for deployments to Packagecloud is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl packagecloud [options] Summary: Packagecloud deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username USER The packagecloud.io username. (type: string, required: true) --token TOKEN The packagecloud.io api token. (type: string, required: true) --repository REPO The repository to push to. (type: string, required: true) --local_dir DIR The sub-directory of the built assets for deployment. (type: string, default: .) --dist DIST Required for debian, rpm, and node.js packages (use "node" for node.js packages). The complete list of supported strings can be found on the packagecloud.io docs. (type: string) --[no-]force Whether package has to be (re)uploaded / deleted before upload --connect_timeout SEC type: integer, default: 60 --read_timeout SEC type: integer, default: 60 --write_timeout SEC type: integer, default: 180 --package_glob GLOB type: array (string, can be given multiple times), default: ["**/*"] Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl packagecloud --username user --token token --repository repo dpl packagecloud --username user --token token --repository repo --local_dir dir --dist dist ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `PACKAGECLOUD_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN=<token>`. ### Puppet Forge Support for deployments to Puppet Forge is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl puppetforge [options] Summary: Puppet Forge deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username NAME Puppet Forge user name (type: string, required: true, alias: user) --password PASS Puppet Forge password (type: string, required: true) --url URL Puppet Forge URL to deploy to (type: string, default: https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl puppetforge --username name --password pass dpl puppetforge --username name --password pass --url url --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `PUPPETFORGE_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `PUPPETFORGE_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### PyPI Support for deployments to PyPI is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl pypi [options] Summary: PyPI deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --username NAME PyPI Username (type: string, required: true, alias: user) --password PASS PyPI Password (type: string, required: true) --server SERVER Release to a different index (type: string, default: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/) --distributions DISTS Space-separated list of distributions to be uploaded to PyPI (type: string, default: sdist) --docs_dir DIR Path to the directory to upload documentation from (type: string, default: build/docs) --[no-]skip_existing Do not overwrite an existing file with the same name on the server. --[no-]upload_docs Upload documentation (default: false, note: most PyPI servers, including upload.pypi.org, do not support uploading documentation) --[no-]twine_check Whether to run twine check (default: true) --[no-]remove_build_dir Remove the build dir after the upload (default: true) --setuptools_version VER type: string, format: /\A\d+(?:\.\d+)*\z/ --twine_version VER type: string, format: /\A\d+(?:\.\d+)*\z/ --wheel_version VER type: string, format: /\A\d+(?:\.\d+)*\z/ Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl pypi --username name --password pass dpl pypi --username name --password pass --server server --distributions dists --docs_dir dir ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `PYPI_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `PYPI_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Rubygems Support for deployments to Rubygems is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl rubygems [options] Summary: Rubygems deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either api_key, or username and password are required. --api_key KEY Rubygems api key (type: string) --username USER Rubygems user name (type: string, alias: user) --password PASS Rubygems password (type: string) --gem NAME Name of the gem to release (type: string, default: repo name) --gemspec FILE Gemspec file to use to build the gem (type: string) --gemspec_glob GLOB Glob pattern to search for gemspec files when multiple gems are generated in the repository (overrides the gemspec option) (type: string) --host URL type: string Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl rubygems --api_key key dpl rubygems --username user --password pass dpl rubygems --api_key key --gem name --gemspec file --gemspec_glob glob --host url ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `RUBYGEMS_`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `RUBYGEMS_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Scalingo Support for deployments to Scalingo is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl scalingo [options] Summary: Scalingo deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either api_token, or username and password are required. --app APP type: string, default: repo name --api_token TOKEN Scalingo API token (type: string, alias: api_key (deprecated, please use api_token)) --username NAME Scalingo username (type: string) --password PASS Scalingo password (type: string) --region REGION Scalingo region (type: string, default: agora-fr1, known values: agora-fr1, osc-fr1) --remote REMOTE Git remote name (type: string, default: scalingo-dpl) --branch BRANCH Git branch (type: string, default: master) --timeout SEC Timeout for Scalingo CLI commands (type: integer, default: 60) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl scalingo --api_token token dpl scalingo --username name --password pass dpl scalingo --api_token token --app app --region agora-fr1 --remote remote --branch branch ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `SCALINGO_`. E.g. the option `--password` can be given as `SCALINGO_PASSWORD=<password>`. ### Script Support for deployments to Script is in **beta**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl script [options] Summary: Minimal provider that executes a custom command Description: This deployment provider executes a single, custom command. This is usually a script that is contained in your repository, but it can be any command executable in the build environment. It is possible to pass arguments to a script deployment like so: dpl script -s './scripts/deploy.sh production --verbose' Deployment will be marked a failure if the script exits with nonzero status. Options: -s --script SCRIPT The script to execute (type: string, required: true) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl script --script script dpl script --script script --cleanup --run cmd ``` ### Snap Support for deployments to Snap is in **development**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl snap [options] Summary: Snap deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --token TOKEN Snap API token (type: string, required: true) --snap STR Path to the snap to be pushed (can be a glob) (type: string, default: **/*.snap) --channel CHAN Channel into which the snap will be released (type: string, default: edge) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl snap --token token dpl snap --token token --snap str --channel chan --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `SNAP_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `SNAP_TOKEN=<token>`. ### Surge Support for deployments to Surge is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl surge [options] Summary: Surge deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --login EMAIL Surge login (the email address you use with Surge) (type: string, required: true) --token TOKEN Surge login token (can be retrieved with `surge token`) (type: string, required: true) --domain NAME Domain to publish to. Not required if the domain is set in the CNAME file in the project folder. (type: string) --project PATH Path to project directory relative to repo root (type: string, default: .) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl surge --login email --token token dpl surge --login email --token token --domain name --project path --cleanup ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `SURGE_`. E.g. the option `--token` can be given as `SURGE_TOKEN=<token>`. ### TestFairy Support for deployments to TestFairy is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl testfairy [options] Summary: TestFairy deployment provider Description: tbd Options: --api_key KEY TestFairy API key (type: string, required: true) --app_file FILE Path to the app file that will be generated after the build (APK/IPA) (type: string, required: true) --symbols_file FILE Path to the symbols file (type: string) --testers_groups GROUPS Tester groups to be notified about this build (type: string, e.g.: e.g. group1,group1) --[no-]notify Send an email with a changelog to your users --[no-]auto_update Automaticall upgrade all the previous installations of this app this version --advanced_options OPTS Comma_separated list of advanced options (type: string, e.g.: option1,option2) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl testfairy --api_key key --app_file file dpl testfairy --api_key key --app_file file --symbols_file file --testers_groups groups --notify ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `TESTFAIRY_`. E.g. the option `--api_key` can be given as `TESTFAIRY_API_KEY=<api_key>`. ### Transifex Support for deployments to Transifex is in **alpha**. Please see [Maturity Levels](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/#maturity-levels) for details. ``` Usage: dpl transifex [options] Summary: Transifex deployment provider Description: tbd Options: Either api_token, or username and password are required. --api_token TOKEN Transifex API token (type: string) --username NAME Transifex username (type: string) --password PASS Transifex password (type: string) --hostname NAME Transifex hostname (type: string, default: www.transifex.com) --cli_version VER CLI version to install (type: string, default: >=0.11) Common Options: --cleanup Clean up build artifacts from the Git working directory before the deployment --run CMD Commands to execute after the deployment finished successfully (type: array (string, can be given multiple times)) --help Get help on this command Examples: dpl transifex --api_token token dpl transifex --username name --password pass dpl transifex --api_token token --hostname name --cli_version ver --cleanup --run cmd ``` Options can be given via env vars if prefixed with `TRANSIFEX_`. E.g. the option `--api_token` can be given as `TRANSIFEX_API_TOKEN=<api_token>`. ## Contributing to Dpl ### Table of Contents * [Resources](#resources) * [Navigating the Codebase](#navigating-the-codebase) * [Lifecycle of the Deployment Process](#lifecycle-of-the-deployment-process) * [Deployment Tooling](#deployment-tooling) * [Runtime Dependencies](#runtime-dependencies) * [Unit Tests](#unit-tests) * [Runtime Dependency Installation Tests](#runtime-dependency-installation-tests) * [Integration Tests](#integration-tests) * [Testing Dpl Branches or Forks on Travis CI](#testing-dpl-branches-or-forks-on-travis-ci) * [Code Conventions](#code-conventions) * [Naming Conventions](#naming-conventions) * [Updating the README](#updating-the-readme) Dpl is a central component in Travis CI, and has been around for a long time. This library always has been a community effort first. There probably is not a single person in the world who is very familiar with all deployment providers supported by Dpl. *Thank you all for this!* This document is for you if you are looking to contribute to dpl, be it by adding a new deployment provider, fixing a bug, or adding a new feature. Dpl has a [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md), please follow it in all interactions with the project. Dpl is written in Ruby, and we assume that you familiarize yourself with our documentation as much as needed. ### Resources Hopefully helpful resources are: * This [document](CONTRIBUTING.md) * The [dpl README](README.md) * The [dpl API docs](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/travis-ci/dpl) on rubydocs.info * The [cl README](https://github.com/svenfuchs/cl/blob/master/README.md) ### Navigating the Codebase All provider specific classes live in [dpl/providers](lib/dpl/providers). These represent the CLI commands that are executed when the command line exectuable `dpl` is run with a given provider name as the first argument. Each provider is a subclass of `Dpl::Provider`, which is defined in [dpl/provider.rb](lib/dpl/provider.rb). The provider base class itself subclasses from `Cl::Cmd`, so it represents an executable sub command of the main command `dpl`. For instance, the command `dpl s3 --bucket bucket` instantiates and runs the provider class [S3](lib/dpl/providers/s3.rb). The class `Cl::Cmd` contributes the command line options parser, and its class level DSL. Please see the [cl README](https://github.com/svenfuchs/cl/blob/master/README.md) for this DSL, and the [S3 provider](/lib/dpl/provider/s3.rb) for an example how dpl uses it. The class `Dpl::Provider` adds, amongst other things, the order of stages (methods) that make up the deployment process: * `init` * `install` * `login` * `setup` * `validate` * `prepare` * `deploy` * `finish` Implementors of concrete provider classes may or may not choose to implement any of these instance methods according to their needs, and semantics of their tooling and service providers. Please refer to [Dpl::Provider](/lib/dpl/provider.rb) for details. The DSL that is used to declare features, dependencies, environment integration etc. on the concrete provider classes is defined in the module `Dpl::Provider::DSL`, in [dpl/provider/dsl](/lib/dpl/provider/dsl.rb). Also of interest is [Dpl::Ctx::Bash](/lib/dpl/ctx/bash.rb), the Bash execution context, that runs shell commands, installs dependencies etc. (while the `Test` context class is used for testing in order to keep your development machine clean and safe when you run tests locally). ``` lib └── dpl ├── assets # Stores larger shell scripts ├── ctx │ ├── bash.rb # Bash execution context │ └── test.rb # Test execution context ├── provider.rb # Base class for all providers ├── provider │ ├── dsl.rb # DSL for defining providers │ └── example.rb # Generating example commands for help output └── providers ├── anynines.rb # Concrete providers ├── atlas.rb ├── azure_webapps.rb ├── bintray.rb ├── bitballoon.rb └── ⋮ ``` ### Lifecycle of the Deployment Process When a provider class is instantiated and run it will go through a number of stages that make up the deployment process. These are documented in [dpl/provider.rb](/lib/dpl/provider.rb). If you are adding a new deployment provider please familiarize youself with this lifecycle. Feel free to pick and interpret these stages according to the needs and semantics of the service provider you are adding. By no means do all of these stages have to be filled in or implmented. The `Provider` base class checks for these methods, and runs them, if present, so that implementors can choose semantically fitting names for their providers. ### Deployment Tooling If you are adding a new deployment provider please choose the tooling you are going to use carefully. Dpl is a long lived library, and it has outlived many tools that once were supported, and no longer are. Thus tooling stability is a major concern for this project. Ideally use official CLI tooling supported by the company who's service provider you are about to add. Often, such CLI tools can be installed via standard package managers, or manually downloaded using `curl` and installed with a few simple Bash commands. Such CLI tooling is preferrable over Ruby gem runtime dependencies as they can be executed in a child process, and won't introduce any dependency resolution problems later on. If no such CLI is available, or it does not look well supported, and your provider implementation needs to talk to an external HTTP API then please consider using [Net::HTTP](https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.3/libdoc/net/http/rdoc/Net/HTTP.html) from Ruby's standard library. If you absolutely have to rely on a runtime Ruby gem dependency, such as a provider client implementation, please only do so if the gem is supported by the respective company officially. We may choose to reject including runtime dependencies that do not look stable or widely supported. ### Runtime Dependencies Runtime dependencies can be declared on the provider class using the [DSL](lib/dpl/provider/dsl.rb). In the case of APT, NPM, and Pip dependencies these will be installed via shell commands at the beginning of the deployment process. Ruby gem dependencies will be installed using Bundler's [inline API](https://github.com/bundler/bundler/blob/master/lib/bundler/inline.rb), at the beginning of the deployment process, so they are available in the same Ruby process from then on. ### Unit Tests `Dpl` uses [RSpec](https://github.com/rspec) for tests. The specs reside in `spec`, and each provider class has a corresponding file `spec/dpl/providers/*_spec.rb` to hold tests. Provider tests should be implemented on an input/output acceptance level, as much as possible. They use a [Ctx::Test](blob/masterlib/dpl/ctx/test.rb) execution context in order to avoid running actual shell commands, or actually installing dependencies at test time. There are custom [RSpec matchers](spec/support/matchers) in place that help with making assertions against this execution context. If your provider has to talk to an external HTTP API then ideally use [Webmock](https://github.com/bblimke/webmock) to stub external requests. If by any means possible try to avoid mocking or stubbing Ruby client classes (this is not always possible, but should be considered). #### Running Unit Tests Locally You can run the unit test suite locally as follows: ``` bundle install bundle exec rspec ``` In order to execute tests only for a certain provider you can run: ``` bundle exec rspec spec/dpl/providers/[provider]_spec.rb ``` In order to execute a single test or group of tests add a line number like so: ``` bundle exec rspec spec/dpl/providers/[provider]_spec.rb:25 ``` These tests can be run safely on any development machine, anywhere. ### Runtime Dependency Installation Tests We additionally run tests that exercise runtime dependency installation on Travis CI. These live in [.travis/test_install.rb](.travis/test_install.rb). It is not advisable to run these tests outside of an ephemeral VM or container that can be safely discarded, as they are going to leave various artifacts around. ### Integration Tests In order to ensure proper integration with the service providers supported we also periodically run a test suite that exercises actual deployments to these providers. These tests live in [.travis/providers](/.travis/providers), and the are triggered using the script [trigger](/.travis/trigger). An integration test consists of: * A setup script that creates an application (or artifact) to deploy (or upload). * A YAML config snippet that configures and triggers the deployment as part of a build on Travis CI. * A test script that tests if the deployment was successful. For example: * [github-pages/prepare](/.travis/providers/github-pages/prepare) creates a minimal Git repository that serves an `index.html` on GitHub Pages in a temporary directory. * [github-pages/travis.yml](/.travis/providers/github-pages/travis.yml) configures the build to use Dpl 2.0 to deploy this repository to GitHub Pages. * [github-pages/test](/.travis/providers/github-pages/test) tests if the deployment was successful. The tests can be run on Travis CI individually, or combined, by triggering a build via our API, using the script [.travis/trigger](/.travis/trigger). This takes a provider name as an argument, and requires a Travis CI API token. For example, this triggers a build that executes the GitHub Pages test on Travis CI: ``` .travis/trigger github-pages --token [token] ``` The token can also be set as an environment variable: ``` export TRAVIS_API_TOKEN=[token] .travis/trigger github-pages ``` The `trigger` script accepts multiple provider names as arguments. If no arguments are given then tests for all providers will be run. #### Integration Test Configuration In the build config YAML snippet make sure to use the branch of your fork for the deployment tooling, and allow the deployment to run on your branch: ```yaml deploy: - provider: [name] edge: source: [your-login]/dpl branch: [your-branch] on: branch: [your-branch] ``` Ideally use credentials for an isolated account on the service you are deploying to. This is generally good practice, and way you can hand things off to someone else. In order to get things working encrypt the credentials against your fork, and add them to the build config YAML snippet. If you are in the root directory of your fork then this command should do the trick: ``` travis encrypt password=[password] ``` If you do not have the `travis` CLI installed you can install it using: ``` gem install travis ``` When you add encrypted credentials to the build config YAML snippet also add a comment that allows others to identify the account used. E.g: ```yaml deploy: - provider: pages github_token: # personal access token with repo scope on the account [name] secure: "[encrypted token]" ``` Open a pull request. In order for us to merge your test, and get it working on our repository you will need to re-encrypt the credentials against `travis-ci/dpl`, like so: ``` travis encrypt -r travis-ci/dpl password=[password] ``` Whatever minimal deployment you can get working is be a great contribution. Even if for some reason it proves hard to test the deployment in an automated fashion, but you have a successful deployment that can be verified manually, please still open a pull request, and talk to us. Any test is better than no test. ### Testing Dpl Branches or Forks on Travis CI It is possible to test a new deployment provider or new functionality of dpl on Travis CI. In order to do so, add proper configuraiton on the `edge` key to your `.travis.yml` like so: ```yaml deploy: provider: [name] edge: source: [github-handle]/dpl branch: [branch] on: branch: TEST_BRANCH # or all_branches: true ⋮ # rest of your provider's configuration ``` This builds the `dpl` gem on the Travis CI build environment from your repository, on the given branch. Then it installs the gem built from this code base, and uses it to run your deployment. When submitting a pull request, please be sure to run at least one deployment with the new configuration, and provide a link to the build in your pull request. ### Code Conventions Dpl does not follow any strict code styleguide. Please take a look around other providers, and try to follow a similar code style to what you find. Try to use the [DSL](/lib/dpl/provider/dsl.rb) as much as possible. It keeps the code declarative and readable, so that people not familiar with Ruby or programming in general can still follow it, and make sense of it. If you find yourself trying to achieve something that should be, but is not supported by the DSL please [open an issue](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/issues/new) about it. If you are rather unfamiliar with Ruby, and have trouble following our code style then please submit your pull request anyway, or get in touch, so we can help. ### Naming Conventions Dpl uses constant names following Ruby naming conventions. I.e. constant names use `CamelCase`, and they live in files named in `snake_case.rb`. If you pick such names for a new provider please try to follow these conventions. Real world service provider or company names do not always translate to such conventional Ruby names one-to-one. That is ok, they don't have to. These Ruby constant names are representations of real world service and company names in Ruby code. Other Ruby libraries often (not always) follow a similar thinking. E.g. even though Amazon Web Services brand name is `AWS` the module name they chose in their [aws-sdk](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby) is `Aws`, not `AWS`. ### Updating the README The [README](/README.md) is generated from a [template](/lib/dpl/assets/dpl/README.erb.md). In order to update the README please edit the template, and run: ``` gem install ffi-icu bin/readme > README.md ``` ## Old Issues If an issue has been left open and untouched for 90 days or more, we automatically close them. We do this to ensure that new issues are more easily noticeable, and that old issues that have been resolved or are no longer relevant are closed. You can read more about this [here](https://blog.travis-ci.com/2018-03-09-closing-old-issues). ## Code of Conduct Please see [our code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for how to interact with this project and its community. ## License Dpl is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/blob/master/LICENSE). ## Credits This tool would not exist without your help. A huge thank you goes out to all of our current and past [contributors](https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl/graphs/contributors): 5c077yP, A.J. May, A92hm, Aakriti Gupta, Aaron Hill, Aaron1011, Abdón Rodríguez Davila, Adam King, Adam Mcgrath, adinata, Adrian Moreno, Ahmad Nassri, Ahmed Refaey, Ainun Nazieb, Albertin Loic, Alexander Springer, Alexey Kotlyarov, Ali Hajimirza, Amos Wenger, Anders Olsen Sandvik, Andrey Lushchick, Andy Vanbutsele, Angelo Livanos, Anne-Julia Seitz, Antoine Savignac, Anton Babenko, Anton Ilin, Arnold Daniels, Ashen Gunaratne, awesomescot, Axel Fontaine, Baptiste Courtois, Ben Hale, Benjamin Guttmann, Bob, Bob Zoller, Brad Gignac, Brandon Burton, Brandon LeBlanc, Brian Hou, Cameron White, capotej, Carla, carlad, Chad Engler, Chathan Driehuys, Christian Elsen, Christian Rackerseder, Clay Reimann, cleem, Cryptophobia, Damien Mathieu, Dan Buch, Dan Powell, Daniel X Moore, David F. Severski, Denis Cornehl, Dennis Koot, Devin J. Pohly, Dominic Jodoin, Dwayne Forde, emdantrim, Eric Peterson, Erik Dalén, Esteban Santiesteban, Étienne Michon, eyalbe4, Fabio Napoleoni, Felix Rieseberg, fgogolli, Filip Š, Flamur Gogolli, Gabriel Saldana, George Brighton, Gil, Gil Megidish, Gil Tselenchuk, Hao Luo, Hauke Stange, Henrik Hodne, Hiro Asari, IMANAKA, Kouta, Ivan Evtuhovich, Ivan Kusalic, Ivan Pozdeev, Jacob Burkhart, Jake Hewitt, Jakub Holy, James Adam, James Awesome, James Parker, Janderson, Jannis Leidel, Jeffrey Yasskin, Jeremy Frasier, Joe Damato, Joep van Delft, Johannes Würbach, johanneswuerbach, Johnny Dobbins, Jon Benson, Jon Rowe, Jon-Erik Schneiderhan, Jonatan Männchen, Jonathan Stites, Jonathan Sundqvist, jorgecasar, Josh Kalderimis, joshua-anderson, Jouni Kaplas, Julia S.Simon, Julio Capote, jung_b@localhost, Karim Fateem, Ke Zhu, konrad-c, Konstantin Haase, Kouta Imanaka, Kristofer Svardstal, Kyle Fazzari, Kyle VanderBeek, Loïc Mahieu, Lorenz Leutgeb, Lorne Currie, Louis Lagrange, Louis St-Amour, Luke Yeager, Maciej Skierkowski, Marc, María de Antón, mariadeanton, Mariana Lenetis and Zachary Gershman, Marius Gripsgard, Mark Pundsack, marscher, Marwan Rabbâa, Mathias Meyer, Mathias Rangel Wulff, Mathias San Miguel, Matt Hernandez, Matt Knox, Matt Travi, Matthew Knox, Maxime Brugidou, mayeut, Meir Gottlieb, Michael Bleigh, Michael Dunn, Michael Friis, Michel Boudreau, Mike Bryant, Nat Welch, Nicholas Bruning, Nick Mohoric, Nico Lindemann, Nigel Ramsay, Ole Michaelis, Omer Katz, Patrique Legault, Paul Beaudoin, Paul Nikitochkin, Peter, Peter Georgantas, Peter Newman, Philipp Hansch, Piotr Sarnacki, Radosław Lisowski, Rail Aliiev, Randall A. Gordon, Robert Gogolok, Rokas Brazdžionis, Romuald Bulyshko, root, ryanj, Ryn Daniels, Samir Talwar, Samuel Wright, Sandor Zeestraten, SAULEAU Sven, Scot Spinner, Sebastien Estienne, Sergei Chertkov, shunyi, Simon, Solly, Sorin Sbarnea, Soulou, Stefan Kolb, Steffen Kötte, step76, Steven Berlanga, Sven Fuchs, Sviatoslav Sydorenko, testfairy, Tim Ysewyn, Troels Thomsen, Tyler Cross, Uriah Levy, Vincent Jacques, Vojtech Vondra, Vojtěch Vondra, Wael M. Nasreddine, Wim Looman, Xavier Krantz, yeonhoyoon, Zane Williamson